Genius Club

Chapter 94: The Plan
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A slender girl dressed in black approached Li Cheng, removing her mask to reveal a delicate face that bore a striking resemblance to the woman beside him.

“Dad, this mask is really uncomfortable. Where did you put the one I was wearing yesterday?”

Li Cheng laughed, patting his daughter on the head. “Your sister was playing with it and broke it. You’ve got a keen eye, Ning Ning. I replaced it with a similar one, but you still noticed.”

Ning Ning pouted. “They might look alike, but the elastic feels different. I knew it right away.”

“Please forgive your sister’s antics,” Li Cheng said with a chuckle.

Ning Ning put her mask back on and turned to Lin Xian, examining him closely. “And who is this?”

Big Cat Face stepped forward to introduce Lin Xian. “Ning Ning, this is Lin Xian, our newest team member. He’s just as skilled at climbing as you. Now you have a partner!”

He then turned to Lin Xian, “This is Ning Ning, Li Cheng’s eldest daughter and a key player in our operations. She’s our expert in scaling walls and snatching the loot while we manage the getaway.”

Ning Ning extended her hand, “Nice to meet you, Lin Xian.”

“Nice to meet you too,” Lin Xian replied, shaking her hand.

For a moment, Lin Xian mistook Ning Ning for CC because of her Ultraman mask and their similar statures. However, a closer look revealed Ning Ning’s jet-black hair, unlike CC’s deep brown. Ning Ning’s features were more mature and captivating, similar to her mother’s, whereas CC and Chu An Qing looked more youthful and innocent.

Ning Ning’s hand was calloused, unexpected for a girl from a wealthy family, indicating her frequent engagement in physical activities.

“Ready for a challenge?” Ning Ning asked, sizing up Lin Xian.

“The walls at the waste disposal plant are over eight meters tall. We form a human pyramid up to about five meters, but you have to climb the rest on your own. Typically, the lighter girls handle this. Think you can manage?”

Lin Xian nodded confidently. Although he wasn’t sure of Ning Ning’s training, his parkour skills made him adept at climbing uneven surfaces.

“Alright, everyone!” Li Cheng clapped his hands to gather the group, his tone serious. “Let’s head out! Stay safe!”

The van trundled down the dirt road towards New Donghai City. Big Cat Face and his three lieutenants occupied the front seats, while Lin Xian and Ning Ning sat in the back. As the city approached, Lin Xian was awed by the immense steel walls, over 200 meters high, that segmented the area.

The ride was rough, causing Lin Xian and Ning Ning to jostle against each other occasionally. Lin Xian caught a whiff of roses from Ning Ning.

Is that her lotion, shampoo, or hand cream? he wondered, recognizing the distinct fragrance of roses from his work at a cosmetics company.

“Everyone out!” Big Cat Face called, parking the van on a small hill. They disembarked a kilometer from the massive steel barriers, the smoke from the waste disposal plant barely visible in the distance.

Big Cat Face handed Lin Xian binoculars. “Take a look at the plant. See that solitary worker in the control room?”

Lin Xian noticed a uniformed figure inside. “Besides that worker, it’s all automated. Robots handle the patrols, transport, incineration, and sorting,” Big Cat Face explained.

Lin Xian nodded, observing the industrious robots through the binoculars. The automation level didn’t surprise him, given the advanced technology that allowed a single worker to oversee extensive operations.

“There are six drones patrolling the wall on fixed routes. Every 40 minutes, there’s a one-minute blind spot, followed by a 30-second gap twelve minutes later,” Big Cat Face continued. “You and Ning Ning need to climb the wall during these openings. We’ll be ready to assist your descent.”

Pointing at the high wall, Big Cat Face outlined their strategy. “The optimal time to climb is between 00:04 and 00:05. We’ll collect the goods from 00:17:00 to 00:17:30. Understood?”

Lin Xian nodded, impressed with the meticulous planning. “Got it.”

“Good. If you hear this whistle—” Big Cat Face whistled sharply, mimicking a bird, “—retreat immediately. Drop everything and regroup here, no matter what.”

They stealthily advanced through the woods towards the waste disposal plant. As the incinerators’ roar intensified, Lin Xian noticed Ning Ning lagging behind.

“Ning Ning’s back there, boss,” Zhuang pointed out.

“Hurry up!” Big Cat Face urged. Soon, Ning Ning caught up.

Arriving at the high wall, Big Cat Face checked his watch. “Remember, prioritize books, then electronics, and everything else as planned,” he reminded Lin Xian.

Lin Xian looked up at the imposing wall, which stood eight to nine meters tall—a daunting challenge even without the patrolling drones.

Big Cat Face watched the drones, waiting for the perfect moment. “Now!” he shouted. fгeewebnovё

He braced himself against the wall as his lieutenants quickly formed a human pyramid. Ning Ning sprinted up, her athletic frame agile and quick. The scent of camellia flowers drifted towards Lin Xian as she passed.

Wait. Lin Xian sniffed again. The scent had changed. This isn’t Ning Ning’s smell!

“Hey!” Lin Xian started to shout a warning, but the woman in the Ultraman mask had already scaled the wall and vanished over the top.

“Lin Xian, climb now! There’s no time!” Big Cat Face urged, his face flushed with effort.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Xian dashed forward, climbed the human pyramid, and made his way over the wall. He landed amidst old furniture inside the plant, only to feel a gun pressed against the back of his head.

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