Genius Club

Chapter 93: An Old Friend Returns
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Lin Xian wrestled with a troubling thought. He couldn’t decide whose name he wanted Big Cat Face to mention. Was it Zhao Ying Jun?

The idea that Zhao Ying Jun might still control the imposing twin skyscrapers of MX Company in New Donghai City unsettled him. He hadn’t expected this possibility, yet it seemed entirely plausible. After all, Zhao had founded MX Company and overseen its growth. The company’s logo, unchanged, hinted at her enduring influence.

Furthermore, the development of hibernation pods between 2023 and 2624 suggested that Zhao could have used one to survive 600 years, further expand MX Company, and even contribute to the construction of New Donghai City.

Zhao Ying Jun was also a member of the Genius Club, a group influential enough to leave marks on the moon. For them, crossing 600 years would be a minor feat.

This led Lin Xian to wonder if the secretive Genius Club, known for its global reach and futuristic ventures, was orchestrating everything. Were they behind the mysterious black handprint on the moon, the rise of cities like New Donghai City, and other extraordinary events beyond the steel walls?

The motives and plans of the Genius Club remained elusive to Lin Xian, adding layers to the mystery.

“I don’t know,” Big Cat Face confessed, shaking his head. “We know so little about what’s really happening inside New Donghai City. Despite all our efforts to gather intelligence, we’ve come up almost empty. Wait until you see the warehouse—it’s nearly bare, and most of the books are useless.”

Relieved that Zhao Ying Jun’s name hadn’t come up, Lin Xian stared at the illuminated twin skyscrapers of MX Company and pondered. If not Zhao, then who was in charge? Why had a cosmetics company shifted its focus to urban development? The questions multiplied.

“Big Cat, where might we find records on MX Company’s history or a company profile?” Lin Xian asked.

Big Cat Face pointed to the warehouse they had visited earlier. “I’m not sure if there’s anything valuable in Boss Li’s warehouse. Those books were salvaged from New Donghai City’s waste management facilities. If we’re lucky, there might be something about MX Company. But remember, we also need to find my dad’s book, ‘Introduction to Universal Constants.'”

“If we don’t find what we need, we might have to abandon this quest. The real history books are probably only available in New Donghai City’s bookstores, which we can’t access. It’s a dead end.”

“Maybe if we meet my dad sooner, he could bring some books back. Though, it’s a long shot. It’s amazing he was even invited to their seminar. They wouldn’t let him take books out.”

Lin Xian nodded, and together, they re-entered the warehouse.


The rusty iron door screeched open, unleashing a foul stench reminiscent of ancient garbage mixed with decay.

“Ugh! It stinks!” Big Cat Face complained, pinching his nose as he switched on the light. “Books from the trash are the worst! They’re filthy, and you can’t just wash them—you have to dry and scrape off the dirt.”

“Okay, Big Cat, that’s enough,” Lin Xian interrupted, grimacing as he surveyed the sparse shelves. “Let’s focus on finding ‘Introduction to Universal Constants’ and any material on MX Company.”

“Got it,” Big Cat Face responded.

They split up and searched the limited shelves. Lin Xian quickly realized the warehouse was no library. Books were scarce, and even fewer held any value.

Given the advanced technologies like holographic glasses, VR, and ultra-thin iPads that people used in the future, it made sense why books were rare in New Donghai City, and thus, in this warehouse.

After a while, Lin Xian found only cookbooks, exercise guides, and manuals—nothing of real significance.

“Big Cat, did Boss Li already take the important books like ‘Introduction to Universal Constants’?”

“Yeah,” Big Cat Face replied, still covering his nose. “The truly valuable stuff went to those who could appreciate it. What’s left is basically junk.”

Disheartened, Lin Xian joined Big Cat Face in a fruitless search. They found no useful books, materials, or clues.

After an exhaustive search, Lin Xian sighed. Their only option was to sneak into New Donghai City to access the real history books, discover ‘Introduction to Universal Constants,’ find Big Cat Face’s father, and uncover the true identity of MX Company’s CEO.

“There’s no shortcut to the truth,” Lin Xian realized. “We need to find a way into New Donghai City.”

“Come on, bro, dinner’s waiting. My wife kept the food warm,” Big Cat Face said, locking the warehouse and gesturing to the motorcycle. “Let’s eat, then meet back here at 10 PM for tonight’s mission!”

Lin Xian climbed onto the motorcycle, and his interest in the upcoming “Garbage Stealing Plan” at the waste treatment plant waned. He had seen enough to know what to expect.

However, he was now part of the group. He had met the boss, and it would be impolite to leave. Besides, his ultimate goal—to penetrate New Donghai City—remained.

At Big Cat Face’s home, his wife warmly greeted them, reheating the dinner and serving it up. Big Cat Face opened a bottle of wine, claiming it would fortify Lin Xian for his first mission.

“Don’t worry, Lin Xian,” Big Cat Face chuckled, clinking glasses with him. “Just follow my lead. You’ll meet Ah Zhuang, Er Zhuzi, and San Pang soon enough. They’re all good guys.”

Lin Xian smiled inwardly. Not familiar? He knew them all too well…

He had previously clashed with thieving Ah Zhuang, seductive Er Zhuzi, and treacherous San Pang. It seemed Ah Zhuang and San Pang had reformed. Only Er Zhuzi remained unchanged, still eyeing Big Cat Face’s wife.

As the night progressed, the children slept, and Big Cat Face’s wife began preparing radishes in the kitchen for the next day’s pickles. Big Cat Face checked his watch, finished his wine, and clapped Lin Xian on the shoulder.

“Brother, grab your mask. It’s time to go!”

Riding on Big Cat Face’s motorcycle, they arrived at Li Cheng’s house about twenty minutes later. In the spacious courtyard, Ah Zhuang, Er Zhuzi, and San Pang were already masked, resembling cartoon animals. Big Cat Face donned a sleek mecha helmet.

Lin Xian held the small Rhine Cat mask in his hands, feeling a mix of emotions. For the moment, he was part of the Face Gang, Big Cat Face’s philosophical ally, Li Cheng’s trusted subordinate, and a martial arts expert recognized by Ah Zhuang and San Pang.

But this was temporary. Tomorrow, in another dream, these same individuals would become strangers once again, suspicious and cautious.

“If only time could keep moving forward,” Lin Xian sighed, yearning for just one more day in the present.

Once he re-entered the dream, he could approach Big Cat Face’s house casually, call him ‘Brother Face,’ and ask for a motorcycle ride as if they were still old friends, enjoying the warmth of freshly kept food and laughter.

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

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