Genius Club

Chapter 83: The Lecture
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As Lin Xian gazed out the car window, the school gates came into view. Thanks to the counselor’s foresight, the security guard promptly raised the barrier, allowing their cars to enter the campus without delay.

“Why are we heading to the auditorium?” Lin Xian asked as he caught up with the counselor, who was leading him toward the largest lecture hall in the art department, a grin on his face.

“Hold on,” Lin Xian said, grabbing the counselor’s arm. “I thought you said this was going to be a small seminar.”

“It’s just a talk,” the counselor reassured him, continuing to pull Lin Xian forward. “Does it really matter if it’s for a few people, a few dozen, or a few hundred? You’ve addressed thousands at the school’s anniversary. This is no different.”

“I just didn’t expect so many attendees. I figured a hundred at most, so I reserved a regular classroom. But it turns out every girl from freshmen to seniors wants to come!”

“Actually, the entire audience is female. Not a single male,” the counselor revealed with a mischievous smile. “Some are here for the Rhine Cat, and some might just be here for you!”

“Ha,” Lin Xian scoffed. “Who would come for me? What’s so special about me?”

“What’s not special?” the counselor assessed him. “You’ve got the looks, the height, the charisma! And how much are you making from those Rhine Cat royalties?”

“I haven’t seen a dime yet.”

“It must be a significant amount! With the toys and merchandise flying off the shelves, you’re definitely a millionaire—and so young! Handsome, wealthy, a senior—of course the girls are curious!”

“Enough with the flattery,” Lin Xian shrugged off the counselor’s hand. “You just didn’t want me to back out. I’m here now, I won’t leave.”

“Fantastic! You’re a lifesaver!” The counselor beamed, giving him a thumbs-up. “Dinner’s on me tonight! Thanks to you, I’ll be a hero to all the freshmen!”

As they entered the lecture hall, the counselor clapped his hands. “Let’s give a warm welcome to the outstanding graduate of 2022, the star of our school’s anniversary events, the creator of the Rhine Cat, and an executive at MX Company—your senior, Lin Xian!”

Applause filled the packed hall as Lin Xian stepped forward, his smile broadening.

It felt like stepping into a spider’s web. While the art department already had a female majority, he had never seen it this densely packed, filled with sweet perfume and vibrant enthusiasm.

“Hello, everyone,” Lin Xian greeted.

“Hello, senior!” The roomful of young women responded, their giggles mingling with the sight of waving Rhine Cat plushies.

After a brief introduction by the counselor, Lin Xian started his lecture.

“It’s a privilege to be back at my alma mater to share my journey in design…”

“Creating the Rhine Cat was largely inspired by a spontaneous idea, but if there’s a method to it, it revolves around gathering and utilizing design elements from everyday life…”

After thirty minutes of speaking and an additional forty minutes of Q&A, the “Senior’s Homecoming Lecture” concluded to enthusiastic applause.

As the event ended, a group of girls quickly surrounded Lin Xian, effectively trapping him against the blackboard.

“Senior, could I add you on WeChat? I’d love to ask some design questions!”

“Lin Xian, I’m graduating this year. Could I get your WeChat for some career advice?”

“Senior, I’d like to work at MX Company too! Can I send you my resume?”

“Senior, could you sign my Rhine Cat plushie?”

A familiar voice caught Lin Xian’s attention. He turned to see a girl with crescent-shaped eyes, slight dimples, and her hair in a bouncy high ponytail.


No, wait… It’s Chu An Qing.

Lin Xian chuckled. What was the city’s little princess doing here? He was struck again by how much CC and Chu An Qing resembled each other—they could be a matched set in a game.

If there were another, they’d complete the perfect trio.

Today, Chu An Qing looked like a typical college student, much more accessible than her usual glamorous public appearances. She had the fresh, endearing vibe of the girl next door, her face bare and her ponytail secured with a simple hair tie, blending in yet slightly prettier and cuter than the others.

Just as Lin Xian was about to greet her, more girls clamored for his contact.

“Alright, alright, everyone, just a moment,” he calmed the crowd. “Let me get WeChat up.”

Balancing his black notebook in one hand and his phone in the other, Lin Xian unlocked his screen.


His notebook slipped from his hand and hit the floor.

“Senior, your notebook,” a girl said, picking it up and handing it back to him.

“Thanks.” Lin Xian placed the notebook on the lectern while he held up his phone for the girls to scan.

“Hey, senior, did you drop this paper too?” another girl asked as she picked up a folded sheet that had slipped from the notebook.

She unfolded it and gasped, “Oh my gosh!”

Her exclamation captured everyone’s attention, drawing their eyes to the sketch on the paper.

Chu An Qing’s eyes widened, her cheeks flushed with color.

Lin Xian inwardly cursed. He suddenly remembered the sketch he had made of CC, which Zhao Ying Jun had seen him drawing. In his rush, he had folded it and tucked it away, forgetting all about it.

And now, it had fallen out right in front of Chu An Qing and all these girls.

This is a disaster!

“Lin Xian… Lin Xian,” the girl holding the sketch stammered, her eyes darting between Chu An Qing and the drawing. “Isn’t this… Chu An Qing?”

The familiar face on the sketch, with its crescent eyes, dimples, and distinctive beauty mark, was unmistakable. The girl was stunned, her voice trembling as she asked, “Senior, did you draw this?”

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

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