Genius Club

Chapter 82: The Vanishing Vehicles
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Boom! Boom! Boom!

A blinding white light erupted with impeccable timing, consuming everything in its path.

Lin Xian opened his eyes and found himself in the corner of his bedroom. He turned to inspect his right shoulder, feeling as if a hand had rested there just before the white light exploded.

The light obliterated everything with such intensity that it was impossible to see clearly. Before he could even raise his head, all was destroyed.

Who could it have been?

Lin Xian sniffed the air, catching a faint scent of camellia. Although not a researcher himself, his work in cosmetics had made him familiar with various fragrances, and he recognized this one immediately.

Gao Yang had once mentioned, “In this dream, the white light still obliterates everything, and humans remain blissfully unaware.” He had explained that modern astronomical tools were advanced enough to detect gravitational waves and extraterrestrial threats. “Prevention might be another story, but we wouldn’t be completely blindsided like in the dream.”

Now, in his second dream, 600 years of technological evolution had birthed a cyberpunk metropolis like New Donghai City, with cars flying and robots scuttling. Yet, strangely, there seemed to be no advancement in astronomical observation.

“That’s unrealistic,” Lin Xian muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.

The eerie black hand shadow on the moon suggested that humans in this future world had mastered large-scale lunar constructions centuries ago. If they could leave such marks on the moon, why hadn’t they ventured beyond the solar system or constructed space cities after so many years? It didn’t add up.

Lin Xian rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Even with time-space alterations and rapid technological strides, their level of advancement still seems underwhelming.”

Was building a sci-fi city like New Donghai City or creating a massive black hand on the moon harder? Clearly, the latter. Yet, perhaps constructing a colossal structure on the moon using light-absorbing materials was more about cost and effort than about technological capability.

“Forget it,” he decided, dismissing his musings. “It’s better to visit New Donghai City directly to check historical records or consult a real-world astronomy scientist. That’s more reliable than mere speculation.”

He rose to use the bathroom. As water gushed from the faucet, Lin Xian splashed his face. Having slept from five in the afternoon to one in the morning, he felt rejuvenated.

Back in his room, he sat at his desk to consolidate what he had learned from the dream and to plan his next moves.

Confirmed insights:

Following the publication of Professor Xu Yun’s paper, technology in the dream world advanced dramatically. New Donghai City’s tech level now surpasses our current era by decades.

The Genius Club still thrives in that future, becoming even more influential.

Surprisingly, Big Cat Face’s father is still alive, engaged in research titled “Introduction to the Universal Constant.” This work might also explain his mysterious death in the “First Dream.”

After the time-space alterations, not only did the entire future world transform drastically, but individual destinies shifted as well, though some patterns of inevitability seemed to persist.

To further unravel this new dream reality, be it through its knowledge base or historical context, Lin Xian realized he must infiltrate the heavily fortified New Donghai City. Only there could he access the necessary books and records.

“Alright, that covers the main insights,” Lin Xian muttered, flipping on his desk lamp.

Next steps for exploration, ranked by urgency and curiosity:

A priority discussion with Big Cat Face’s father to understand the “Introduction to the Universal Constant,” and to uncover the deeper agendas and secrets of the Genius Club.

1.Sneak into New Donghai City to uncover authentic historical records and to grasp the sequence of events and developmental milestones of this altered future.

2.If time permits, engage more with Big Cat Face to learn what he conceals, his activities, and the identity of his mysterious boss. This can serve as a secondary objective to deepen understanding of his character.

3.”The primary quests in this new dream are just these two or three. The third is merely a side quest and not crucial.”

Lin Xian concluded, reflecting on his newfound camaraderie with Big Cat Face, whom he now considered a friend despite their brief acquaintance.

“I’m curious about what Big Cat Face is hiding, but it’s probably nothing underhanded,” he pondered. The local villagers had warm relations with him, and even the old man selling roasted chicken had asked him for help with a lightbulb, though Lin Xian suspected the fees collected were more about protection than property.

“Sleep now, I must visit Donghai University tomorrow to meet the counselor,” he muttered, switching off the light and settling into bed.

The next morning, Lin Xian took the latest Rhine Cat merchandise designs to report to Zhao Ying Jun. The dreams of the past had faded, and the toy store in his mind was nearly empty.

“Not bad, your design skills are as sharp as ever,” Zhao Ying Jun commented, glancing over the materials and nodding in approval. “Thanks to this adorable cat, our Rhine brand has become a hit among teenage girls, which is an unexpected boon.”

“Though they don’t wield much spending power now, they will in the future. We’re essentially securing future customers early, all thanks to this cute cat,” she added. “Also, the royalties for Rhine Cat are settled quarterly, in line with factory schedules. You’ll have to wait a bit for the first payment.”

“That’s fine,” Lin Xian responded calmly, feeling financially secure with his earnings far outpacing his expenditures. With the unfolding mysteries of the Genius Club, Xu Yun’s demise, the Universal Constant, CC, and Chu An Qing, he was more focused on uncovering truths.

“In fact, this cat is quite popular among university students as well,” Lin Xian mentioned his need to visit Donghai University that afternoon. “So our counselor has asked me to give a short lecture to the students, sharing my design experience.”

“That’s a great opportunity,” Zhao Ying Jun replied. “Promote our company while you’re there. If any students show interest in working with us, we can prioritize their applications. Thanks to you, I now hold Donghai University’s top students in high regard. We need more talented individuals like you.”

She stood up, picking up her coat. “You head to the university this afternoon. Just ensure the company’s affairs are in order. I’m also out this afternoon; I have a gathering to attend.”

“A gathering?” Lin Xian thought of the vast black hand shadow engulfing the moon in his dream world.

“Yes, an afternoon tea with a group of musicians,” Zhao Ying Jun clarified, selecting a scarf from the cloakroom. “I’m discussing a theme song for Rhine Cat’s marketing video with a composer. This cat’s influence keeps growing, far exceeding our expectations. Any related merchandise flies off the shelves as soon as it’s launched, and our distributors are clamoring for more. Despite several factories working overtime, they can’t keep up.”

“I’m cautious not to dilute such a strong intellectual property, so I’ve chosen only top-tier plush toy manufacturers, though few meet my standards,” she added, choosing a blue scarf and returning to her desk. “You’re giving a lecture at Donghai University, right? Have the logistics department deliver a truckload of Rhine Cat plush toys. Hand one out to each student attending your lecture as a gift.”

“No, really, that’s unnecessary,” Lin Xian protested. “It’s just a small lecture organized by our counselor… at most a few dozen attendees, no need for so many toys.”

“Just take them. You don’t have a car, so let logistics handle it,” Zhao Ying Jun insisted. “Although you aren’t officially representing the company, we must consider your image. A business car will pick you up, and a small truck will carry the Rhine Cat toys. Think of it as a promotional opportunity and give them away for free.”

Unable to decline her generous offer, Lin Xian reluctantly agreed.


The office’s double-layered security door closed behind him. Lin Xian grabbed his black notebook with the speech outline and headed downstairs.

Sitting in the business car, he observed the familiar scenery along the route he had often taken to meet Xu Yun. Regrettably, he would never see Xu Yun again. Remembering the professor, Lin Xian felt a wave of nostalgia. Xu Yun was a good person, misunderstood by many but undeniably a dedicated scientist.

To this day, the culprit responsible for Xu Yun’s accident remains at large. The incident sparked widespread outrage online, putting immense pressure on Donghai’s police force. Yet, they found no clues. In a city bristling with surveillance cameras, it was baffling how those two cars had vanished without a trace.

Lin Xian rested his chin on his hand, puzzled. “How did those two cars just disappear?”

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

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