Genius Club

Chapter 45: Confirmation
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Leaves swirled on the ground, scattered by the wind, and drifted away. Lin Xian turned and left the parking lot, his thoughts already shifting to his next steps.

Back at the office, Lin Xian headed straight for his desk, pulled open a drawer, and retrieved a manuscript marked by Professor Xu Yun. The document was speckled with red circles highlighting potential errors and omissions in the copied chemical reaction formulas.

Deciding against returning to work that afternoon, Lin Xian planned a unique endeavor—he would enter his dream world during the day and correct these mistakes at the library within his dream.

“And… there’s something more important I need to confirm.”

Pacing around his office, manuscript in hand, Lin Xian was deep in thought. Professor Xu Yun had solved the ice crystal problem, and he knew it was only a matter of time before the news spread. This solution would alter the trajectory of history, necessitating a rewrite of future developments.

“If my previous hypothesis is correct, then the future world in my dream should exhibit some detailed changes. Just like how the Coco Cat in my dream turned into the Rhine Cat after I renamed it in the real world.”

Pausing by the window, Lin Xian gazed out at the bustling street below. In the original timeline, Dr. Michaelson solved the ice crystal problem in 2477. However, in this altered timeline, Professor Xu Yun had made the breakthrough in 2022. This change posed a significant question: Would Dr. Michaelson still be revered as the “Father of Cryonics,” or would he now share this recognition with Professor Xu Yun?

A sense of certainty filled Lin Xian: “The history books in my dream will undoubtedly change. This will confirm that I can alter history and reshape the future.”

As the cold wind howled outside, shaking the steel window frames, a butterfly appeared at the periphery of Lin Xian’s vision. Its slight flutter seemed capable of stirring a storm across centuries.

Once home, Lin Xian ordered takeout, ate quickly, and prepared to dive into his dream world to verify his theory. Was the butterfly effect in motion? Had history and the future truly been rewritten? His upcoming dream promised answers.

After reviewing the corrections marked by Professor Xu Yun, Lin Xian lay down, his mind focused on the task ahead.

“Let’s go.”

He closed his eyes, turning into sleep.

Upon waking in his dream, Lin Xian felt the scorching summer heat and immediately sweat formed on his brow. He rushed to the bus stop, rode to the library, and went directly to the science section on the third floor—a place he had become well acquainted with.

At the spot where Dr. Michaelson’s book “Cryonics: An Analysis and Outlook” once stood, Lin Xian found nothing.

“It’s not there.”

He smiled, recognizing the implications. If Professor Xu Yun had resolved the ice crystal issue in 2022, Dr. Michaelson would likely not be celebrated as the “Father of Cryonics” four centuries later. Lin Xian double-checked, scanning the shelf again.

“Definitely not here!”

Relief washed over him. His hypothesis was correct. freēwēbηovel.c૦m

“This dream truly reflects a future world 600 years from now! Moreover, my actions in the real world can indeed rewrite the future and alter the dream world!”

This revelation was thrilling; his exploration of the dream world had deepened, uncovering its truths. Yet, it also confirmed something unsettling—the Genius Club is real.

Since 2022, this shadowy group had been manipulating historical currents. The mere thought of its name sent a shiver down Lin Xian’s spine, feeling as if a giant, ominous hand loomed over him.

He remembered Zhao Ying Jun’s invitation to join the Genius Club. According to Big Cat Face, it was a nefarious organization. What were their goals? What occurred during their meetings? What would happen if he joined, or if he declined? Why was Zhao Ying Jun invited, despite not being a typical “genius”?

“The Genius Club is shrouded in mystery, a dark abyss beckoning to swallow anyone who peers too closely…” Lin Xian quickly shook off the chilling thoughts, “Let’s not dwell on it. After all, the invitation was for Zhao Ying Jun, not me… why should I be so concerned?”

With Dr. Michaelson’s book gone, Lin Xian needed a new angle. He believed someone would eventually step into Dr. Michaelson’s shoes, solving cryonics for good. Science never regresses, after all.

He returned to the library’s first floor, found an available computer, and searched for the “current state of cryonics technology.”

The computer lagged, caught in a battle with its antivirus software. Eventually, the page loaded, revealing that a significant advancement in cryonics occurred around 2200 when Academician Gao Wen developed a crucial fluid for cryogenic chambers, but no other breakthroughs had followed.

“As expected, the cryogenic chamber itself hasn’t been perfected yet.”

This result didn’t surprise Lin Xian; the flawed information he provided Professor Xu Yun had minimal impact, merely accelerating some developments by two centuries.

“Academician Gao Wen.”

This new titleholder intrigued Lin Xian. Perhaps in his next dream, Professor Xu Yun would be recognized as the true pioneer.

“The wheel of fortune turns. When I bring back Academician Gao Wen’s papers, perhaps next time, Professor Xu Yun will be acclaimed as the Father of Cryonics.”

Imagining a future where Xu Yun’s discoveries in 2022 led to starships and interstellar travel 600 years later, Lin Xian couldn’t help but think: “By then… The world in my dream will certainly be more intriguing, right?”

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

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