Genius Club

Chapter 44: History
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Zhao Ying Jun was taken aback.

Just days earlier, during a visit to the hospital to see Xu Yi Yi, she had witnessed Professor Xu Yun sternly instruct Lin Xian never to approach him again.

She had assumed that was the end of their interaction.

Yet now, the respect and politeness in Professor Xu Yun’s demeanor towards Lin Xian were confounding.

Initially, Zhao Ying Jun had thought to dissuade Xu Yun, but his apparent eagerness changed her mind.

“Alright, Professor Xu, please follow me,” she said, stepping aside to let him exit the VIP room.

“We’ll head to Lin Xian’s office on the 17th floor.”

Xu Yun nodded.

With no hesitation, he followed Zhao Ying Jun into the elevator.

As the elevator doors shut and began to ascend, three deputy managers and Team Leader Wang were left gaping at the VIP room door, struggling to process the scene.

The group exchanged puzzled glances.

“What… what exactly is happening?” one deputy manager finally blurted out.

“Professor Xu Yun is always so composed and revered. Seeing him this agitated, it’s as if he’s seen a ghost,” another added.

“Before, just getting an appointment with Professor Xu Yun was an ordeal. And now he’s here in person? It’s unprecedented.”

“And he’s personally seeking out Lin Xian? What could this mean?”

“It couldn’t possibly be about that Rhine Cat project, could it? That seems far too trivial…”


The elevator reached the 17th floor, its doors opening with a chime.

Zhao Ying Jun led Professor Xu Yun straight to the open door of Lin Xian’s office. ƒrēewebnoѵёl.cσm

“Lin Xian, Professor Xu Yun is here to see you,” she announced.


Lin Xian, who had been fine-tuning a model of the Rhine Cat on his computer, looked up to see Professor Xu Yun wearing a complex expression.

Anticipating the professor’s intentions, Lin Xian greeted him with a slight smile.

“Hello, Professor Xu. Long time no see. How’s your research going?”

“It’s progressing well, quite well,” Xu Yun responded, seeming momentarily lost for words.

Zhao Ying Jun, catching the cue, formally introduced them again.

“Professor Xu Yun, this is Lin Xian. You’ve met before.”

She added, “I’ll leave you two. Call if you need anything. I’ll be outside.”

After exiting and closing the door, Xu Yun secured the lock and approached Lin Xian.

“Lin Xian, thank you for still calling me ‘teacher’… I hope you won’t hold my previous behavior against me.”

Lin Xian shook his head, signaling no hard feelings.

“Professor Xu, since you’re here, I assume you’ve read the manuscript I sent. How did you find it? Was it helpful?”

Xu Yun nodded, recounting his experiences from the night before.

“Your manuscript was spot on. It completely resolved the ice crystal issue we were facing. We’re now just a step away from perfecting the hibernation pod liquid.”


A troubled look crossed Professor Xu Yun’s face, hinting at an unsaid concern.

“What’s the matter, Professor? It’s just us here. You can speak freely.”

After a brief pause, Xu Yun looked earnest.

“Lin Xian, I must ask—where did that manuscript come from?”

Lin Xian fell silent, knowing he couldn’t disclose the truth about his prophetic dreams.

After a moment, he replied cautiously, “Professor Xu, if you desire more information, it’s best to ask fewer questions.”

Xu Yun’s mind raced with ominous possibilities.

“I… I understand,” he said, swallowing his curiosity.

As long as the data was accurate, the source was secondary.

“Thank you for your willingness to assist, Lin Xian.”

“Don’t worry. Whatever happens, I’ll take full responsibility and ensure you’re not implicated.”

Lin Xian nodded, appreciating the assurance.

“Professor Xu, you mentioned a remaining issue with the hibernation pod liquid. What seems to be the problem?”

“Yes,” Xu Yun answered quickly. “In the final stages, there seem to be errors in the chemical formula from the manuscript.”

“That’s possible,” Lin Xian replied nonchalantly. “Point out the problematic parts, and I’ll help you verify them.”

Xu Yun was taken aback by Lin Xian’s immediate readiness to help, having not even formally requested it yet.

Feeling isolated in his years of research, Xu Yun was profoundly touched.

“Lin Xian… I can’t thank you enough.”

“It’s nothing, Professor Xu.”

Sighing, Xu Yun said, “You’ve been a tremendous help to both me and Yi Yi. I’ll find a way to repay you.”

Then, remembering something, he added, “Oh, your company, MX, was interested in that moisturizing compound, wasn’t it?”

“I assure you, once the pod liquid is finalized, I’ll have no qualms about handing over that failed product.”

Xu Yun then presented a manuscript marked with several errors circled in red.

Lin Xian took it, promising to review and return with corrections soon.

This validated his visions of a future world 600 years ahead and the “time-space butterfly effect.”

After further discussion, Lin Xian escorted Xu Yun out.

Zhao Ying Jun, waiting outside, inquired, “Professor Xu, is everything settled?”

Xu Yun smiled as he stepped out.

“Apologies for any disruption today.”

Zhao Ying Jun shook her head, looking towards Lin Xian.

“No issue at all, Professor Xu. MX always welcomes you. We’ll arrange your transport back to the university and keep your business card handy for future contacts.”

“Thank you, but I drove myself.”

As Xu Yun prepared to leave, he felt compelled to add, “Miss Zhao, as I told Lin Xian, I’ve gained significant insights from his assistance. If my research leads to a major breakthrough, I’ll freely provide that chemical substance to your company.”

Zhao Ying Jun was momentarily stunned by this revelation.

She glanced at Lin Xian, her expression filled with unanswered questions but quickly regained her composure and smiled.

“That’s excellent news, Professor Xu. MX is honored to receive your endorsement. We sincerely hope your research succeeds.”

Lin Xian and Zhao Ying Jun then escorted Xu Yun to his car, watching as he drove away.

As the vehicle turned the corner, Zhao Ying Jun turned to Lin Xian with a chuckle.

“How did you manage that?”

“Didn’t say much,” Lin Xian shrugged. “Just a few words.”

“A few words?” Zhao Ying Jun laughed. “Since when is Professor Xu Yun so easily swayed?”

Lin Xian scratched his head, looking towards the winter sun.

“People change, don’t they?”

“What in this world doesn’t? Hearts, society, the present, history, the future… all are in flux.”

Zhao Ying Jun nodded thoughtfully.

“You’re right, but one thing remains constant.”

A gust of wind swept past, stirring the fallen leaves.

“History doesn’t change,” she murmured. “It’s written by the victors.”

Her black coat billowed as she walked back to the building.

“History never changes.”

The cold winter wind whipped up the leaves and debris, forming swirling patterns.

Zhao Ying Jun’s high heels clicked in the distance, fading as she rounded the corner of the parking lot.

Lin Xian watched her depart in silence.

“History does change,” he whispered, his eyes fixed on the swirling leaves.

He wasn’t just speaking of the known past but of a future stretching from 2022 to 2624.

Now, with the time-space butterfly effect confirmed, for a future 600 years ahead, one thing was clear—”I am history.”

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

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