The Slacker Stepmother and the Non-Domineering CEO

Chapter 85: Gu Zhijing: I Have Worn My Heart Out for This Family
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Chapter 85

Although they had agreed to maintain the status quo, those words weren't spoken in vain. It was easy to see the differences between the two of them.

Nian Suian noticed that recently, Nanny Zhang had started humming while cooking, Butler Su's daily footsteps had become lighter, and even the garden shrubs had been trimmed into old-fashioned heart shapes by the diligent gardener.

When Nanny Zhang served Gu Junxing some indescribable soup for the third consecutive day, he couldn't help but speak up.

"Nanny Zhang, there's no need to make soup specifically for me in the future."

Nanny Zhang thought her employer didn't recognize it, so she enthusiastically explained where she got the recipe, how many ingredients and herbs she used, and how much time she spent carefully preparing it. To sum it up in one sentence: "This soup is very nourishing!"

"It's not necessary, Nanny Zhang." Gu Junxing had a complicated expression. He didn't doubt the effectiveness of the tonic soup now, but it really wasn't needed.

Nian Suian finally couldn't hold back her laughter. Gu Junxing looked at her helplessly several times, but she still couldn't control herself.

It wasn't just the household staff; even Gu Zhijing, who left early and returned late every day, sensed something was off.

One day, when the three of them were having a late-night snack together, Gu Zhijing kept glancing at Gu Junxing and Nian Suian, thinking he was being discreet.

That night, when Gu Junxing was working in his study, Gu Zhijing followed him in.

"Are you two hiding something from me?" Gu Zhijing dragged a chair next to his father and sat down, staring at him intently.

Gu Junxing didn't say anything, so Gu Zhijing asked again, "Are you two dating?"

"What? Are you going to accuse me of taking advantage of her again?" Gu Junxing looked at his silly son, genuinely curious about what image his son had of him.

"Tch, why do you have to put it so crudely? You two are moving pretty fast."

Gu Junxing couldn't resist ruffling his son's hair. "Adult matters, kid. Don't worry about it."

"Hmph! That's all you ever say." Gu Zhijing swatted away his father's hand and left without looking back.

Undeterred, Gu Zhijing decided that if one wouldn't talk, he'd ask the other.

In her room, Nian Suian was applying a face mask when she heard a knock. She opened the door with the mask still on her face.

The sudden appearance of a green face startled Gu Zhijing.

"What do you want?" Nian Suian asked as she walked back to sit on the sofa, leaving the door open.

Gu Zhijing followed her in, keeping the door ajar.

"I want to try a face mask too," Gu Zhijing said, touching his face. Studying was so tiring; his skin had become rough.

Nian Suian pointed to the bathroom, "Go wash your face first." Then she stood up to get a face mask from her dressing table.

"Sit down," Nian Suian instructed when he came out after washing his face, pointing to the sofa.

"Lift your chin." Gu Zhijing complied.

He followed each instruction obediently.

"You and my dad..."

Nian Suian interrupted his question, "Don't talk yet, it'll make the mask uneven."

"Alright, you can speak now," Nian Suian said after finishing. She sat down beside him, knowing Gu Zhijing didn't come for no reason.

"You and my dad... how far have you progressed?" With the face mask on, Gu Zhijing felt like he was under some sort of seal, speaking carefully.

"He says he's pursuing me, and I'm considering it," Nian Suian replied directly, unlike Gu Junxing who would just say it's not a child's business.

"What are your plans?"

Nian Suian told him, "I don't have any plans yet, but don't worry. Whether your dad and I end up together or not, you and I will always be good friends."

"Okay, that's a relief. Actually, my dad is quite a good person, except for being divorced with a child, being a bit older, and having a meticulous personality. Other than that, he's great. And the child he has is me: obedient, handsome, and cute."

Nian Suian was speechless, "The way you put it, is there anything good left about your dad?"

"Of course!"

"Like what?"

"..." Gu Zhijing decided it was better to change the subject.

"Our school's sports meet is coming up soon. Remember to come and watch, okay?"

"Sure, when is it? What events are you participating in?"

"November 20th. I'm doing the 3000-meter run and high jump."

"3000 meters! That's impressive, Gu Zhijing." Nian Suian thought about herself, remembering how even 800 meters nearly killed her.

"Nah, it's nothing special. Nobody else wanted to do it, so the class president and sports representative made us draw lots. I was just unlucky enough to get picked." At school, Gu Zhijing wouldn't admit to his bad luck, boasting to his friends that 3000 meters was no big deal. At home, though, he didn't put on a brave face.

"Uh... Don't worry! The important thing is participating." Nian Suian asked him, "Are you going to invite your dad?"

"I forgot... I'll go find him again later."

"It's been twenty minutes; you can wash your face now." Nian Suian patted Gu Zhijing, realizing they had been chatting so long that even her mask had been on too long.

So Gu Zhijing followed Nian Suian like a big shadow to wash his face, and then to the dressing table.

"Want some essence?" Nian Suian asked, holding up a bottle.

"Yes!" Although he didn't know what it was, he wanted it anyway.

"Eye cream?"



"Yes!" freёweɓ

After completing the most thorough skincare routine of his life, Gu Zhijing happily went to find his dad.

Hearing the footsteps, Gu Junxing knew it was Gu Zhijing. He didn't look up, continuing to read his proposal.

"Dad! Smell me, am I fragrant?" Gu Zhijing ran straight to Gu Junxing's side, bending over to push his head in front of the proposal, blocking it.

Startled by his son's big head, Gu Junxing leaned back before scolding, "What are you up to now?"

"Dad, look at my face. Isn't my skin much better?"

"You've been causing trouble with your Aunt Nian again?" Gu Junxing could smell the products on Gu Zhijing's face; he knew without asking that they were Nian Suian's.

"What do you mean, causing trouble? I was putting in a good word for you."

"Oh, then I should thank you. Stop bothering her late at night."

"You're welcome, it's what a son should do. What do you mean, bothering? You're just jealous that I can go to her room and you can't."

"Get lost." Gu Junxing gritted his teeth. This brat was the punishment for his early love life.

As Gu Zhijing was leaving, he remembered he had forgotten to mention the sports meet. He thought about going back in, but decided against it. He'd pushed his luck enough for one day; he'd bring it up another time.

Back in his room, Gu Zhijing checked the time difference and decided to video call his birth mother in Brazil.

It was night in China and noon there, perfect timing.

"What are you up to, dear mommy?"

"On a date. What's up? Why are you calling your mom?"

"Nothing, just missing you. Who are you dating? Uncle Lucas?"

Lin Qingwei paused for a moment, "Which Lucas?"

"The one with the exaggerated muscles, the big-bearded policeman."

"That's ancient history. This time it's a young hottie! Only 23 years old, 188cm tall, half French and half Chinese."

"That's great, I'm glad you're doing well," Gu Zhijing said profoundly.

Lin Qingwei couldn't help but roll her eyes, "What's with that tone? Stop learning from Gu Junxing."

After hanging up, Gu Zhijing sent a WeChat message to Nian Suian.

[Gu Zhijing: Little Mom Sis, don't rush to accept my dad. Look around more, like for a 188cm tall mixed-race hunk or something.]

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