The Slacker Stepmother and the Non-Domineering CEO

Chapter 44: The Weight Loss Journey of Gu Zhijun
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Chapter 44

Monday, school cafeteria.

"Zhijing, why are you eating so little? Are you out of money?"

At school, Gu Zhijing was having lunch in the cafeteria with several friends, but contrary to his usual habits, he had only ordered a tofu dish and some broccoli.

"If you're out of money, just tell your brothers! We can't let you go hungry," Chu Mingyan said, pulling out his meal card and placing it in front of Gu Zhijing. "Use mine, use mine. They have your favorite braised pork chops today."

Gu Zhijing puffed out his chest, cleared his throat, and announced to his friends: "I'm going on a diet."

Qu Zizhou exclaimed in surprise, "A diet? You're already so skinny, what are you trying to lose?"

Gu Zhijing was tall and slender, and no one could possibly call him fat. His friends couldn't understand what was wrong with him, suddenly wanting to go on a diet.

Qi Anlu curiously asked Gu Zhijing, "Why? Are you dating someone? Generally speaking, males only exhibit this kind of behavior during courtship." He wondered to himself if it wasn't someone from their school, as he hadn't noticed Gu Zhijing showing interest in any female classmates recently.

Gu Zhijing rolled his eyes at Qi Anlu's words and explained the reason to his friends: "Because I'm going to be on TV!" Gu Zhijing had heard that cameras make people look fatter than in real life, so he needed to slim down a bit to look better on screen.

"On TV?! Are you participating in a talent show? But you can't sing or dance, can you?"

"Is it like that guy from Class 8, joining some boy band? He has quite a lot of fans, but I think he's not as handsome as you. If you went, you'd definitely be more popular."

The three friends started discussing animatedly, and before long, they were all vying to be Gu Zhijing's manager.

"It's not a boy band, it's a variety show. Anyway, you'll see when it airs during the National Day holiday," Gu Zhijing didn't directly reveal who the other guests on the show would be, preferring to keep it a surprise for later. The possibility of not being selected hadn't even crossed his mind. He thought it was ridiculous - as long as the director had eyes, they wouldn't pass up a face as handsome as his.

"A variety show? Wow, our Zhijing is going to be a celebrity," Qu Zizhou started joking around. "Give me your autograph when we get back to class, big star."

"Yeah, we'll definitely support your show. I'll get my whole family to watch it together."

Gu Zhijing was already reveling in the idea of becoming the school's most popular guy after appearing on the show. Even the broccoli and tofu tasted delicious to him now.


[Little Mom, what's for late-night snack at home today... I'm starving to death.] Gu Zhijing texted Nian Suian before he even got home. Today he had put on airs by eating broccoli for lunch and lettuce for dinner, and he felt like his face had turned green from all the vegetables.

As for dieting... maybe it was better to let nature take its course. Looking pale from hunger would be even worse.

[We're not having late-night snacks at home today. I ate too much for dinner so I'm skipping it, and you know your dad never eats late. I'll ask Nanny Zhang to make something for you. What do you want to eat?]

Nian Suian was doing yoga in her home gym when she received Gu Zhijing's message. She replied while heading downstairs.

[I want to eat a whole cow...] He wasn't joking. Gu Zhijing felt like he could devour an entire cow right now.

[I'll buy you a plane ticket, you can go to the Inner Mongolia grasslands and gnaw on a cow's butt! What do you really want to eat?]

[Meat!! Anything, just let Nanny Zhang decide.]


When Nanny Zhang heard from Nian Suian that their precious Gu Zhijing was starving, she was ready to use all her culinary skills to prepare a feast fit for an emperor.

"Nanny Zhang, just make something quick and simple. It would be best if it's ready right when he gets home," Nian Suian reminded her. Gu Zhijing was easy to please, and there was no need to make anything too complicated.

"Alright, I'll make some fried pork ribs and a few flatbreads. Didn't Zhijing say he wanted meat? He'll definitely love my fried ribs."

Nian Suian didn't go back upstairs, instead opting to play on her phone while waiting for Gu Zhijing to come home.

By the time the aroma of meat wafted from the kitchen, Gu Zhijing had walked through the front door.

"Meat, meat, meat! I want to eat meat!"

"What's going on? Did your school have a zombie outbreak and infect you? You're so ravenous."

A moment later, Nanny Zhang brought out a large bowl of fried pork ribs and flatbreads. Worried it might be too greasy, she also prepared some lettuce leaves and a large glass of vegetable juice.

The crispy, fragrant ribs were sprinkled with Nanny Zhang's secret spice mix, releasing waves of tempting aroma.

Nian Suian had eaten quite a bit for dinner and originally planned to skip the late-night snack, but smelling this aroma made her mouth water involuntarily.

Nian Suian thought to herself: There's barely any meat on the ribs anyway, so it's practically zero calories. I can eat some!

Gu Zhijing happily gnawed on the ribs, and when he saw Nian Suian reach over, he pushed the bowl towards the center of the table.

It was indeed delicious!

Nanny Zhang thoughtfully brought a glass of vegetable juice for Nian Suian as well.

"There are more ribs, I'll fry another batch," Nanny Zhang said, feeling pleased as she watched the two of them eat with their heads down.

"Boss, you're here too? Are you hungry as well?"

She was about to return to the kitchen to fry more ribs when she saw Gu Junxing come into the dining area.

Gu Zhijing and Nian Suian heard this and looked up at Gu Junxing.

"Ahem! I am a bit hungry," he said. He had just finished reading in his study and was about to go to bed when he came out and the aroma mercilessly invaded his nostrils.

Gu Junxing sat down next to Gu Zhijing. Nian Suian saw this and handed him a pair of disposable gloves. Gu Zhijing casually picked up a rib and offered it to his father.

Looking at the greasy rib his son was holding out, Gu Junxing hesitated whether to eat it or not, but eventually put on the gloves and accepted the rib.

He rarely ate fried foods, as they were oily and unhealthy. Moreover, at his age, metabolism slows down, and it's easy to gain weight even from eating a little extra, unlike when he was twenty and could eat as much as he wanted without gaining an ounce.

It had been a long time since he had eaten with his hands like this, but seeing the other two at the table eating so enthusiastically, Gu Junxing seemed to be infected by their mood. He decided to indulge just this once, planning to run an extra half hour tomorrow to make up for it.

As they were finishing the food on the table, Nanny Zhang brought out a newly fried batch. When the meat became too rich, they'd eat some lettuce or take a sip of the fruit and vegetable juice, feeling ready to continue eating.

Gu Junxing, who was reserved at first, ended up eating quite a bit. In the end, the two batches of fried ribs were completely devoured by the three of them.

Nian Suian took off her gloves and slumped in her chair. The ribs may not have looked meaty, but after eating so many, she feared she might be too full.

Gu Zhijing also felt stuffed. He had not only eaten the ribs but several flatbreads as well.

"Should we go for a walk?" Gu Junxing suggested. He wasn't as full himself, but seeing that Nian Suian and Gu Zhijing had eaten too much, he knew they needed to move around.

"Now?" Nian Suian checked her phone, 22:48. "It's almost eleven o'clock."

"Mm-hmm, otherwise do you think you'll be able to sleep?"

"Let's go, let's go," Gu Zhijing was already standing up, feeling uncomfortably full.

In the end, all three of them went out. They didn't go far, just strolling around their neighborhood.

"Dad, how long has it been since you've taken a walk with me?"

"I can't remember."

"Mm, I can't remember either."

Nian Suian, walking ahead, turned back to the father and son and said, "Just remember today then. September 21st, 11 PM, the whole family out for a run to digest because we ate too much."

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