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Chapter 42

(Highlight: From this chapter onwards, there will be some entertainment industry plot elements, including a reality show. This can be considered as a side story for the female protagonist's gossip. Readers who dislike entertainment industry content can skip this part [pointing to])

Hearing that she could get a close-up view of celebrity gossip, Nian Suian was somewhat tempted. However, after thinking for a moment, she shook her head.

"Let's forget it. The show takes a week to film, and Zhijing still has school. It's not good to miss a week of classes in high school." The first year of high school was crucial for learning new knowledge, and sometimes falling behind even a little could make it hard to catch up. A week was too long and would interfere too much with studying.

At this moment, Gu Zhijing raised his hand: "I want to go! I can study on my own!" He looked particularly excited.

Nian Suian exposed his true intentions, "You little rascal, you just don't want to go to school, right?"

"Don't worry about that. It's almost the National Day holiday, isn't it? Our show will be filmed during the holiday. It's a live broadcast, not edited. The whole country is on vacation during National Day, so for the sake of ratings, it has to be filmed during the holiday," Qiao Peipei explained.

Nian Suian was still hesitating, after all, this wasn't a small matter. But Gu Zhijing was already excitedly discussing with Qiao Peipei about where the show would be filmed.

Nian Suian couldn't say much more. After all, she didn't mind, having nothing else to do. Participating in a reality show sounded quite interesting. But Gu Zhijing was different. He was still a minor, and whether he could appear on the show depended on his father's approval.

So she reminded him, "Gu Zhijing, don't get too excited yet. This isn't up to me to decide. Your dad has to agree first."

"So if my dad agrees, you'll go with me?" he asked.

"Yes, as long as your dad agrees," Nian Suian nodded.

"I'll go ask him right now."

Qiao Peipei added from behind, "Oh, if Mr. Gu is willing to participate, that would be even better. The three of you as a family can join the show too."

Nian Suian laughed when she heard this, "Don't even think about that. He definitely won't go." Based on her understanding of Gu Junxing, he would never participate in a reality show.

Meanwhile, Gu Zhijing had already started talking to his father. In a sense, Gu Zhijing was quite sociable. He didn't care that there were outsiders present and went straight to his father saying, "Dad, I want to participate in a reality show with Little Mom and Sister Peipei."

"What?" Gu Junxing questioned, not understanding how the topic of a reality show suddenly came up.

Qiao Yan, who was nearby, understood and explained to Gu Junxing, "It's a family reality show. They invite several celebrities and ask them to bring a family member to live in a rural area for a week, experiencing rural life. It also lets the audience see what these celebrities are like in private."

Gu Junxing never watched such shows, but he could understand the concept. He asked his son, "You're not a celebrity, why would you participate?"

"Sister Peipei said there are spots for non-celebrity guests. Dad, please let me go." He even resorted to using his puppy-dog eyes charm.

After Gu Zhijing turned three, Gu Junxing had stopped letting him use such tactics. Seeing Gu Zhijing like this now made his hand itch, wanting to give him a good spanking.

He refused without even thinking, "No way. Filming for a week? Where would you find the time? Are you not going to school?"

"It's during the National Day holiday. I promise I'll finish my homework in two days. Besides, our school has assignments for extracurricular activities too. Everyone else writes about doing volunteer work or interning at their parents' companies, which is so overdone. I could write about participating in a reality show, how cool is that! Dad, please."

"Gu, let the kid go if he wants to. I'll be there too, so I can help look after him. Nothing will happen," Qiao Yan thought Gu Junxing was worried, so he immediately promised to help take care of Gu Zhijing. Initially, he didn't want to participate in such a show either, but after Peipei begged him for two days, he couldn't resist and agreed. Having a familiar face on the show would be nice, at least it would feel more comfortable.

Gu Junxing smiled and said, "It's not that I'm worried. He's so big now, always getting into mischief. I'm not worried about him. I'm afraid he's too wild and might ruin their show."

Gu Zhijing was unhappy hearing this, "Dad, what are you saying? I'm a person, not a Husky that destroys homes all day. I won't ruin their show. You think too highly of me."

"Alright, alright. If you want to go, then go. But remember, you promised to finish your homework. Does Auntie Nian agree?"

"Huh? Oh, she agreed. She said as long as you agree, she agrees." When Gu Junxing said "Auntie Nian," it took Gu Zhijing a moment to realize who he was talking about.

Gu Junxing actually didn't know how to refer to Nian Suian when talking to Gu Zhijing. He couldn't say "your mom," as the nature of their marital relationship was clear to everyone in the family. But he also couldn't casually call her "Little Mom" like Gu Zhijing did, as it didn't sound right. So even though Gu Zhijing never called Nian Suian "Auntie," Gu Junxing referred to her as such. freёweɓnovel.com

Gu Zhijing didn't know his father had thought so much about a simple form of address. He was already excitedly running out to share the good news with Nian Suian.

Nian Suian and Qiao Peipei were chatting and drinking tea in the courtyard. The courtyard was designed in the style of Suzhou gardens, with beautiful scenery. Each courtyard only served one group of guests, ensuring privacy. Drinking tea under the corridor was very pleasant.

Even before Gu Zhijing spoke, Nian Suian could tell from his expression.

"Your dad agreed."

"Yes, yes, he agreed. You agreed too, right? You won't go back on your word, will you?"

"I agreed, I agreed. Really, I don't know why you're so eager to go."

"To brag when I go back to school!" Gu Zhijing said excitedly. "Going to a few countries or winning a bunch of games isn't as impressive as this. It'll be unique in our class."

Nian Suian and Qiao Peipei were both amused by Gu Zhijing's attitude. Nian Suian shook her head and said, "I really don't understand you boys and your strange competitive spirit."

"So you've decided to participate, right?" Qiao Peipei looked very happy.

"Yes, we'll participate."

"Then I'll call the director right away and tell him I've found two perfect guests!"

Afraid that Nian Suian might change her mind, Qiao Peipei immediately dialed the director's number in front of her.

"Hello, Director Wu, have you found the non-celebrity guests for our show yet?"

"You haven't? That's great! No, no, I don't mean it like that. I mean, I've found them for you. You'll be very satisfied. They're both very good-looking, even better-looking than me, really! They could debut as celebrities on the spot, I swear. Okay, I'll send you their basic information later."

"It's done," Qiao Peipei said to the two after hanging up the phone.

"That fast? The director doesn't even know what we look like," Nian Suian was a bit skeptical about this show. Wasn't this too hasty? Didn't the director need to meet the guests first?

"We're about to start filming and still couldn't find anyone. The director is getting desperate. He trusts my judgment. It's fine to meet once before filming starts."

"Alright then," Nian Suian nodded, half-believing.

In reality, the Qiao family was the show's sponsor. When Miss Qiao said she wanted to recommend someone, how could the director refuse? After all, they were non-celebrity guests, and the show's selling point didn't rely on them. It didn't matter who they were. Having someone recommended was even better, saving him the trouble of finding guests himself.

"Come on, let me tell you about the other participants in this show. I promise it'll be super exciting!"

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