The Slacker Stepmother and the Non-Domineering CEO

Chapter 30: Buy Clothes for Him
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Chapter 30

Because she had taken the card given by Gu Junxing, Nian Suian felt a heavy burden on her shoulders. On the second day after Gu Junxing was discharged from the hospital and returned home, she planned to rush to the mall for a shopping spree without delay.

Gu Junxing was never one to sleep in. Even now, while resting at home, his biological clock still woke him up early. After eating breakfast alone, he sat on the sofa to watch the morning news.

To his surprise, just after sitting down, not even 8 o'clock yet, he saw Nian Suian, who normally wouldn't get up before 10, rise early and announce she was going to the mall to buy him clothes. Gu Junxing couldn't help but smile.

"There's no need to be in such a hurry. It's not like I really have nothing to wear," he said. He always wore suits from the same brand, with several new sets sent over each season. In winter, he wore coats from the same brand as well. So he generally didn't bother looking at other clothes. As for more private attire like loungewear and pajamas, the butler took care of all that. He himself had never paid much attention to these things. When he told Nian Suian yesterday to buy him clothes, it was mostly meant as a joke at first. But seeing how enthusiastic she was about it later, he decided to just let her have her way.

Nian Suian glanced at him but ignored what he said, instead asking, "Who bought the clothes you're wearing?" Gu Junxing was at home today, wearing a set of loungewear. The top and pants matched, but they were in a navy blue checkered pattern, and the fit was quite ordinary: loose and baggy, completely failing to show off his physique.

Gu Junxing looked down at his clothes and replied, "I think Butler Su bought them all. Why?"

"They're so ugly," Nian Suian said in a low voice, afraid Butler Su might hear and feel hurt. "Even my grandfather doesn't dress like this anymore."

"As far as I know, your grandfather passed away before you were born." Nian Suian guessed Gu Junxing was referring to the grandfather of this world's original owner.

"It's just a figure of speech! It has nothing to do with whether I've met my grandfather or not. You have no sense of humor at all."

"Fine. But these are just clothes for wearing at home. Who am I trying to look good for?"

"I'm here at home too. Can't you look good for me?" Nian Suian argued righteously. Gu Junxing looking better would be a treat for her eyes as well.

"...As you wish." Gu Junxing had nothing more to say and simply gave in to Nian Suian's desire. She could buy whatever she wanted.

Estimating that today's workload wouldn't be small, Nian Suian deliberately ate two extra buns for breakfast before preparing to leave. Before heading out, she made sure to tell Nanny Zhang not to prepare lunch for her as she wouldn't be back until evening.

"Do you have a driver's license? Take the car," Gu Junxing asked Nian Suian. He didn't plan to go anywhere these days, so he had given the driver some time off.

"I have a license but I've never driven. I'll just take a taxi," Nian Suian replied. She had gotten her license but hadn't driven since leaving driving school. She used to take the subway to work, and besides, she couldn't afford a car back then.

"I'll drive you," Gu Junxing said, standing up.

"You should rest, hurry up. What's the point of driving me?" Nian Suian quickly stopped him. She had never seen such a disobedient patient, trying to go out so soon after surgery. "I'll just call a car at the community gate. I'm not a child anymore, I won't get lost." She left without waiting for Gu Junxing to respond.

Nanny Zhang had come out to collect Nian Suian's dishes and overheard their exchange.

She smiled at Gu Junxing and said, "Madam is your wife, not your child."

Hearing this, Gu Junxing smiled to himself, then shook his head and sat back down on the sofa. In truth, no matter what, he had never really thought of Nian Suian as his wife. Whenever he tried to fit her into the role of a wife, it felt strange to him.

He had become a father at twenty, maturing earlier than his peers. Over the years, he had grown accustomed to looking after Gu Zhijing. Nian Suian was quite a bit younger than him, and after all, they weren't truly husband and wife. So unconsciously, he treated her like a younger family member. Moreover, she was different from Gu Zhijing. That rascal son was tough and always out of the house during holidays. But she was a young woman, so it was natural to worry about her more.

Thinking of this, Gu Junxing pinched the bridge of his nose and thought wryly: How did I end up feeling like I'm raising a daughter?

Nian Suian called a car at the community gate and headed straight for the city's largest mall. Her strategy was simple: go wherever there were the most luxury brands. She had done her research the night before.

As she got out of the car across the street, Nian Suian saw the large brand names on the display wall, gleaming silver in the sunlight. Back when she was just a working girl, she would occasionally pass by places like this without even a glance. After all, she couldn't afford anything, so there was no point in looking.

But now things were different. With the black card in hand, she felt like she could walk in and say, "I don't want this, this, and this. Wrap up everything else!"

Nian Suian planned to buy Gu Junxing's clothes first, leaving Gu Zhijing's for last. Clothes for a boy his age were the hardest to buy, so she'd take her time looking in the afternoon.

She first went to the brand Gu Junxing often wore. The brand didn't just sell suits; they also had casual wear, though she guessed Gu Junxing had never paid attention to that.

His clothes were actually quite easy to buy. After all, with his good physique, there was no need to think about highlighting strengths and hiding weaknesses. Unlike Fang Anzhi's low-key flashiness, Gu Junxing's clothes could be chosen simply from black, white, grey, and brown.

In the end, Nian Suian selected a grey lapel jacket, a black windbreaker, two hoodies, and some casual shirts. She also bought a few pairs of pants to match the tops.

For the first time, Nian Suian bought things without really looking at the prices. After making her selections, she simply signed and swiped the card. Because she had more shopping to do and had already bought quite a bit, Nian Suian left her address with the store for home delivery. For such expensive clothes, home delivery service was to be expected...

Afterwards, she went to a brand-name store and picked out several outfits for both Gu Junxing and Gu Zhijing, opting for sporty styles that were particularly suitable for someone of Gu Zhijing's age. With the mindset of "since we're here anyway," she even bought shoes to match. Conveniently, she had obtained their sizes from Butler Su the night before.

Because she didn't need to compare prices at multiple stores, Nian Suian finished her shopping quickly. By the time she completed her purchases for the father and son, it was just past noon. She decided to store the items she had bought and then go for lunch, leaving the afternoon free to shop for herself.

"Ms. Nian!"

Just as she was leaving the storage area, Nian Suian heard someone call out to her, and the voice sounded very familiar.

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