The Slacker Stepmother and the Non-Domineering CEO

Chapter 21: The Rich Are Easily Moved
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Chapter 21

There was even a hint of subtle affection in Gu Junxing's tone, though Nian Suian, being typically oblivious, didn't notice it at all.

She replied nonchalantly, "Yeah, I'm concerned about you."

Gu Junxing himself was taken aback by his own words. Though he had had a few drinks that evening, he wasn't drunk enough to talk nonsense. Closing his eyes, he thought to himself that he probably hadn't spoken like this since he was twenty years old.

Ever since separating from Zhijing's mother, he had been on his own. Among his friends and acquaintances, everyone found it incredible. His friends jokingly called him a monk, abstaining from women. Some simply said he couldn't forget his ex-wife, labeling him as a deeply devoted man. Others even whispered about his sexual orientation behind his back. There were also those who claimed that while he appeared to avoid women, he was actually quite the playboy in secret.

Ultimately, people just couldn't believe that a young man could remain single for so many years.

In truth, if Gu Junxing wanted to find a girlfriend, it wouldn't have been impossible. He simply hadn't met the right person, and with his mind occupied elsewhere, the years had slipped by.

Rather than physical satisfaction and pleasure, Gu Junxing sought more for inner fulfillment. While he had gone through a passionate phase in his youth, after turning thirty, he became even more ascetic. He often felt that he would probably continue on this path indefinitely.

But now...

Gu Junxing opened his eyes and glanced at Nian Suian, who was not far away.

His marriage to Nian Suian was truly an unexpected turn in his life. According to his original plan, even if he were to marry, it wouldn't have been to a woman so much younger than him.

Yes, this was indeed unexpected...

However, as things stood now, this unexpected event wasn't bad at all.

"Did you have something to tell me tonight?"

"It's all your fault for distracting me, I almost forgot to mention it." Nian Suian had nearly forgotten to discuss the main point; she had been hoping to finish quickly so she could go upstairs and lie down.

"I apologize, it's my mistake," Gu Junxing said, his tone gentle and tinged with amusement.

This time, even Nian Suian noticed something was off. Gu Junxing's speech used to be stiff, like a disciplinary teacher. How could he sound like this today? She figured he must be drunk.

"How long has it been since your last physical examination?"

Gu Junxing didn't know why Nian Suian was asking this, but he thought back and answered honestly, "Almost a year, I think. Why do you ask?" As he said this, Gu Junxing realized it had indeed been a long time since his last check-up. He had been so busy that he kept putting it off.

"It's been that long since your last check-up! Hasn't anyone reminded you?" Nian Suian thought to herself that her gift couldn't have been more perfect.

"I've been reminded, but I've been too busy and kept postponing it. Don't worry, I haven't felt unwell anywhere," Gu Junxing said. Both his assistant and Butler Su had reminded him, but he had declined, citing his busy schedule. Besides, he hadn't felt anything wrong, so he hadn't rushed to get it done.

"Well, that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about today." Nian Suian pulled up the hospital appointment page on her phone and held it out to Gu Junxing.

"Here, I've booked you a physical examination. At Maple Bridge International Hospital. I've checked, and it's said to be the best hospital around here."

Gu Junxing never expected that this was what Nian Suian had been waiting to tell him. He lowered his eyes to look at the phone.

Wow, it wasn't cheap either. At least ten times more expensive than the hospital he used to go to. For just a physical examination, he didn't think the difference between a 3,000 yuan and a 30,000 yuan check-up could be that significant.

When Nian Suian didn't hear Gu Junxing speak, she assumed he was going to say he didn't have time.

"I specifically booked it for the weekend, you know. You're not allowed to say you don't have time. I asked Butler Su, and you don't have any business trips coming up." Nian Suian took back her phone. Knowing Gu Junxing's busy work schedule, she had thoughtfully chosen a weekend. Because the gastrointestinal endoscopy required bowel preparation, the hospital required patients to be admitted a day in advance. She had also asked Butler Su about Gu Junxing's recent schedule, as he would inform the butler in advance about any travel plans for packing purposes.

"What made you think of booking a physical for me?" Gu Junxing didn't think he had shown any signs of illness. Inexplicably, the words "preparing for pregnancy" flashed through his mind, though the thought lasted less than a second, as it was an impossibility.

"You transferred so much money to me, I just wanted to do something in return. Your work is demanding, and money doesn't grow on trees. I originally thought about buying you something, but I figured you probably don't lack anything, so I decided to book you a physical instead." Nian Suian replied. Most of what she said was sincere; Gu Junxing's work did seem very demanding, at least from her perspective.

"Come on, are you going or not? If you're not going, I'll go myself." Nian Suian was getting impatient with Gu Junxing's silence. She hadn't initially planned to go herself because she had found the original owner's medical report in her room, which showed a clean bill of health from just a few months ago, not even a breast nodule. freeωebnovēl.c૦m

However, she realized they hadn't had premarital health checks. Nian Suian guessed that since they didn't eat or sleep together, they probably thought it unnecessary.

As for herself, before her transmigration, she had just had a check-up and, aside from a breast nodule, had no other issues. So she hadn't considered getting another examination.

But if Gu Junxing wasn't going, she thought about going herself. Even if not for the health check, enjoying top-tier service would be nice.

As Nian Suian was imagining whether such an expensive hospital would provide silk gowns, Gu Junxing finally spoke.

"Thank you. I'll go."

Nian Suian swore this was the first time she had seen an expression on Gu Junxing's face that could possibly, maybe, perhaps be described as "gentle." She thought to herself: The wool comes from the sheep's back; rich people sure are easy to move.

"It's good that you're going. Remember to go on Friday night; you'll need to drink that bowel cleansing solution."

"I understand."

"Alright then, I'm going to bed. Coming home so late, reeking of alcohol: men like that aren't very appealing." Nian Suian muttered casually as she stood up and headed upstairs.

She didn't hear Gu Junxing's response.

"Mm, I won't drink anymore in the future."

The next day at work, Gu Junxing specifically asked his assistant to clear his schedule for Friday night as he prepared to go to the hospital.

As expected of a top-tier hospital, even Gu Junxing had to admit that the service was indeed excellent. The medical staff practically did the examinations for him.

Most of the examinations were not troublesome, except for the gastrointestinal endoscopy. The painless procedure under general anesthesia required accompaniment, but Gu Junxing found it bothersome. He simply opted not to choose the painless option and decided to endure it.

It was indeed uncomfortable, but he felt it wasn't unbearable.

The hospital served a limited number of patients, so the results came out quickly.

After completing the examinations, Gu Junxing was ready to go home. The reports were electronic, so he could view them on his phone just as easily.


"Mr. Gu, according to the examination results, we've discovered a nodule in your lung. It's not small in size, and we recommend that you undergo surgery."

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