The Slacker Stepmother and the Non-Domineering CEO

Chapter 10: Is There Also a Divorce Cooling-off Period Here
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Chapter 10

This life was unbearable! She wanted a divorce, she wanted to split his assets and take away his child!

Gu Junxing showed no reaction to her words, his eyes fixed on the stock trend chart on the screen. He replied calmly, "Fine, we can submit the application today. We'll be able to formally process it in a month."

"Why wait a month?" She wanted to divorce today, right now!

Hearing this, Gu Junxing finally looked up.

"You don't know about the divorce cooling-off period?"


"You people have such a thing as a divorce cooling-off period here too!"

Weren't all you tycoons supposed to finalize divorces by tossing over a credit card and divorce agreement? How come there's suddenly a month-long cooling-off period? How ridiculous...

"What do you mean by 'you people'? You should really brush up on your legal knowledge. This law applies nationwide."

Nian Suian gritted her teeth. "Fine, one month it is."

"I have no objections to the divorce, but I should remind you not to be rash."

Hearing this, Nian Suian let out a cold snort. Trying to win her back? She wasn't interested.

"I'm not being rash. Our values are incompatible; we can't live together."

Seeing her like this, Gu Junxing knew she didn't remember. For the sake of their marriage, he reminded her, "You might have forgotten something. You know about the trust fund your parents left you, right?"

"Yes, I do. What about it?" What did the trust have to do with their divorce?

"The trust your parents left you isn't exactly money, but shares. At the time, our marriage agreement was for three years. After three years, if you wish, you can liquidate the shares and divorce."

"What the hell? On what grounds?" Nian Suian couldn't help but curse.

"It was your parents' decision. I don't know the reasons behind it." Gu Junxing shrugged. He truly didn't know why, but honestly, this agreement was all benefit and no drawback for him, so he had no reason to refuse. "Also, those shares are invested in my company, so you're technically a shareholder."

"If I'm a shareholder, what about the dividends?"

"Within the three years, dividends will be deposited into your account monthly."


How infuriating! Nian Suian, oh Nian Suian, how could your parents be so bizarre in both your lifetimes!

She still wanted to struggle a bit more. "Is that really true? It can't just be whatever you say, right? I want to see proof."

Gu Junxing nodded, "The lawyer will come to the house this afternoon and show you the documents from back then."

"Boss, Madam, lunch is ready." Seeing that the two had finished talking, Nanny Zhang came out to call them for lunch.

Gu Junxing glanced at his watch. "Why are we having lunch so early?" It wasn't even eleven yet.

"I've already prepared lunch, Boss. If you're not eating now, I can make something else for you later."

Nian Suian held back her laughter without saying a word. When Gu Junxing wasn't looking, Nanny Zhang had winked at her, obviously doing this on purpose.

Gu Junxing now realized that Nanny Zhang was intentionally getting back at him for not letting her make breakfast for Nian Suian earlier. He had said it himself, so asking Nanny Zhang to make him a separate meal now would be like slapping his own face.

Gu Junxing truly didn't understand. Nian Suian had only been in this house for a few days, yet everyone seemed to like her so much.

Nanny Zhang's lifelong passion was cooking delicious food; she had no other pursuits. When she was younger, restaurants wouldn't hire her as a chef because she was a woman. Later, she was introduced to work for the Gu family. The Gu household had few people, less work, and high pay. The only downside was that she couldn't fully utilize her culinary skills.

The boss was often away on business trips, and even when he was home, he didn't care much for food, often saying that as long as it filled his stomach, it was fine. The young master would eat whatever he was given: easy to feed, sure, but it gave her no sense of accomplishment.

The madam was different. Not only could she eat, but she could also critique the food and share recipes with her. Suddenly, Nanny Zhang found meaning in her life! Even if the madam wanted to eat at 10 AM, she'd make it. If she wanted food at 3 AM, she'd get up and cook! In her opinion, the boss was ungrateful. He had married a young and beautiful wife yet still found fault. He deserved to have been single for so many years.

Nanny Zhang was indignant on Nian Suian's behalf, completely forgetting that her real employer was Gu Junxing.

Gu Junxing wasn't hungry and couldn't eat much anyway. He ate a little and then left for the company. Nian Suian was happy to be alone, enjoying her meal thoroughly. In the afternoon, she made small cakes with Nanny Zhang while waiting for the lawyer to arrive.

"Nanny Zhang, if I divorce later, would you be willing to come with me? Don't worry, I'll pay you the same salary you're getting here." Nian Suian felt she couldn't last long with Gu Junxing. Even if there was a trust holding her back, it would only be for three years at most, which would pass in the blink of an eye. Besides, it only said she couldn't divorce, not that they couldn't live separately.

"That would be wonderful! I've been tired of staying here for a long time. This house is so big, but it lacks a human touch. The young master is at school, and it only became lively when you arrived, madam."

What Nanny Zhang didn't say was that although Gu Junxing was generous with money, as a boss, he was quite picky: in simple terms, annoying. That's why in such a big house, there weren't many servants. Many didn't last two days before wanting to leave, preferring to forgo the high salary.

Around 3 PM, the lawyer arrived. She was quite young; Nian Suian thought she looked about her own age, with a sharp and efficient appearance.

"Hello, Mrs. Gu. I'm the lawyer for Mr. Gu's company. My name is Qin Cangqiu."

"Ah, hello, Lawyer Qin. My surname is Nian; please call me Ms. Nian. Would you like a piece of cake? I just made it." Nian Suian placed a piece of cake in front of her. "Try it and see how it tastes."

"Thank you." Qin Cangqiu didn't take the cake but handed the documents to Nian Suian instead.

"Ms. Nian, I wasn't present when this agreement was signed, but I've reviewed it. The content is valid and legally binding. Please take a look." In fact, Qin Cangqiu didn't quite understand the purpose of this agreement either. Was it just to maintain a three-year marriage with Gu Junxing?

Even Qin Cangqiu, an outsider, couldn't understand it, let alone Nian Suian, who was directly involved. The document clearly stated in black and white that she couldn't deny it... and it even bore Nian Suian's own signature. She now wished she could go to outer space and drag back the original owner to ask what state of mind she was in when signing this agreement.

The consequences of breaching this agreement were more than she could bear. She had just arrived here, with no memories, and everything needed careful consideration.

Forget it, Nian Suian thought, shaking her head. There's always a way out when you reach the mountain.

"Ms. Nian, your cake is delicious," Qin Cangqiu said.

Nian Suian suddenly realized that, good heavens, they had nearly finished a whole cake.

"I made plenty," she said. "Take some with you later. You can share it with your colleagues."

She had made quite a few with Nanny Zhang for practice.

Qin Cangqiu was tempted but shook her head. "If the boss finds out I came here for work and ate and took food, he'll surely reprimand me."

"Why is he so annoying? Well, have another piece before you go," Nian Suian grumbled, then called out, "Nanny Zhang, please bring another slice of cake!"

"This trip out counts as your regular work hours, right?" Nian Suian asked Qin Cangqiu.

"Yes, it's within my normal clock-in time," Qin Cangqiu confirmed, not refusing the offer of another slice as she was indeed craving more.

"Then stay a bit longer. Just hang out here. Go back when it's almost time to clock out. Consider it slacking off," Nian Suian suggested with a grin.

Qin Cangqiu laughed at her words. "Ms. Nian, you're nothing like the boss." She suddenly felt a pang of regret - what a lovely girl, married to that old fossil of a boss.

"Ha! Isn't he just the worst?" Nian Suian exclaimed. "Tell me, is your boss always this fussy about everything?"

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