The Malevolent Female Villain Turns Out to Be Me

Chapter 41: Discover the Secret
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Chapter 41

The school bell for the end of classes at three forty in the afternoon rang, and Ye Jinmeng welcomed her National Day holiday.

She merrily ran back to her dormitory, tidied up her things, shouldered her small backpack, and left school. At a glance, she saw Uncle Li waiting at the door. She warmly greeted him. Uncle Li happily opened the car door for her. Ye Jinmeng got in the car. Once the car started, Ye Jinmeng started chatting with Uncle Li.

"Uncle Li, where's my brother?"

"Isn't tomorrow a day off? President Ye plans to let the employees off work an hour early. He's been busy, so he asked me to pick you up to go home."

"Oh right, the master and madam will arrive at the airport around five thirty. President Ye said he would get off work and go straight to the airport to pick them up. He asked you to wait for them at home."

"Got it, Uncle Li!"

Since she didn't need to pick them up, she would take a nap at home. After all, she would be going to the old mansion for dinner tonight and would probably just stay the night there, so she probably wouldn't sleep well tonight.


Xu Wanwan was in her last class of the day. After speaking her mind about what she had kept suppressed in her heart today, she was noticeably more relaxed than before.

Wu Mingshi sat behind Xu Wanwan, staring intently at her. He realized Xu Wanwan seemed to attract him even more today. Her whole being radiated confident and energetic brilliance.

"Buzz buzz." Wu Mingshi felt his phone vibrate and looked down to see a text from an unlisted number.

He recognized this number. It was the number Young Master Xiao used to contact him.

"East side of Flower Garden in Building C at six. I'll give you the stuff. Don't let anyone see."

Wu Mingshi's heart pounded wildly. Young Master Xiao had told him he would give him something that would make Xu Wanwan his woman as long as he slipped it into her drink.

Thinking of what would happen tonight, Wu Mingshi grew increasingly excited. His hands trembled as he replied:

"Got it!"

Then he immediately deleted the message record and put down his phone, pretending to listen in class while his eyes stared straight at Xu Wanwan in front of him.

Wanwan, tonight you'll be my woman. Once I rely on the great Ye Family tree, I won't mistreat you.

After class, Wu Mingshi immediately ran out of the classroom to avoid Lu Renjia pestering him again. He casually found an empty classroom on the first floor to sit and wait until around 5:55 before heading towards Building C.

It was dinner time, so there weren't many people around, but Wu Mingshi was still cautious and looked around everywhere.

What he didn't know was that after class, Lu Renjia didn't see him and thought he went to the bathroom. She waited for a while but didn't see anyone come out of the bathroom. Nearly having a breakdown from anger, when she went downstairs, she happened to see Wu Mingshi disappearing around the corner.

This was Lu Renjia's first time seeing Wu Mingshi acting so sneaky. She didn't call out to him and secretly followed behind. Luckily there were many buildings and plants around to hide her.

Wu Mingshi arrived at the flower garden and saw a heavily bundled figure standing there. After looking left and right to make sure no one noticed, he immediately walked over.

Xiao Jiannan handed him a small vial of medicinal powder and said softly, "Put this in Xu Wanwan's drink. As long as she drinks it, you can take her away. Don't worry, it won't harm her body."

Wu Mingshi immediately clenched it tightly in his palm. His forehead was beaded with cold sweat, but he still resolutely nodded. "Okay!"

"Remember, if you dare mention my name to anyone else, I'll make you wish you were dead." Xiao Jiannan warned harshly.

Wu Mingshi's body shuddered slightly. He swallowed and said, "I...I understand. I definitely won't say anything."

Lu Renjia couldn't hear what they were saying clearly. She just saw the man give something to Wu Mingshi, and Wu Mingshi also seemed very nervous. Lu Renjia didn't dare speculate and decided to ask Wu Mingshi about it later when she had the chance.

Ye Jinmeng was woken up by the sound of a car horn. She rubbed her eyes and picked up her phone to check the time. It was almost 6:10. Her parents must have returned.

Ye Jinmeng immediately got out of bed and put on her slippers, trotting downstairs.

She saw her parents walking in from outside. Ye Jinmeng let out a shout and threw herself into Madam Ye's arms.

"Mom! You finally remembered to come home!"

Madam Ye smiled and stroked her little head, her voice gentle. "My good baby, you missed your mom to death."

Ye Junli stood behind his wife and let out a dissatisfied cough. "Cough cough!"

Ye Jinmeng immediately left her mother's arms and leapt into her dad's. "Daddy! You finally remembered there's still a little cutie pie at home."

Ye Jinchen privately rolled his eyes at his silly sister's behavior. Madam Ye looked at her jealous husband and teased gently, "Silly boy!"

But Ye Junli laughed heartily as he rubbed his daughter's little face, his voice gentle and pleasant. "Haha, how could Daddy forget his little sweetheart? Daddy and Mommy brought back lots of gifts for you. Have Auntie Chen take them all to your room later."

"Thank you, Daddy and Mommy!" Ye Jinmeng gave them a super lovely smile.

"Dad, what about me?" Ye Jinchen asked expectantly.

Ye Junli shot him a look. "I already gave you the company. What else could you want? Isn't that big company gift enough?"

Ye Jinchen: ...That wasn't a gift for me. You clearly just want to retire!

Alright, if there's nothing then there's nothing. It can't be helped since he's the lowest in the family hierarchy.

Madam Ye looked at the father and children, shook her head with a smile, and said, "Alright, stop bickering. It's getting late, hurry up and get ready. We still need to rush back to the old mansion."

"You're right, we shouldn't keep the elders waiting too long." With that said, the four of them returned to their rooms to change clothes.

Soon, they were ready. With Ye Jinchen as the driver, the family set off for the old mansion.

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