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Episode 139 of “Only I Know the Protagonists”

“…What is all this?”

Baek Seo-ryeon muttered as she looked at the equipment that had been brought into the office.

In front of her were an array of computers and monitors that looked expensive at first glance. The myriad of tangled wires was headache-inducing just by looking at them.

There was also a young man who looked like he might have been wandering around without a job.

“He’s a new agent I’ve recruited for our management.”

“…Yuhyun, maybe I’m just not following, but when did we need a new member? Is he a collector by any chance?”

“No, not a collector. He’s a hacker with a fairly high profile.”

“A hacker? Why on earth do we need a hacker all of a sudden?!”

“Why? Because we needed one. This is Baek Seo-ryeon. She’s the CEO of White Flower Management.”

“Sung Yu-chan. Pleased to meet you, CEO.”

“Yes, yes? Oh, right. Nice to meet you too.”

Baek Seo-ryeon nodded her head reluctantly as she received Sung Yu-chan’s greeting. Sung Yu-chan looked somewhat listless. He was slender, giving off the impression that he was thin due to lack of exercise rather than being naturally so.

His hair was longer than usual for a man, covering one eye because it wasn’t styled properly. His clothes were also shabby to boot.

He looked so much like the stereotype of a hacker that she couldn’t think of anything to say.

‘CEO, huh? Well, he does have a good eye at least.’

Baek Seo-ryeon was more pleased with the respectful way Sung Yu-chan called her CEO than his appearance.

She might have been the CEO of White Flower Management, but how had the three members associated with her management treated her so far? Kang Hye-rim was close, so they called each other sisters, but Yuhyun didn’t treat her like a CEO at all. Kwon Jia was out of the question.

And now, the new recruit (?) had called her CEO.

Baek Seo-ryeon’s guard melted away like ice cream under the scorching sun.

“Well, I suppose it’s fine if one more person joins.”

“…You’re such an easy person.”

“Excuse me? What did you say, Yuhyun?”

“Nothing. It’s nothing.”

Yuhyun turned away, smiling at Baek Seo-ryeon, who looked back at him, and averted his gaze.

“Um, but looking at it, we do seem to be running out of space.”

Yuhyun stroked his chin as he looked at the electronic devices taking up part of the office.

White Flower Management had been using a small office from the start, a fact they were well aware of. However, they had never felt it was too cramped with the four of them.

With Sung Yu-chan’s arrival and his equipment filling the space, the office seemed even smaller.

“We’ll need a drastic measure.”

Yuhyun began to realize that White Flower Management needed to find a new office.

And it was the same for Baek Seo-ryeon.

“Ms. Seoryeon, have all the by-product disposals been completed?”

“Yes. I’ve settled all the accounts.”

“Then, with the cash I gave you included, we must have accumulated quite a sum. What do you think? Perhaps it’s about time we consider moving.”

Baek Seo-ryeon nodded.

“Actually, I’ve checked a few places already. I’m comparing the best options among them, so it’s taking some time.”

“A mere mansion won’t suffice. We’ll soon need space for Ms. Hyerim and Ms. Jia to train, not to mention considering future newcomers for recreational and living spaces. A place of mediocre size won’t do.”

Finding such a place in expensive Seoul was not easy. It was more about the scarcity of available properties than the price.

Fortunately, having enough money meant there was no need to worry about taking out loans.

“Maybe buying a small building would be a good idea.”

“The competition will be fierce. Plus, we’ll need to completely renovate the interior.”

“That will take some time, won’t it?”

“At least two weeks, to be brief.”

That’s when Sung Yu-chan, who had been quietly listening, cautiously raised his hand.

“Um… May I help?”


“It seems you’re looking for a suitable building, and I can access information in this area. If you tell me the requirements, I can find something that fits.”

“Oh, would you do that?”

Baek Seo-ryeon knew Sung Yu-chan as an outstanding programmer but was unaware of his notoriety as the famous hacker Black Mamba in the Murim World. She casually agreed, not making much of it.

Yuhyun scratched his temple, anticipating more than what was promised if Sung Yu-chan was offering help.

Baek Seo-ryeon would surely be surprised, he thought.

‘Well. He’ll do fine.’

And 15 minutes after Sung Yu-chan had cautiously offered to help.

“I’ve done it.”


Baek Seo-ryeon was astounded, having expected it to take at least 2-3 days, but 15 minutes was exceedingly short.

Could he have done a sloppy job? If so, as the CEO, she was prepared to reprimand him.

Checking the information Sung Yu-chan provided, Baek Seo-ryeon alternated her gaze between the documents and Sung Yu-chan.

“Oh, this is exactly what I wanted… But how did you manage so quickly…?”

Still in disbelief, Baek Seo-ryeon mumbled, bewildered, while Sung Yu-chan, seemingly embarrassed, scratched the back of his head.

“Using the regular routes for checking took a bit longer than usual.”

“This took longer?”

“If it were the past, 3 minutes would have been enough. Ah, and there’s also a way to reduce the acquisition costs. When I secretly checked the information of the person who listed this property, it turns out they have quite a few legal issues. We can use this as leverage in negotiations to significantly knock down the price.”


Overwhelmed by the unexpected proposal, Baek Seo-ryeon didn’t know what to do. She looked up at Yu Hyun standing next to her with a slightly teary expression.

She protested strongly with her eyes, as if to say, where on earth did you find such a person?

“Have you ever seen me choose someone incompetent?”

“But, even so, this is…….”

Baek Seo-ryeon tried to say something but ended up sighing deeply. Come to think of it, hadn’t there already been plenty of surprising things up until now?

Just looking at Kang Yu-hyun in front of her, she was a unique talent that she would never find anywhere else in the world.

Baek Seo-ryeon decided to let go of common sense. After all, she had come too far to turn back now.

“…Please, at least give me a heads-up next time.”

“It’s just that seeing Ms. Seo-ryeon’s surprised face is so amusing, it’s going to be hard.”

“I’m the CEO, you know?”

“Yes, CEO. Hang in there. Aja aja, fighting!”


While they were having this conversation, Seong Yu-chan was busy typing away at the keyboard, getting ready to handle the upcoming tasks. The flow of various data between multiple monitors was a sight to be seen only on the screens of a cinema.

“It’s all done. It’s been a while since I’ve done such basic work, and it feels pretty good.”

That’s basic to you?

Seeing Seong Yu-chan speaking so refreshingly, Baek Seo-ryeon could only offer words of praise, though her voice lacked strength.

* * *

“Here is our new office for White Flower Management from today.”


Kang Hye-rim exclaimed in admiration upon seeing the small building located in a prime area near the subway station.

The entire building, comprising six floors, belonged to White Flower Management. It even had two basement levels, and since the interior remodeling was already completed, it was in such perfect condition that nothing more could be added.

Baek Seo-ryeon still felt like she was dreaming.

“It’s amazing that we got this… for half the usual price.”

“It was nothing.”

From Seong Yu-chan’s perspective, it indeed was nothing significant, but Baek Seo-ryeon found it hard to believe. She wondered where Yu-hyeon had found such a person, realizing Seong Yu-chan was no ordinary individual.

‘Well, good is good, right.’

She thought worrying would only be detrimental to herself.

The interior, fully completed, was immaculately clean, even better than a new building. Seeing the spacious living room furnished with furniture, Kang Hye-rim asked,

“Wow! Are we going to live here now?”

“Of course.”

Kang Hye-rim and Kwon Jiah had been living in their respective studio apartments, but now there was no need for that.

The move came at a time when journalists were trying to sneak up on them as they went to work.

White Flower Management’s CEO Baek Seo-ryeon, Seong Yu-chan, and even a separate room for Yu-hyeon were available.

The interior even had a space for training and included a gym. Despite the separate work, rest, and living areas, there was still plenty of space due to the low number of people.

“Still, it seems like there’s a lot of space left.”

Kwon Jiah, having checked the number of rooms, showed her keen observation. Yu-hyeon nodded.free𝑤ebnovel.com

“Considering the collectors who will join our management in the future, it’s only natural. For now, I’m thinking up to the fourth.”

“Two more to add. But it seems like there are still extra rooms?”

“Ah. Of course, there’s an owner for that too. Selin.”

When Yu-hyeon called, Selin appeared by tearing through the space.

Seong Yu-chan’s eyes widened at her appearance. A Gik species, especially a Teller appearing by cutting through space, was something even he hadn’t seen before.

“Did you call me?”

“Yes. Do you see that room?”

“Yes, I do.”

“That will be where you’ll live from now on.”


Selin’s expressionless face cracked. She didn’t seem to understand what Yu-hyeon was saying.

“Why are you so surprised? You’re working with us, so you can live there.”

“But, senior. I am a Teller with a blessing.”

“Even if you have a blessing, it doesn’t matter. What’s important is you’re also a part of our family. Whether you use it or not is entirely up to you. Just know, that room is yours, no matter what.”

Selin felt a strange emotion at Yu-hyeon’s words.

Yu-hyun knew that he was different from a typical Teller, having experienced it firsthand. Yet, he never imagined that such accommodations would be made for him.

“The thought of being ‘one family’ kept circling in my mind.”

This phrase from Aschel lingered in Yu-hyun’s thoughts. And receiving an actual gift made him feel it even more deeply.

The Kyik tribe didn’t have the concept of family. They were simply born from light, grew, and developed as beings of the Kyik tribe.

They didn’t need to converse. Their wings, made of light, naturally integrated and shared their thoughts and emotions.

Among the Kyik, Aschel, who had voluntarily chosen to become a Teller and joined the Celestial Corporation, was somewhat of an oddity.

An outcast, accepted by none. This treatment didn’t change even after joining the Celestial Corporation.

But Yu-hyun was different.

He acknowledged her identity, valued her abilities, and even treated her accordingly.

Unsure how to react to such treatment for the first time, Aschel found her gaze fixed on the door to her assigned private room.

“…It’s fascinating.”

Yoo Chan observed Aschel and murmured.

“Why? Did she catch your eye at first glance?”

“It’s not that.”

Yoo Chan shook his head. Aschel was indeed beautiful, but her untouchable aura made her a difficult presence to describe.

He was merely intrigued by her shining wings.

“It’s just that I’ve never seen a Teller before.”

“But I’m a Teller, aren’t I?”


Yoo Chan belatedly realized Yu-hyun was a Teller. It was curious. Despite their brief acquaintance, Yu-hyun felt like an old friend from back home.

Knowing he was a Teller, Yu-hyun sometimes seemed just like any other person.

“More importantly, do you like it here, Chan?”

“Yes. Well, it’s not bad.”

Yoo Chan smiled awkwardly. He had been given a private room and even a personal computer room. Compared to his previous cramped space, this was practically heaven.

The only downside was the communal living, but the atmosphere was relaxed and free from coercion. Yoo Chan realized how baseless his previous worries had been.

“There’s no heavy imposition on you, Chan. Just periodically update us on current affairs, and you’ll be compensated accordingly.”

“Ah, yes. Thank you.”

Yoo Chan was, if anything, closer to being a social misfit, aware of his own nature.

Thus, while he worked as a hacker, he never formed a team or made colleagues. He was always alone, operating in his own way.

However, interacting and conversing with Yu-hyun and sensing his adeptness made Yoo Chan realize he could interact with others more normally than he thought.

“Well, it’s fine. As long as I can work with computers, anything is good.”

Good is good, and Yoo Chan adapted quickly. This adaptability would enable him to survive as an information dealer even in a post-apocalyptic future.

Yu-hyun nodded in satisfaction.

Acquiring a new office made it feel like they could start something substantial.

‘As long as no incidents occur here, it would be perfect.’

Contrary to Yu-hyun’s hopes, he received a call from Choi Jung-mo. This time, the call came through a newly activated device, not Genesis Net.

“Yes, Choi Jung-mo. What’s the matter?”

-It’s a big issue, Yu-hyun.

“…What kind of issue?”

Yu-hyun sensed the seriousness from Choi Jung-mo’s urgent voice on the other end and asked quietly.

-The Mental realm.

“The Mental realm? What about it?”

-A new Mental realm has emerged, one that hasn’t been observed until now.

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