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Chapter 299

He Zhiran knew that although this thing could not prevent others from being poisoned, she could not care about so much at this moment. When Mo Chuhan was in trouble, it was impossible not to let Mo Jiuye go to save him. She could only protect him from being poisoned first, and then take those people to a safe place before treating them in time.

According to the official report just now, Brother Eight had only felt a little dizzy after coming into contact with the toxin. This was enough to show that the poison used by the ship owner was not highly toxic, and there was still time to save him.

Seeing that his wife listened obediently this time, Mo Jiuye felt much more at ease.

He took the anti-poison mask and quickly followed the reporting officer to fly towards the direction of the ship owner, using his lightness skill.

Fortunately, the anti-poison mask was only a simple version, with only a thin layer. It would not be too abrupt for He Zhiran to suddenly take out something like this from her arms.

Mo Jiuye was used to using foreigners as an excuse for these things. If no one asked, then forget it. If someone inquired, he would push it to the foreigners.

Although He Zhiran was unable to follow Mo Jiuye to the scene, she did not dare to stay too far away, after all, the poisoned people needed treatment, and she had to try to reduce the time on the road.

She was settled by Mo Jiuye in a nearby teahouse, and gradually watched him disappear from her sight.

Mo Jiuye was worried about the situation on Brother Eight's side. After settling He Zhiran, he grabbed the official's collar and used his lightness skill to rush towards the direction of the ship owner.

When he arrived at the ship owner's place, the scene was even more serious than when the officer had reported.

Four officials were lying on the ground, their bodies had begun to show slight convulsions. Mo Chuhan was also supported by two people to barely stand still.

Mo Jiuye did not care about the others. He ran to Mo Chuhan first.

"Brother Eight, how do you feel? Ruan'er is in a nearby teahouse. Let someone take you there first for her to treat you."

Mo Chuhan's state was extremely weak. If it wasn't for his firm willpower to support him, I'm afraid he would have collapsed too.

"I'm fine. Little Nine, there is someone using poison in the ship owner's place. Don't get too close."

With one glance, Mo Jiuye could see that Brother Eight was just pretending to be strong. He said to the officials supporting him, "Take my brother and those officials to the teahouse. Leave this place to me."

Seeing that the chief and so many colleagues had been poisoned, the officials no longer had the courage at this moment. Now finally someone was taking charge, so they carried the people away without saying anything more.

He Zhiran was anxiously looking out the window. Not long after, she saw a group of officials carrying unconscious people running towards the direction of the teahouse.

She put down her teacup and walked out.

"Put them down first and let me take a look."

The officials obediently put the people down. Before they could say anything, He Zhiran had already walked up to Brother Eight.

At this moment, Brother Eight had fallen into unconsciousness, and his complexion looked a little pale.

He Zhiran first took his pulse and quickly determined his condition.

This was simply an anesthetic. The efficacy was extremely similar to the anesthetic she had made with the Silver Ring Snake.

It was just that using the Silver Ring Snake's venom to extract anesthetics was a very advanced method. If it wasn't for He Zhiran relying on the advanced medical equipment in her space, I'm afraid she would not be able to complete it either.

Therefore, she could be sure that the anesthetic Brother Eight had ingested was definitely not an extract of the Silver Ring Snake, and the biggest possibility was the Seven Color Frog.

What was worrying was that the toxins of the Seven Color Frog were several times more potent than those of the Silver Ring Snake. Although it was an anesthetic, if the antidote was not administered in time, the toxins would spread to the five viscera as time passed.

To put it bluntly, if this kind of anesthetic stayed in the human body for too long, it would also become a lethal poison. It would just not kill the poisoned person so quickly.

At this time, the officials had already talked to the boss inside the teahouse and asked him to vacate two private rooms for those unconscious colleagues to rest temporarily.

Facing the officials' request, even if the boss was unwilling, he could not refuse.

Mo Chuhan was the head of these officials. Without He Zhiran saying anything, he was directly sent to a separate private room.

Taking advantage of the officials taking care of the other colleagues, He Zhiran quickly extracted some of Mo Chuhan's blood for testing.

Sure enough, the anesthetic Brother Eight had ingested was extracted from the Seven Color Frog.

Since it was the Seven Color Frog, it would be easy to handle.

She and Mo Jiuye had caught so many Seven Color Frogs at the Simeng Mountain Villa, and they were still kept in her space now.

Although the Seven Color Frog was highly toxic, it would also produce a kind of antibody against its own toxins. Therefore, to obtain the antidote, it had to be extracted from the Seven Color Frog itself.

He Zhiran pretended to go to a nearby pharmacy to buy some medicinal materials. Then she borrowed the back kitchen of the pharmacy to brew the antidote, and added the extract from the Seven Color Frog when others were not paying attention.

After the antidote was brewed, she let the officials administer it to everyone. If nothing unexpected happened, people would gradually wake up after about an hour.


After seeing Brother Eight being carried away, Mo Jiuye walked straight to the main entrance of the ship owner's place.

The officials who had not been anesthetized hurriedly came up to stop him.

"Young Master Nine, you can't get close to that door. There will be people throwing poison powder out from inside."

Mo Jiuye waved his hand. "You guys stay farther away. I'll go in alone."

As he spoke, he had already put on the anti-poison mask his wife had given him and strode towards the door.

Sure enough, as the official had said, a puff of white powder came rushing at him as soon as he approached the door.

Mo Jiuye ignored it and kicked the closed door open.

A man dressed like someone from the Southern Borderlands inside was staring proudly at the direction of the door.

The door was suddenly kicked open and he was instantly at a loss.

This medicinal powder was carefully prepared by him. No matter who came into contact with it, they would be anesthetized.

Just as the man was puzzled, he looked up to see someone wearing a strange thing standing in front of him.

"Who...who are you?"

Seeing this person's outfit, Mo Jiuye first thought to find out about his identity.

"And who are you?"

The Southern Borderlands man put one hand into his clothes, seeming to take something out, while also trying to frighten the incoming person with momentum.

"Humph! I am a poison master from the Southern Borderlands. Get lost if you don't want to die, otherwise I'll make sure you never come back."

Mo Jiuye ignored his ugly face and quickly walked up to clamp the arm he had put into his clothes. With some effort, he broke it.

The man from the Southern Borderlands cried out in pain.

"Ah... you dare to hurt me?"

As he spoke, his other hand was about to reach into his clothes.

Mo Jiuye knew he was going to use poison against himself. Although his wife had given him this anti-poison mask, he did not want to be careless.

With the same method, he broke his arm. freewёbnoνel.com

Seeing things going badly, the man from the Southern Borderlands wanted to escape.

Mo Jiuye took a quick step forward and kicked him to the ground, then shouted outside towards the officials:

"Tie him up and watch him closely."

Although the officials did not follow Mo Jiuye into the ship owner's place, they had seen his actions just now very clearly.

Seeing that this poison user had been injured by Mo Jiuye and would no longer pose any threat to them, they swarmed in like bees and tied the man up tightly.

The commotion just now was quite loud. Reasonably, it should have alerted other people inside the ship owner's place, but no one came.

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