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Chapter 295

Little Collector did not have enough money on hand for that black nanzhu, but since He Zhiran had said so, he did not insist on showing off.

"Alright, I'll listen to you. Let me know if you need anything."

After discussing the main points, He Zhiran listed the black nanzhu for sale.

Taobao only appraised the black nanzhu at 20 million yuan, probably because the nanzhu was an antique of Da Shun, so Little Collector had a higher price over there.

The 20 million yuan was the reserve price given by Taobao. He Zhiran did not intend to increase the price at all, and directly listed it in the store at the price of 20 million yuan. ƒгeewebnovёl.com

She was not worried that someone would snap up the nanzhu after it was listed. After all, something so expensive, anyone who wanted to buy it would have to weigh it carefully.

After the product was listed, He Zhiran immediately notified Little Collector.

Little Collector had already started preparing the money when he heard from He Zhiran that she had gotten the black nanzhu.

The funds he could mobilize at the moment only amounted to 50 million yuan. If it was not enough, he might have to embarrass himself and discuss installment payments with the other party.

As a result, when he saw the listing price, his first feeling was that his eyes were blurred. The other party only sold him the nanzhu for 20 million.

To prevent being snatched by others, Little Collector didn't think too much about it. He paid immediately to buy it.

After receiving the item, he sent He Zhiran a message.

"Did you deliberately sell this item to me at a low price?"

Seeing this message, He Zhiran felt somewhat amused.

Because she was not greedy, all the items she listed for sale were based on the lowest price estimated by Taobao. Even though she knew the value of this nanzhu in modern times, she did not want to raise the price when sitting on the ground.

She did not have much business sense. In her previous life, she only thought about protecting her family and country and saving the dying. Now that she had crossed over to ancient times, her concept of money had not become much thicker either. It was fine as long as it was enough to spend.

"My prices here are all normal."

Little Collector was deeply moved. The moral character of this crosser was too good. She had helped him so much without asking anything in return from him.

No wonder she could be chosen by the crossing god. With such moral character and values, she would be fine wherever she went.

Little Collector did not want to say too much. He remembered this favor.

"In the future, you can let me take a look at the items before you list them. I will give you tips if there are any issues."

With a modern antique dealer to help, He Zhiran was more than willing.

"Okay, nice to cooperate with you in the future."

Little Collector had received the black nanzhu by now, and was absolutely overjoyed. He was going to immediately look for clues about the theft and bid He Zhiran goodbye before hastily going offline.

After He Zhiran sorted out the new items in her space again, the antidote had been successfully produced.

Not more or less, there were exactly eight pills, one for each of the eight sisters-in-law.

After they took the antidote, then carefully conditioned themselves for about a year, there would be no problems at all.

After getting the pills, He Zhiran did not go to give them to her sisters-in-law immediately. After all, these antidotes were not openly produced. Bringing them out now would surely lead to questions about this and that.

She just waited for Mo Jiuye to go into the city at some point, using the excuse of purchasing some medicinal materials to bring back, and then she could justify producing the antidote.

The most difficult matter at the moment was that there were still dozens of Mo Family's former subordinates in the space.

He Zhiran had drawn some of their blood for testing and obtained the same results.

They carried at least dozens of poisons in their bodies, and these poisons were basically in a mutually antagonistic state. However, dozens of mutually inhibiting poisons aggregated together naturally numbed their consciousness and even changed many of their own functions.

The most obvious was that they would not die even if they did not eat for a lifetime.

This baffled He Zhiran. Even in the medical age of the later generations with highly developed medicine, a clear explanation could not be made for such a situation.

Not only that, after they turned into human medicine slaves, they would obey the driving force of the person with the special worm in them.

Judging from this, the only way to find a way to deal with the poisons in their bodies was to start from the dead worm.

That worm was obviously raised with medicine, and the efficacy in the worm's body had a restraining effect on these human medicine slaves.

He Zhiran looked at the clock on the wall. There was still some time before dinner. She simply took out the worm for research.

The best way to study was to use medical equipment to extract everything, medicines and poisons, from the worm.

After an hour of testing, He Zhiran found that there was only one poison in the worm's body.

She was also seeing this poison for the first time. To confirm, she flipped through some books about poisons.

The final result was that the poison in the worm's body, in simple terms, was a kind of material that could absorb physique and absorb hundreds of poisons.

At the same time, this absorbent material medicine could also become a panacea for solving hundreds of poisons.

It seemed that this could explain what was going on.

The absorbent physique of the worm could attract those human medicine slaves.

As long as the operator of the parent worm kept manipulating Mo Jinnian all the time, those human medicine slaves would naturally obey his commands.

There were too many kinds of poisons in those human medicine slaves. Rash detoxification might trigger other poisons to spread in their bodies, which would be like casting off new troubles after getting rid of the old ones. Not only would it be impossible to save them, but it would also accelerate their death.

The only way was to use the dead worm and extract all the efficacy from the worm's body, and then combine it with other medicines to detoxify.

This was a very complicated matter.

It was already extremely difficult just to extract the medicines from such a tiny worm, and the resulting extracts would be pitifully little. They would also need to be combined with hundreds of other medicines for processing.

From the current look, those human medicine slaves only had this one chance for detoxification. He Zhiran did not dare to be careless at all.

Although she had already figured out the approach to deal with the poisons in those slaves' bodies in general, she did not dare to take action rashly.

This matter had to be done at the safest time, otherwise even a little deviation would ruin the previous efforts, not to mention taking the lives of so many people.

Although she could not immediately detoxify those people for the moment, He Zhiran felt that her harvest this time was not small.

At least she had figured out the direction for detoxification. Over the next few days, as long as she studied it carefully, she should be able to save those people.

Seeing that it was about time, she recalled her consciousness from the space.

Mo Jiuye thought she was asleep and had been sitting by her side to keep watch. Seeing her wake up, he stepped up to support her up to sit.

"Ranran, did you rest well?"

How could He Zhiran have rested?

"I did not rest. Just now my consciousness was in the space. I gave the nanzhu to Little Collector and also checked their bodies for those subordinates.

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