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Chapter 577: It Seems A Bit Too Healthy (1)



All members of the Hyun and Un disciples clung to the windows, uncertain of what to do, and simply held on to the frames.

“This looks dangerous…!”

“Ah, Baek Sang!”

“Is it even possible? Why is Chung Myung just standing there, doing nothing…”

They were shaking, appearing as if they were about to leap out of the window at any moment.

Im So-Byeong, observing the scene from a distance, mumbled with a perplexed expression.

“…if you’re so concerned, perhaps you should go take a look.”


Hyun Sang and Hyun Young, along with Un Geom and Un Am, spun around with unnerving force, fixing Im So-Byeong with glares that seemed to consume him.

“Who does this because they don’t want to go out! Why should we leave?”

“That’s precisely the point!”

Ah…the Taoist.

Usually, an elder in a sect was in a position to issue orders, not to receive them…

Accompanying the Mount Hua sect, Im So-Byeong’s head spun with confusion. Common sense, it seemed, didn’t exist within their ranks.

“Now, speak up!”


“Are the men who just arrived the most formidable?”

“T… that…”

Im So-Byeong hesitated, scratching the back of his head. His delay was not due to astonishment but difficulty in explaining.

“Just know this: the Green Forest is not a group where individuals possess immense strength.”


“Put in the context of the Justice faction… yes, I would label us as the Beggars Union.”

“Ah, the Beggars Union!”

Hyun Young instantly comprehended and nodded.

Although they belonged to the same Beggars Union, the beggars typically exhibited less activity than the disciples of other sects.

Still, the reason the Beggars Union held its position with pride was due to its membership outnumbering that of the other sects.

“Becoming a beggar is the simplest thing in the world, and the mountains are the ideal sanctuary for an aspiring thief. Despite their numbers, however, they aren’t particularly strong.”

“So, they aren’t that powerful?”

“Great Bandits are a unique breed among these mountain robbers. They’re the cream of the crop in that world, so it’s unfair to compare them to ordinary thugs… There may be some truth to that as well.”

Im So-Byeong believed he’d explained everything adequately, and indeed, he had. However, the effectiveness of learning rests on the capabilities of both the teacher and the student.

“Elite? Are you suggesting they are the elite?”

“But, this! Our children could be in danger then!”

“No! But why does that guy, Chung Myung, only drink?”

Finally, Im So-Byeong shut his eyes.

‘Someone read something to his small ears.’

What on earth was he trying to convey to people who weren’t interested in listening? Chanting or memorizing a sutra now would be more beneficial.

‘What on earth is wrong with these people?’

This thought was completely beyond his understanding.

The Great Star Bandits?

Indeed, the Great Star Bandits were formidable. Among the 72 Green Forest Bandits, they were among the strongest, even considered among the top-tier mountain bandits.

It was evident that it bore a force no one would dare challenge.

However, the issue remained…

Im So-Byeong slowly turned his gaze toward the fierce battle unfolding beyond the window.

‘Your disciples are not a group to be overlooked whenever they travel.’

Those creatures… actually, it was more like a single bandit leading a pack of formidable swordsmen… he shouldn’t say this. Regardless, these people were concerned about going into combat with the Green Forest bandits.

Im So-Byeong licked his lips, his expression bitter as he surveyed the battlefield.

‘Would they really kill?’

After all, they were Taoists by name.

However, banditry seemed more their vocation.

Clearly, it was an occupation for those unable to control their anger and reflexes, but to maintain their status as bandits, one required the patience to tirelessly wait for unsuspecting travelers who might come at any time.

Patience was needed when dealing with those who suddenly turned into bandits. Could there be a more contradictory statement?

However, those who chose to become bandits were usually those who had learned to cultivate perseverance through sheer grit.

Today, this fact was acutely felt by the bandits.

Human strength was utterly ineffectual against an intense attack, such as a sword sheath being hurled at the head.



The sword sheath struck their head so hard that it seemed it might completely crush their skull and catapult the bandit’s consciousness away.

“T-this youngster…”

“Who’s the youngster? You lot are the weak ones. Should I strike again?”


The mighty blade swung fiercely and was repelled cleanly as soon as it collided with the sword flying at a low altitude.


Ma Maeng, the second captain of the Great Star Bandits, recoiled, gripping his wrist as if it might snap.

‘Just where did these people come from?’

He couldn’t wrap his mind around it.

The hefty blade he brandished weighed approximately 50 pounds. It may not have been a fresh weapon, but it was heavy enough to slice through most weapons — be it spears or swords — as long as he swung it with confidence.

Yet the instant the weapon collided with the slender sword, it ricocheted as if it bore no weight.

‘What kind of power does this guy possess?’

He had lived with the certainty that his strength was unparalleled, but he found himself unable to withstand the force of the sword.

It was a force so formidable it could bring even ghosts to tears.

One could argue that this power felt a hundred times stronger. There were frequently individuals who possessed innate strength. Yet, unless they mastered internal skills from their mother’s womb, these youngsters’ internal qi wouldn’t be strong enough to overpower him.

His frustration was amplified due to the insolence of these young ones.

“What! Have you not even tasted the basic blood porridge? How is it that you’re so weak!”

“These cowards! Can’t you put up more of a fight!?”

“I didn’t expect this! Do you know the torment I endured to face pathetic creatures like you!”

The swordsmen of Mount Hua who attacked them bore bloodshot eyes reminiscent of enraged bulls.

The fury infused into their swords was almost palpable with each clash.

‘W-what is this! What on earth!’

They were the Green Forest bandits, counted among the Five Hegemons and notorious as the Great Star Bandits. Yet, they were currently retreating, unable to match the momentum of the Mount Hua disciples.

The fury of the Mount Hua disciples - who had endured torment under Chung Myung, faced indifference from Baek Cheon, and been led to their doom by Un Geom - now had a direction to vent.

For the first time in an exceedingly long while, they could wield their swords unhindered, moving with an unexpected haste.

“You lowlifes! You’re nothing but common brigands! Isn’t there any sense of shame!”

“Die, you cretins! Die!”

Their swords moved with such ferocity that they shamed the bandits, known for their fearsome weapons. The Green Forest bandits found themselves unable to counter, retreating in terror.


Meanwhile, Chung Myung was observing the scene, a bottle of alcohol in his hand, head slightly tilted.


By the results alone, it was evident that Mount Hua was overpowering. The robust yet precise sword strokes were continuously executed without the need for spoken instructions.

In comparison to his first arrival at Mount Hua, the previous descriptions of chaos seemed irrelevant now.

The extreme, relentless training, coupled with the strength-enhancing pills, maximized the potential of the Mount Hua disciples.

Considered objectively, the current Baek and Chung disciples of Mount Hua clearly surpassed the once esteemed second and third great disciples from Chung Myung’s original era.

Containing it all would lead to an explosion; letting it go, it soared. Without a doubt, Chung Myung deserves credit for nurturing the disciples with such diligence.

Yet something seemed amiss.

Once upon a time…

When the second and third generations of Mount Hua adopted an offensive strategy, there was a sensation of individuals clothed in brilliant white robes, brandishing their swords with grandeur, reminiscent of heroes in epic tales…

But now…

“Hahahahah! Give it your all this time! Can this weakling really be considered a bandit?”

“Hahahahaha! The waist, the waist, you scoundrel! Now the head!”

“Did you presume you wouldn’t be struck at the same spot twice?”

Chung Myung gazed blankly at his sahyungs.

Who here represented the Forces of Evil and Justice?

Observing the disciples of Mount Hua, their eyes shining and verbally vilifying the feeble bandits until their death, he felt as if he was witnessing bandits assaulting helpless civilians.

Slowly, he raised his head to look up at the sky.

‘No, Sect leader sahyung…’

‘I am… I declared I would attempt it my way… but was this my intended outcome?’

-Enough now. You damned fool, what’s left to change now!

‘No… still… somehow, this seems unfair?’

Chung Myung watched the Mount Hua disciples flounder around with a hint of disappointment in his heart.


Yes, his pupils.

What if they had a rough character? All that mattered was growing up healthy.

Honestly, wasn’t physical wellness paramount? Maybe they were a bit too healthy…

As Chung Myung processed these conflicting feelings, another individual grappled with the ridiculous turn of events.

This person was Dong Woong, the bandit leader at the helm.

His eyes trembled, open wide. Even though he was a witness, the sight was incredible.

‘How can the young ones?’

He, too, had seen numerous battles.

Everyone knew a subtle shift in force could overlook a gap in strength.

Yet, regardless of perspective, this situation wasn’t caused by a mere disparity of power.


The elegantly curved sword clashed with blades a dozen times heavier, and in the forceful push and pull, the side wielding the sword was pushed back.

Pushed back by strength, and internal qi.

The sophistication of the technique need not be discussed. The difference was as stark as between earth and heaven.

The battle between swords necessitated precision, but strength was crucial for wielding a blade. If the blade was held by the inferior side, how could they fight?

This also appeared unfair.

There were no words left for him to say.


His subordinates were terrified, their eyes locked on the disciples of Mount Hua as they were tossed about.

Faced with the reality that if things continued in this manner, they would be defeated, Dong Woong attempted to act. But just then.

“I presume you’re the leader.”

Step by step.

Someone approached him at a slow pace.


It was the swordsman, a youthful man with a dedicated countenance who had been at ease earlier.

A grimace twisted Dong Woong’s face upon seeing this.

“You fool! You’re out of control without recognizing your place!”

“You’re one to talk, wreaking havoc unaware of your own ignorance. There’s no need for words. Attack me. I’ll make you answer for the crimes you’ve carried out.”


Dong Woong, teeth gritted, was on the verge of striking.

“Ehh. Do you really need a poultry knife to slay a cow? Allow me, Sasuk!”

“…Gul. You’ve got that backward.”

“Oh, is that the case?”

Jo Gul chuckled and took a bold step towards Dong Woong.

“Hey, outlaw.”


“Stay clean, keep tidy. Here, let me rid you of that beastly beard.”

At that, Dong Woong snapped.

“You wretched cur! I will shatter every bone in your body!”

“So, you want to fight!”

Jo Gul chuckled, addressing Dong Woong, who charged toward him with a fearsome expression.

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