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Chapter 575

Dong Woongs brows furrowed slightly at the sight of the firmly closed gate. freēwebnovel.com

Shall we break it?

This isnt a mountain.

Even the most lax officials tended to overlook incidents within the mountains, yet if thieves were to tear down a gate, no official, no matter how diligent, could afford to ignore it.

There were situations that could be resolved with bribes and instances where they failed. Dong Woongs task was to avoid crossing this line as far as possible.

He gradually turned his head towards the wall. A wall not exceedingly high, it appeared surmountable.

Lets handle this with utmost stealth. Scale the wall!


Spare any officials that you can! We only need to catch that rat, then we can leave!


The Green Forest bandits moved towards the wall soundlessly, sticking to it as though melting into its surface.


The bandits scaled the walls swiftly, ascending like the wind. Amidst enveloping darkness, where not a single light penetrated, only their eyes glistened, akin to nocturnal beasts hunting their prey.



It was the moment when the bandits, having surmounted the wall and descended safely, were surveying their surroundings.


A guard, who had previously been half-asleep, abruptly regained his senses upon spotting this suspicious group and started to shout.

Just as he prepared to blow the whistle around his neck.



A sword slashed at lightning speed, cutting through the guards throat.

Unable to even scream, the guard with a slit throat collapsed to the floor.


A frown creased Dong Woongs face.

All you had to do was knock him out. I told you to avoid trouble if possible.


Despite his apology, Dong Woong had no intention of complying further.

It was he and Go Hong who made their lives unbearably harsh.

Dong Woong let out a short click of his tongue, pulling a small vial from his pocket as he approached the fallen body.

He then carefully poured its contents onto the body.


The body, still warm and bleeding moments ago, swiftly emitted white smoke, seemingly evaporating without a trace.

I cant believe youre using such expensive Bone Melting liquid for this.

Even if the body was destroyed, it was undeniable that the guard was absent. But the physical evidence was now gone.

Simply destroying the physical evidence was enough to serve this purpose.

I am heading down.


Changsha qualified as a large city on its own despite its run-down walls. They were so dilapidated that many people could climb over without issue.

After erasing traces of the body, Dong Woong surveyed his surroundings with a sharp glance.

And the information?

It appears to be on its way.

A man carefully navigated through the crowd scattered ahead of the wall, charging straight toward Dong Woong with his head bowed.

I report to the captain!


Dong Woong posed a question.

Where is that scoundrel, Im So-Byeong, now?

Hes staying at the Yellow Crane Guesthouse.

Yellow Crane?

Yes! Its one of the biggest guesthouses around here.


Dong Woong couldnt help but express a sneer.

He truly is doing it all. He probably knew that Mount Hyeong was close by, yet he still chose to take his bags and enter a guesthouse.

A bystander, who had been eavesdropping, slowly intervened.

Isnt this a strategy befitting a soldier? I suppose he surmised that should he stay at the guesthouse on the busiest street, we would be unable to make any hasty moves.

Hes always been such a crafty one.

Dong Woong expressed his disapproval with a snarl.

Where are the scoundrels he brought from the justice sect?

It appears theyre from the Mount Hua sect.

Mount Hua?

Dong Woong lifted his gaze.

Shaanxis Mount Hua sect? One of the past members of the Nine Great Sects?

Yes. Thats Mount Hua.

What is that man possibly planning?

Dong Woong frowned, appearing bewildered. Im So-Byeongs power seemed insignificant to them, yet everyone accepted his re-emergence, now equipped with a justice faction by his side. A more renowned sect was what they had expected

I heard they achieved recognition in the martial arts tournament, but isnt this merely a minor sect within Shaanxi?

Captain, you shouldnt underestimate Mount Hua. Are you aware that the Ten Thousand People clan were assaulted and slaughtered by them?


Captain Dong Woong, momentarily lost in thought, snorted dismissively.

Indeed, they do appear to be naive fools. Imbeciles like the leaders of the Ten Thousand People clan would have been easily split in two had I encountered them.

Nobody dared to challenge his statement.

Although his words were harsh, it couldnt be denied that he wasnt entirely incorrect.

The Great Bandits stood out as an exceptionally powerful group within the Green Forest Seventy-Two, with Dong Woong being sturdy enough to overpower most bandits.

He saw no reason to consider himself inferior to the leaders of the Ten Thousand People Clan in terms of martial arts prowess and reputation.

Even a dog consumes half the food in front of its own home. This is my turf. I will make them rue the day they even considered leaving Mount Hua to intrude here!

Then, will you assault the guesthouse?

Having come this far, theres no alternative course of action. Even if problems do surface, we can swiftly settle them here.


Then lets proceed!

Ill lead the way!

The man took the initiative and began to show the way.

Even though they steered clear of the main road, it was impractical for a group of over 200 to move simultaneously without attracting attention.

W-whats going on?

Do they look like bandits?

W-why have the bandits come here?

Night-time passersby were filled with fear at the sight of the approaching Green Forest bandits and quickly sought refuge.

Some fled into the alleyways, while others hid within their homes.


Shh! Quiet now!

Everyone held their breath, bracing against the fear of drawing the bandits attention. Fortunately, though, the bandits didnt notice them.

Those concealed within their homes gingerly opened their windows, releasing a sigh of relief as the bandits disappeared into the distance.

How could bandits appear in the city like this?

What are the officials even doing?

People held their breath, their gazes filled with anxiety as they watched the bandits run.

Having almost crossed through the area, the bandits stopped in front of a large building.

Is this the place?

Yes! This is the Yellow Crane!

Dong Woong frowned as he surveyed the scene,

Despite the lights shining from the windows, the guesthouse appeared deserted to him. Nonetheless, he didnt disregard the unmistakable signs of presence emanating from within.

Surround it!


Upon Dong Woongs instruction, the bandits swiftly moved to encircle the establishment.

Those who had assumed a defensive stance glowered at the guesthouse.

Should we storm in? Judging by appearances, it seems theyve taken over the place. Wouldnt it be justifiable to eliminate them all?


Dong Woong, examining the guesthouse closely, sought confirmation from the messenger.

You mentioned he was accompanied by a hundred people, correct?

Yes, thats the information I received.

A hundred

If he were to kill over a hundred people within the citys bounds, he would need to brace himself for the immense backlash that would result.

It would be simpler to eliminate them all.

Dong Woong reminded himself that this wasnt the wilderness, and with great restraint, he murmured,

Lets go inside.


Dong Woong parted his lips to address the bewildered messenger.

Inform those inside that the Great Bandits have arrived, demanding the handover of Im So-Byeong. In return, their lives will be spared.

Do you think theyll comply?

They wont have a choice.

Dong Woong turned back and voiced in a hushed tone.

Prepare your arms, everyone. Create fear that raises goosebumps!

Yes, Captain!

The Green Forest bandits unsheathed their weapons and demonstrated lethal force.

Nearly 200 bandits directed their murderous intent towards the guesthouse.

Given their brutal nature from the start, their spirit emanated an immense ferocity.

Dong Woong nodded approvingly.

Go, inform them. Report back whether they perish or capitulate.


The individual who accepted the order dashed into the guesthouse.


Dong Woong, arms folded, scrutinized the guesthouse.

Anyone can wield power.

He had no idea what kind of trickery Im So-Byeong resorted to in order to hoodwink them. But if they had eyes to see and senses to feel, they should have also detected that ominous presence.

The justice faction has no justifiable reason to gamble with their lives for Im So-Byeong. Its likely that they would aim to rapidly settle matters by turning over Im So-Byeong.


Even after several lingering minutes, there was no response.

Dong Woong, struggling to cope with the ongoing passage of time, wore a contorted expression.

Why on earth is he taking so long?


Needless to say, Dong Woong was struggling to keep his temper in check, largely thanks to Go Hong.

Would they even have turned to banditry if he were more composed?

Dong Woong, fixing the guest with a glare from his flushed face, called out in an exasperated tone.

These people! They dare to waste my time when I have personally attended to this matter! I genuinely hoped to resolve this without bloodshed!

Dong Woong was on the verge of losing control.

Someone go! Find out what is happening!


Those who heard Dong Woongs displeased voice turned a shade of fear-induced blue and hastily left.

Curse it! Had we encountered them on the mountain, we would have had the chance to behead them all!

Attempting to rein in his temper and handle things discreetly, he was aware of his stomach seething with fire. Undeniably, they were bandits, and this was a city, so he wanted to avoid any confrontation as much as he could

And then it happened.


The guesthouse door, trembling from the wind, exploded into planks.


Dong Woong snapped his eyes open.

An immense sound, akin to a thunderbolt strike, prompted an instant reaction.


Was that an explosion?

What kind of assault was that!

As though forewarned, the city lights seemed to flicker into life, and the citizens began to scramble in fear.

Dong Woongs jaw dropped in incredulity.

This was supposed to be handled quietly



Something catapulted from the room, the door shattering due to the velocity, landing with a thud on the ground.


Song Cho!

W-what happened!

The bandits hurried towards the man who lay sprawled on the ground.

Ugh ughh

The bandits eyes, surrounding the prone figure, widened to the size of lanterns.

What What happened to you?

How can a person

Everyone shuddered upon witnessing Song Cho, now doubled in size from his original form, his face unrecognizable.

Just how many people attacked him to leave him in this condition in such a brief period?

These These people!

They stood in confusion during these absurd times, frozen with shock.

Step. Step. Step.

Slowly, a figure emerged from the darkened entrance.



Dong Wong identified the object in the hand of the person lingering in the shadows as a bottle of alcohol, appearing perplexed.

Upon the revelation of the strangers face, he couldnt suppress his laughter.

This young man, who appeared to be no more than a novice at drinking, stood in front of them, swaying like a drunkard.

He looked around at the trees surrounding the guesthouse, his face twisting in discomfort.


Are these bandits insane? Why are they appearing out of nowhere, brandishing knives? I will kill you all!

Dong Woong stood with his mouth ajar, shocked at the profanity spilling out before him, utterly unfiltered.

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