Otherworld TRPG Game Master

Chapter 68: S2. Resentment Brushing Against the Stars -3
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68 – S2. Resentment Brushing Against the Stars -3

Lifting heavy eyelids, a nightmare engraved on the retina clung between the eyelashes. A hazy state felt somewhere between the boundaries of dream and reality. It’s difficult to distinguish what is being seen – a dream or reality. Difficult to discern.

Each of them escaped drowsiness in their own way.

For Tara, this chilly place devoid of the warmth of family was the harsh reality.

For Niore, this place where the screams of the unredeemed and the echoes of one’s own mistakes lingered was the reality.

And for Bennett, this place with an unresolved ending and a clear goal was the reality.

The troubled sorcerer drew his sword. On one side of the blade, the faces of lives he had taken brushed past. On the other side, the image of the sister he needed to rescue shimmered.

Bennett had never properly heard the life stories of Tara and Niore, but if there was any difference between them and himself, it was a fragile thread of hope. Though the chances of success were slim, he could embrace hope every moment, and that’s what allowed Bennett to move forward.

Then, what if one were to lose their goal?

If, in the end, the “Corpse-eating Flower of Fear” failed to keep its promise, and a reunion with the sister became impossible. After crumbling and losing hope, what should one stagger towards?

Inside the secret hideout, there were tools to maintain weapons, so Bennett wiped his beloved sword with an oiled cloth. Reflected on the carefully cleaned blade was Bennett’s own face.

At least for now, it wasn’t a subject he wanted to think about and conclude. The wristwatch tattoo urged them on. It was time to navigate through this grim world where the shadow of malevolence loomed large.

“Get up. We don’t have much time left until the return. It’s time to finish the day.”

Hearing Bennett’s words, Tara slowly rose and murmured. Heavy fatigue lingered in her eyes, and a part of her soul seemed to dwell in the past dining table.

Just yesterday, she had asked Abraham about the breakfast menu like this.

“What about breakfast?”

“Canned tomatoes.”

“Are you going to cook?”

“Just eat. There’s no time or facility to cook. Consider it a nutritional supply.”

“If it were Abraham, he would have cooked.”

Looking at the canned tomatoes, Tara thought of tomato spaghetti, pizza, and the delightful dinner time with such exquisite dishes.

Bennett clicked his tongue and said half-passingly, “If it were Abraham.”

“Cooking… should be done outside.”

“…So you’re saying you’ll do it.”

A peculiar feeling.

Tara felt an indescribable emotion about Taro. It seemed good if you asked whether it was good or bad. The gloomy mood had improved somewhat. However, she couldn’t quite grasp the exact emotion, so she tried to add a few more words to Bennet.

“Niole, wake up. Don’t doze off.”

[I’m sorry.]

“The writing is going downhill. Wake up and have a little to eat. Here.”

[Thank you.]

Niole, still half-asleep, lifted the spoon, but only half of it reached his mouth. The rest surrendered to the bottom of the secret plate.

“…You’re spilling half of it. Come on, hand me the spoon. Open your mouth.”

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Bennet fed Niole one spoonful at a time, even though he grimaced at the taste of crushed tomatoes, he obediently ate as he was fed.

Tara grumbled irritably from the side.

“He’s not a baby… Can’t he eat by himself?”

Bennet pointed at the pitiful tomatoes scattered on the floor.

“See this? He spilled it all because he’s not fully awake.”

“I haven’t fully woken up either.”

“Well then, do you want me to feed you too?”


Tara nodded, then after a moment of thought, realizing she had answered yes, she jumped up. With a reddened face due to embarrassment, she scolded Bennet while wielding a stick.

“⋯⋯No, no! Don’t say weird things!”

“Indeed, it seems like you also haven’t fully awakened⋯⋯.”

It hadn’t been long since waking up from the dream, and perhaps that’s why traces of it lingered. The time spent preparing for the journey amid the haze of half-sleep was surprisingly harmonious. It was a slightly different atmosphere than with family, with a scent of roses.


“Tara, don’t rush out first!”

“Don’t worry unnecessarily; at most, there’s only one fanatic!”


As Tara thrust her fist, the head of the fanatic twisted at an odd angle, collapsing. Venet quickly followed, guarding the rear.

“And if the attack is threatening but the defense of the enemy is nothing special. It’s better to deal with it quickly!”

“I agree, but you don’t need to get involved⋯⋯!”

“I do!”

Tara smashed through the adjacent wall, picked up pieces of broken bricks, and hurled them toward the fanatic at the corner. The brick missed the aim, grazed the fanatic’s ear, and shattered a nearby window.

Crash-! Boom-!

The rock thrown by Venet hit the fanatic’s forehead. Tara looked at her misplaced brick and shook her head.

“It’s okay to miss once⋯⋯.”

“You⋯⋯ Hoo. Let’s talk after it’s over.”

Venet swallowed the words that reached his throat and scanned the surroundings. The battle had begun when they passed through the main gate of Miskatonic University. As if waiting, the fanatics of the Twilight Sect had launched an attack.

Venet aimed to break through, reach the forbidden library, secure Abraham’s research data, and then escape. Currently, he was in a standoff with the fanatics just one block away from the library in the university.

The ivy-covered walls that contained the history of Miskatonic University were riddled with holes and cracks. It seemed to hint at the decline of the university.

Ordinary students passing through the university screamed and fled or hid in the buildings, trembling at the sudden supernatural phenomenon. They had reported to the police several times, but even after a considerable time, the police had not intervened.

And the zealots, seizing ordinary people.

“Ah, aaahhh!!”

Thunk, thud.

They were sacrificing them to unleash powerful magic.

The ordinary person grabbed by the zealot swelled up like a balloon and then burst with a bang. And from that blood storm emerged a creature with bat wings. It had no facial features, just a pair of horns, and a humanoid form.

The creature flapped its wings and lunged at Bennett. It attacked with its thorn-tipped tail like a whip.


Clang, scrape!

Dodging, slicing through the tail midsection. Bennett furrowed his brow. The hardness transmitted through his hand was no joke. Without infusing magic into his blades to some extent, he wouldn’t be able to cut through.

It wasn’t an unbeatable foe, but rather a matter of expenditure. The university was full of ordinary people. Sacrificing them all to rid themselves of this monster would be suicidal.

Kwaaack! Giggigigik⋯⋯.

Blocking the flying monster’s claws with his sword like a shield, while holding his ground.

“sir’k⋯⋯ A’stra.”

Niora spat out the incantation with a sizzling sound. The shadow beneath the monster bubbled and boiled, as a large tentacle shot out, enveloping and sucking in the creature. The monster struggled before being sucked in completely.

In the place where the monster swallowed by its own shadow was, only an unidentified black viscous substance remained.

“⋯⋯Thank you, Niora.”

Niora smiled brightly as if something were flowing out, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. Blood stained her hand and face.

Seeming satisfied, Niora completed the next spell using the flowing nosebleed. Drawing the magic circle and offering blood, a gel-like substance about a meter in radius was summoned, oozing and wriggling.

[That will block the entrance!]

“⋯⋯Got it. Tara! Don’t run out, come in quietly!”

“One more could’ve been killed!”


Tara, who was thrashing around in anger, finally grabbed a nearby candlestick and threw it like a javelin. The candlestick pierced through one of the fanatics’ abdomens, embedding itself in the ground. Smirking at the fanatic writhing in pain, Tara entered the library.

After Niole and Benet entered the library, the crimson mucus spread along the outer wall, sticking to the door and slowly oozing around. It would safeguard the entire building, buying them some time.


There were people inside the library as well. Upon discovering three people brandishing swords, their insides turned cold with fear. Someone tried to break the window to escape, but the red mucus blocked their way, leaving them trapped.

“No need to be afraid! Just hide somewhere!”

“…We’re not interested in you! Just stay quietly hidden in a corner!”

Bennet glanced at the whiteboard Niole held up, shouted loudly, and led the group into the restricted section.

Various books and Abraham’s safe were visible. The safe was heavy and sturdy, with a considerable volume. It seemed challenging to move unless there was a truck.

“…It seems impossible to move. We should only take the contents. ‘The Key to Pin Borei.'”

Bennet grasped the lock of the safe and cast a spell. It was a well-known lock release spell rumored to be developed by a famous thief.

However, there was no sound of the expected click. Even trying to open it, the safe remained stubbornly closed.

“Magic isn’t working…?”

“It might be different structurally. In this world, with advancements in machinery and even cars, could the locks have become more complex?”

“Any guess for the password?”

“…That kid, Isak or Isaac, whatever his name is, is it his birthday?”

“Anyone we know… Well, of course not.”

The group had no clues. If they didn’t know the safe’s password and couldn’t move it, they had no choice but to force it open. Bennet infused magic into the longsword to its limits. A bluish energy overflowed, turning the blade sharp.

Cling clang clang clang!

Sparks flew as the safe began to be cut bit by bit.

“How much longer will it take?”

“I’m cutting carefully; the contents might get damaged. It’ll probably take about 10 minutes.”

“Niole sealed the entrance with some strange magic? Then, well, 10 minutes is nothing…”


A shiver ran through Niole. She turned to look in the direction of the library entrance. Tara muttered in disbelief.

“…No way?”

[Just now, it opened up. As if space itself were carved out…]

“It was supposed to take 10 minutes, right? I’ll buy some time; keep cutting!”

[Wait, Tara!]

Leaving Bened and Niole behind, Tara opened the door of the golden vault.

The library entrance was gaping as if something had torn through it. From there, a man adorned with numerous necklaces, leading fanatics, approached.

The fanatics expressed ecstasy, as if being with him was the glory of a lifetime. Therefore, amidst the joy, the presence of the man with an indifferent expression felt even more distinct.

The man with the necklace. I had read about him in the report. He was the leader of the Ebon Twilight Sect.

The leader spoke casually as he approached.

“Who are you all? Why are you causing a commotion in a prestigious university boasting ancient traditions?”

“…You’re the leader?”

“Yes. Since I graciously answered your questions, may I expect the same courtesy in return?”

“Why did you kill Abraham? Why!”

“I’ve been asked and kindly answered. But returning is just fleeting resentment… It seems you have no intention of dialogue.”

The cult leader reached into his embrace and pulled out an oddly shaped… jewel. It was haphazardly cut, a crimson scalene triangle. The shining scalene triangle, representing the target.

Tara raised her guard and prepared to cast protective magic. “Three Dogs Guarding the Goddess.” A holy shield capable of resisting any type of magic. Drawing the image and harnessing the power bestowed by the goddess…

“Uh, what?”

The power granted by the goddess. The sacred energy wasn’t being drawn properly. Despite attempting to force it, it was barely half of what it usually was.

It squeaked. The absence of the divine energy that always filled her body felt chillingly distinct. A sensation of emptiness. Cold and numb. An unavoidable void.

Tara’s face turned ashen.

Why. Why…

Was it because… I doubted?

The cult leader extended his hand lightly. Five of the nearby fanatics instantly cowered. The remaining ones gazed at them, as if witnessing a blessed and glorious spectacle.

“I saw it in the future. I saw how you would disrupt our great plan. This is heresy; accept death as your fate.”

Space distorted, and something flew.

An incorporeal fist. An unavoidable blow invisible to the eye struck Tara defenselessly. A blue light flickered.


Tara was sent flying by the force, crashing through the golden library doors, bouncing off the floor, and slammed into the bookshelves at an impossible angle. Tara, her spine twisted unnaturally, convulsed briefly. The light lingering in her eyes flickered and faded.

Books spilled over her.


Niore screamed silently.

Then, Tara, enveloped in blue light, vanished as if erased. While Niore panicked, unsure of what to do, Benet calmly assessed the situation, halting his attempt to open the safe.

“The safety mechanism has activated. That blue light from earlier, she returned to her original world.”


“The time is running out.”

Benedict gazed at the watch tattoo on his wrist. It was almost indistinguishably close to zero. He would return soon anyway.

“Stay here, Nyore. I’ll be returning shortly.”

Nyore grabbed the hem of Benedict’s clothes as he was about to leave the golden library. Her hands trembled. Just moments ago, Tara’s corpse was… horrifying. Despite the safety mechanisms working, she didn’t want to witness such a sight again.

Especially if it were Benedict.

If he was going to return soon, they could just delay time like this. Conveying the meaning of waiting, Nyore clung to Benedict’s clothes, but he released her grip.

“…He’s an opponent I must defeat someday. The item he’s holding seems to be a shining isosceles triangle. So.”

It’s not rushing in anger over what happened to Tara. It’s necessary, that’s why he’s rushing.

Benedict muttered to himself and left the golden library. He had read reports about the Grandmaster multiple times. They said he had a magical barrier. It was worth checking if he could break through it.

The Grandmaster casually asked again, seeing Benedict approaching.

“Since the soul of the lady earlier has become his, I’ll ask you this time. Why did you cause a disturbance upon entering the university?”

“Why are you trying to summon a god? I heard everything will be erased.”

“…It’s a question that pleases me. I will gladly answer. The souls gathered by him will enjoy eternal life in his embrace until the universe perishes. I wish to bestow such grace upon all people on Earth.”

Power tightened in the hand holding the longsword.

“I’ll answer too. The reason I came to the university is to kill you.”

Benedict poured magic into his legs to the limit of his muscle’s endurance and slammed the ground. The tiles broke apart and scattered in all directions as his body flew like an arrow.

Nothing in the world is perfect, and there’s always a gap somewhere.

Even if the opponent’s attack is accurate, it won’t be usable if it’s not visible.

“『Pearlson’s Black Smoke』, 『Eyes That Pierce Through Darkness』!”


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Black smoke rose, blocking the surrounding view. However, thanks to the consecutive spellcasting, Benedict was clearly visible within the smoke.

In the darkness created by the smoke, Benedict moved silently, suppressing any sound of footsteps. Finally, he reached in front of the high priest.

Close distance.

The high priest’s eyes, which had been gazing at an odd place, flicked back to Benedict. No, it was a bit different. What the high priest was looking at was… the longsword infused with magic by Benedict. And Benedict’s legs.

The high priest’s eyes were a murky gray color, seemingly almost blind. Nevertheless, even in the black smoke, he accurately sensed Benedict’s position.

He seemed to use magic detection as a substitute for vision.

Benedict quickly suppressed all his magic, but it was too late. The space around him seemed to distort slowly. He crouched, assuming a defensive posture.


Benedict was sent flying. Like Tara, his body flew up to the ceiling. Inside, Niole saw Benedict’s body, twisted in an unnatural direction, disappearing into a blue light.

Then, it was time. Niole also vanished from the world as if being erased.

“…There’s no more presence. I’ll step back now, please handle the aftermath, brethren.”

The high priest nodded once, walked slowly, and exited the library. Behind him, the screams of ordinary people dying for the sake of destroying evidence echoed…

End of Chapter 1.freewebnovel.cσ๓



Benedict opened his eyes. He tried to exert force to rise from the magic circle, but his body felt strangely heavy, making it difficult to move. Looking down, he saw Niole clinging to his body with a worried expression.


“I’m… fine. See, I’m alive and well like this.”

Apparently quite surprised, Niole had tears hanging on the corners of his eyes. When was the last time he received such concern from someone else? The feeling was peculiar.

Benedict gently stroked Niole’s hair, stood up from his seat, and when he turned his head, he saw Tara crouched and trembling.

Bennett was surprised and asked, “Tara, is there something wrong? Could it be that the safety measures aren’t working properly?”

“No, no. I’m fine. Just a little startled.”

It was more than just being startled, like a child who had lost something important. She was in a state of panic. Bennett thought about saying something comforting, but he held his tongue. He wasn’t accustomed to such words.

Instead, he walked over to Tara and gently placed his hand on her forehead.

When his younger sister was feeling anxious, he would offer support like this. Bennett expected Tara to react angrily and tell him to move his hand, but she didn’t respond at all. He figured she must have needed some comforting, so he silently stroked her head.

Thrown into an unfamiliar world, losing the person who had given her affection in a terrible way. And in the end, she was even pushed to the brink of death.

Tara, as well as Niole, seemed to have exhausted their hearts. While Bennett’s wounds could be stitched up, the wounds that had been torn open were throbbing, and the treatment was not easy.

When he thought about it, it was a complete failure.

None of the three achieved what they had hoped for. Bennett wanted to find a clue to save his sister, but couldn’t. Tara wanted a family, but lost it. Niole wanted to save people, but only accumulated more debts in his heart.

Failure. But…

“But there’s always a next time.”

Bennett wanted to say that everything would be fine. But he couldn’t bring himself to say those words, knowing that he himself wasn’t proud. So he chose silence.

In the stillness, they comforted each other in their own clumsy ways.

The main culprit who caused this situation, the mad magician, entered the room after 30 minutes had passed since the end of the session.

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