"Haaaa... where am I exactly?"
Merciless asked himself as he began to glance around him, feeling lost, bewildered, and astonished by the unexpected sights surrounding him. He had no idea how he had gotten here or why he was here. Hell, he had no idea what here was to begin with.
Everything around him was otherworldly and breathtaking, in comparison to where he had been previously. It was like the adage, "The comparison is like Heaven and Hellmora," since this area was lovely, no matter how chaotic it appeared before his very eyes.
Yes, it was a strange blend of beauty and calamity that resulted in this gorgeous masterpiece, this fuck-up world, displayed for everyone to see.
"Wow... I’m so confused right now, yet I can’t detest this place. Why do I feel so glad to be here? Hmm, is this one of Zanes’ abilities?"
"To be honest, if that’s the case, that human is full of surprises. First, that huge ass hand that was formed of chi, and now this as well. Still, I am no practitioner of war, but even I am not dumb enough to not realize that the last attack wasn’t normal. What the hell did he even do, It appeared that he increased the quality of his chi too; interestingly, I can now utilize chi as well, but that clone had no recollection of increasing the quality like the original did. How amusing!? I can’t even be mad; I was literally scared shitless by that last attack hahah. I really have a long way to go."
"That was a good struggle; I ain’t going to lie; that battle was magnificent; I can respect it, but I refuse to give up; there must be a trick to this illusion. After all, why am I not feeling my connection to Black Tail in this place? Regarding Black Tail, I don’t even have a bodily connection with it anymore either, which is pretty baffling all things considered."
Merciless remarked to himself as he stood up and looked around. Everything seemed strange to him; the sky was purple and covered in a tapestry of stars overhead. A booming whale-like sound began to be produced from the distance, yet there was no sign of it; it was a dreadful echo that was also morbidly beautiful.
A pleasant wind rushes across his face, perplexing Merciless since it carries the fragrance of blood and battle. He was already getting accustomed to the sound of swords clashing in the distance. He could hear monster screams, swords, voices, and anything within a 2-kilometer radius, indicating that life was definitely present.
It made him ask a question, however: was this reality an illusion, or had he been transported over to another world? Death could not have been the case; Merciless knew this much since he could still feel the blood bond he had with Michelle more strongly than anything else. The relationship was conceptual in nature; as Michelle once stated, it defies distance and gives context to their status of existence, proving that both of them are alive.
Merciless was well aware of this; in any case, the location in which he found himself was undoubtedly mysterious. It was now night, and he was on a green meadow with enormous pine trees surrounding him from all sides. while the sound of crickets and other insects was audible, but what caught him off guard was the vast number of giant sheep the size of elephants that were present.
Aside from it, they appear sluggish and solely interested in munching the grass in front of them. Merciless, of course, began to close his eyes, and his view of reality shifted accordingly.
And that’s when his vision of the entire surrounding region became clear. In the distance, he could see little cottage residences with people planting, but why were they farming at night? Curiosity got the best of him, and a gigantic pair of black musculus wings sprouted from his back while plasma radiated throughout his body.
He proceeded to float into the air as high as he could, and that’s when he noticed the spectacle before him and was taken aback by what lurked underneath this weird world. He could see a large sea in the distance that was crimson, almost like blood. While below was a vast residence with many long dwellings, a multiplicity of those blue sheep, little cows the size of dogs, and rabbits were all present; it was a strange sight, to say the least.
It was a human community, with some cultivating the earth and others building houses, hanging clothing, or slaughtering the sheep as a group. Cutting away at their meet, disassembling their components for their treasured meats, and sharp claws like hooves.
This perplexed Merciless even more; at the same time, he began to descend to the hamlet of people; he didn’t care if they saw him; if they irritated him in the slightest, they would be killed immediately on the spot, no matter how you look at it. Merciless was simply cruel, a persona befitting of a vampire of the Michellian clan; why disguise your identity in places like this? These humans, he could tell, were no weaker than your average new puppy.
As a result, Merciless began to drop immediately—down to the earth, of course—despite the fact that he was without Black Tail, which made him feel strange. It had probably only been a short time since he parted ways with it, but he already missed his mate. As a result, he began to create a clone of Black Tail from scratch as he began to shapeshift.
It wasn’t long before he had his usual appearance, although the tail was nothing more than a fake. He felt complete once more, as that familiar sense of an additional limb could be felt behind him once again.
"Oh my, this place is rather beautiful, *sniff,*... oh, what is that amazing smell? It is coming from every direction."
Merciless asked himself as he began to glance around; nevertheless, as one could expect, his appearance prompted a clear steer. But not in the way he imagines, for one lad, little in size, is dressed in what can only be described as a medieval garment, made primarily of old leather, with leather belts to hold certain sections in place and holes in his shirt and pants.
The youngster glanced at him with wonder rather than shock, as if he were staring at an extraterrestrial organism. But it was what he said next that stunned and confused him, not because it was surprising or anything, but because he honestly didn’t know what the fuck this kid was saying.
"Sigurd... D’athulaa!!"
The boy yelled, drawing the attention of everyone in the strange community. Of course, everyone surrounding the youth or within hearing distance of his voice turned towards it, almost as if it were the most natural thing to do for these people.
One quickly became two, and two became four, until everyone began to flee, some to their homes, others to their businesses or work sites. Of course, Merciless assumed they were terrified of him at first, but what happened next astonished him.
"Sigurd... D’athulaa... maglaa deus... fjohr es timal!!"
An old woman spoke, followed by a slew of younger and more attractive women who began to encircle him with baskets full of dazzling neon blue flowers that were being tossed up in the air, while everyone began to say the same phrase over and over.
"Javos Sigurd, nimquef D’athulaa!!"
"Javos Sigurd, nimquef D’athulaa!!"
"Javos Sigurd, nimquef D’athulaa!!"
"Javos Sigurd, nimquef D’athulaa!!"
"Javos Sigurd, nimquef D’athulaa!!"
"Javos Sigurd, nimquef D’athulaa!!"
’I don’t know what’s going on anymore, Sigurd D’athulaa... Javos Sigurd; what the heck do any of those terms mean? And what the fuck is a Sigurd?! Better yet, I am even more perplexed by the reaction to my intrusion. Can they not see I am a monster? Am I trapped in an illusion, or worse yet, did I get the tuck-kun treatment from Zane via Chi-kun, or is this some kind a dream?’
’I still need information. I’ll give it a shot; I’ve never tried it before, but I believe it’s similar to eating another via black tail. Taking memories from another’s cell is usually immediate if you eat them whole, but it takes longer if you drain their memories into yourself via the act of feeding. Well, let’s not do anything dumb just yet; I still need to get the fuck out of here, therefore, I need information first and foremost, but who should I suckle from? Most definitely not a dude; that would be gay as fuck.’
With that said, Merciless began to close his eyes as his mind’s eyes began to foresee the entire village; he saw everything, he heard everything; it was like being all-knowing within a small area; every bug that moved, every direction the breeze blew, and every possible movement someone was going to make, he saw, heard, and sensed.
Reality became sharp contours before Merciless Mind eye. He could see the organs and life force, as well as their aura; of course, he could also see the shape and true form of their souls. Apparently, his typical passive visionary capabilities combined with his mind eye naturally allowed him to see things on a conceptual level; basically, Merciless can see things others should not be able to see. For example, when he looks behind the curtain of existence, he is capable of perceiving Ophelia and Avrora quite easily, despite not being the case.
Merciless’ eyes were drawn to one woman in particular: she stood 5’0" tall and weighed between 130 and 150 pounds, give or take; her skin was dark brown, tan, or caramel even; she had long maroon-colored hair to her back; it was straight and silk; and she carried a one-handed ax and a large jagged blade sword by her side. But the most striking characteristic of this woman was the enormous birthmark on her legs, which spread like fire. She was clothed in highly Norse-like clothes, and she was unquestionably a Viking.
The woman glanced at Merciless, her heart pounding rapidly. They locked eyes, and she stepped closer, but only slightly, as if lured by his charisma. Merciless, on the other hand, was enraged by these strange peasants chatting and deliberating in a language he didn’t understand. As he approached the woman, ignoring everyone else as he went along, the villager moved out of his path willingly, as if she respected him and gave him room.
It wasn’t long until Merciless confronted the strange village citizen. He didn’t ask for permission to approach her so close, and the woman appeared to be scared of him, her hands trembling as she got this close to him. Merciless noticed a strange fragrance emanating from the woman, which he found to be the most wonderful scent he had ever experienced in his brief existence.
His sclera went black as a malicious smile emerged from his mouth, his blue eyes gleamed even brighter than before, and a prickly sensation of pain emanated from his neck, which ached as if he were needing water after spending days in a desert.
"Hagu... umpla niag."
Merciless didn’t understand what the short and gorgeous woman was saying since he hadn’t yet adapted to their language. However, what she did next greatly surprised Merciless because it was not conventional human conduct in any way, prompting him to doubt the village’s true identity and the purpose of its existence.
Because this woman suddenly began to offer up her neck to Merciless, as if to say, use me as you see fit, Merciless simply accepted the open offer and extended Black-Tail replica around her, grabbing her entire body and lifting her off the ground, which confused the woman almost as if to say, I’ve never done this before like this, or I’ve never seen anyone else do it like this.
And without further ado, he licks the left side of her neck, as if savouring the wonderful flavor and enjoying the lovely smell she was naturally emitting.
"Aw, you smell good, she thing!!"
Merciless muttered, entirely lost in his own desires, relishing the process that was now; of course, little moans left her lips as a consequence of his tongues sliding and swirling around the crevices of her neck. Tan-like caramel and sweet-like berries were the only ways to describe the lovely aroma that enveloped this woman.
Without warning, he bit down into her neck, allowing a delicious flavor to fill his being; it was the greatest food he had ever experienced. This woman’s blood was so amazing that Merciless became lost in the taste; unable to help himself, he bit down harder into her neck, and bit out a large chunk of meat from the woman’s neck, tearing out her very jugular vein, completely disregarding her opinion, and yet he was lost in the taste; his mind had yet to register the miracle that had occurred after he began chewing on her flesh.
Merciless was not like other vampires; blood wasn’t enough for him. Despite his best efforts to restrain himself, he went ahead and began to devour the living object in front of him. Chewing on the sweet and delicious white meat, the flesh was soft and melted into his mouth, and scarlet blood began to flow everywhere. Normally, this would be enough to kill any regular person; after all, the neck is a critical location. As a result, any damage done to that location is always a threat to human life.
On the other hand, the woman held her neck, but no cries could be heard; she had a flushed face as if she were filled with pleasure, her legs twitching as current traveled teasingly in that area. Anyone could see what she felt was the opposite of pain; evidence of this was the fabric she wore suddenly became a bit damp from that morbid and otherworldly sensation known as Merciless feeding. It was primitive and uncontrolled, like Mother Nature herself, yet equally exciting and beautiful in a fucked-up way. But the miracle that Merciless missed was that the enormous chunk of flesh that he bit out and chewed on began to regenerate gradually.
At the same moment, two things began to alter within Merciless: he felt a lot stronger than before. No!! Two times more potent, to be precise, and another was the restricted number of memories he was naturally extracting from the cells he was absorbing.
A burst of numerous memories and overall experiences from the she creatures’ life began to pass before Merciless’ eyes, but he was surprised to see one memory that explained a lot about why he was here, and once he took in that memory, everything seemed to make sense to him, well, somewhat.
But besides the point, Merciless tosses the delictable woman to the side like a rag doll into a bed of hay near some horses, similar to how one disposes of trash. On the other hand, without even saying anything else, a burst of purple plasma encompasses his body as he jumps up high in the air without saying anything.
The lady, on the other hand, continued to hold her neck with an esoteric joy that filled her soul as she observed Merciless, who was flying in the air with a peculiar curiosity and surprise; his focus was turned westward on this strange place.
"It should be west of this island; honestly, what is your game this time?"
Merciless inquired with a perplexed smirk; either way, the person he was about to meet had left a message in the woman’s genetic code. Coordinates to be accurate; it was almost as if that individual knew he was going to drink from that woman’s neck.
As such, Mercilesss began to fly westwards of the weird island, as he said to himself.
"By the old docks, eh?" How lovely, the first date on a ghost ship hahaha... Man, what a riot this day turned out to be. I love it when they are wild, but at the same time, I really need to train that woman to my liking."
"But, oh well, that can wait for another day; I wonder what you have in store for at this place; well, whatever it is, you have my curiosity, and I hope you don’t waste it."
Those were Merciless’s last words as he soared through the air, breaking the speed of sounds, using his mucus wings to glide through the air at immense speed.
Below him, he passed two additional towns and villages that were considerably larger than the one he was in; this island was enormous, with decent-sized settlements scattered throughout. However, all these settlements share one common thing, and that is their God! Yes, these settlements collectively worship one creature that resembles a god-like entity in their eyes.
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That entity is known by many different names, yet they all refer to her by the same name. The Seer Queen, Labrynn.
According to legend, Labrynn gave mankind divine knowledge, taught them how to hunt, build houses, fish, forge weapons, sew clothes, and make various objects from wood and metal, and most importantly, the Seer Queen, Labrynn, gifted them these lands to live on in peace, getting along with their brothers and sisters, a place these people refer to as "The Lap of the Goddess."
But that was just the ordinary information he could steal; he also learned some new fighting styles, how to cook new dishes, and how to build traps—basically, at least 20% of Kriemhild’s whole life memories and experience were inherited from the mouthful of flesh he removed from her body.
On the other hand, he was nearing the old docks, and it only took him approximately six seconds to get there; nevertheless, there was a blood red fog in this region. Without a doubt, this fog was most likely deliberate; he knew this because he sensed the presence of two people in the area: one was hiding beneath the ancient ghost ship, and the other was standing on a flag post with their hands behind their backs, gazing into the distance of the blood-red sea.
The person standing on the flagpole was someone he knew too well, and it was the one who had left him the message in Kriemhild’s genetic code. Normally, she would be the one to approach him, but in this case, it was the opposite; she established the scene and forced him to approach her.
"It’s lovely, isn’t it? Not many would agree, but I find beauty in disorder, crimson as blood, and a world without a sun; here is the land of the endless night, darling. Welcome to my pocket, despite it being only a little fraction of this enormous dream space. This region is my realm, no, it is our domain, and I intend to cradle your consciousness right in this place whenever you die. I did promise you right, I will allow you to die, and then and again, you are not really dead but not alive at the same time as well. But dead is dead, I guess, so tell me, my cute bundle of disorder, how it feels to truly die for the first time?!"
Brunhilde asked a shocked Merciless, who could only say.