Merciless began to stroll along a hall, or rather, a very long corridor, the cold metal walls stretching as far as the eyes could see. However, as he was strolling with his company, that was Substance on his left, Anastasia on his right, and Hector at the front, with a big throng of other vampires and their minions in the back.
He saw that the hallway had numerous amount of rooms with numbers on them, and that groups of people were stopping at the doors and entering these rooms in groups as they walked down the corridor. However, according to the memories Hector recounted, the room number where his teammates were placed was R69.
He eventually arrived at his allotted chamber, and the door opened on its own, showing a vast room measuring 50 meters in height and breadth. The floor and walls were metallic, but in the center of the room was a giant round table with forty seats running around.
And as of just now, there was only one person present, or so it appeared, since when Merciless closed his eye to activate his third sight, he was surprised to find two people alongside the woman. Two of them were other women, but the most amusing aspect was that, despite their invisible form, they were all goth chicks.
Of course, as Merciless and his servants entered the room, they drew the attention of the woman at the table. The woman that stood before Merciless was stunning in every way, as were her invisible companions.
Merciless’ eyes were immediately drawn to the most attractive lady in the group: the leader, the one with the green lipstick, as one might expect, but with the power of Black Tail, Merciless could discern her lips were naturally green.
Before Merciless, there was a beautiful woman who appeared no older than twenty-one, with the oldest being twenty-five at the very minimum. Her face was covered in a black blindfold. However, with the Merciless Third Eye, he can see through objects, and because he has control over it, he can adjust the intensity of his powers, so he dulls the power output, allowing him to see solely through the blindfold of the power in question.
The woman was much shorter than him, standing 5’4 and wearing a black short top and a black short dress that was being held up by a spikey skeleton belt. On the other hand, she donned fishnet stockings and black high heels, but the heels in question were a sharp knife blade.
And, like most women in his striking zone, she had a huge set of breasts. The best part about having the third eye is that it allows him to peep at any woman he likes without having to look at them directly. This woman was on par, if not almost in Olga’s league.
She had her hands on the side of her body, yet gazing at her, not only was she breathtakingly gorgeous, but her eyes were also mesmerizing. They were unquestionably the most distinctive and unusual pair of eyes he had seen. It reminds him of himself when his Michellian blood starts boiling with excitement. When his sclera gets completely dark, his pupil stays a vividly tinted nocturnal navy blue.
In this instance, ignoring her gothic make-up, which was another enticing feature in his book... see, Merciless has a thing for goth females, a really tender and soft place even; you could even blame this on his goth period back in the day when he was so into the culture. But with the ugly, disgusting-looking body he once had and Carmilla slamming some reason into him about how the look didn’t suit him, he resigned from that part of his life. But with a body like his current one, he was seriously contemplating returning to the culture because vampires are as gothic as goth can be.
Her eyes, on the other hand, were distinctive in that her sclera was pale reddish-orange and her pupil was a stunningly brilliant neon emerald green. The same might be said about her lips. She had a slim body shape but was also thick in the right places. Merciless, who is more of an ass man and believes that enormous boobs are simply ass on the chest, making them even more necessary for a female to have in order to even grab his attention, to begin with, was tempted to touch, squeeze, and slap the bouncy ass of this woman before him.
This goth female also had some of the darkest hair he’d ever seen; it was chrome, if not vanta black. contrasted with her clean complexion, which was unique for a vampire since it made her appear more alive than dead, vividly speaking. However, her lips, fingernails, and even the interior of her mouth were all pure green; she was similar to Anastasia, whose flesh, blood, bones, and organs were blue, but her flesh and blood were green.
Merciless could tell she had fashion sense since she was wearing a thick blackish-bronze leather jacket around her torso, slouching over her shoulder slightly. But he also felt intimidated by this jacket and the fact that the clothing was not regular, because Black Tail even said that the jacket was something alive.
The woman then continued to scan around the group until her gaze fell on the tallest motherfucka among them, who exuded a sense of majesty befitting of a noble vampire.
The woman then stood up from her seat and approached Merciless, staring him down from top to bottom. She was walking around him while speaking, holding her chin as if contemplating something.
"Dress in all white, natural-born corruption, eh? So you are similar to me and Ophelia, which surprised me because I believed I and her were the only anomalies currently present, although your’s seems to soak far deeper than even mine and hers; how envious. Oh, gosh, such a big and cool-looking tail! Very tall and muscular, my sort of guy; would you look at those miasma-filled tattoos of arachnids, arachnida, and arthropods? A fellow bug lover, nice, cool, not bad; hmm, I’m not sure what clan you’re from since your eyes are covered, but if I had to guess, Clan Michellian or Solomon, right? You guys are known for your terrifying, intimidating appearance and deliquent-like tendencies."
The woman inquired as she spun around Merciless, who had his hands in his cloak. On the other hand, she looked up at him, crossed her hands, and remarked with a satisfied smile.
"Lucifera Azmandine Adramelech, from clan Jahad, I am the 6th eldest granddaughter of the 13th progenitor, Jahad Vizquella Adramelech, of the house of Adramelech. Nice to meet yah fren, btw, you can just call me Lucy; everyone does."
Merciless, being Merciless, responded by reaching his tail out for a handshake and molding the tip into a single black hand. Surprising Lucy, who giggled aloud to herself, Merciless was the next one to be astonished. Because, out of nowhere without warning, Lucy suddenly began shapeshifting as well, copying the form of his Black Tail into her lower spine and converting the tip into a black hand. Soon after, she began gripping Merciless’ tail, or hand in this case, and shaking it, and she said to him:
"*chuckle*chuckle*chuckle*, you are weird one big guy, shaking tail hands on the first meeting, how lewd!!"
Lucy remarked, licking her lips in excitement as she looked at Merciless with a hungry and mischievous expression on her face. Merciless, on the other hand, responded with.
"Weird, huh? Says the chick, Who can shapeshift as if it were nothing? Oh well, birds of a feather do indeed flock together, or so I was told. Anyway, my name is Merciless, and I am a member of Clan Michellian; and for reasons I cannot divulge, I cannot tell you who my sire is; in any case, it is nice to meet you as well, Lucy."
"Ohhh... a former human, eh? Quite the strange specimen, but I prefer a man with a little mystery in his luggage as well. Tell me how you are adjusting to our dark, entertaining, and fuck-up world."
"You talk as if you know I am a young vampire; for all you know, I could be thousands of years old."
Merciless inquired, impressed that this woman saw right through him; nevertheless, with age comes experience and wisdom, and she was far older than him, so her response explained how he was found out.
"That is correct, but I am convinced that you are either a fledgling or a beginner, no older than five to ten years old; I am estimating you have been a vampire for at least twenty years at the very most. You see, I belong to a saquat clan; we are described as such by the first generation of royal vampires. In the vampire world, the seven genuine royal families regard us as wayward spawns conceived or created by traitors. We are not first-generation vampires but rather second-generation vampires. Although weaker than the first generation, we are more adaptable in terms of power and overall ability since we have part of the first generation’s power at a lower level, as well as our own distinct clan features, just like the first generation."
"Oh. I see. I won’t reveal my age since it’s unimportant. But I’ll say this: as long as the saquat isn’t from my clan, I don’t care."
Merciless said, to which Lucy commented.
"I see; heheh... so if I was from the two saquat clans that came from the Michellian clan, that being the 16th Saquat clan, which is clan Cucala, which is ruled by the 16th Progenitor Cú Chulainn, or the 18 clans, ruled by the 18th Progenitor Merlin Pendragon from Clan Merlanian, you would have killed me, ha? Hehehe, the violent type. I like it. Well, I can’t blame you I have no doubt that I would have done the same."
Lucy said, while Merciless maintained a mental note that once he rose to power, those clans would be obliterated from the very sea of ideology itself, alongside the gods, of course; how dare they betray his clan? For such an unforgivable transgression, he swore upon the Elderblood’s name that he would slaughter each and every one of them; every Cucala and Merlanian alive would face a fate much worse than death.
Merciless simply nodded his head, agreeing with Lucy’s statements. But at the same time, he drew her attention and pointed to Lucy’s other pals before saying.
"Sooooo, are you going to introduce your friends to us, or are they just there for decoration?"
Merciless replied, but everyone in the group was stunned that there were more individuals currently there; even Hector was taken aback because his senses did not pick up anyone at all. The most surprised, however, were Lucy and her friends, who gazed at Merciless as if he were some kind of freak of nature, and another two goth chicks behind her—the one specifically to her left—were, of course, much more surprised than the others.
But it all concluded with Lucy laughing wildly to herself as if she had witnessed something genuinely amusing.
"Pf...pft...pffftt, hahaha..." Oh, dude... hahaakyahhahahaaa, absolutely amazing. Did you see them? Good for you, extremely good for you, ahahahahah... you hear that, Ophelia, Avrora. Pfftt... hahaha, agh men, you sneaky bitches were caught red-fucking-handed, lol; there’s no need for hiding anymore, yah know!!"
Lucy’s announcement caused the two invisible women to become visible to everyone. Finally showing themselves to everyone that was currently present.
"Wow, so there were actually two more people here; men vampires are fucking built differently on the real; I didn’t even sense them."
Anastasia commented, while Hector remarked secretly to himself.
’That woman on the left side has no aroma at all; in fact, it’s strange. Normally, I’m adept at reading people and sensing their chi, but this woman doesn’t have anything tied to her. There are no souls, no fragrance, no physical movement, nothing; she is like a rock golem, or more accurately, she does not exist at all, and yet she does; what the hell type of power is this?’
’On the other hand, what precisely is a human even doing here? No, she is something more; she smells and looks human, but there is something odd about her that makes her a little uncanny to me.’
Hector remarked this to himself while Merciless stared at the two new faces, both of whom were goth girls like Lucy. Another large bosom goth beauty stood to the left, her complexion a little lighter than Lucy’s, and she was dressed in a sleeveless dark purple blouse and a black short skirt. She was also dressed in thin transparent stockings with custom-designed purple blindfolds that resembled a sleep mask rather than a blindfold.
This woman possessed keen, dark purple claws and shiny blackish-purple hair. Her lips appear to be purple, and when Merciless uses his third eye, he is surprised to see that she has purple nipples, unlike Anastasia, who has blue nipples, and Lucy, who has green nipples.
She was easily the tallest of the goth girls; standing at a respectable 6’1, she towered over the other two.
On the other hand, the final goth babe, the little beauty on the right, was the shortest person in the room, standing at 4’1 and wearing a distinctive sleeveless top made of latex and rubber. It was dark and wrapped around her neck. Speaking of the neck, there was a strange contraption around this woman’s neck.
A collar or choker with a little purple hue. This woman’s complexion was neither too clear nor too pale; she had long, straight black hair; and her breast was excellent in the sense that it was enormous and firm, but not too large or too firm at the same time. While her ass was equally proportioned, her whole figure was flawless, in Merciless opinion.
However, when he utilized the third eye, he was astounded to see that her left eye was a vivid blue and the other eye was purple. On the other hand, what was inside startled him: metallic bones, electronics, gears, some fleshy sections, and a slew of other futuristic components. In layman’s terms, this woman was a cyborg—around 80% mechanical and 20% human, he estimated.
And when Merciless recognized her for who she actually is, he couldn’t help but think.
’A cyborg goth girl, now that is something new, hmm, damn, that kind of hot when you think about it, she is the best of both worlds, like them dark, you goth, the goth aesthetics, like them less human, more machine, you can take pleasure in knowing that she is basically an advanced sex doll created from a type-5 civilization, hahah... or that is what I like to imagine in this case.’
’Although she has a lot of old magical literature on a lot of her mechanical components, notably her skeleton structure, yeah men, this supernatural world is fucking awesome, and I’m happy I was fucking killed by those two random ass vampires; in a sense, I sort of want to thank them, lol. Agh, to hell with it; a harem isn’t complete without a goth chick in the mix, and in my case, I want them all. I’m particularly interested in experimenting with this cyborg; she appears to be fun to play with. Heheh, oh, now, now let’s cool the fuck down Merciless, don’t let your desire to experiment take over, at least not here.’
Merciless spoke to himself. At that point, the goth girl on the right approached Merciless and Lucy, scratching her head as she spoke.
"You either have good eyes or exist on a different plane of existence; you are the first person I have met who can see through my ultimate veil."
"Ultimate Veil?"
Merciless expressed some confusion.
"Yes, that’s the name of my Ichors; I have the ability to conceal and hide things from existence itself. I could hide concepts and even time itself, just like others and my own memories. Essentially, I can manipulate reality and change the results of any circumstance by concealing history from existence itself. But if someone’s existential score is higher than mine, I can’t hide anything that strongly involves them at all."
And when Merciless heard this, he and the others who heard it opened their eyes in horror, with Merciless saying as follows:
"By Eos above, that fucking broken as hell; woman, remind me never to piss you off, heheh."
Merciless joked: After all, he knew Ichor came in all shapes and forms, and he also knew vampires were like gods on earth, with the power that some of these Ichor had. As a result, this lady has the ability to affect the outcomes of anything beneath her; this alone was broken as hell and could win most fights. How could you fight something like that? Merciless wondered, and it is by far the most unusual power he has seen a vampire possess thus far as well.
Lucy laughed slightly as she spoke right after.
"Believe me, I understand how you feel; her abilities are insanely unfair on so many levels. She definitely received a broken-ass Ichor in the dark sea when she rebirthed as a Jahad; I, on the other hand, could defeat her instantaneously if I wanted to. After all, my existence score is higher than hers, so I kind of get a break there, hahaha; then again, my power allows me to get close and personal to another person or straight up annihilate them with a single thought alone from afar if I ever willed it."
"Is that so? Fascinating indeed! You all are extremely strong."
"I could say the same about you; no surprise you keep so many secrets. With that score, it may make a girl question your genuine identity, you know."
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"Really, what’s my existence score, then?"
Merciless questioned the girl, but the woman only giggled to herself and responded in a playful tone as she began clutching her lip with the tip of her right index finger.
"Now, now big guy, that’s for me to know and you to find out."
"Hmm, is that an invitation I hear?"
Merciless joked back with a similarly flirtatious tone.
"Hmm.. maybe. Why don’t you come and find out when we are alo... EGHHHEEE!!
However, before the woman could finish speaking, Lucy stomped, or in this case, stabbed through and through, the flirting goth babe’s feet, forcing her to halt and flinch in agony. While Lucy like a sadistic demon, began to twist the blade of her heel in her foot and smile at Merciless while speaking, causing five purple fox tails and a pair of fox ears to pop out in reflex to the sudden pain.
"Pay this slutty Kitsune no mind, Merciless, She might seem flirty, but all she is after is your seed and overall wealth—quite a feat if I have to say; your existence score must be something else; this woman only goes for men with an existence score that is over 1,000,000 and more; if that is the case, you are definitely royalty, like myself within your clan, that is, fufufu... If that is the case, you must be the kilde of one of the grand elders of the Michellian clan, right? Heheh, how interesting!!"
"Hehe, is that so, egh? Well, hehehe, who knows? Maybe I am; maybe I am not. But, wow, you were a Kitsune all along, ha? That’s sort of sexy—a variant that is both a Kitsune and a vampire. Heheheh!! That’s something unique."
Merciless addressed the anonymous lady while simultaneously responding to Lucy’s charges. On the other hand, the goth kitsune stated to Merciless as she began to introduce herself, doing a fine job of ignoring the pain of being stabbed in the feet by a Godium blade despite her face seeming a little distressed; her speech was fluent and normal.
"Yeah, handsome, I am a Kitsune; a yokai, many would say; by the way, my name is Ophelia, the kilde of this terrifying green demoness and the biological daughter of the renowned Tamamo-no-Mae. Although my mother despises me and believes I am a failure as a Yokai, heheh... but who cares what that old hag thinks; I live by my own rules, and only my own rules; but in any case, that is me in a nutshell; glad to meet you, Merciless."
Ophelia replied with a forceful smile, and Merciless couldn’t tell if the pain behind that smile was from being disowned or from being stabbed by Lucy’s dagger heels.
On the other hand, Lucy sighed and yanked her feet up. She pulled the bloodied knife with curved edges from her foot, pulling a chunk of flesh with it. She looked at Merciless and spoke as such.
"That’s pretty much it for this promiscuous kitsune. Now, let me introduce you to the final member of the goth club, Merciless. Allow me to introduce you to one of my father’s greatest creations. #A-12, or 12th Avrora, for short, is a cyborg and former witch of the Jenova Tower; basically, we fucked up a witch, ripped it into little pieces, brain-fucked her conscious mind into a messy puddle of despair and fear, and reassembled this female thing to our taste, and as of right now, she is still in defense mode, so she is unable to communicate. However, in this state, she will murder anyone who attempts to assault me. And get this out of me and Ophelia. Avrora is the strongest member of the goth club."
"But yeah, that’s basically us; now, Merciless, why don’t you introduce us to your servants? They all look quite powerful, especially the old head at the back."