Chapter 180 -176: After the Expo
[3rd POV - Lois Lane]
With the reveal of the Cradle, the halls of the convention center were abuzz as they all walked out from the main event, and the reveal of Talia's best technology. Lois was walking through the halls in shock as she began to fully register what she had seen in the reveal.
Talia had shown technology beyond anything she or anyone else in the room had ever seen. Wi-fi and Cellular that was cheaper than all competition, and far better in quality, granting better connection than any other Wifi on the planet, should her claims be true.
It would also revolutionize safety too, giving people better connection to around the world, similar to how the phone itself was said to be durable enough to withstand the forces of nature around the world, the new cellular would all them to call from around the world without fear of there being no service, something that would almost certainly help save lives. The gpu's and computer parts didn't make much sense to Lois, but if the reactions of the tech influencers was any indicator, it seemed that she was making revolutionary claims in that regard as well. And with how important GPU's are beginning to get to certain businesses and companies, Lois knew that that particular item would be selling a LOT, especially since it was a relatively affordable price compared to what there is now.
But it was the Cradle that had caused an awed reaction from Lois. It wasn't everyday that she was shocked by something, considering her connection to the Man in Blue, but the sight of the Veterans arm completely healed as if he never lost it, was something that she couldn't help but gape at.
The technology that Talia had revealed would revolutionize healing and medicine, but it would also make a LOT of jobs completely unnecessary...normally. Talia had been pretty upfront about the negative effects this could have on society, until she revealed that it wouldn't work on every single injury or disease, nor could it work at a constant rate, not yet. Using the cradle was draining on power, and draining on the stamina/energy of the one being healed, which means that trusted professionals need to watch over the healing process to make sure their bodies could actually handle it.
Lois could already see CNN and the other media groups making calls and spreading the news about this new design. Lois knew enough about politics and the less....trustworthy media groups, that it was only a matter of time before Congress or some politicians decided they didn't like this and try to stop it. Or better yet, an insurance company or pharmaceutical companies around the world.
She would try her best to stay away from that mess, knowing that what Talia was doing was incredibly important, and while it would have some side effects for doctors around the world, it would, in the end, be better for the world, granted that it works without side effects of course.
But for now, she had some calls to make.
[3rd POV - Talia Morningstar] [1 Month Later]
A month had passed since the official reveal of her company and it's products, and a LOT had happened. Mostly in regards to the company itself and Talia's personal leveling.
Her company, as you'd assume, had BLOWN up with her Phones, Laptops, Tablets, Watches, and pretty much all of her other products, being sold out within minutes of release. She already had thousands being produced by her clones, and were constantly being sold off in shops around the world.
She had made deals with various stores to sell, and had already started up her own. She had, in one month of opening, made over a billion dollars as she was selling her items around the world. Had she not had the wealth she did and the sheer supply, she would have made far less, but thanks to her clones, she was at a consistent rate of production, and was already hard at work at the next iteration of her products.
The fact that the best Tech Influencers on the planet were all singing praises about her items, also was a boon as well. Her different products were considered "The Absolute Best of the Best" in both price and quality. They were cheaper than most Iphones and Samsung Phones, and were far better quality than both.
This content is taken from freё
Add in the new wifi and cellular she had created, and she was making a LOT of money. Enough that her competitors were trying their best to catch up. She already heard word of them trying to use her phones to make their own better, but they were failing every time they tried, as her phones were simply more advanced.
The Cradle had been...a rather interesting subject.
As she had assumed, certain companies had already kicked up a fuss over the item, bribing high end doctors into labeling it as "Dangerous" and how it "Doesn't Work". Obviously this only worked for a few hours before leaks were spread of their interactions and bribing, as well as some rather nasty rumors of the CEO not paying taxes.
IRS was at his door the next day.
She did have to deal with a few politicians, but thankfully J'onn got into contact with the president in regards to the Cradle, and basically told her that Solaris was a part of the creation of the device, and that it truly was safe. The politicians stopped bugging her soon afterwards, how the president managed that, Talia didn't know, as politicians were like roaches, never going away and never dying off.
Over these days she had started to send her clones around the world, beginning her revitalization of countries around the world, healing their soil and water. And through her new company and this, her divinity had begun to rapidly grow stronger and stronger at a much faster pace than before, to the point that Talia was certain that she was around halfway to the next level already.
Besides revitalizing around 12 more countries around the world, Talia had continued to recruit humans around the world for her dimension. She had focused almost entirely on saving people affected by Wars, Terrorist Groups, homeless people that had nowhere else to go and needed help, and most of all, children in 3rd world countries that desperately needed
Through this, her civilian count had shot up to over 10,000, increasing by a massive amount, as the town in her dimension had grown into a small city. The civilians began to grow stronger and stronger thanks to the influence of her energies that filled the dimension, and some of them even began to train with the dungeon monsters that had begun to leave the dungeon more often. It wasn't irregular to see monsters and humans walking the streets of her first city, with smiles on their faces.
She had started to go back into the dungeon more and more, as she rapidly completed quests and slaughtered the beings inside. The Cadre Fallen Angels, The Original Four Satans, and even the Dragon Kings had fallen before her might. None of them were all that powerful, as her magic was massively beyond them at this point. And through this, she had completed a number of quests and gotten a lot of levels.
Kill the Cadre Fallen Angels - 45 levels, 2 powerful items
Kill the original Four Satans - 45 levels, 2 powerful items
Kill the Dragon Kings - 45 Levels, 1 incredibly powerful item
Kill 500 Gods - 20 Levels
Killing so many Gods had been a bit harder than the rest of them, due to the sheer number of powerful enemies she was facing, but even they couldn't contend with her magical might. So now, all she had to kill was a few stragglers for the Fallen Angels, the Biblical God, The New Four Satans, and a few more powerful beings. Killing all these creatures had put her to levels 239 and 258 respectively.
The items she had gotten from the quests were...incredible.
[Power Item 1]
Blood of the Four Satans - The Blood of the Four original Satans, those with the purest devil blood of all devils. When consumed, all demonic powers, abilities, etc, are strengthened by
[Powerful Item 2]
Skin of the Nemean Lion - An item that can be equipped as the user's "Skin". When equipped, the user's durability is doubled. This by itself isn't all that impressive, but this "Skins" primary and most powerful ability, is its ability to absorb materials in order to strengthen the users skin into the durability of that material, as well as the ones beforehand, combining perfectly into something even stronger. (EX: The user absorbs Vibranium, Adamantium, and Tungsten, the users durability will now be as strong as them combined, even if that would normally make the users durability weaker).
[Powerful Item 3]
Master Ball - A Master Ball from Pokemon. When used on a creature, it will catch them regardless of their power, making them completely and utterly subservient to the user.
[Powerful Item 4]
The Garden - A "Garden" that when anything is planted within, all plants will grow at a 100x faster pace than in the outside world. When the crop is harvested, it will produce 2x the normal amount. All crops planted within are 10x more durable, tasty, boosting (in the case of magic), etc. Can be placed within the user's personal dimension.
[Incredibly Powerful Item]
Time Stone - Mind Stone - One of the 6 infinity stones of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the representation of the fabric of Time. Unlike the original, this mind stone works in all universes the user travels to, and it is keyed so that only the user my wield it's immense power. The full power of this object is sealed away, due to the users inability to wield it's full might. Currently, it has the following powers, abilities, etc.
Massively increase the users "Speeds", such as reaction speeds, regenerative speeds,
learning speeds, adaptation speeds, etc, etc.
Grants the user immunity to all forms of aging.
Grants complete immunity to all time based magic, powers, anomalies, etc.
Massively increases the users ability to see into the past and future.
Allows the user to control time to an incredible degree.
Can now tap into the timestream and learn from the past and future of universes traveled to.
Massively strengthens all time based powers, such as time magic by 100x.
All of the powers of this stone are boosted by 50x per universe traveled to, starts at 100x
(TVD, Shadowhunters, Danmachi, Earth 38, Earth TUD25 = 350x)
Also passively strengthens the users soul, as like the mind stone and Space stone, it is
housed within the users soul.
Many more abilities can be revealed through training and gathering the rest of the Infinity
[Due to having the Space Stone, the time stone has been strengthened, doubling all it's existing abilities, and making said abilities much less taxing on the body] [Doubling already
applied! (Previous numbers were 50x)]
The time stone had been...incredible. As with its passive ability of boosting her bodily
"Speeds" she was now constantly adapting at incredible speeds, quite literally 350x faster than before. Her energy regenerated practically instantly now, her regeneration was instant, and her soul was constantly growing more and more.
She had also gained a lot of levels, enough to get a number of quirks and complete her current
[Quirk 24 - Acid: Acid allows the user to create corrosive liquid from their skin, with it being naturally resistant to the acid they produce]
[Quirk 25 - Black Hole: Black Hole allows the user to create small black holes through their
fingers. The black holes suck in and disintegrate any matter at the atomic level, as well as certain forms of energy, such as light. In combat, Anan can use this ability to prevent enemies from escaping her range by sucking them towards herself. (Of course, these are not on par with actual black holes, but they simply mimic them)]
[Quirk 26 - Bubble: Bubble allows the user to make bubbles, of various sizes, filled with an
aroma that they have smelled at least once before]
[Quirk 27 - Confession: After asking a question, Confession allows the user to force the
victim to answer truthfully]
[Quirk 28 - Creation: Creation allows the user to materialize physical objects, such as
weapons and tools, from any part of their body. This is achieved by the user transmuting the
molecular structure of their fat cells]
[Quirk 29 - Elasticity: Elasticity allows the user to bestow the property of elasticity to
anything they touch]
[Quirk 30 - Energy Saver: Energy Saver allows the user's body to function on very small
amounts of nutrition and hydration, as well as allow them to process without much sleep] [Quirk 31 - Erasure: Erasure allows the user to cancel out the Quirk of anyone they look at] [Quirk 32 - Fat Absorption: Fat Absorption grants the user the ability to adhere any objects to their body and make them sink into their body fat upon contact with it] [Quirk 33 - Fiber Master: Fiber Master allows the user to freely control fiber. The user has
power over all types of cloth, being capable of telekinetic dominance over the threads that compose them]
[Quirk 34 - Fierce Wings: Fierce Wings grants the user a pair of large, red wings made up of dozens of feathers. They can freely manipulate each individual feather using their mind] [Quirk 35 - Foldabody: Foldabody grants the user the ability to manipulate the thinness of their body as well as stretch their limbs]
[Quirk 36 - Foresight: Foresight granted the user the ability to accurately predict all of the
target's future moves and actions for an entire hour. Foresight is activated by first touching a target and then making eye contact with them] [Quirk 37 - Gyrate: Gyrate allows the user to rotate any part of their body at high speeds]
[Quirk 38 - Heal: Heal allows the user to amplify and quicken their targets' healing process by extending their lips and kissing them]
[Quirk 39 - One for All: One For All also allows the user to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power, allowing them to significantly enhance their physical abilities to a superhuman level, resulting in unbelievable strength, speed, agility, and durability. The user can focus the stockpiled power into a single body part or spread it evenly throughout their body, although focusing the energy puts a tremendous strain on the part of the body where the power is concentrated. The user can also control the percentage of the power they activate. One For All can even grant the user an exceptional strength boost to their given Quirk if they have one. Grants all assimilated quirks as well as the already stockpiled power up to Izuku, all previous hosts and their consciousness has been eliminated from this quirk. Due to the stockpiled power, boosts the effects of all other quirks several times over]
[Quirk 40 - All for One: All For One allows the user to steal Quirks from anyone they touch
for personal use or transfer the stolen Quirks to anyone. It also allows the user to wield several Quirks simultaneously. Giving and taking away Quirks is done through touch, through a hole in the palm of the user's hand, once it receives contact]
[Main Class Maxed, please select new class]
[Main Class - Hero | One Punch Man]
[Main Class - Sacred Gear Wielder | DXD] [Main Class - Sorcerer | MCU] [Subclass maxed, please select new class]
[Subclass - Deviant | MCU]
[Subclass - Daxamite | Arrowverse]
[Subclass - CEO]
Talia decided on Sacred Gear Wielder and Deviant. Daxamite sounded good on paper, but it
wouldn't give her much besides a boost in strength and speed, and that was about it. Whereas Deviant was directly related to the Celestials from MCU, and dealt with Cosmic Energies.
[Sacred Gear Wielder (DXD) - The "Class" from DXD that deals with Sacred Gears, powerful weapons that were created by the Biblical God. These weapons are immensely powerful and have practically infinite potential for growth, with each of them having their own set of abilities. There are also the "Longinus" class sacred gears, the most powerful of them all, and the ones that could "Destroy the World and Kill God's and Buddha's". Every level increases the users magic and Heavenly Demonic Energy. Every 50 levels the user receives a Sacred Gear. Sacred gears with beings within (such as the Boosted Gear with Ddraig) those beings are no longer there] [Max Level 200]
[Deviant (MCU) - An incredibly powerful "Apex" species from the MCU, created by the Celestials themselves to ensure development of planets with sapient life. Every level increases the user's physical capabilities, energies, and adaptive capabilities. The user of this class can absorb the powers, abilities, and memories of those they kill, without the need to absorb their bodies] [Max Level - 200]
[Sacred Gear 1 - Blade Blacksmith: Blade Blacksmith has the ability to create numerous Holy
Swords of different attributes according to the will of the wielders] [Sacred Gear 2 - Annihilation Maker (Longinus): Annihilation Maker grants its wielder the ability to create numerous creatures from their shadows, based on their imagination. As such, the more honed the user's imagination and productivity, the more powerful the creature, as well as being able to produce a greater variety of creatures]
The sacred gears were both welcome additions to her power, as Blade Blacksmith was pretty
monstrous in combination with her knowledge of blades, and the Gate of Babylon. Annihilation Maker was even better than Blade Blacksmith, as she'd basically have her own personal army at her beck and call, one completely based around her imagination and power. With all of that done with, she had consumed the Quirk Booster, which had a rather...interesting effect on some of her quirks. They had all been massively strengthened thanks to the combination of the booster, One for All, and Faith. It had been enough that her
quirks were seemingly growing close to an evolution of sorts, something new and stronger than their original selves, and it wasn't just one or two that was close, but over a dozen. At the moment Talia was sipping on her coffee, in her office in her company's headquarters that was situated in a large skyscraper in the middle of National City. She had it built while creating her company, giving her a headquarters right off the bat to work with. The girls were all in the basement of the company, working on some of their own projects. "Looks like the Cradles have been working well" Talia muttered with a pleased smile, seeing
the amount of money she was making off of it, while at the same time, she was happy about the sheer amount of people it was helping.
"I'll have to up the production of them with all the requests for them" Talia sighed, knowing
that hospitals and countries around the world were asking for them. With how much they were helping, they couldn't not ask for them, even if getting any information on the Cradle would be impossible, as many had tried, and all had failed to figure out how it worked.
Talia stopped as she felt something, before she let out an amused chuckle as she rose to her
"For now, lets deal with the worms that are trying to look where they shouldn't" Talia muttered with a small grin as she set off the silent alarm that would notify her familiars,
gazing at a group of men attempting to break into the basement.
"Cadmus huh...let's see how good you are"
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That's the end of the chapter!
Next chapter will have an altercation with Cadmus, some talking, and some other stuff.
Sorry about the late upload, I ended up falling asleep halfway into writing this.
Daughter of God should be getting updated tomorrow or later tonight. Anyways, have a good day!