Judging by how not even several minutes were enough for the stream to fill in the small pond Theo made, for it to fill just a single stretch of his defense ditch would take...
Much longer than Theo could afford to wait. Much longer than he had left before the next wave of challengers would strike his zone.
When it came to the water extractor, though, even though it was placed on just an inch or two of water within the pond?
The water gushed out from the open end of the copper pipe, quickly filling up the entirety of the test trench, quickly reaching the level where, due to the concern of flooding the entire area, Theo had no other choice but to twist the valve at the end of the pipe to close it off.
"Woah..." he muttered in silent amazement as he turned back and looked in the direction of the huge machine.
With the free flow of the water now cut, the massive turbine that made up most of the entity had now come to a grinding halt, no longer able to push more and more water out through its output with the pipes now reaching their full saturation.
"I wasn’t sure whether to expect anything out of it, but this sure worked even better than I hoped it would!"
Even if in reality this machine provided only half of the water that Theo remembered the game-born original doing, when translated to the real world...
The original machine in the game could pump out a whopping hundred and twenty cubic meters of water per minute. When halved, that amounted to only sixty cubic meters per minute... Or, in more common units, a whopping thousand liters per second!
Yet, even the sight of the water just shooting out of the pipe only to crash against the opposing wall of the trench before falling down to its bottom or seeing how quickly this short stretch of the dugout filled up...
All of it meant nothing when compared to the scale of the full trench Theo still had yet to properly dig out!
And so, wasting no more time, Theo swung his hand a few times to warm it up before pulling out his universal tool and getting to work.
Bit by bit, he would excavate a huge amount of dirt and occasional stones from just beyond the limit of his wooden walls. Yet, rather than doing it all at once, he would excavate a total of three times for the trench to reach sufficient width and depth before actually moving over to its next part.
Still, for as boring and outright annoying as this kind of repetitive job could be, Theo didn’t stop to rest even for a moment.
Not when his memory of the monsters he was likely to soon come to face was still fresh.
In the end, this arduous task of doing nothing but digging out dirt ended up taking just two hours, when the back wall of the original stretch of his trench finally vanished under the influence of his universal tool.
But that still was nothing more than just the first out of the total of five times that he would have to go all around the inner ring of his walls. Thankfully, though, while excavating all the dirt required Theo to excavate three times per single stretch, now that he moved on to the task of covering its walls and the bottom with concrete, he could do two lengths of the original trench with a single press of a button!
This allowed him to cut the time needed for the task from around two hours to just half of a single hour, leaving him with a now mostly empty, deep ditch surrounding the core of his entire domain.
"Now, that’s the easy part done," Theo thought to himself before taking in a deep breath and moving in to tackle the more annoying, much more arduous part of the job.
This content is taken from freёwebnovel.com.
The part where he would insert iron rods directly through the concrete walls at both edges of his ditch. Yet, contrary to what seemed like the obvious arrangement of mirroring the position of the rods on the opposing ends of the ditch...
Theo made sure to insert them into the existing structure in the exact same way, with the only variation being in the height of the insertion.
In this way, the rods on the outer rim of the ditch would cut from just below the surface level on the inside, then through the concrete and into the ground itself, while the rods angled on the inner rim of the edge would come out directly from the concrete, sticking out just a few inches above the reinforcement layer, only to then cut through the solid material and emerge on the other side.
That task alone cost Theo a further three hours to complete, only to then leave him with just one more step that he actively had to participate in as opposed to just starting the machines and waiting for them to finish the job.
The task... That, out of everything, Theo actively dreaded.
’I wonder if I will have the time to do it all,’ he thought, as he quickly crafted a temporary slab of concrete to walk over the ditch before sitting down on its edge with his legs dangling down as he summoned a massive stack of simple cable his machines crafted before pulling out the iron sword—the one that he made in a failed attempt to hunt for some sort of achievement.
"Well then, here goes nothing," he muttered to himself as he found the end of the cable... before dragging it against the sword’s edge, cutting the rubber insulation open before dragging the separate wires away from each other.
That was the easier half of the task, one Theo completed in just under twenty minutes. But when it came to actually using this split cable, though...
"This is really going to be one hell of a pain," he whispered to himself as he got down to his knees before wrapping the cable twice around the protruding iron bar before taking a few steps ahead, getting down on his knees, and then repeating the process again.
"One cable for the positive rods, one cable for the negative rods," he thought, wrapping the wire around the next iron rebar as he glanced over to the other side of his ditch.
This job was by no means hard. Kneel down, wrap two loops of the wire around the rebar, rise up and take a step, then rinse and repeat for as many times as it took to include every protruding iron rod in the build. Then, take a short breather and use the other wire to do it all again on the outer end of the ditch.
Once done, connect the cables to a simple switch hidden within the walls before opening the pipe’s valve, allowing the water extractor to fill the trench with water.
Then, just kick some dirt into the water to make it actually conductive...
And the electrifying trap capable of utilizing over a thousand megawatts of power left spare in Theo’s factory engine would be completed!