"Dragon, just to clarify, you said your boss’s name is Dragon…" I said with as straight of a face as I could possibly muster.
"Yeah, I heard some of the necklace Tier guys calling Boss Dragon," Clive stated matter-of-factly while nodding his head like a bobble doll. However, after a couple of seconds of this, I noticed that Clive appeared to be holding his wrist and rubbing it, much like how a child would after getting hurt.
"What’s wrong, buddy?" motioning for the big lug to show me his arm, I asked, creating a strange image of a man four times my size holding up his arm to me like a saint bernard.
Reaching out, I caught hold of Clive’s arm and examined the bracelet with apparent disgust on my face.
’Quite unfortunate; I was hoping to get some more information from this guy before the Homunculus rejected him for spilling secrets.’ I thought but suddenly froze because I felt an itching sensation at the back of my neck.
Moving on pure instinct, I dropped to my belly right as something whizzed past my head too fast to see, even in my perception…and then…
Clive’s head exploded.
’Mother fucker,’
(Be advised we have Ranker Snipers somewhere out there; my lead was just taken out by one, and the only thing I was able to get out of him was that Draven is still alive and here.)
(You’ve got to be kidding me; I was there when he died. Do we have confirmation that it’s him and not someone claiming to be him?) Brenden’s strained voice came over the comms as he was no doubt in a heated battle with multiple opponents.
(I was there too Marek; I saw him die, or at least fall after the battle, but don’t forget his body was never recovered, only the Homunculus crown. The possibility of him being the one running the show isn’t small) Chiming in the sounds of explosions and gunfire came over my father’s headset.
(The sniper shot came from 160 South by Southwest; keep away from windows or open spaces with an outside view.) Half-paying attention to the conversation happening between my brother and father, I brought up several Geo-Walls scattered around the rooftop for cover before dashing to the closest one and peeking around the corner in an attempt to get eyes on the sniper.
This content is taken from freёwebnovel.com.
Unfortunately, even after searching for a few seconds, I saw nothing, not even the reflection of sunlight on a scope, and was forced to duck back behind cover, just in case I was being targeted.
The itching feeling was still there, but it was nowhere near as bad as it had been moments before.
’Hes not within a mile, hes further out, either that or hes on the move, tsk fucking Rankers,’
Meanwhile, as I sat on the rooftop trying to figure out my next move, all around me, the sounds of automatic weapons firing and screams resounded, yet I paid them no mind, that is, until I felt something that shouldn’t be present…
’Son of a bitch, THESE CRAZY BASTARDS!’
(PARTICLE GRENADE CHARGING UP GET BEHIND COVER!) As if mirroring my thoughts, Brenden screamed into his headset, a signal for both me and any heroes nearby.
’The Gym,’ snapping my head toward the opposite side of the school, I watched on as the concrete building over 500 yards away bubbled up as if made of liquid before Exploding toward the sky with a flash of blue light.
It was a bit like watching a water geyser or volcano erupt; the roof shot up in pieces, carrying along with it people and objects caught in the blast, who a few seconds later were entirely vaporized by the intense heat generated by the particle grenade.
(Nexus…) Knowing that I probably had the best view of the detonation and could tell a lot more about what I was seeing than he could, Brenden was quick to speak up.
(Barely Alpha and highly unstable, it looks like the shoddy craftsmanship of a newbie; the destruction radius is roughly 50 feet in every direction; however, it seems to burn a bit hotter, and the casualties were vaporized after three seconds instead of instantly.)
’Hm, that doesn’t seem right…’ Sensing movement out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of Harvy right as he was catapulted out of the Cafeteria, and honestly, given the shape he was in, it looked like he had just gone ten rounds in a boxing ring with Mike Tyson. He was seriously beaten to shit, yet even when he hit the ground, the kid jumped back to his feet and rushed back forward…leaving me with one thought…
’Fast…hes way too fast, wait, there’s no way, scratch that, I can think of 50 different ones, but this is a problem.’ Extending my hand toward where I had left them, I used Dust Manipulation to recover my Eskrima sticks, sheathed them on my back, and dashed toward the edge of the roof.
Then…I am ashamed to admit…I took a leap of faith, full arm spread, slow-mo flip, and all, before landing in a very superhero-esk manner on one knee outside of the Cafeteria.
’Fuckin stupid, better have looked good,’ was all I thought as I rushed forward to intercept Harvy, only to find him locked in hand-to-hand combat with a young woman wearing bright pink tights and a mask.
"YOU BITCH!" Harvy screamed while throwing rapid-fire kicks as if an expert in Taekwondo.
’It’s like hes been trained heavily by an expert, with perfect form, perfect timing, and an obsessive amount of power behind each kick; tsk, there’s no time to analyze minor details,’ with that thought, I drew my Eskrima sticks, dashed forward, and slid on the ground.
Next, while sliding past him, I hooked Harvy’s dominant leg, the one he was currently standing on while kicking with the other, with my Eskrima, and spun around right as I dropped him onto his back with a loud thud.
Then, before he could even react, I jammed my second Eskrima into his chest and pushed a small button to send an impressive amount of Electricity into Harvy’s body, giving the effect of a super powerful tazer or cattle prod.
"What the heck, where did you come from!" I heard from not far away, causing me to look up at the girl in pink and shoot her an upward nod before flashing her a bright yet cocky smile and saying…
"Sup Pinky!"