The Rise Of Australasia

Chapter 271 - 245: Medical Reimbursement Policy
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It was precisely because of the influx of a large number of immigrants and the increasing involvemt of indigous people in agricultural labor that, in 907, the total grain output of Australasia broke through to a new high of 6.7 million tons since the establishmt of the nation.

If we look at the currt per capita consumption of grain in Australasia, the grain produced in 907 alone would be ough to support over 0 million people, let alone the various meats and dairy products brought by the developed animal husbandry in Australasia.

It is also due to the increasing number of immigrants and indigous people that the per capita cultivated land area in Australasia has increased by about %, ev with an increase in the agricultural population.

If the population growth rate in 907 is maintained, it will take another five years for the population of Australasia to officially break through t million.

There should be more than t million people before World War I, although not comparable to other powers, but the population issue is not so severe.

More importantly, the proportion of British descdants in Australasia has always be above the 70% qualified line, which is also a major factor in the stability of Australasia.

Also rising steadily is the per capita annual income of Australasia. Since Arthur came to Australia, the per capita annual income in this region has be growing continuously.

By the d of 907, the per capita annual income in Australasia had reached 43 Australian dollars, with 44 Australian dollars in the Australian region and 40 Australian dollars in the New Zealand region.

The per capita incomes of the two colonial regions of New Guinea and Dili were 35 Australian dollars and 4 Australian dollars, respectively.

The per capita annual income in Dili has little referce value, as Dili has only be a colony of Australasia for a few months, and the most important task at prest in Dili is to restore order and stability.

At prest, Australia and New Zealand have successively tered the dream of a happy life, and with their basic needs for food and clothing met, the medical and educational needs of the Australian people have also be well satisfied.

Currtly, the people of Australasia have gerally accumulated savings, and a considerable number of them have some assets.

Under the patronage of the royal financial group, Australasia has se the birth of a large number of petty bourgeoisie during this period, as well as a large number of small workshops and factories, and privately-run shops and stalls.

These have also made a huge contribution to the economic prosperity of Australasia, and they have also indirectly driv the developmt of the Australasian economy.

At prest, Sydney has three busiest commercial streets, with merchants from all over the world selling and promoting their products.

With the economic developmt of Australasia, its fame in Europe has be growing.

This is also the reason why there are more and more European immigrants in Australasia. With the guarantee of food, clothing, housing, and medical care and education, the attractivess of Australasia to immigrants seems to be no less than that of the United States.

Of course, the most attractive thing is that Australasia not only has no black chocolate, but also has a large amount of indigous labor for free and can employ a large amount of indigous labor.

Although it is in the form of leasing, after all, they also have ough labor to work for themselves. This makes the dream of many Europeans who want to become farm owners and factory owners come true, as after all, being a capitalist themselves is much better than being oppressed by others in the United States.

After all, the welfare policies for the Australian workers and common people have long be spread in Europe and the United States, and many people have a good impression of Arthur, a monarch who strives to protect the interests of the common people, ev if they live in a free republic.

Ev in countries like Britain and Germany that are recognized as world powers, people cannot guarantee that their treatmt will be as firmly protected as the treatmt of people in Australasia.

Although the income of Australasian workers is not comparable to that of the powerful nations, they do not have to worry about wage deductions, oppression, or exploitation.

Not only will they receive their wages on time, but Australasian workers will also joy legal holidays, triple overtime pay on holidays, and befits such as holiday blessings and celebration gifts.

After all, large factories have a large number of indigous laborers to exploit, so they naturally don't have to take a lot of risks to exploit those workers.

Indigous labor is so handy to use, you don't have to worry about their lives, they don't have to worry about food wh they're in a bad mood, and every time an indigous person dies, the governmt will sd a new one to replace them, so there's no need to worry about a shortage of indigous labor.

After all, the areas currtly controlled by Australasia alone have millions of indigous people, and the number of indigous people in the Dutch East Indies and Southeast Asian regions reaches hundreds of millions, so the rate at which Australasia consumes indigous people is completely incomparable to the rate at which they reproduce.

At prest, the region where indigous people are most frequtly used in agriculture is the New Guinea Colony. The New Guinea Colony has only more than 30,000 people, but has as many as 0,000 indigous people gaged in agricultural labor.

New Guinea's agricultural output accounts for one-thirteth of the total output of the Kingdom of Australasia, reaching about 50,000 tons.

Just the agricultural products produced in New Guinea alone are ough to support the three regions of New Guinea, Dili, and New Zealand.

More importantly, New Guinea has a large area, and the developmt of arable land has only just begun.

If several hundred thousand indigous people are invested in this area, it could become the granary of Australasia. By that time, the output of New Guinea alone would be ough to support a population of million.

Thanks to the domestic grain output, Australasia has currtly established one or more large grain warehouses in every province except for Dili. The largest one is Newcastle grain warehouse in New South Wales State, with a storage capacity of more than 00,000 tons, which can meet the annual grain demand for millions of people.

The reason for the large scale of Newcastle grain warehouse lies in the limited area of the Capital Territory, which naturally places greater emphasis on industrial and economic developmt.

The Sydney grain warehouse in the Capital Territory has a storage capacity of only about 0,000 tons, so part of Newcastle grain warehouse is prepared for Sydney as well.

Australasia's domestic grain warehouses together have a total storage capacity of close to .5 million tons, ough to feed six million people for a year in theory.

Considering the developed animal husbandry in Australasia, ev if there is no grain output in a year, there is no need to worry about any famine.

Wh the grain in the warehouse is full, it will be sold to neighboring countries in need of grain, and the vacancy will be replished with new grain.

After all, food does not last long; it is not only prone to mold and insects but also experices a significant decline in taste and ure.

At prest, annual grain exports can bring a lot of income to Australasia, particularly during the East Asia famine period wh grain exports earned them a fortune.

Of course, it is due to the abundance of domestic grain production and the developmt of animal husbandry that food and meat products in Australasia have always had low value, making it very common for people to eat their fill and eat meat there.

Actually, the number of hospitals has not changed a lot, since building hospitals requires not only a large amount of funds but also expericed doctors to run them.

However, the Ministry of Health did not remain idle in 907. It issued a medical policy that greatly relieved people's burd in medical treatmt.

For instance, if the single medical treatmt cost exceeds 0 Australian dollars, it can be included in the Australasian medical reimbursemt range.

The reimbursemt scope gerally does not exceed 30%, but at least % should be provided.

If the single medical treatmt cost exceeds the local per capita annual income, the reimbursemt scope gerally ranges betwe 0% and 40%.

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If the single medical treatmt cost is twice or more than the local per capita annual income, the reimbursemt scope gerally ranges betwe 40% and 50%.

This policy mainly takes care of patits with major illnesses, allowing most Australasians to have the possibility of treatmt wh facing severe illnesses.

After all, having a serious illness is still a heavy burd for most Australasians, as most family savings in Australasia do not exceed 0 Australian dollars.

As for medical treatmt costing less than twty Australian dollars, although the governmt has some welfare policies, the reduction ratio is gerally below 5%.

After all, it is more common to have various minor illnesses, and if too much is reimbursed, it will also be a problem for the governmt's finances.

Although the intsity of the reimbursemt policy does not seem so great, it is rare in today's world.

It is precisely because of such medical befits that Australasians are very proud of their country and governmt and always remember the changes that Arthur brought to their lives.

Of course, this is also an important reason for hancing Australasia's attractivess to immigrants. Such medical prefertial policies are very rare, ev in top powers like Britain and Germany, which would not dare do so.

The reason why Australasia issued this medical policy is that 50% of the welfare policy is funded by the royal family.

It is equivalt to the governmt only needing to pay half of the money, and Australasia currtly has a small population, so the financial burd is not too significant.

However, such medical welfare conditions are very attractive to Europeans.

Ev the Europeans who pride themselves on being civilized would not dream of introducing such prefertial policies in their countries.

Because it is a huge burd on national finances, ev a little carelessness could lead to national bankruptcy.

More importantly, it is maybe possible for a country to afford such welfare treatmt policy, but it's easy to go from frugality to extravagance and difficult to go from extravagance to frugality.

In the future, if the governmt wants to change the policy, it would depd on whether those who joy the policy agree or not.

This is the real reason why most European countries are still indiffert ev though they know that doing so would greatly rally popular support.

If the currt shortage of medical supplies, especially medicines, can be resolved, more than half of the medical problems in Australasia would be solved.

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