The long-awaited Auction House for the Genesis game opened and immediately drew a throng of players who had cash to spend in the real world but were broke in Genesis. Gamers with enough money to afford the items were ecstatic. Earning money and items in Genesis could be difficult at low levels but now they could unleash the power of bank accounts, trust funds, and credit cards.
The news that some items in the Genesis game would now be available for sale for real-world dollars was met with extremely different opinions. Some gamers complained on the forums that the game was becoming 'Pay to Win', but they were few and quickly ridiculed into silence. A game that required the purchase or lease of an MK7 medical pod to play guaranteed that those playing had money to spend. There were demands that the Genesis game allow the older, cheaper pods to be used. (Especially by the manufacturers of those pods and their stockholders.) Wally ignored them. The price of MK7 pods was coming down rapidly, and both Technodyne and Ubergear were working on a version of the MK7 with less medical support, designed for gamers in good health. Wally stayed silent, waiting to see the final product and testing.
The listing for daggers carved from the sharp, poisonous tusks of a Hellboar was the first item listed. A Hellboar Dagger was a straight upgrade over similar bronze and steel weapons, doing 20% more damage than steel, inflicting a minor poison effect, and granting a point of DEX to the wielder. And they were considered an enchanted weapon, an important point when fighting certain types of undead. The thirty-seven daggers listed sold out in ten minutes at the price of 500 dollars each, making many Rogues, Assassins, Deathblades, Hexblades, and Knife Masters happy.
Later in the day, three more daggers of far better quality were listed. The Rune-carved Hellboar Daggers had been crafted by a person skilled in scrimshaw and magical runes. The blades had intricate carvings of snakes, and a Rune of Poison was carved at the base. The handles were carved from wormwood wrapped with dark leather from some poisonous creature. The seller recommended wearing a good set of gloves or having Minor Poison Resistance at Level 10 or higher. This version of the dagger did twice the damage of a steel dagger, inflicted a Strong Poison effect, and had a +2 DEX bonus. With only three of them available, they sold in seconds for 5000 dollars each. More items slowly appeared in the Auction House throughout the day, producing steady sales and happy customers.
While a huge majority of the gaming community was thrilled to see the Auction House begin to open up, some people were disappointed and angry about the situation. These included the CEOs of any corporation not named ACME. It was well known at this point among the corporations in Genesis that ACME had won the race to begin monetizing the game and doing limited online commerce. There were also a few people at ACME who were less than happy about things, Vice President Vernon Throckmeyer being one of them. But Uncle Vern knew better than to complain out loud. Instead, he pointed out that this was his plan all along and was happy to see that Billy had finally gotten their project off the ground while he was busy conquering new lands in the South. Anyone who knew Uncle Vern at all noticed the distinctive twitch in one eye and the sound of his teeth grinding when either Billy's or Layla's name was mentioned.
The two newly appointed Junior Vice Presidents were being watched carefully by those above and below them. Partly because of the drama they were causing, which is always a fun part of corporate politics. But also because the Genesis Project had been scoffed at by many of the members of the Board of Directors, who now were seeing income trickle back in. Billy and Vernon's reports were requested by many of their superiors, along with the reports of all the other managers in the game and data from their Game Research Group. Billy and Layla were producing, and that meant they were gaining the attention of people around them. Not all of those people wished them well.
As more items were put up, they began selling immediately. More of the gaming community became aware of the Auction House. Demand was going up, but supply was limited. Immediately after each item was listed, the number available dropped, and nothing lasted more than an hour. The Ironwood staves disappeared quickly and were considered a steal at 1000 dollars each.
19x Ironwood Staves: Smoke Infused, and carved with a Rune of Fire to add +20 Fire Damage to any spell cast with them, and capable of storing 500 mana.
2x Enchanted Applewood Live-Wands: +3 CHA, +10 to Healing Spells, +20% to Druidic and Nature spells.
456x Enchanted Apples: Heal 25 points of damage, grants Blessing of the Grove for 1 hour.
6x Complete sets of reinforced Sedgebull Heavy Leather Armor: +10 Mitigation over Heavy Leather, +20 Fire Resistance
Loin Cloth of Healing: Provides minor regeneration if no other clothes are worn.
3x Bloody Butcher Knife: Inflicts internal bleeding on critical hits.
5x Carnivorous Ostrich Feather Cloak: +5 Slashing Damage, +20 damage vs. Humanoids
57x Fae Rings of Nail Coloring
102x FaeWands of Frog Summoning
24x Heroic Sword of Questing
15x Talking Sword Canes
19x Temperature Control Quilts
72x Hair Brushes of Disappearing Grey
The fae items Billy had negotiated for at the fair were novelties not seen elsewhere in the game. They sold steadily, with players finding interesting uses for them. The quilts were all bought by a billionaire whose guild was trying to traverse a canyon in the Fireflume Mountains that led to the Searing Fortress. Barrel after barrel of items purchased through Gombrindle went up for sale.
Layla and Billy were in a frenzy, trying to list everything that had built up over time. They had stacks of items from the crypts of the Necropolis and barrels of items from the Fairy Market still sitting in a wagon, plus their share of dungeon loot collected from each Boss Treasure Chest and items created from the remains of butchered creatures.
Billy was tired but happy. "What a problem to have! Stuff is selling faster than we can list it. I only wanted to test out the system to see how long it took to sell some of this crap. But now that we're making money, I don't want to stop!"
Layla liked this type of problem. "I'm happy the system works. Wally is making everyone jump through hoops, and I half expected some last-minute difficulty. The rules might be odd, but at least he's abiding by them. No one had the slightest clue about needing a Gnomish Bank in a town, or a teleporter."
"I think it's time to raise the prices, especially on the dungeon loot we only have a few pieces of. Who cares if it sells in an hour or a day? We have a lock on the market. We underestimated our selling power."
"Never say that. We're testing markets and finding the most profitable price points for products that have never been on the market before. I'll create our entire marketing program and toss it into our next report to make it look good." ŕÅɴȏβÈs̩
"Sounds good. Damn, we need more of some of the Fae stuff. We're getting 10k for each of the questing swords."
"Makes sense. They're too useful. And not just for the quests. If your sword can point to the nearest tavern, you aren't lost in a swamp or an enchanted hedge maze."
"Time to see how the stuff we've bought from the players exploring the Ghoul dungeon and the Endless Dance do. We can buy more from players as the dungeons open up. I think we have the instruments too cheap. Double the price on those. Lots of bards in the game."
12x Bloody Ghoul's Teeth: +20 Damage to slashing and piercing attacks.
9x Silver Knucklebone Charm Bracelet: Grants +30 Mitigation vs. Undead.
16x Souvenir T-Shirt: +10 Mitigation and +2 CON, and will never show bloodstains.
Flute of Capybara Control
2x Tuba of Blasting
Trombone of Impending Doom
Drums of Disastrous Charge
4x Pipes of Rat Calling
4x Boots of Dancing: +3 ranks in dancing, +2 AGI.
After eight hours of listing items for sale in Billy's Bazaar of the Bizzare,Billy and Layla realized they needed more help, a better system, and higher prices. Each item sold now needed to be packaged and sent by teleporter to its destination city.
Billy wasn't unhappy with the sales, but he wasn't cut out for manual labor like this, despite having raised his CON and stamina far past a starting human. "We need more people with the right skills. It's time to think about training some workers as merchants."
"Oh, I agree, my back is killing me, and we still have work to do. We have to package all of this stuff, group it by city, crate it up, and take it over to the teleporter. And even if we train people, it will take time, and I don't want to be the one training them."
Billy didn't either, and the tricky part was pricing the items correctly. He didn't want to see his pile of dungeon loot get listed for cheap prices by accident. And new workers would cause accidents. His brooding was interrupted by the sound of voices and a knock on the door. Before he could answer it, the door opened, and his shop was invaded by the oldest members of the Kallvek clan, bearing bottles of wine and picnic baskets. Emilio and his wife Aurelia were known to the Baron and Baroness. They had purchased a house in Sedgewick and a half interest in the tavern. With them today were a half dozen young adults from sixteen to thirty. Some were familiar to Billy, and some weren't, but all bore the distinctive family resemblance.
"Greetings, fellow merchant! We've come to celebrate the opening of your shop. You've worked hard, and now it's time to celebrate before you get back to work again. Try this dark red wine from the nearby Fae Lands. I met a wonderful man named Bob who travels to the lands beyond the great tree and brings it to my inn whenever he stops by to enjoy dinner and talk. It's close to a classic Shiraz and quite tasty. And while we take up your valuable time, the young ones will do a little straightening of your shop to help you out today."
Neither Billy nor Layla was about to turn down a good bottle of wine, especially from Bob's vineyards. And extra help was greatly appreciated. Billy's Bazaar of the Bizzare closed for dinner as the Kallveks pulled out a large picnic from wicker baskets. While Emilio and Aurelia sat and ate with Billy and Layla, everyone else moved about the large store, unpacking and arranging products, cleaning up trash, and restocking the sold items. It was what they did every day in their family stores and was easy work for all of them. Layla and Billy saw hours of work disappear in minutes.
Emilio poured wine and toasted the noble's health, then they got down to the serious business of eating the smoked salmon, fresh bread, and assortment of finger foods spread out across one of the sorting tables. "My family and I are so happy to see you starting up your business. Nothing brings more people to a city than shopping. With your new teleporter and our gnomish friends, we can all expand and drain the gold from across the empire. Your industrious workers are producing some high-quality raw materials. I'm sure you have many plans for further expanding your mercantile empire."
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Layla wasn't quite sure where the conversation was going, but the Kallveks liked doing business as much as she and Billy. Probably more. She wondered what sort of skills a Merchant gained. Diplomacy and Negotiation were a given.
"We do. Big plans. And I'm sure you have some as well. And I can't help but notice more of your clan has moved into Sedgewick."
As the work was completed, the young people left the adults to talk and held their own picnic at the other end of the store, discussing plans for more delving into dungeons. Layla kept one ear focused on their conversation as they talked about the items in the shop, their value and rarity, and what dungeon they'd come from.
"Yes, Roderick's cousins have decided that the climate in the far south isn't good for them. It was a difficult journey traveling this far by wagon, but they arrived just before the teleporters were disrupted. Suzette was kind enough to sell them two houses in the village, and they are settling in nicely. A few of their older children joined us today to see the big city."
Billy made a mental note to have Ben make a flowchart of all the Kallvek families just so he could keep track of who was related to whom. He knew they were a far-flung family, spread across the Empire. If some of them were moving here and found business good, more would follow. "And what are their plans? Now that they are here?"
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Emilio looked at Aurelia and winked, then said in a serious voice, "Why, the same as our family's plan: To help you conquer the Empire."
Billy spit out his wine and began choking, Layla pounded him on the back and sighed. "Now, dear, what have we said before? When someone mentions your secret plans, you should smile and admit nothing, especially treason."
The Kallveks laughed politely, and Emilio poured Billy another glass. "Oh, we know that the silly rumors are untrue. In the deep south, they talk about the dreaded 'Butcher Baron' and his horde of monsters. It's just leftover superstition from the last time the Baron of Gadobhra marched his armies across the Empire. But with what you are building here, you can certainly conquer and control certain key markets. Our family has had limited success doing the same thing. You have more leeway as a noble and can get away with more than a simple merchant can, no matter how successful."
Billy looked at Layla, who looked back at him for a moment, then nodded her head.
Billy sipped his wine and considered his next words, then shrugged. It seemed obvious. He'd been thinking of the Kallveks as some sort of medieval merchants, not quite taking them seriously. This ambush with helpful people and a picnic showed how closely they were watching things progress and how much they knew.
"You want in."
"Yes, we want in. We can see which way the wind is blowing. The long, slow time of a quiet Empire controlled by the old noble families and bureaucrats is ending. Enemies are marching in the North, and the Orcish tribes are testing the defenses in the South. The established order is uneasy and trying to hold onto the old ways. And the thousands of visitors 'from somewhere else' are shaking things up. Every tavern has a hidden quest, and bards have new heroes to immortalize in song each day. Things are becoming chaotic, especially here in your barony. You're taking advantage of that and defying the old superstitions about too many people becoming heroes. It will be inconvenient living in a place where even a lone squirrel or shrubbery is a threat, but it will also be very profitable. There is money to be made when chaos flourishes."
"Alright, let's put our cards on the table then. What do you have to offer?"
All the Kallveks relaxed. They were past the dangerous part of the conversation. Dealing with nobles could be very difficult. They might appear friendly for years, and then a small mistake in dealing with them could bring about your family's downfall. But now they were doing business, and that was a much easier part of the conversation.
"We've talked before and learned from each other, and we have an idea of what you want. You want to expand your influence, gain control of the markets where you sell your products, and control the resources you need. And without interference or dependence on other nobles or the need for large bribes. But you don't have the in-depth knowledge that you need to do it. And gaining that knowledge will take time, allowing your competitors a chance to slow you down or stop you."
"My family have been merchants for generations. We know where a small bribe will open a door to a warehouse and other places where money is wasted. We know what sells, who is selling it, and what they should be selling. You need more people with special skills. Your workers are amazing, but you need merchants, and people to train your workers to be merchants. And you need to be in your tower, looking for new ways to sell and doing the job of a Baron, not a shopkeeper. So yes, we want in. What I ask for is small. Special consideration for our family businesses, a large place here in Gadobhra to build our business. Sedgewick is wonderful, but soon, Gadobhra will be the trading capital of the North, and I want my clan in the middle of the business that will grow here."
He paused, and again, Billy looked at Layla. She was wondering about something. "This shop is different from others. I'm not sure how to explain it, but...
"Oh, selling things to the players who pay you in wealth somewhere else? That seemed obvious. It's what all the other groups you call corporations are asking about. Every large merchant has visitors asking about setting up trading networks, gaining a teleport stone, buying land in the bigger cities, and the ludicrous demand for information about how to gain a Gnomish Bank. When enough people ask the same questions, a pattern emerges. We understand that the players and corporations are recent visitors and sometimes go elsewhere. It's simple enough to work with. Like selling kegs of beer to the Ogres of the Black Caverns for shiny stones. We sell a few things, learn the exchange rates, and then maximize the profits. If I can sell to King Smash, I can sell to people in another land."
Billy and Layla smiled at that. A network of merchants could be useful spies, especially if they offered services to other corporations. Finding out who needed what was always profitable information.
"And what else are you hoping to gain for being so useful, in solid terms? Warehouse and retail space in Gadobhra? Not a problem. Lots of space here. Access to the teleporter? Again, yes. You're already set up with the Bank and working hand-in-glove with Suzette in Sedgewick. What else?"
Emilio said, "I would suggest that you choose a Baronial Trade Minister with the power to negotiate in your name and offer advice."
"You? I thought you were retired. I half expected you'd suggest your son."
"I am retired from the merchant business, true. My time taking caravans through the wilds is over. I'm an old man. My wife and I will enjoy staying in the business, relaxing at our inn, and playing with our grandchildren. But the two of us are getting restless. Traveling the Empire and representing the growing business empire of the Baron and Baroness of Gadodobha would suit us. Roderick will be busy for decades running our business here in Gadobhra and Melissa in Sedgewick. Maybe in a couple of decades, we'll retire for good, and our title of Trade Ministers can pass to them."
He paused, and Aurelia took over. "We can move quietly through the upper crust of the Empire, tolerated because we are needed, but ignored because we aren't nobility. This lets us gather information, negotiate trade deals, and do what is needed behind the scenes to move forward with your agendas. And you will always have us available for advice and a place to discuss your ideas."
Billy said, "So, let's test out your advice. Tell me something we should be doing."
"You have untapped resources. Some of the leather you are selling to the Legion can be crafted into fine armor, but you need more armor crafters and twice as many tanners and leather workers. And furs! Some of the creatures from the Beast Woods have fur too fine to be made into leather. Why sell raw materials when you can have your furriers and seamstresses create clothing valued in the markets of Wolfsburg? The ivory horns and tusks from the larger monsters will make spear and lance tips better than steel, and you have forests of trees to make the shafts. You already sell catapults to the Legion. You could expand your business into weapons and armor. The Empire will buy it all, and thank you for being a loyal Baron. And this is just a start. There is a lot of money to be made."
"You're hired. And not just you two, as my Trade Ministers. I take it you have a lot of relations who are temporarily unemployed?"
"As a matter of fact, yes. Those fine young men and women who escorted us here have too much time on their hands. I worry they will turn to delving into dungeons full-time. Better to keep them busy."
"Great, because as I'm sure you can see, we need help here. Sort out some of your family as merchants here in Gadobhra to handle business in the shops. And, now that I think of it, we're expanding our sausage business. You may have seen the new building by the Butcher's Guild. You'll need to coordinate with Ozzy, the Butcher. And don't underestimate the big guy, he's one of my advisors as well."
Emilio inclined his head in agreement. "I've met the man. He is formidable on many levels."
The Nobles and the Merchants shook hands, sealing the deal, with details to be worked out over the next few days.
Theodore came and stood nearby with a question, waiting to speak. Emilio looked at him. "Yes?"
"Everything has sold. The frog wands went last, there were quite a few of them. Would you like us to start packaging the items for shipping?"
"Please do so, and of course, double-check the work. You are working for the Baron of Gadobhra and the House of ACME now, and everything must be perfect. We have a reputation to uphold, even more so than before."
"Of course. But that brings up the question of speed. You've always said, 'You can have it fast or have it perfect.' There is a lot of work to do today and more to do tomorrow. Just cleaning the rust off the magic swords will take hours."
Before Roderick could say anything, Layla stood up. "I want both. Mistakes and late shipping cost us money. And ACME hates losing money. I'd much rather give bonuses to our workforce for a job well done than spend money fixing mistakes. You and I can work on how we're going to do this and discuss bonuses while the Baron and the Great Kallvek advise each other on how to sell rocks for a profit."
Aurelia got up from the table and kissed her husband on his cheek. "You and the Baron should carry on your discussion; the rest of us will get these orders packed. I'd like to get home before it's dark and something eats us."