Star Wars: Daimon's Story

Chapter 4: The Sentinel Path
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Chapter 4: The Sentinel Path

The following day after he passed his trials and was now a Jedi Knight, Daimon was asked to choose whether he wanted to pursue training as a Jedi Guardian, Jedi Consular, or Jedi Sentinel. He had already decided on Jedi Sentinel since unlike the other two, a Jedi Sentinel sought a balance between both the abilities of a Guardian and Consular.

Jedi Sentinel's took both the Guardian and Consular profession and amplified them with a series of non-Force skills, such as security, computers, stealth techniques, demolitions, repair, or medicine.

Choosing this path would allow Daimon to have well-rounded abilities, thus being ready to deal with a wide range of situations. Furthermore, his ability to mediate in disputes and conflicts along with his proficiency in combat made the Sentinel route the most fitting for him.

"I'll go the Sentinel route Master" He announced, not surprised by how easily Master Korran took it. She merely nodded in agreement, knowing that her former Padawan was capable of making his own decisions and was mature enough to understand their implications.

After choosing their paths, Daimon and Shrimee had met up to see the path the other had chosen, and as expected Shrimee had chosen the Jedi Consular path which fit her personality and capabilities.

A Jedi Consular sought diplomatic measures in spreading peace and harmony across the Galactic Republic. Refraining from igniting their protosabers except as a measure of last resort, Consulars spent a great deal of time studying the mysteries of the Force.

"Congratulations, Shrimee," he smiled warmly at her, "The Consular path suits you well."

She met his gaze with a small smile of her own, "And Sentinel suits you, Daimon. Just remember not to stretch yourself too thin." she said as a joke, but a hint of seriousness was also present in her voice.

He acknowledged her concern with a nod. The Jedi Sentinel path was indeed demanding due to its broad scope, but Daimon was more than ready to take on the challenge. After all, it was what he aimed for, to gain a well-rounded knowledge base encompassing any and everything that would help him throughout his life.

Over the following weeks and months, Daimon and Shrimee settled into their respective paths. They continued training under the watchful eyes of the Jedi Masters and embarked on critical missions around the galaxy. As Sentinels were also tasked with tracking down and eliminating the dark side influence within the Republic, Daimon found himself working closely with the Republic's intelligence agencies.

He had a growing reputation because of his height which was 8ft 2in making him tower over most people he encountered, and his impressive proficiency in various fields. These elements, coupled with his natural charisma and diplomatic prowess, saw him sent to handle many high-stake missions across disparate worlds.


One such mission brought him to the wild frontiers of the Outer Rim, where a brewing conflict over mining rights threatened to ignite a full-scale war. Daimon was dispatched to mediate the friction between powerful corporate entities and the indigenous populace who vehemently resisted their incursion.

Sentinel Security Solutions a corporation that provided advanced security systems and personnel for other corporations, and Cortosis Industries who Specialized in the production of ore for weaponry and armor were caught in a scandal with the local population of Jabiim.

The Jabiimi have lived in peace for thousands of years since the fall of Xim's empire, but now they were undergoing another conflict where two corporations were exploiting their planet's raw resources and forcing people to work in harsh conditions while receiving little pay to make up for it.

They were led by Akho Larka, a Jabiim congress representative who has been fighting against the Corporations for over 20 years. And now all his fighting has finally come to fruition as the people have sided with him and launched protests that grew increasingly violent in response to what the perceived as inhumane conditions.

Daimon's main mission was to prevent a conflict between the two, while also investigating the harsh conditions that the corporation have the people working under.

When he arrived, the situation was critical. Unrest filled the air, and he could sense how much anger the people felt against the corporations.

"It's worse than I anticipated," he admitted out loud as he walked through Choal, the capital city of the planet. People from all walks of life lurked in the corners, their faces grim and foreboding. Graffiti on the walls screamed slogans of revolt, 'Give back our home', 'Access to resources for all', 'End Corporate Exploitation Now!'.

Tall gray buildings towered over the populace, the logos of Sentinel Security Solutions and Cortosis industries embossed in bold letters at the top, the ultimate symbols of corporate greed. Armed security personnel patrolled the sidewalks, their presence only increasing the growing resentment.

Daimon walked through the streets with his Grey Jedi robe, a hood that he had pulled up over his head to conceal his face. As he made his way through the grimy city streets, he found himself stepping over broken cobblestones and navigating through rundown neighborhoods. Banner-hung alleys led to bustling local markets whilst decrepit slums sat in the shadow of towering corporation buildings. Choal was a city of contradictions.

On one side, there were the oppressed masses who lived under the iron fist of the corporations; their lives stripped down to toiling and scrapping for survival in a city that had stripped them of dignity and hope. On the other side, there were the corporations; a nexus of power and wealth, its influence permeating every realm of life on Jabiim.

The seeds of rebellion had been sowed years ago, and with each passing day, they grew closer to fruition. With Akho Larka at their helm, Daimon had little doubt that a bloody confrontation was imminent if not diffused quickly. But the only way he saw a conflict being avoided was the Corporations being expulsed from the planet and trailed in a Republic Court.

By sundown, Daimon arrived at the headquarters of Sentinel Security Solutions where he was supposed to meet with its CEO, Dannik Jerriko. He was welcomed in by an assistant who led him into an expansive office marked by large windows that offered spectacular views of the city below.

"Ah, Jedi Knight Daimon," Jerriko greeted him with a smile, rising to his feet behind a gleaming durasteel desk. He was a tall man in his late 40s, with dark hair. "Your reputation precedes you. Indeed, it's an honor to meet the man attempting to solve our little... disagreement." While he said this out loud, in his head he was thinking of ways to get rid of Daimon whom he knows will 100% shut him down if he finds out what is really going on.

"Thank you for having me, Mr. Jerriko," Daimon replied, "I'm here to investigate the allegations of inhuman corporate practices."

Dannik Jerriko raised an eyebrow, his smile faltering slightly. "I assure you, Jedi Knight Daimon, we here at Sentinel Security Solutions are committed to ethical conduct and the well-being of our workers."

"I do hope so," Daimon said calmly. "But I'll need to see for myself before I can believe it." He didn't want to sound confrontational, but he also couldn't afford to be too accommodating. The allegations against Sentinel Security Solutions and Cortosis Industries were serious, after all.

"Of course," Jerriko agreed smoothly. "You're most welcome to look around, speak with our employees. Our doors are open."

"Then I will do just that," Daimon stood up and left the office to conduct his investigation. Despite what he may already know, he needed to find evidence of the inhumane practices before he makes his move.

Jerriko on the other hand had called up some of his security teams to deal with the Jedi and pin his death on the violent civilians. He called 3 5-man security teams thinking that it would be enough to kill Daimon.

As Daimon investigated the Sentinel's facilities over the next few days, he noticed the staff's reluctance to speak up. Their eyes contained a flicker of fear every time he tried to engage in conversation about their work conditions. It was clear that something was up.

He also met with the local populace and protestors in secret. Through their stories and accounts, a grim picture began to form. Overworked employees, hazardous work conditions, low wages, all while the corporations reaped immense profits from Jabiim.

He met with Akho Larka in a secret location away from prying eyes. A man of passion and principle, Larka relayed his people's suffering with raw, heart-wrenching detail. He spoke of the shattered lives and broken dreams that bore the brunt of corporate greed. His anger was immense but bound by his commitment to his people.

In response, Daimon promised action. While he couldn't reveal his full plans just yet, he assured Larka that the Republic and Jedi Order were not blind to their suffering. The conversation ended on a hopeful note with Larka promising to hold off his people for a few more days before they couldn't take it anymore.

Returning to the Sentinel's facility on the third day of his investigation, Daimon was ready for what he knew awaited him. As he passed by a poorly lit corridor, he felt the presence of fifteen security guards hiding nearby. In response, he stopped walking and crossed his arms, "You guys can come out now" he called out.

As he said this, fifteen security guards surrounded him. Armed to the teeth, they closed in on him, their faces hidden behind visored helmets. Professional and well-disciplined, they moved with the precision of seasoned warriors, falling into a circular formation around Daimon.

"We don't want any trouble," one of the guards said, his hand resting on a blaster's grip. He wanted Daimon to lower his guard so that they could kill him without having to fight the 8ft brute standing in front of them.

"I'm afraid trouble has found you," he said as he extended his hand, using the force to pull the blasters out of their hands. The guards reacted by charging towards Daimon to try and beat him in hand-to-hand combat.

Unlucky for them, Daimon was a Gen'Dai mixed with a number of other species, his body enhanced beyond basic human comprehension. As the first guard lunged at him, Daimon dodged him easily and landed a solid punch on his chest, causing him to crumple in pain.

The other guards attacked simultaneously, attempting to overwhelm him. With swift movements, he managed to evade their attacks, retaliating with strong and precise blows that sent them flying. Within minutes, Daimon had incapacitated all fifteen guards with ease.

He looked around the room at his fallen opponents before making his way back to the main part of the facility. This encounter had proven what he already knew, Sentinel Security Solutions would stop at nothing to maintain their power and control.

With this, Daimon returned to Dannik Jerriko's office. The surprise on Jerriko's face was evident as he saw Daimon enter unscathed.

"Your security is good," Daimon began, "But not good enough."

"Your reputation falls short, Mr. Jerriko. I expected a greater challenge," Daimon continued. He felt the faint trace of fear within Jerriko's mind.

Dannik was silent for a moment, contemplating his next move. Daimon was not confrontational by nature, but he could not ignore injustice, especially when it came with such grave consequences. He was about to craft a story and shift the blame, but Daimon saw through this.

"Actually, I'll give you one chance to surrender now and submit yourself to the courts. This is your only chance," Daimon said, with a serious face as he was done playing games.

Jerriko chuckled lightly, as if Daimon's proposal was completely absurd. "And why on earth would I do that?" was the last thing he said before he found himself lifted off the ground and gasping for air. No member of the Jedi Order was present, so he could resort to aggressive means to force the CEO to do what he wanted.

Using the force, Daimon pulled Jerriko towards him and placed his hand on his head. "You will have your guards arrest the CEO of Cortosis Industries and gather evidence of your company's inhumane practices. You will hand them over to the Republic and confess your crimes," Daimon commanded. Unlike the normal Jedi Mind trick, Daimon's ability allowed him to basically command a weak-minded person with ease to do whatever he wanted.

Jerriko stopped struggling as his mind was completely overridden by the force. A few seconds later, Daimon released his grip and watched as Jerriko stood up and began to do as commanded, pulling out his commlink to issue orders to his staff.

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Within hours, the CEO of Cortosis Industries was arrested in his office by the guards he hired from Sentinel Security Solutions. Then Republic officials had arrived, and the prosecution of the companies was under way.

Daimon had completed his mission and successfully prevented a conflict. He was thanked by the local populace and protestors, their faces glowing with relief and gratitude. A small spark of hope had been lit in the hearts of Jabiim's residents, their burdened lives momentarily lightened by this unexpected turn of events.

Meanwhile, as a Jedi Consular, Shrimee also started navigating her own path in intricate interstellar politics. Her empathetic abilities allowed her to defuse volatile situations and reinforce peace effectively across various systems.

Separately, they both followed their destinies with dedication and tenacity. They became more refined in their roles, developing into seasoned Jedi Knights with each new challenge they overcame. Their training and experiences prepared them for greater trials that lay ahead.

In his off time, Daimon also mastered many other fields involving computers, engineering, and demolitions. After a few months of studying engineering, he had managed to start his own project, which would see him create his own droid to accompany him on his missions and for when he left the order.

He dubbed it 'Project Cortana' yes as the name implies, he decided to try and bring Cortana to the Star Wars universe. Who else would he want to have as his right hand other than the infamous Cortana from the Halo series.

He could already picture it, Cortana absolutely decimating his enemies becoming the most infamous droid ever. But more than just a destructive force, he sought to create a companion of knowledge and intelligence that could assist on complex missions that required more than brute force.

Shrimee, on the other hand, chose to spend most of her free time in the vast libraries of the Order. She could always be found with her nose in a book or silently meditating, focusing her mind and questing for deeper understanding of the Force. Over time, she became adept at interpreting visions granted by the Force and gained notable recognition for her healing prowess.

The Jedi Council, hoping to capitalize on Daimon's abilities, didn't waste time and assigned a padawan to him much earlier than expected. His padawan, a young Zabrak named Iko, was quick-witted and agile with a fiery determination to grow stronger.

However, when Daimon saw the boy, he had a short vision that showed what appeared to be an adult Zabrak standing over the dead corpses of a few Jedi while he wielded a red saber. Seeing the vision, Daimon's eyes widened in disbelief for a moment. The image of the adult Zabrak's defiant gaze above the fallen bodies of his brethren was etched into his memory.

In this moment he voiced his concerns about the Zabrak's future. But the Jedi Council couldn't see what he saw and had ignored his protests. In response, Daimon refused to take Iko as a Padawan which made the young Iko frustrated and confused while the Jedi Council had simply said they understood his decision and decided to give Iko to another Jedi Knight to train.

It was not what he wanted, and he had a bad feeling about Iko. But it was not up to him to decide, so instead he decided to keep an eye on him instead, making sure to monitor his progress. Worst case scenario, he might have to make a difficult decision.

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