Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Chapter 428 - XLVIII: The House Of The Warrior
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Chapter 428 -XLVIII: The House Of The Warrior

My mount's assured trot did not slow down even as my entourage tensed, the nobles and their guards that accompanied me as we sped ahead of the rest of the returning army all

understanding the sudden and almost tangible gravity of the situation.

Admittedly, one does not need a great political mind to understand that being stared down by over ten thousand professional Dunmeri troops is a situation with gravitas.

Even Almeril looked ready for the dressing down of his life.

"You sure we should just be walking in there, Boss?" Davos asks from atop a horse of his own. He did not sound actually worried, merely discomforted.

Keeping my eyes forward I shrug "A bit late for that question, no?"

His expression remains cautious under his helmet "Just feeling exposed in front of an entire army is all."

"Well you have to get used to it at some point." I turn to him with a grin "Besides, you know damn well they aren't stupid enough to try anything."

Davos' eyes practically shout their doubt but he has enough trust in me to settle on a simple "I've seen more than my share of stupid nobles but I guess the Redoran are fine."

Almeril, who had ridden up closer to us atop his guar offers a barely audible chuckle as he hears Davos' final words "Shining praise from you, Lord Davos." He looks up at me and hesitates for only a moment before speaking "A word of advice, if you will."

I subtly wave for him to go on.

"The Archmaster, he is obligated to question you." He says gravely "Do not falter in your choices, not even for a moment."

'One of those fabled tests of character then?' I raise an amused brow at this "I never do, Almeril, most of all where it can be seen."

He speaks no further and merely nods in satisfaction.

(General POV)

Lord Varan Sarano waited patiently before his grand tent, the impractically massive edifice having taken near a third of a day to set up even with practiced hands and once more reminding him of the prison that leadership was.

He still kept up appearances though, some people's respect was won too easily by ostentation and wealth, and his house was filled with as many elves of wisdom as it was with those of prowess.

He shook his head at the useless thoughts assailing his mind in boredom, and focused his eyes forward, noticing a group of some two dozen mounted Dunmer, most of them bearing some level of authority in their very posture, and none so much as the figure in the lead, astride a downright massive Skyrim-bred warhorse and clad in artifacts from head to toe.

His soldiers knew better than to accost the incoming group, so they all simply stood there and waited for the small party to approach, giving Varan more than ample time to go over the reports of each and every person he could recognize.

He would not admit it aloud but he was privately rather impressed with the collection of elves a mere call to arms had managed to gather.

The group soon approached, and Varan's eyes met that of the young Dagoth, but before he could attempt to gauge his purpose in any way, the younger elf chose to dismount, moving far quicker and with fluidity vastly above what one might expect from a mage.

"So the tales weren't all guar shit." One of his older Councilwomen grouched, the ancient woman the only person yet seated as she could not stand for long periods of time without tiring.

He found it hard to disagree as his eyes met a pair of burning embers that made him feel smaller than he knew himself to be.

(Reyvin's POV)

I did not say anything as the rest of the people behind me dismounted, our horses and guars being politely taken by some of the Redoran attendants present. Some might be worried about this but frankly even the current prime house would face a shitshow of epic proportions if they tried anything.

Instead, I focused on my host, and what a host he was! Tall, broad shouldered for a Dunmer, and covered in so many scars that it went from making him look manly to straight up looking mildly disfigured.

He wore medium armor, emblazoned with the Redoran scarab and made of the best materials in such a way to provide the greatest protection while not limiting movement, the single long blade hanging off his left hip radiating enough focused power to impress even me.

In fact, surrounded by what I presumed were his Councilors, he could probably hold his own in the case of a fight between us and even potentially push me back. He'd never win though since I could just, you know, fuck off whenever I wanted, but he could put up a fight.

But that was enough of that "Lord Redoran." I greet him politely after the silence went from tense to just plain annoying "I must admit I find myself rather impressed by your response time."

"Lord Dagoth." He nods back, neither of us even contemplating the barest inclination of the head towards each other, let alone a bow "Our failure to react to the invasion in time brings shame to all of us, even if our garrisons should have been prepared for such eventualities." He spoke in a firm and powerful voice, even as his tone remained paradoxically calm and quiet. "These are hard times" I offer the simple platitude "Though I trust you don't expect us all to stand around in the sun all day? We did ride quite hard to make good time here."

Vels Karvanni, who looked just about ready to demand the same, deflated slightly behind me.

"Of course" Lord Redoran nods "You are more than welcome to join us for a meal, and then we may discuss recent events" He pauses, gives me a once over "And those that may yet follow."


Some half an hour and a light meal later, we found ourselves contentedly seated within Redoran's massive tent, the thing was big enough to hold a full war room and reception area while warded to hell and back against any cheeky mage who tried to set it and everyone inside on fire.

Varan Sarano spoke first "Lord Dagoth." He was still forced to look up at me slightly, even as we sat "Your presence, while expected, seems awfully well timed. Some of my Councilors go so far as to presume some form of collusion, even if I find the very idea ridiculous." "Said Councilors can speak up right now and get their due for making accusations like that." I immediately respond with a fair bit of menace in my voice, both artificial and not "Though I do not promise to return them intact."

One of the younger elves at Sarano's side barely contained a shiver of terror but I pretended not to notice, even as I noted their information down for later.

"Yes, a rather ridiculous proposition." The Archmaster agrees dryly, a tinge of disappointment in his tone "Intentional or not, you have done House Redoran and Morrowind itself a great favor, one that should be expected of the Lord of a Great House but

that is not an opinion shared by most."

He does not quite look at the representatives of the other houses but I do feel his attention moving to them, especially the Indoril.

Alandro of course felt indignant by all of it but kept his mouth shut.

"Some people just don't like doing their jobs properly" I simply shrug "I have neither the time nor the inclination to bother with them."

"A sentiment I am sad to say I share" Redoran agrees "Though if you would indulge me, your timing does seem a bit too convenient." He looked genuinely curious, likely attempting to further gauge my motivations.

"I was actually running late, if you would believe it." I point out vaguely.

"Late?" Sarano raises one bemused brow "Reports tell me your timing was eerily perfect."

Feeling just a bit annoyed by the continued focus on this particular detail, I shrug "That was probably just Boethiah finding it funny."

Immediately, a good number of the Councilors narrowed their eyes, their blessings from said Daedra, minor or otherwise, evident for all with the eyes to see. And then they did absolutely nothing, as they found not even the slightest reaction from said connection, the apparent irreverence going completely ignored by their patron.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from fгeewebnovёl.co𝙢.

"I see." Sarano breaks the silence once again, his own blessing actually reacting but probably not in a way he expected "And what of your usurpation of command?" He was probably asking me more for his council than himself "A representative of sufficient rank was present

to lead the defenses, and yet you found it fitting to take command of another house's


Almeril clears his throat, drawing all eyes to himself.

"Yes, brother Faren?" Lord Redoran asks.

"If I may, my lord?" He waits a moment and is not interrupted "Lord Dagoth did not demand

to be given command of Kragenmoor's defense, I ceeded it to him after my failure."

I almost want to pat the madmer on the back as pure pandemonium breaks out all around us,

every single Redoran beside the Archmaster immediately shouting over each other and throwing accusations at my poor boy.

The situation did not amuse their master nearly as much as it did myself and after some fifteen seconds of incoherent yelling he finally has enough "Silence" His tone was filled

with something I could not quite identify yet.

Yet another reason to visit Blacklight then.

"House Father Almeril Faren." Lord Redoran spoke with authority "Please explain to us your decision, so that I am not further embarrassed by my own council."

The different nobles accompanying me react with a mix of amusement and judgement, though only Karvanni openly snorts at all this, the Telvanni Master looking ready to throw down if anyone called him out on it.

Thankfully, or sadly I wasn't certain, no one did.

"Apologies for the vagueness, my lord." Faren bows "Your reports no doubt tell of how Lord Dagoth saved Kragenmoor but they likely do not go into nearly enough detail to tell the truth of it." He pauses, giving himself a moment "The truth of the matter is, we had already lost when he arrived, and he crushed the attack by his lonesome, in mere seconds." "While this does merit even more respect for my fellow Great Lord" Sarano interjects, giving me an apprehensive look for a brief moment "That still does not explain why you gave up military command while yet on house soil."

"Because I had already failed." Almeril answers with some bitterness "And then in comes barely more than a mere child I saw charge into Aetherius itself with nary a moment's hesitation mere months prior, and crushes the foes that nearly brought me and mine low with

an insult to the very concept of effort."

Karvanni chortles to my left.

Almeril ignores him "Put simply, my lord, it was not I who came up with tactics to protect the

city further, and it was not I who inspired three thousand Mer into taking up the spear, and then armed them with weapons and armor befitting of a proper army."

I will have to inform the Archmaster it was Almeril who trained them but I am not stupid

enough to point it out now.

"So you found it dishonorable to hold on to command while someone of greater prowess and merit fought by your side?" Another elderly Dunmer in Redoran colors interjects, the old Mer

looking like some dapper cross between a scholar and a warrior.

"Yes." Almeril nods without hesitation.

The Redoran Councilors whisper between themselves, their words amusing me to no end

before the Archmaster spoke "Your choice is deemed the honorable one for the situation you found yourself in. No reprimand will be given and your deeds, including those of your subordinates, will be added to your records."

The seemingly unflappable Almeril visibly deflates at this, an immense tension leaving him

under the approving looks of his superiors.

Lord Redoran takes a few moments speaking to the other representatives here, greeting every

single elf of note who took part in the defense and extracting just a bit more information from them by way of polite praise.

He was quite skilled at that, too skilled in fact as I realized another half hour had passed and

we were not a single step closer to actually discussing the big issue in front of us. Something I voiced quite clearly, once more drawing attention back to myself. But before even Varan could speak, an ancient croaking voice interjected "Another attempt at

challenging our authority, boy? Was occupying one of our cities not enough for you?"

"Occupying it to great effect, might I add" I point out with a grin, might as well provoke someone looking to be provoked.

"We are not discussing your efficiency here, child." The ancient woman that looked just about

as dried up as the land she grew up in speaks up "We are discussing your obvious grasping of power." "Grasping of power, was it?" I smirk at her "And do you see the three eyed beetle hanging off those walls instead of the scarab?" "Don't play semantics with me boy-"

'Alright that voice is far too fucking annoying.' With a blaze of gold, my Magicka surges

forward and into the old woman, the sheer volume of it doing wonders for her decaying form. Shouts are heard and swords clutched but before anyone has the time to take a swing, my magic retreats, revealing a slightly younger looking woman looking at me with wide eyes.

I direct a look of pure boredom back "Apologies, your croaking was growing irritating."

She says nothing, even as Sarano gives her a look of concern.

A bit miffed by their apparent audacity to question me so openly, I do not retract my Magicka

fully and instead allow it to gather around me, the regeneration making it seem like my presence grew with my annoyance at their stares.

At one point it simply became too much to bear for all of them and I spoke "Allow me to make

something abundantly clear." The air shimmered with my words as a few of the weaker elves present outright recoiled "I do not need to curry favor, I do not need to inspire, nor do I need

to ask. Simply be happy that I choose to."

The Telvanni representative and his daughter nodded along, as if this were the most natural thing in the world.

I do not wait for them to respond, as stunned as they were, and instead stand up and summon

the enemy plans captured by Davos, throwing them atop the table and before the eyes of the stunned Mer "This attack was but the first wave of an invasion that still gathers within Argonian held Deshaan." Cue gasps and wide eyes "I have neither the time nor inclination to waste another minute on this squabbling, and so by my authority as Great Lord of the Sixth House, as reinstated by the Chosen Hortator Nerevar, I call for an emergency Concalve of the Great Houses to be held as soon as possible."

An entire minute passes in silence as the present leadership of House Redoran first calms themselves down, and then exchange glances ranging from panic to stoic agreement. Finally, Varan Sarano looks back up to me and offers a simple nod "House Redoran has heard your call,

Lord Dagoth."

And I, as the dreaded representative of the sixth house call for an emergency double shift in


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