Dami's words gave Andrew an idea. It was certainly a machine, but the more real it looked, the more attractive it would be, so Andrew thought about adding some heat source so that the dildo would feel like a live cock.
Unfortunately, after evaluating the idea, he understood that it was not the most advisable, because even if he added something like that, it would not change the view that it was a machine, it would only make things more strange.
For this reason, he abandoned this idea and decided to implement it in another sex toy that would better integrate with this idea in the future. Now his device was ready, but there were still a few days left before the date agreed with Victoria.
While he could report that he had finished early, he decided not to because he didn't want to be pressured in any way over time in the future because of this.
This caused Andrew to have free time, so his anxiety about knowing Oliver and Aki's plan began to bother him and he had to find something else to distract him.
What was chosen was the administration of the Tampilla Palace. Although he had left everything in charge of Sonia and Dino had bought slaves with administrative skills, to occupy his time he took charge of the project.
There was always something to do in a newly started business. Because of this, Andrew succeeded in his mission and distanced himself from Aki and Oliver, allowing him to remain unaware of the plan they were going to execute.
Unfortunately, this affected Andrew's other wives, because in his eagerness to get away from knowing the plan against Dayana, he also distanced himself from his other wives and they were not happy.
The girls' annoyance was not with Oliver and Aki, but with Andrew because they did not understand why he had to be so extreme with this scare. Despite this, he did not relent and remained absent until a week had passed.
The promised night arrived and Oliver, along with Aki, began to perform. No matter how far away Andrew wanted to be, for the day of the execution, he wanted to be close, because if things went bad he could intervene.
Aki's shadow diving ability was very powerful, but she had not mastered it yet and the time she could use it was limited, so things had to be done quickly and effectively.
Oliver's plan was simple but functional. The first thing was that he would send some of Shadow's agents as regular clients and they would create a disturbance inside Dayana's pleasure house.
Nothing extravagant, just pretend to be drunk and cause a scene. This was just a distraction and cause some chaos, so they wouldn't notice that Aki had infiltrated.
Obviously, Dayana's experts couldn't be fooled by something so simple, but it was still necessary to redirect the attention of the establishment's employees and customers.
Aki with her skill would move around the entire place, looking at how many experts were there and if she could, find any other relevant information. While Oliver would be stationed nearby, to intervene if Aki was discovered.
With everything organized, the plan began. Shadow agents sneaked into Dayana's pleasure house early and began ordering alcohol and food.
They kept a high profile, but not to the point of disturbing other customers, as they had to justify their degree of intoxication when the time was right. Any intelligence agent knew how to act, so Shadow's agents handled the matter with ease.
Little by little the pleasure house filled up with clients and Shadow's agents were surprised by the large number of clients who arrived. They could even notice that several nobles and wealthy merchants visited the place.
Like the Heavenly Palaces, these high-profile clients had VIP areas, so it was difficult for normal clients to notice them, but the Shadow agents were experts at noticing small details, which was why they found out about the arrival of these characters.
As midnight approached, Shadow's agents began to take action. For a few minutes, they had been talking loudly, much louder than normal, and they were already beginning to be seen by other people with annoyance.
That was their goal and they were achieving it perfectly. One of the place's regular customers had gotten very upset and called one of the employees to bring Shadow's agents to their attention.
The employee very professionally approached them and said, "Gentlemen, please don't be so aggressive. You are bothering other customers." Normally, this would calm things down, but Shadow's agents had other plans.
"What do you mean by bother?", one of Shadow's agents asked aggressively, acting perfectly like a drunk. This was not the first time a situation like this had occurred, so the employee did not take offense and continued trying to calm them down.
"Sir, we just ask that you lower your voice a little," the employee continued asking, but Shadow's agent only got more heated, and standing up he said threateningly, "I'm a fucking customer if I pay, why the fuck are you bothering me?"
Seeing that the customer was more aggressive than he thought, the employee left and notified the guards to remove him from the establishment. Seeing the guards approaching, Shadow's agents continued their act.
"Gentlemen, you are disturbing the other customers. I have to ask you to please leave," the guard said politely, but with authority. Shadow's agents continued their act and, offended, stood up wanting to fight.
The guard, noticing this, became upset, and with a wave of his hand, other guards appeared and it seemed that a fight would start. All the customers and employees were waiting for what would happen and even some hidden experts were distracted by the scene.
At that moment, Aki infiltrated the establishment. Aki's shadow cloak ability allowed her to combine with the shadows, so no one noticed her entrance and she decisively moved at high speed through the halls of the place.
The Nine Heavens pleasure house has 4 floors and a large extension. The first floor is for normal customers, and the second floor is for VIP customers, so Aki had nothing to do with them.
The third floor was where Dayana's office was, as well as the staff rooms, and the fourth floor was where the experts were, but Aki didn't know that. She only knew the first 2 floors, so she immediately ran to the third floor.
She only had to spend a little time to notice that the staff rooms were on this floor, so she decided to run to the top floor, but then, she noticed Dayana's office.
There were several people in it, so she, using her ability, infiltrated and began to evaluate those present. There were about 10 people and they were all experts, but they were mostly just low-level.
They were discussing what they should do with Andrew, so Aki raised her ears to listen, but at that moment a deep voice was heard, "Little mouse."
Aki's hair stood up like a scared cat and her muscles tensed because she had been discovered and everyone present also heard her voice and became alert.
Although they couldn't see Aki yet, she didn't want to risk it and immediately ran away, but the voice from before suddenly spoke again, "You have guts and an interesting ability, but you won't escape."
Aki sensed the danger and ran with all her strength, but she felt the pressure of a powerful expert approaching her, and with no other way out she jumped out of a window, shattering the glass in it.
Despite having left the establishment, she did not withdraw her ability and did not slow down, as her pursuer was still hot on her heels. Oliver, who noticed Aki's resounding escape from afar, moved immediately.
He could sense that a super expert like him was chasing her and he had to intercept him. Just as Oliver sensed Dayana's super expert, he also noticed Oliver and stopped chasing Aki and focused on Oliver.
This super expert knew that Oliver was dangerous and if he was careless he would be in trouble. Besides, he was convinced that Oliver would know more than the little spy who escaped him.
While he knew Oliver was powerful, at no time did he doubt that he could defeat him, so he raised his guard and when Oliver appeared before him, he said, "Will you speak on your own or will I make you speak?"
Oliver was dressed in tight black leather armor, a mask, and a hood, to hide his identity and he refrained from speaking so as not to give himself away, because with his voice he could be recognized.
"So you're not going to talk," said Dayana's super expert, and accumulating his strength, he prepared to attack. This super expert was an old man of about 60 years old, without a beard or mustache, but with snow-white hair.
His body was robust and his face showed his experience, as the scars were not lacking, but Oliver was not scared and also gathered his strength. The tension between the two increased and in a short time, all the experts in the red light district noticed that two superpowers were about to fight.
Oliver and the old man noticed that there were many observers and that is why they had not started fighting, since they knew that if they got hurt, they would only help others take advantage of them.
The strange situation lasted for a few seconds, but it seemed like hours and in less than a blink, the old man launched a strong blow towards Oliver. They were several meters apart, so the old man's punch went into the air, but as if he summoned a hurricane a strong blizzard traveled towards Oliver.
Seeing this, Oliver also released a punch that also generated a gust of air and both currents canceled each other with a loud sound, as if a bomb had exploded and thus began the battle.
This content is taken from freёwebnovel.com.