Chapter 187: Few hours
Magus Evergreen didn’t let Revin’s disappearance bother her long. While James was busy trying to sink into his shoes and vanish, she shifted her attention back to Moxie and tapped her staff on the ground.
“Do you know that man, Magus Moxie? He was not in your reports.”
“He briefly caused us difficulty during training, but it was between reports. I do not have any further relation to him,” Moxie said.
“And you?” Evergreen’s gaze flicked to Noah.
“Nope. His student is basically his polar opposite, so we don’t have any issue with him working together with ours,” Noah said with a shrug. Revin had reinforced one incredibly important thing for him – Arbitage was a true neutral ground. If Evergreen hadn’t crushed Revin on the spot for his impudence, then she definitely wasn’t going to do anything if he spoke a little more freely. “Also, we’re pulling a fair bit of attention with all the stunts we’ve been pulling off.”
Eline looked over her shoulder. Many of the other groups were staring in their direction, but they quickly averted their gazes before Evergreen could catch any of them watching. Evergreen shook her head.
“The weak will always gawk. Eline, go begin your preparations. You already know the cost of failure, so I have no need to say anything further. Emily, I would suggest that you and your team do the same. It will not be long before the exam starts – and I wish to speak with Magus Moxie alone.”
Eline and Garrick turned and left without even an instant of hesitation. Emily’s brow furrowed and she looked to Moxie, who gave her a smile and nodded.
“Good luck, in case we don’t get to talk again before the exam,” Noah said. “I know you’re all going to do great. Just keep at what we’ve been practicing.”
“We will,” Isabel said with a sharp nod. “Don’t do anything crazy while we’re gone, please.”
The four of them headed off into the crowd, leaving Noah, Lee, and Moxie alone with Evergreen. Evergreen waited until all the students were well out of earshot before she spoke again.
“When I said alone, I meant without the two of you as well.”
And leave Moxie alone with you? Absolutely not. The chances of you snapping her neck in a back alley are way too high. Even with that flat expression of yours, you’re nothing compared to Father. I can tell you’re seething at Moxie letting Emily associate with those you view as lesser.
I need to keep Evergreen’s attention for long enough that she doesn’t even remember that Moxie is of interest until the test is complete and we find out how things have gone.
“Are you sure?” Noah asked, tilting his head to the side and mirroring Father as best as he could. “I’d imagine we have much to discuss, Magus Evergreen. If we part ways now, we might not run into each other again any time soon, and then I’d never get a chance to properly return this.”
He reached into his bag and pulled out Evergreen’s scroll. Noah loathed taking it out here, but now that he had confirmation that Arbitage was a complete neutral ground, this was the perfect time to do it.
I need something that will get her focus on me. Besides, I suspect she would have spotted it pretty soon, even if she hasn’t yet. Evergreen was probably just waiting to see if I’d pull it out, so this probably won’t even surprise –
Evergreen’s eyes bulged.
“My old grimoire,” Evergreen said, shock flashing over her features before she drew it back in and composed herself. She studied Noah as if seeing him in a new light. It felt like she was trying to dissect him with her gaze alone. “How did you get that, Vermil?”
“A particularly rebellious member of my family donated it to me after I defeated him in a fight,” Noah replied with a small shrug. “Unfortunately, he’d already ravaged the poor thing. I trust that even the Runes on this will still be of use to you, though.”
“Magus Moxie. Why did you not report this?” Evergreen asked, reaching out for the scroll. Moxie stared at Noah in shock, probably trying to figure out why he was stupid enough to pull it out right in front of the old woman.
Noah pulled the scroll back. “Ah. Sorry. You might be misunderstanding. I mean no offense by this, but you’ve made it clear you don’t view me as an ally, Magus Evergreen. I earned this scroll through combat. It took a considerable amount of effort and blood, and I won’t be giving it up for free.”
Evergreen’s eyes darkened. She took a step toward Noah, her silver eyes boring into his skull. “You wish to sell my own Runes back to me? Name your price carefully, Linwick brat. You are safe in Arbitage, but not outside it.”
This content is taken from freё
“I think my price is more than reasonable,” Noah said, tapping his chin. “A few hours of your time should suffice. Nothing more.”
Evergreen blinked, then considered his words for several moments.
She’s probably trying to figure out what I stand to earn from trading multiple powerful, full Runes for just a few hours. Jokes on you, Evergreen. There’s no ulterior motive other than wasting your time. I already took all the most important Runes.
“Very well,” Evergreen said. Noah held the scroll out and she took it from him, sliding it into the inside of her robes. “You have purchased some of my time, Linwick. I am sure you’ll find an appropriate time to use it. Now, Moxie, come.”
“I’m using it for that conversation.”
Evergreen frowned. “What?”
“If you’re having a conversation with Moxie, then I’m sitting in on it,” Noah said with a shrug. “You didn’t specify how I could use the hours, and it’s not like this is going to be major family secrets. And, if they are, I’m sure that can wait for a later date.”
One after the survival exam, when we prove that Emily is doing perfectly fine and that Moxie shouldn’t be replaced.
Evergreen’s wrinkled features pulled back as she gave Noah the faintest hint of a smile. “Very well. We will remain here, then. Some of the questions that I had pertained to you, so I suppose it would make things easier considerably easier if you are physically present to answer them.”
“I am thrilled to be of interest,” Noah said. “Please, ask away.”
“What is it that you teach that Moxie cannot?” Evergreen asked. “She has extensive training in the Torrin family, but I know of you, Magus Vermil. Your father cares nothing for your life. Your reputation within Arbitage is impossible to tarnish – it can’t get any worse. Even your own family speaks poorly of you. So why is it that Moxie sees fit to allow you to teach Emily anything? What could you possibly have to offer?”
“I’ll admit that Moxie is better at just about everything than I am,” Noah said easily. Tossing in an extra compliment for Moxie to keep Evergreen off her back certainly wasn’t going to hurt anything. “But I’m particularly talented at killing things, and I’ve been passing those capabilities on to our students – although not all the credit can go to me there, Moxie has probably done as much combat training as I have with them.”
“It’s true,” Moxie said. “Magus Vermil is a natural fighter. He fights without the usage of a shield and still lives. He doesn’t even have a single scar, and his companion, Lee, is equally talented. She excels in physical combat. Between the two of them, they have not only taught the students – I have learned as well.”
“We shall see,” Evergreen said. “I will be most displeased if Emily does not perform admirably during this exam. I trust that Contessa already informed you of the consequences of failure.”
“She has,” Moxie said.
“I’m of some mind to say that you’ve already failed in your teachings because of the company you keep,” Evergreen said, pointing the top of her staff at Moxie. “Their ineptitude will rub off on Emily. She may grow lax.”
“If Emily is that easily corrupted, then she is no true Torrin,” Moxie said firmly. She held Evergreen’s gaze for several moments. A wry smile crossed Evergreen’s features and the old woman inclined her head.
“You are correct, which is why I will stay my hand for the time being. But let it be known – I will not be pleased with mere success. Emily must excel during this exam. If she does not, you will have failed.”
“Then there will be no problems,” Lee said, speaking up for the first time. “Emily has been trying really hard in training, and compared to the other students I’ve seen, they’re going to come out on top.”
“So long as nobody cheats,” Noah added, watching Evergreen’s expression carefully. Evergreen didn’t give him the slightest hint of a reaction. She simply shrugged.
“Cheating is only cheating if it is caught. Emily will face challenges in life. If you are so blind as to believe that things always go as you wish, then Emily has been led astray.”
Noah pressed his lips together. The urge to give Evergreen a snarky response was strong, but this was one person he absolutely couldn’t risk offending. She was just too powerful. Father was a known evil, but Evergreen was a complete loose cannon, and she had too much power over Moxie’s life to risk playing with.
It’s a bit odd that Evergreen didn’t notice her scroll when Janice did it without any trouble, though. Nothing to do but wait and see if I can figure out why, though. I can hardly up and ask her.
“I am certain you will find the exam’s results satisfactory,” Noah said. He paused for a second, then continued. “Does it not bother you that her success will mean Eline’s death, though?”
Evergreen tapped her fingers on her staff. “Eline is not part of the main branch. She is free to make her own decisions. If she acquits herself well in this exam and wins, then Emily has truly been failed. If she does not, then I will be pleased with Emily’s performance and have nothing to be disappointed in. The weak must occasionally be culled in the pursuit of strength.”
Something tells me you’d get along really well with Father if you didn’t hate each other’s guts. Say, you want me to set you up on a mystery date? You’d love him. Old and soulless, just like you. I’d even provide some fancy wine.
“It will not be long until the exam begins,” Evergreen said, pulling Noah from his thoughts. “Since you have purchased my time, Vermil, come with Magus Moxie and I. We shall observe the exam together.”
Wait, we can observe the exam? I thought we’d have to sit around waiting to find out how it went.
Noah didn’t have anyone to voice his question to. Revealing that much in front of Evergreen seemed like a remarkably bad idea, so he just fell in alongside Moxie and Lee as they followed after Evergreen.
In the distance, he saw a lanky man rise up into the air, standing aboard a flying sword. His robes fluttered in the air around him, and a serious expression was plastered across his sharp featured face.
That’s Magus Tenfort, the proctor who oversaw the previous exam.
“As you all should know, my name is Magus Tenfort. I’ll be overseeing this exam once again. Since this is the survival exam, teachers will not be allowed to accompany their charges,” Tenfort’s voice boomed. “Students, enter the transport cannon with your groups. I will meet you at our destination.”
And, just like that, the exam had begun.