Ceila didn't mind some talk, but she was looking hesitating over what she can say right now, and what was better told later.
“It is a gamble and a complicated part of the situation that I am struggling like my Lady is. So let's talk about the reasons and everything at our destination. I feel you will get it then, and not now.” she excused herself, and that was it. She no longer pulled her words to his Will any longer and continued riding the Phoenix Horse until reaching the ending destination dozens of minutes later.
The places they went through were quite vast forests and hills, consisting of nothing but Woodlands, and occasional villagers. Considering the length of their travel, they were within 50 kilometers of the city of Cinnar.
Murai no longer insisted on explanations that won't come, so he waited until a vast park-like forest appeared around a corner. It was a private land, with a big mansion in the middle of the Woodlands.
There were 3 towers, which were interconnected by walls, making it like a small castle. There were at least 10 floors visible from the get-go, while the mass of the mansion was as large as the Vermillion Cathedral. The triangular shape was exquisite, wide, and tall.
Upon the arrival, only Ceila, holding Murai in her hands, dismounted. She took her helmet back to her head, forming a formal image of the 2nd Sun. The rest of the knights, including Timmy and Iris, remained dozens of meters before the mansion.
Ceila turned to the pair of youths, giving them a positive attitude to wait since she had some serious business to do. She also stated that everything was fine, and knights will protect them if it won't be fine. It sounded strange, which made Iris suspicious of the way Ceila said that, and acted.
Murai in her hands was also silent and not stating anything with his body language.
Though, she had no choice but to stay mounted and watch her leave alongside Murai in her grasp. Timmy watched it as well, but he held less than understanding knowledge of the present situation. Will he be a knight? He never heard about it from Iris, but if it was something that can allow him to help his sister, he will have no issue with that.
Walking forwards, Ceila passed by some sort of flickering glossy light, indicating some form of barrier around the whole mansion. The rest of the knights stayed out of this barrier.
Only the Suns of the Vermillion Church can come to this place, with some other examples, such as high military personnel, or Gifted figures of the Vermillion herself. Thus, it was a special place in all regards and a main place where the toughest, and most important decisions of the Vermillion Church took place. It was separate from the main headquarters for some reason.
“What is this? I feel... This mana construct is quite intrusive and unoriginal. What sort of atrocities is happening here if no one can come inside? Hmph!” Murai said, pushing his Will against hers, but Ceila preferred to ignore him.
Walking towards the door, she pushed them open in one swoop of her free hand. It revealed a glistering place, that was outside of the norm. The floor was polished to the extremes, and not a speck of dirt or dust was visible anywhere. It was like a renowned castle with nothing poor or distasteful.
In fact, glamorous interiors filled with paintings, statues of beasts, and people of all ages and professions, littered the exterior decor of this place.
Murai saw the surroundings with quite some free mind, and he couldn't help but think he was in a bothersome place. This wasn't looking like a living place, but more like a museum or a memorial of something that happened in the distant past. A religious place, he reckoned, or something with history, or whatnot.
Ceila walked through the halls, seeking nothing, as she was completely disregarding her surroundings. She wasn't interested in these sights. Not anymore, not right now. The place had a lot of corridors and hallways, and with 10 floors, there were a lot of rooms, albeit wide and tall open hallways made more than half of the interior space. Each carried special luxuries, with the same extravagant style throughout the architecture.
Ceila carried Murai to one particular hallway, with 5 tall statues of the Suns. They were all stationed around a 5-meter-tall gate. 2 were on each side, while above the gate was a depiction of Vermillion herself along the kneeling 1st Sun. They were all faceless but with quite a style and details outside of the face.
The maker of these statues wasn't holding back at all. The curves and gowns he carved by chipping the stone away left many details. Vermillion was the biggest and most intricate one, while the Sun kneeling before her statue depicted a religious freak in Murai's mind. Her hands were above her head, preying while Vermillion's gaze and hand were upon Sun's head.
It was a generic religious depiction, and Murai saw quite a few of such things. It didn't impress him all that much.
What was somewhat impressive was this big open place. The ceiling was at least 15 meters tall, while the 5 meters tall gate at the front revealed his most likely destination. It was also polished, but the material wasn't stone or marble. It was a golden door with more emerald or jewelry accents around the corners.
Such a useless extravagance. It makes me question the choices of this designer and the loftiness that Vermillion has. Well, luxury is a depiction of a god in general consensus throughout the universe, so I suppose I shouldn't be much surprised. Murai thought, leaving no thoughts behind.
Similar to the gate before, Cela walked forward, ignoring the statues of no importance. None depicted her anyway, since the ancient suns were long gone. That was why everyone was faceless, as they should be. The face was the most intriguing part of any god and religion and it went hand in hand with many beliefs.
She pushed the gate open, and with screeching sounds, she revealed a pitch-black room. It was quite a tall room like the one before, almost like a mausoleum with globe-like features. There were stairs floating to the main floor, while the only little light from the ceiling's chandelier, lit a round table in the very middle.
There, 4 figures were already sitting around the table, while one of the chairs was vacant. That one was for Ceila, albeit the numerical order of chairs was nonexistent. She may hold the 2nd highest position amongst the Suns, but it didn't mean she was the most powerful.
Watching ahead, it seemed none of the other Suns were missing, which was a bit surprising to her, and she realized that Vermillion must have had a lot to desire.
There were 5 chairs in total, representing each Sun which represented an intriguing order of Vermillion Church's interest, but not the whole power.
“Hoh? What is this? Do you plan to summon God's Will or what? How useless, but interesting. Count me in!” Murai commented, yet he could only watch a firm clutch of Ceila's hand, which made him squeak and scowl. She didn't tell a thing.
Walking down the stairs, she tossed him to the table as she took her seat. Along with that, she also pulled her helmet off, revealing the resolution on her face along her luscious hair that fell behind her back and shoulders.
“Is this our guest, 2nd?” a soft girly voice, shrouded behind a veil, said. This Sun wore a deep red gown made of silk. It was way bigger for her smaller body. She sounded young. A bit too much so.
“It is, 1st,” Ceila answered. “It is precisely why I made this journey quick, yet intrusive reason to summon the rest of the Suns happened behind my back. I am surprised,” she said, taking a quick glance at each woman behind the table.
“It is fine since it is Will of our Lady.” another woman said. This time it was the 3rd Sun speaking. She was an equally beautiful woman similar to Ceila's standards.
“This is hilarious!” another voice shouted. “I hardly believe that Anatidae appeared in this part of the world, yet here are the hard pressing facts. Is someone having a good laugh or what? I wonder.” She sounded hoarse, and it was the voice of the 5th Sun.
She was a widely smiling woman, with quite an indecent appearance. Her face was quite pretty, but she was muscular, and with a revealing sleeveless robe that ended just before her thighs. The robe was secured around her hips by a tight strap of cloth, which enunciated her chest into a V-shaped collar cut. Out of the 5 Suns, she was the only one who wasn't a priest, but a military general and rather powerful in terms of fights.
She was the strongest of the five in terms of martial arts and power, but that only included the premise of a fair fight. She had a hoarse, yet powerful and loud voice, while her face was rightfully glued onto Murai.
“You are the same as always, Lia. We haven't seen each other in 4 years.” Ceila stated with a friendly smile. “I missed your voice.”
“Missed? That is the first...” Lia smiled, leaning forward to see the Murai who got on his legs. “We haven't seen each other since the last Holy War, I bet,” She stated, lazily stretching and letting her legs on the table after she was over Murai's appearance. She wore her robe with unhinged disinterest, while her high boots covered only part of her knees but not her hefty thighs. Other than that, she had metallic gauntlets and partially metallic boots.
Like her personality and voice, Lia was quite a wild beauty, and her long red haggard hair wasn't brushed, or taken care of at all. At least regarding the Suns of Vermillion Church, she was the poorest depiction of a Sun.
“I know what you mean, but let this table be, 5th.” a young-sounding 1st Sun said.
“Shut up, 1st,” Lia said, unbothered by the strongest priest in this place.
“Anyway!” Ceila clapped her hands. “Encounter is already starting to show its pace, under the supervision of the God of Battle. It's something up to our Lady's Will, opportunity, and tastes. It needs our attention.”
“Encounter? By the definitions of this Blessed and whom else? Do you even know the following messes of the Encounters and their subjective matters? Unless you are hundred percent right, this is a high claim to make.” 1st Sun said, pointing her slender finger beyond her veil toward Murai, who is somewhat oblivious to their conversation.
It was to his dismay that he couldn't jump to their conversation, but watching and hearing them was enough for him. That, plus the sight...
Bloody world... This Vermillion God... she has a knack for a harem, I bet. Well, for a woman... Murai thought, yet forgot he still had that connection with Ceila under their Will. She rather ignored his unpleasant words for the sake of important conversation.
“Yes. I hear your worries, 1st.” Ceila nodded and leaned forward. “I will listen to your opinion on this matter before stating my plan. That's how it goes around this table so let me give you the basic rundown of the situation,” she said, going over a quick rundown of the situation around Murai as a whole.
She ignored some details, like his memories, or whatever wasn't important to be told.
“So an Old Soul... I had a feeling something was wrong with this duck... I never saw an Anatidae species with my own eyes as well. They do look like a duck... but aren't that. I know that, so this must be how history and ancient times made them. They remained the same even through the evolutions. How intriguing, and strange. Considering this one is a Blessed, I fear something unlikely and strange is going on.” 1st Sun thought out loud and gave her opinion.
“You are a 1st Sun for not that long. It's no wonder, but it doesn't change the matter of importance and your position.” Ceila said.
“Let me help out with this,” Lia commented. “Those little things are vile, Arkhana. They would follow up at every opportunity to kill a human they don't like, act according to their bloodline, thoughts, and desires,” she stated with a chuckle and a look of much more interest upon Murai. “But a Blessed one is another story. I heard some possible rumors of a new one, but rumors are that. Mostly fake, or whatnot. It is already topic for years. Seeing a Blessed in terms of the savage appearance of a demonic beast is always interesting but an Anatidae? That is the first, and I know all about all sorts of stuff..” She smiled, glancing back and forth between Ceila, 1st Sun, and Murai.
“Don't use my real name...” 1st Sun complained, yet she knew it was a useless try. Lia was the latest addition to the Suns, so it went without saying that she was least used to this position. Considering her wild nature and demeanor, she didn't really fit in and was like a rogue.
Albeit, it wasn't as if Lia found it strange, or worrisome thanks to her nature and ongoing personality.
“Ehm. Ehm.” this time, 4th Sun cleared her throat, turning their attention to herself. Ceila, and the rest of the Suns all turned to her.
“I heard everything from the messengers of our Lady, and I am frankly astounded. What to do against the Centralis Kingdom depends on so many variables, that I doubt you can even imagine it, 2nd. I don't think we have any capital or care to put any resistance against their Blessed, let alone start a war. Weakening them? Sure. I could see that, but it is hardly that easy. They are clever. Zendurion and his ministers.” 4th Sun stated.
“I am thankful for your opinion, 4th.” Ceila nodded.
“Keep your thankfulness, I am not over.” She replied sternly. “What Encounter started or how do you even know it? Messengers didn't mention that. Only the briefest terms that our Lady gave. Encounter is a Blessed forte. We are unaware of anything, and Centralis Kingdom didn't state any Hunt or anything according to my sources.” the 4th Sun spoke with a stern and older voice. It was similarly stern women like sometimes Ceila appeared, but she was an old-looking woman, unlike Ceila.
She wore a face that ceased smiling a long time ago, and wrinkles already appeared around her face. She was the oldest of the 5 Suns. Out of everyone, she remained in the humblest attire of a regular priest, and even her hair wasn't visible.
“I agree with your words, 4th. The case of the Encounter is simple, yet different in many ways. My Lady's words and my direct affirmation should be more than sufficient.” Ceila said and pointed to Murai. “He is our chance to gain some opportunity, as he is one side. It will depend on his willingness and our... help?” she sounded a bit unsure since Murai gave her quite a bothersome look.
Helping those 5 vile women? Hell! Murai wasn't willing in this kind of body!
“Our willingness? It's Encounter, so I can already guess where this is going.” 4th Sun sighed, already imagining what a pain this situation is going to be like.
“What help can he offer?” Lia stated. “You called him a chance and a side, Ceila. I see no problem in him being an Anatidae species if it's a Blessed. What I found strange is the base of his... situation. What kind of situation led to a Blessed becoming an Anatidae of all things and beasts? I heard hawks, mermaids, and all kinds of carnivorous beasts, but Anatidae? They are rare, to begin with. I can't wrap my head around it. Not in this continent at least, or this world as a whole, and you know why.”
“I know. I have long established a room for communication and got some decent understanding of the situation.” Ceila said. “All that we had to do, was to put our Will towards his Soul Space. Then, we can communicate. He agreed since I saved his life and he isn't such a petty bastard to be annoying, is that right?” she shot an annoying glance at him, and appeared ready to smack his beak.
This woman...Fuck! Murai scowled, unhappily glancing at the lofty demeanor of her face. She is forcing this situation on me more and more. What does she even mean when she means Encounter? Is it the Task put forth by the Will of the Battleworld or something new? Bullcrap... That is my problem, not theirs so why she keeps exploiting some valuable chances for her and this Vermillion god? Murai thought and looked at each woman around him.
Apart from 1st Sun who he couldn't discern, everyone was questionably looking at him. Neither of them was someone he could discern with his Soul Read, which gave him the basic answers to many wonders. He can't read the unreadable, too-powerful beings, or defended souls.
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Soul Read had some obvious limitations about the level and power. Well, the Soul Read had Grade and Level within the system of the Battleworld, so that may be why. The stronger it will be, the better its effects will be.
Already on his feet, Murai stretched his legs and wings a little. Then, he looked at Ceila. “Is this what you want this to be? No mission, but something completely outside of my knowledge? Becoming a tool against the Centralis Kingdom will be enough? It sounds like you want more than a helper with this exploitation of my situation. I won't be subjected to this mess and be a tool for God's interest. Are you even aware of what I mean by that? You saw my memories, yet you know nothing of my intent or my direct experiences. You know nothing. Clueless, arrogant, and selfish bastard.” Murai stated his Will by stomping toward Ceila unhappily.
“Pheheheh. This is too funny... How old is this thing anyway? I am interested. Interested!” Lia burst out laughing and got her legs back to the ground. Getting up from her chair, she walked right toward Ceila's spot where she grabbed Murai without any regard to his struggles and swings of a beak.
“May I?” She giggled at Ceila and Murai who was flipping his wings and beak in her direction.
“Be my guest,” Ceila waved her hand, ignoring Murai's unwillingness completely.
“Light Appraisal!” Lia turned her gaze to Murai, causing him to feel a minor disturbance once again. It was as if a Will of this woman pinched his soul and nothing else. It was so light, that he couldn't even do a thing in time. It was like a gentle pat of someone on top of a watchful gaze.
It was quick, and not hideous. Hence, Lia didn't see much. The only thing that she wanted to see was surface-level stuff.
“Low level. Less than a year old, yet... his soul!? What in the seventh hell?! He is beyond me and... Who is this thing?” Lia asked, furrowing her brows and looking at Ceila. She remained glaring at Murai, who was so included to use his Robsut Spirit to punish this impudence, but this Appraisal wasn't an annoyance.
What was, was the lack of basic courtesy and consent. That pissed him off, but not enough to become physical or mental.
The rest of the Suns looked at Lia and Ceila, expecting a better explanation since they weren't directly responsible for each other's efforts or actions. They each had many worries and acted outside of one another.
“Our Lady is interested in him, and his soul is one of the reasons,” Ceila said, gesturing Lia to put Murai down. “I expect this little beast to rapidly grow, which should provide us with much-needed assistance if we are generous enough.”
Her words sounded sincere, but 4th Sun wasn't bough. After all, she was in charge of the economic side of the Vermillion Church, so that may be the reason for her numb and old face. Though, even when the reason in her heart spoke with reason, the Will of the Lady was much stronger.
“What is it then? Offer, business, trade, Blessing? What have you promised, 2nd, and what he needs? Providing a place and supporting Blessed is something we do on a regular basis, but what is exactly this Will of our Lady that you speak of? Helping the demonic beast, let alone a Blessed one seems like a hurdle that would force us to unknown territories. You, along the 1st, are the only one with direct Divinity to our Lady, unlike the rest. Speak.” 4th Sun said.
Ceila smiled, expecting this kind of topic right away. “Change... No. A reason is already happening and should provide the necessary information, since our chance.” she pointed to Murai. “... has no idea what is even happing right now.”
Her words of interest were quite powerful, and Ceila knew why she was spoking like that. Bewitchingly glancing at Murai, and looking at the entrance, the 1st reason will soon arrive.
As she did so, a door shot open, revealing a butler-looking old man, who bent his hips to a 90-degree angle upon his arrival on top of the stairs.
“My deepest apologies to seek this important discussion, but someone is looking out there for something specific out of my picture.” He politely said, looking at the ground as if it was his master.
“Well, the Encounter is already here, I suppose,” Ceila said, smiling and getting to her feet. “Shall we take a look, Murai, and the rest?”