With a thud, Velga's head and back smashed into the stones, reaching the destination with bare clarity and awareness that her doom was coming.
“Fucking hell... This fucking thing!” Razmund struggled to stand after the throw, feeling poor in his right hand. He didn't even see the well, yet this toss was precise. He forced his eyes open. They were adjusting to the light, while the bleeding was stopping.
Noticing the struggle, Paulfred came to a rescue. He grabbed his left shoulder and went with his master forward as support. Razmund took it with some hesitation, albeit slowly. Stumbling towards the well, he stood above the two beings, that he didn't care for, nor did he need to.
“Heretic or not, this situation was more than justified to kill you. Your past is yours, yet is mine for taking. By God's will, your soul may go to heaven or...”
“Heheheheh.” Velga giggled, sounding like a madman too, but it was a giggle of no reason as if she heard a good joke. “You don't know anything, again... You are a pawn in the hands of beings that are unworthy of heavens...” she said the words of truth, causing Razmund to click his tongue, frowning in displeasure afterward.
“Paulfred...” he murmured
A glint of the sword went out of the sheath in a flash, swiping the air in an ark, and in far reach and even faster usage. The sword was leaving a crimson pathway in the air, and even the stones around the well turned into more bloody color.
Velga's headless corpse was still beside the well, yet it turned limper if it was even possible. The head traveled through the air, leading the path and ending in the well where it would end at the bottom. She reached her end, and a smile on her face made Razmund a bit unhappy. He didn't even care to see it at the moment but he still did find it annoying. If he would, he would probably smash this head to quench his anger.
At last, this was the end of this fight, which wasn't up to her ability.
Razmund didn't feel much like a winner, nor someone who dealt with the foe and evil according to the Will of Centralis Kingdom, but not his own. He did act for the purpose and the views of Falconers, but that was secondary, if not further behind.
The demise of this woman filled his mind with almost no emotions, as the memories of his brief dive into her soul space were his main concern. She had information about certain things, but it was vague. He can use them to his advantage, but he needed some context. The Dark Mages in particular weren't that protected in her mind since she wasn't one of them, to begin with. No. She wasn't a Dark Mage, which was one of the many suspicions.
Her appearance and robe were just a cover, while her whole purpose may be the duck that was beside her headless corpse or a pouch in Paulfred hand. Murai was conscious but barely so, and with a head, which was good. He noticed the death of a woman with his soul read. A small shivering emotion stopped, along with unwillingness, pain, and frustration. Velga died in agony, even though she had a smile on her face.
“S-sir?” Paulfred flickered his curved sword in the air, letting the blood off of his blade, and holding Razmund's right shoulder with the other hand. He steadied it back towards his waist while looking at his thinking master, whose mind he didn't see, but feared he did. Though, it didn't mean he couldn't understand something from his body language or face.
“Good work... finishing this heretic,” Razmund mumbled after a minute of thinking. “Let's get back from this place. I am over this. This is more complicated than I initially thought, and it doesn't make me feel good. The purpose of everything is dead... There may be others... acting against something in this Battleworld, or some Gods! BAH! Leave me be!” Razmund suddenly forced Paulfred's hand away, which in turn, caused him to stumble on his single usable leg.
His demeanor changed again when he found the situation lacking some sense.
“I was the one who finished the fate of this dead woman. It's just right since I heard it. I heard her Will... and something else that belonged to others. It's against the Battle... Lunatics... Heretics. That won't do for us. Those assholes should lose their limbs... Kill. Let's butcher their numbers, seep the blood from their vessels.” Razmund mumbled in craziness, as the blood seeped out of his opened eyes again.
Now, he appeared like a lunatic, if not something worse. It was a sight of a crazed man for sure.
Razmund struggled on his leg not so far away from Murai. Turning his head at the well, he bend his left knee and picked up the limp duck. Razmund clutched its body, but no sound came from this duck, whose eyes were still alive, but not really. It made him nervous. The words and possibilities of a Grand Mage, who predicted something about this duck, or something else about it.
It was so important, that he lost his life, but for what? Succusef Futuresight that moved against the Chaos or Order? Did he lose his life through the possibility to view a far future? It wasn't something good for sure, and it may cause a disaster or some hope for others.
Razmund had to investigate more about Velga's purpose, but she was already dead. There were other mentions and possibilities that he can use, so his mind went through hundreds of probabilities and even those fragmented memories.
“I clutch the fate of time... This is a change to go against the Futuresight and I am worthy to accomplish such a thing!” Razmund mumbled again and put forth his decision. His eyes were bloodied, but a sudden pressure pulled away any blood from his face. Some fell to the ground. Other to his armor. It made his face barren of any blood, while his opened eyes were clearly upon the duck, clear, but bloodshot.
For some reason, his right eye was also usable, indicating he had some sort of specialty about it. His eyesight was fine, but the blood vessels inside of them weren't. In fact, they were two flat circles, when one chunk of dark, made nothing but madness. There was almost no clarity to whiteness that should be visible, making the eyes a sea of blood.
Razmund clutched his teeth, eyeing the eyes of this duck with his bloodied eyes.
“Appraisal!” he shouted out loud, and his Will forced a powerful version of Appraisal to another use. There wasn't time for anything, and a beam of light went against Murai, who wasn't really trying to do anything, right now.
It successfully went against his eyes, and even his mind, but what did it matter? Murai wasn't one to be fully aware of what Razmund wanted or tried to do, but his words were more than clear to him. Murai heard everything from the beginning to the end in silence and his own suffering and End.
While his body wasn't usable any longer, it didn't matter for one's Will and powerful soul.
“Sir! The second use so soon is dangerous!” Paulfred reminded, but he did nothing else. “You can lose your eyes and cause permanent problems for your future. This Half-Death poison also needs treatment or you will regret this very soon.” he insisted, shouting behind his back but didn't touch him, nor appear inclined to do so. He understood that Razmund was unreasonable, and in an unsteady state of mind. He may as well snap, and kill him in the process.
Razmund clutched the duck within his grasp, not caring for Paulfred's comments since this was his Will.
He penetrated the mind of this duck with the Will of his Appraisal, which was the same one he used on Velga. He was hoping to see what sort of thing this duck could have, so he was much more open with his Will, unlike Velga, who had the defense of a Grand Mage in her head.
At first, he saw and felt little of anything at all. So he pushed his Will toward Murai's soul space, where Razmund tried to seek what made a being a being. It should be a soul in itself, but he saw, nor felt that kind of thing in this soul space. He saw no memories he could take, nor he noticed a glowing sphere that usually made a soul.
It was rather empty and barren - even dull of life, Will, and anything that made soul space special. In fact, he saw some cracks around, indicating that Murai's end was still apparent, but they were indistinct, as if too far.
Razmund Will traveled forward in a steady manner. He put it forth with the intent of his Will and mental power, guessing that the Soul and Will of this duck were further ahead, but even that notion was strange, making him suspicious.
Hoping to seek what sort of reason for Future Sight was, Razmund wasn't hesitant to use Appraisal for further minutes. His awareness was yet to go deep into the layers of Murai's Will, but he was planning to do so without any hesitation. There were no defenses, as far as he felt, so he did something specific.
He traveled with his Will toward the core of a Soul Space, or so he thought. Everything was strange, but traveling far took some effort as if he traveled quite some distance. Then, he spread his awareness further, noticing some sections of roundness or whatnot. Then, he saw it. A sight that he didn't expect. A sight that he will never forget.
It was a huge divine duck, with strange resemblances to something he couldn't put his finger on. Perhaps they weren't that of a duck or were trying to be that. Its beak was strange, filled with strange symbols, and certain sharpness and shape. Its wings were vaster than its body, and its tiny legs were still tiny, but its feet were steady like pillars that didn't move at all.
Also, on top of its head, feathers of utmost beauty, glitter, and power protruded. Almost like a crown. Further glistering feathers engulfed this divine duck, fueling it with special feelings, while the eyes were most strange.
They appeared mystical, seizing, and filled with intent and Will that Razmudn felt would crash him for sure.
No. Perhaps that would be fitting, or so he thought.
After all, what was this?
His Will crashed into a wall, and he was yet to seek this place, nor a part of this divine duck.
It was far too strange and far too big. It was humongous for his sense to comprehend, and Razmund could tell he was either far from it, or he was tiny, in comparison.
Maybe it was big as a planet, but then, he knew his WIll wasn't weak. Razmund didn't know what should make sense, since the shock to his own Will was tremendous, making him understand a single fact. He had to go away, and he had to be fast. The eyes of this duck held a universe of their own, and its gaze was turning toward him, terrifying him.
It had power, and it was strange. Velga was weak, and Razmund worked well against her since he was stronger than her, but this wasn't Velga's Soul, nor memory fragments.
This was Murai's Robust Spirit, strengthened under the Breach, and Soul Force.
Without a change of expression or turn of events, Razmund closed his eyes in reality, realizing that the danger was upon him. He stumbled to the ground, feeling sick to his stomach, and mind. It was almost instinctual, what he did just now.
Sweat long flew around his back, making him question the reality itself, and even his own mind. It was almost like a fever dream, where he was in an unsteady state of mind in one moment, while in the next one, he was seeing the reality. He was feeling cold as if he escaped the clutch of death itself. He didn't care, nor he couldn't stop the shaking of his left hand that kept clutching the bloodied duck. Its eyes were closed for some reason.
Razmund was so damn fast with his reaction that Murai didn't have a chance to do anything. Although, not like he was unwilling to kill this man. It was simple. The man reacted too fast, almost like a coward. At that moment, he could've spoken to him or pranked him in his last moments, or something. Murai was just a bit too late for that.
Who knew that the case of experience, one's will to survive, and Will in itself, his Robust Spirit would shake him so much? Razmund wasn't weak and held a powerful Will, but it wasn't on par with what Murai had.
“S-sir?” Paulfred asked, wondering what was wrong with Razmund's surprised face and shaking hand. He wondered what Razmund saw within this duck, but he was more looking for his well-being, so he didn't come too close.
Blood was emerging from the eyes again, and even some tears were mixed in the blood. Razmund made a mistake with the 2nd use of high-level Appraisal, and it didn't matter if one viewed the content of a weakling or the exact opposite. Though the results would be different in the end, Razmud didn't suffer the consequences of Aprasing the soul, as he wasn't as hurt as he feared. He was, only because of his long use of this Appraisal.
As Razmund cried blood, he didn't respond, because he was breathless in his lungs and mind. He was feeling and clutching this thing within his palm. It was similar, yet a bit different thing from that Will, but there was a resemblance.
“A-Anatidae?” he muttered, and with no second thought or behind his actions, he tossed Murai to the well close to him. Reaching the water, Razmund heard how it hit the water, which calmed him more than he was willing to admit.
This threat to his life... It will drown, and reach the bottom where it will stay. Yet, Razmund's hand was still trembling and his mind was blank, for once. It was a sight of fear. A thing that Razmund experienced a lot, albeit unwillingly, which caused his mind to turn frantic.
Paulfred watched, still with that pouch - by human standards - in his hands. Seeing the matter with the duck away, he didn't think much of what Razmund said about Anatidae, but he noticed that something in him snapped. Unsurprisingly, the second use of Appraisal right after the other would have tough effects and varying aftereffects. Such as delusions, lunacy, and an unclear mind. Some would turn to idiots after two appraisals on too-powerful targets.
Paulfred didn't even know what Anatidae was, so he walked before Razmund to check his state. The effects of the half-death poison were also a problem and could endanger his life. It did seem bad, as far as he was concerned. It was just... his master was such an involuntary jackass that he would never call for help. Also, Paulfred didn't have any sort of healing items with him, so what then?
“Back....” Razmund mumbled, feeling strange.
“What for? Where? Which?” Paulfred raised 3 questions.
“Fuck... Back to the headquarters. Shit... Take this thing with you and... As for this woman's body, ignite it and let this get over with. They may look for her, but it could be troublesome. The Somalis Continent is too vast... and many variables can occur. Other Continents too... Too much shit. Too much.” Razmund continued mumbling, speaking with better clarity, yet his body was getting numb.
At this point, Waldorf already stabilized his right arm and appeared behind the back of those two. He grabbed Razmund under his armpit without any regard if he will dislike it or not.
“What do you think you are doing!” Razmund barked at him, angrily stating this wasn't needed. The man was dying from poison, yet his pride was showing.
“Shut it... You are injured and so am I. Let's get this over with, and I don't care about anything else but to get some treatment for both of us. You owe me, master.” Waldorf stated as if the matter of Razmund's problems wasn't a big deal at all. It wasn't, in the grand scheme of common sense.
Falconers were tough, and Razmund viewed this 100-fold more as with many other things. Calling it stupid and meaningless pride would be the correct way to describe his Will but issues? He didn't particularly care about Falconers, as it was a temporary place where he stayed as a Blessed. It had various advantages which were hard to pass by.
So, with the end of this strange fight and summoning, Paulfred Conjured a simple fireball and Shaped it towards the headless Velga. Letting this woman turn to ashes wasn't up to him, because it was what Razmuind ordered, as he stated. Whether it was good or bad, it didn't matter to him, since they were the Falconers.
After being done, he looked around at the mess they did. Villagers were long gone indoors, or they fled far away from this village the moment Velga appeared, or when the fight started.
The ground was a mess, but surprisingly, the well remained intact. Paulfred joined Waldorf under Razmund's other shoulder. At this point, Razmund looked at him, but more toward the pouch in his hands. Paulfred held it firmly in hand and tossed it a few times in the air, deciding he will keep it for the time being, since Razmund wasn't in the right state of the body. He will keep playing with the pouch, while Razmund gestured to leave this place and move on for good.
Their "job" was over, but it wasn't the one they expected, nor the one that they wished for. On each side of him, Razmund cursed the fact that even Paulfred joined his other shoulder. He will smack these tools of his, and he won't be polite about it.
Leaving didn't take a long time, and they soon left beyond the hill, where they left their horses.
Back in the village, some people were hiding in their houses, noticing that it was too quiet outside. So, a few peeked their heads outside and noticed everyone was gone. There was silence in the midst of the chaotic aftermath of a battle. A couple of minutes later, some villagers moved out for real, watching the burning clothes and flesh of someone they knew.
The Falconers were gone, and the first to act was Grandma Po.
This content is taken from freёwebnovel.com.
She walked outside of one house, unbothered by any complaints to keep hiding, which others told her. She was long old and fed up with listening to such words. She was an elder in this place, and it was part of her responsibility to watch out for everyone in this village.
Walking towards the flaming remains of Velga, she hardly kept her breath away. Grandma Po watched it with a keen yes, understanding the foe was gone, and whatever it was these Falconers wanted, it was over. She declared so, and many villagers followed suit. They soon began cleaning this place and even buried Velga's corpse at the unnamed grave in the middle of the woods.
This was common sense and a situation that these people understood. Almost all of them were glad for the Falconers when they get rid of their problem. To be safe was important, whether it was false that danger was gone or not.
In the well that took an interesting fate.
Murai was falling towards the bottom, breathless as he longed for his helplessness to disappear for good. Feeling the body a bit more, for some reason, he figured he felt light and less pained. He was in the dark spot, falling comfortably towards the silence of the well. Wounds were leaving a crimson path above him, but he didn't care.
It was almost as if the End itself was yet to come to him, yet he knew It shouldn't take that long for it to make a final appearance. If not, it shouldn't take that long for his body to End in this well.
His body... No! His soul would follow suit with the End of his body, making it toward the next New Beginning but he wasn't willing! His Will wasn't ready for this sort of ending.
He wasn't willing to be tramped by that cowardly man! Both! All of them!
Murai was angry, and fuming in anger in his Will, feeling wronged, while Lisa was yet to regain any sense of reason. Her appearance as the succubus was enveloped in the veils of mana, yet her eyes were deeply shut. She was sleeping, regaining the strength as a soul form in a safe place for the sake of being a life companion. Unknown to her, the end was coming for her too. Whether there were strange currents coming off of her cocoon, Murai long dismissed them.
For now, he put his attention towards his soul, which remained more than calm, regardless of the chaos in the reality.
What in the world I am supposed to do right now? Surviving this shit is impossible. What do they take me for? A fish!? Fuck off with such senses, I don't even have the ability to swim, let alone to get out of this dozens of meters tall well.
Murai whined against his fate, but what use did this have? He was complaining and fuming in anger for his sake, which was rather meaningful than anything else. He was also as clueless, as angry. His real body will drown, making his death to be slow and breathless, yet as empty as meaningless.
He didn't even feel a thing any longer, turning to numbness instead.