Murai jumped in fright, quacking in response to this strange light. “Who the fuck is... Eh!” And then stopped, glaring onwards and slightly up.
What was there was a rather surprising sight, as well as something strange. Calling it a being or even a person was questionable. Made of mana and seen-through particles, a female figure floated in front of him. She was tiny, looking like the spiritual races of Elden Worlds, and other places that he had seen in the far Skies.
She had human features, yet she was far from a human in every way. Ghostly wings and long indistinct hair floated from her back, swirling and bathing the space like ripples of water. Ghost. Yes. She looked like a ghost that was hard to discern.
There was a flickering all over her, indicating her lifeform and her life itself. Mana alone made her Physicality, or it could be some form of soul in some capacity. For him, it was a dull figure even under his Soul Read, though mesmerizing because she looked pretty. She was hazy like a ghost and even her lower body was missing, making clothes useless. She could be corporeal, noticeable, or sensible to the naked eye, so perhaps she wasn't a ghost?
Who was she? What was she? Murai did forget about something for a long time. Battleworld noted him of the upcoming Life Companion. A helper for the sake of his Blessed status that was engraved to him like the worldly blessings.
“What are you looking for and quacking all so strange about?” she said, pointing with her flickering hand forward. “You are a strange duck and soul, so let me be straight at my purpose. Lisa is my name. A Life Companion provided by the Will of the Battleworld to you, so let's live nice and long, shall we?”
A fucking what? This? This is what I got? What a waste, Murai thought.
“Nice to meet you too, little Right? A duck?” Lisa shook her head in disappointment. “A speaking one, thinking one, and crazed one. How peculiar of a lifetime this is,” she spoke as if she stepped on shit, floating around his head like a butterfly looking for a landing. She wasn't that big, but she spoke as if she was bigger than a mountain.
Murai swung his head, shooing her away.
“Not shy, are you?” Lisa chuckled. “Anyway, for my introduction, I used to be a demonic Blessed in the past, and now I am a helper for another, Isn't it great?”
In the finest terms possible, Lisa resembled a Fairy, but her shape wasn't exactly as rightful or strange. Her wings had sharp angles to them, yet they were hazy as her body was hardly dense. She was even smaller than Murai himself, curved in upper body, sharp head, and her body was bare, looking naked. Skin wasn't really anywhere, so she looked like a hazy picture of a young woman.
Upon looking at her more, Murai realized some of her features. Her eyes were more brazen and arrogant, and her wings had some demonic features to them, looking sharp. In some capacity, they made her look like a succubus instead.
It was hard to tell what made her mesmerizing or pretty more: Her magical body, or the way she looked.
“What are you staring at me for? Do I look that strange in this flash? Is new, you see,” Lisa said, watching Murai's speechless face. “I think I look pretty if I say so myself!” She said again, proudly puffing her chest even though she wasn't enjoying this body as much as she smiled.
I... I regard and see the Life Companions differently, Murai thought, remembering some past lives that involved some bonding and forceful helpers.
“Well, sorry for not being a female Anatidae!” Lisa argued, chuckling with an unbothered expression.
“Shut up,” Murai barked at her, quacking along with his annoyance and obvious feelings that she could hear his thoughts.
“Yes. Yes. I am shutting... You shouldn't be such an open bother,” she uttered and put her hands before her chest. “All in all, it is nice to meet you, Murai Hisagi.”
She made a small gestured bow in a try to make a different kind of impression. It worked better for what she could make.
“So, you are a soul of the Battleworld?” Murai asked her with a doubtful look.
“Soul of the... Nah. Just the soul of a former Blessed. Life Companionship to a Blessed work that way. That is me. What do you think a Battleworld is? I formed a while ago, so I don't know much about your time here, while my soul went ahead from another End, so... It is annoying. I have trouble adjusting to this Chaos. You appear and think like this, so from what I could gather, you succeeded in your first evolution and don't know much about this world. Also, I have yet to be familiar with you as a life companion should be, so no apologies. I will change it in a breath if you work with me.”
“Am I too clueless? I am a freaking duck! A duck!” Murai once again raised his quacks. “And how am I even communicating with you?! You hear my soul, or what? Or do you understand my quacks?”
Frustration on this duck's face was kind of a strange thing to see in Lisa's opinion. The beak opened, noises spread, and flapping wings gave him a strong impression.
“Well, I can hear you just fine for what you are. Nothing else matters as I can work with it. Thank you for telling me the obvious thing. I can notice that you are a duck,” Lisa said, mocking his words.
Murai looked at her, clearly annoyed.
“As for what am I—you probably wonder—I used to be a demonic existence in this Battleworld, and upon my... demise, I got a chance for another try at living. The prerequisite is If I serve the Battleworld well enough, so that is something to take into consideration. Isn't it quite a simple chance? Die, try again, die, and hope for yet another try? Is my third time. If it goes well, that means fourth!” Lisa cheered, reminiscent of what hopes were.
“Looking for a life? Lives? Is this about the Afterlife?” Murai asked, looking as if frowning.
“Whatever it could be. Whoever. I will do so by becoming a Life Companion to some Blessed, and experiencing yet another life without any loss of memories sounds like a charm. That is a key part. I can help you with threading this world lightly, or like no duck ever did. Well, that might be a lie.” For a dead spirit, she spoke cheerfully as if she hadn't died two times.
The strangest thing was how she was looking at Murai. It was a submissive, rather delightful expression she was making, but arrogance and curiosity seeped out from her eyes and words. Murai could feel some lingering emotions from her, but Soul Read wasn't doing what he thought it would.
Lisa seemed happy with this situation, but it was a one-way thing. Murai couldn't help but curse at this little spirit since she sounded like a bother. He thought he would've some voice or choice in this matter, or he would've gotten something... else than this. Once more, he understimated his Cursed Living.
Looking at her with the same speechless expression, Murai had various emotions in his head. “So a dead spirit of a demon becomes a Fairy to help a Blessed and ends up as... what? Life Companion? What a strange turn of events. It reminds me of someone... close.” Murai was implying his life as a duck more than anything else.
Nothing else made sense in it either.
“Don't be too sad, Hisagi Murai! You are an Anatidae!” Lisa argued, pointing her finger at him again. “That isn't bad, considering their lack of breeding and rarity in pretty much any continent. You should be very happy about it. Never heard of a Blessed Anatidae. Living as this demonic beast should be filled with impressive moments and life can become quite a blessing. Of course, that depends on your views, decisions, and what you want to do in the Battleworld itself.” Lisa explained sounding a bit similar to the Rain, but her words seemed cheerful and hiding more context.
“Or in what this world gives me?” he asked.
“That too... is important. True.” Lisa nodded thoughtfully.
Murai looked at her, hardly believing that his species was impressive. Rain told him some comments but nothing much; he was only curious about their trade of information, while Murai got what he wanted out of him. It was an equal exchange. Murai wasn't able to provide him with enough information, so Rain didn't tell him a whole lot either.
Looking at Lisa, she appeared like a stable soul, innocent in appearance, yet hideous inside. Though, her honest-looking smile might be a farce.
Her soul was steady. An intact residual force that was transformed at the End of her previous iteration, or variant. She was still the same but born anew. Without any physical body for now, of course. Life Companions for Blessed were always peculiar in shape.
Battleworld was probably the reason why it all happened, or so Murai thought. Her past was hers, so he couldn't guess it, but a demon was a demon. He was also one in the past, and they were quite savage beings of various forms. They were beyond the beasts and monsters of many worlds.
“So a demon? Can you tell me about them?” Murai tried to change the topic and get to know her a little better.
“Demon is a demon, but if what you are asking about is me, then I was a Level 85 Morghoth Succubus. Class S, Path of Wrath. A rather casual one, but I got pretty high up in terms of power! I even battled some churches and killed dozens of famous adventures and... a lot of other things.” Lisa announced in a proud, yet almost nostalgic tone.
“Is that supposed to be great?” Murai asked, disappointed.
“Not at all!” She shouted in defense. “I am just remembering a lot and going through a lot. Imagine dying and having your soul seized and then put into... this.” She pointed to herself, sounding sad that no tears would come out of her eyes.
“Don't care. Continue,” Murai quacked, thinking that he was no better than her.
“You... Fine. There were even all kinds of Tier A kingdoms or other powers that wanted me dead. Something about killing the princes or whatnot. What a bummer.”
Oh, so she was that kind of demon? Unhinged and idiotic. No wonder she died. Interesting, but useless in this helpful companionship, Murai thought, but his inner voice was sensed by her.
This content is taken from fгee𝑤ebɳoveɭ.cøm.
“HEY! I may have died, but I have still some feelings!” She slapped Murai's beak, but it did nothing but satisfy her a little when her little arm puffed to smoke. “Just so you know, I want to know how long has passed since my death. Maybe my usefulness can be much better in that regard, but even without it, I can give you more than you deserve. Where you've ended up? What continent?”
“No clue.”
“Then I have no idea either,” she shrugged her arms that regrew. “Life Companions work as helpers in this world. Get used to it. I need information and see the situation in the Battleworld. Whatever changed since I've died sounds like a good step, got it?” She sounded demanding as if she was looking for favors instead.
“Yea. Yea. You are very important. Figures... How annoying,” Murai declared in a mocking tone. “Anyway, before you get angry or more annoying, do you know about the Battleworld and things that I need or should know? Are you familiar with Blessed? They seem... special.”
“You are asking the right person. Are you a Citizen?” Lisa nodded, floating as if she was a feather.
“Anatidae too. I know. Shocking.”
“So you are a Citizen?”
“Yes. That's what the Battleworld is calling me from time to time. Is that something wrong?” Murai wondered.
“No. Not really,” she said, lost in thoughts for a moment. “There are some unusual cases, but status such as Citizen means a certain... encouragement. Voicing it like that by Battleworld is strange at this point in life. For example, there are Locals, Guests, Players, Heroes, Wicked, and other kinds of names, nicknames, or titles one could get. For you to be a Citizen is a rather honorary thing in itself. It's not that common, but hearing it so early makes it strange. Who are you even, or were?”
“Titles and names sound interesting. What about their differences? Shouldn't it be simpler to have it simple?” Murai asked, ignoring talking about his past, which ended up making her annoyed.
“Simplicity is for worlds who have it thought. This is the Battleworld. Will of the Battleworld is responsible for a whole lot of details. Called The Great System in some parts, or what some call it. Some also call it a Voice, or God's Messages, or whatnot. How stupid, is what I call them back, but all of them are rather important. You must've realized it yourself.”
“Yes,” Murai nodded. “Got called names and some jokes. Got bunch of those... readings too.”
“Expected. It calls and handles all souls and beings, but some are deemed worthy of it much more. Those are Blessed. Titles or names go along with them. Citizen is like... upper tier of them? Does it have some benefits you know about?” She asked, but Murai shook his head in denial. He heard no titles for sure, and nothing about Citizen was there either, but it sure speaks to him like that. Perhaps it was just a nickname.
“No? Well, it can wait. Not everything in the Battleworld has the concept or means to work with it. It would be so chaotic if every living being was a Blessed. The Will of the Battleworld would be crazy to do it, but all beings of this world have some notion of its flow. It adds progression possibilities, evolutions, and those shimmering voices, whispers, and whatnot. But that works only because of the world itself, just so you know. I would even guess the world would've long cracked to pieces if everyone was crazy as yourself, or my former self.” Lisa explained.
“That makes sense. Too much power is never great. You have no idea how right that is,” Murai nodded. “What about the other things like Anatidaes? What are they? You sounded as if you know about them.”
“You!” Lisa pointed at him and giggled afterward. It seemed Murai was unlucky and got quite the mischievous spirit, but she at least talked some sense beforehand. Maybe her presence was a prank of this world.
“Thanks for pointing that out. I would slap you if I could but...” Murai spread his wings. “I have no freaking hand! What a messed up life this is?”
“And once again, you quack into oblivion. It's your life, so why be upset about it so badly? Being a Citizen of the Battlewrold isn't good enough for you? If so, then being an Anatidae should. It's an honor made by the Gods! You should feel good about it.” Lisa tried to cheer him up, suppressing her mocking laughter.
He was more or less aware of what kind of person was before him. The fact that she was his life companion didn't make it better. Only worse.
Sighting, he said. “Anyway, what sort of life companion are you? Is this world strange about them like everything else? Considering you know about my name, do you know about me or what am I? What I was?”
“Oh?! I don't know the past that well. Just before the flashes and rebirth, I got some additional flashes. You are an Old Soul. The kind meant to... go through things.”
“Oh, things? Great. How savage.” Murai sighted, curious how she knew about him.
“A lot of worthy beings end up in this Battlewolrd, becoming Blessed or Wicked, so don't fret! It's great!” Lisa said, enunciating her words to higher heights than they were. “As for us, Blessed Life Companion is rather peculiar in the Battleworld. I have no clue what was your life before this one, so let me explain it in the lightest form,” she flew closer to Murai's face and smiled at him brightly. “I am L-i-f-e Companion. Simple as...”
“Say it in some better words, idiot,” Murai shut her words down.
“Hmph! No fun,” Lisa crossed her hands around her chest unhappily. “Alright, I will explain it better. Blessed Life Companionship is about the soul connection and boundless support. Only one is there. None else. They connect through the Battleworld, giving experiences and flow. They can provide many kinds of information that Will of the Battleworld can't bother explaining. Mainly, it's about the world, factions, people, and countless other things. Unlike those lofty Wills, I am with you at all times, meaning I will be a good guiding tool for you as a Blessed, since I've been in this world already, and you weren't. Got it? Easy and simple.”
“Got it, but do you feel good to be a tool?” Murai asked, not knowing if he would ever want to be something like that.
“Sure. It's better than feeling the End forever,” Lisa nonchalantly said. “I am also very familiar with this world, you know. That's pretty damn important if you are clueless and have no idea what you are doing.”
Murai was listening to her, but that didn't mean he was willing to take her words for Laws. Lisa was like an annoying person he would always dislike in any kind of life, but many variables depended on many things. He could swallow annoyance, pride, and pain if it meant some use. Once more, he was almost close to doubting a person's stupidity. That also counted as his.
What if her use outweighed the annoyance? Wouldn't that be a fantastic possibility? Almost... sensible? Since she was relying on him to live, acting like a ghost hunting his head, this seemed peculiar.
Murai sighed to himself, accepted his Fate, and moved on. “What can you do for me that should be said, but you don't say it?” He asked a good question.
“Should be said? There is nothing apart from becoming connected first before going deeper. My body is partly a Soul Form, so I will reside inside of your soul space. I see that you shouldn't have a problem with that, do you?”
“No. I am just questioning my life choices,” Murai mumbled in sadness.
“Hey! Don't say it like that. You have it good, albeit for now... Anyway!” Lisa stopped an inch from his face as she floated closer. “I will commence the Soul Bond! Do you agree? Not like you have a choice though.”
Her words left almost no reasonable reply in Murai's mind, so he nodded to get this over with.
The Soul Bond that she meant was unlike the Pact that worked with some blood-related words alone. It was almost like a promise set up by the rules of both parties.
Soul Bond was more powerful and undeniable. It would never go away. Upon commencing this act, they would act like one, but there were some specific things that Lisa had yet to include.
She needed this bound.
Soul Bond worked with Will of the Battleworld, connecting her to Murai with a firm contract. Similar to the Pact, the Soul Bond could turn to shreds if one of the parties died. And within the soul space itself, Lisa was a special case of a Blessed Life Companion that would hardly move away from him. As a Soul Form, she rested in his soul space for a couple of reasons. Untold reasons that Murai didn't know, or knew but found boring or unnecessary to remember.
Murai wasn't soul-based Life Companions. Other Blessed wouldn't necessarily get this one as their mandatory choice. Some could have a former Blessed as a pet with a forced soul put into it, or a golem, tool, and so on. Wandering souls like Lisa were possible, albeit rare.
It was yet another collapse of his own soul rule. Very little could be kept from her in this way, and by his rule, she would invade his very being. That wasn't ideal, so he thought of a good idea. Protecting his secrets from this naked annoyance sounded easy.
Lisa should be unable to do anything within his soul space if he was clever about it. For the most part, he wasn't sure what her abilities were and what her life form assembled. She wasn't a ghost or a wandering soul. She was pretty much alive in some form of soul race. The kind that looked like a ghost could be counted in... his two feet? Perhaps three.
She was in her starting form with very little personal power akin to a Seedling. Murai guessed that from her transparency, weak physicality, and power. As a soul in charge of his soul space, he had no worries. Apart from her personality and the things that went along with her, she wasn't a disaster. Well, if she would begin chirping inside his head endlessly, he might regret it very quickly.
Lisa pressed her arm on Murai's beak. She did not need to recite anything. The World was the witness. The Will of the Battleworld was the spark. Murai could refuse it, but would he?
I swear this set of mandatory rules is already getting on my nerves. How is this world even spinning with this much shit? He complained freely since Lisa couldn't hear him. She was focused on the task at hand.
He heard an upcoming bond forming, followed by a descent of the Will of the Battleworld.
[Soul Bond is initiated]
[A soul by soul, the Bond is witnessed by the Will of the World within yourself and us. Dear citizen of the Battleworld, your Life Companion is commencing the Soul Bond with you]
[You have an incredible Soul, and hers is not as insane]
[But don't fret, the course of the Soul Bond is life-lasting, so regrets are too bad to have]
[Life Companion witnessed the world and died accordingly thanks to her failure. Her view will go side by side with yours, and she will help with what the world or we can't. So learn the sources of what you desire, but don't get influenced, as she is just a soul, a companion, and a helper. You are Blessed. A Citizen. Your standing is beyond hers, while your future is in your wings. Bear that in mind]
[Life Companions are a simple point of knowledge, transferring the unfamiliar concepts and notions to the new Blessed]
[You aren't a normal one, so think about the future and the consequences of your actions]
[Lisa is reaching your soul space. Accept her as it is her new home]
[A Life Companion is added to your life]
The Will of the Battleworld spoke with its mechanical voice. After it ended, Murai felt an unfamiliar gust of power coming into his soul space. From his outside view, he noticed how her body flickered, turning even more transparent, and like a fog or mist, she disappeared into his soul space like water flowing into a pool.
In that mysterious, yet personal space, her body reformed. Murai put forth his focus on it, focusing on pulling his Will to see it himself. It was like falling asleep, and his vision blinked into his Robust Spirit for the first time. Far away, he saw Lisa stabilizing, becoming stronger and connected to him in many threads and waves, looking like cracks in space and mist flowing in the sky.
“Oh! OH!” Lisa cried out after she gained awareness, surprised by the sight of a savage soul that was before hers. It was Murai's very own core. It had no hideous definition, as it was one of a kind soul in the universe.
What shocked her was the size and aura.
His Soul-Body was like a knock to his soul. It was weak. Now, his soul had the shape of Robust Spirit, appearing stronger, more mysterious, and crisp like a glowing goblet of essences and the finest of currencies. Murai forgot to think about his soul when he heard of his Robust Spirit.
It made some guiding factors to his spirituality and mentality, which charmed his soul to much higher heights than ever before. He was yet to notice it, unfortunately.
Not only did he keep the shape of a duck and Anatidae with his soul, but it was much older, richer, and fancier in appearance. Before Lisa, there was a planet-sized duck, glowing menacingly, eyeing her with glowing eyes, overflowing with feathers of colorful sheens, and looking like a king. No. Perhaps it was something else.
It was his soul.
And it shocked her, wrecking her body and flow.