Murai stepped beyond the Space Cage, signifying a separation from the outside by a very complicated pattern that worked on principles of space and runes. Runes carved their truths into the floor, while the input of space, or the space within then, created some sort of separate dimension when one can't see through it that well.
Murai doubted this was even necessary. Why be this secretive? He bet enough curiosity and power could bend this dimension in half. Not by him, unfortunately. Gods could crash it with their mere presence, or powerful Extremes would seek through it with few issues.
He wondered why these things mattered. Were those fights in this place a secret? Why was this separation even necessary when weaklings battled one another? Was it just a culture? The endless flow of battles in this temple? He had no clue how many beings were present in this Gate, so that may be the answer to why it was like this.
Sight beyond the Space Cage wasn't unexpected. From the platform that looked flat from the outside, Space Cage went around it. Looking behind him, Lisa and Lorry were nowhere to be seen. However, he saw the bridge as if it were a painting: unmoving, wooden, and far, yet close to his face.
Some images still escaped through the Space Cage, but they looked unnatural like shadows, so once he turned his full attention to the platform, he got a better idea of what this was about.
It was time to hunt in a huge dome of the Space Cage that was looming over his head. It was bright thanks to light coming from the rough cave's ceiling. It was still visible even with a Space Cage between the platform and the ceiling. A simple flick of his Sonar answered many questions. It was like a sudden flash of understanding, revealing the truth of this space. It was a thick and broad-locked space, and how many runes worked together wasn't even clear to him.
Sonar didn't penetrate anything, nor did he sense the outside. All it did was to encompass the whole platform.
He was here by himself. Alone. Islands were supposed to be done without any outside influence, similar to how Gate 1 went, but he knew there were instances, like the one against a bunch of Undead Knights and skeletons, where the rules bent. Lorry and Lisa both talked to him, and even Mindarch's presence talked while he was having a fight in the dreadful fog.
He still killed his targets as if no rules mattered, so it didn't matter in the end. He got a lot out of it after all, which made this next Gate up next.
Murai didn't mind if Islands possessed a different kind of environment than a bunch of dark and dreadful hallways.
There were a few glistering sections of crystals that undulated a bright light at the corner of this platform, making the environment quite warm, and brighter than the cave's light.
“Hmmm... I guess some things are passable, but still... Naming this thing an Island is way out of the line.” Murai sighed, glancing left and right to seek his foe. The battle should've started, but Sonar detected no foe. Was it something like the Crowhell Bat? Wouldn't Sonar detect that?
What was before him was a flat flat-looking arena, with a bunch of pillars in random sections. There were even a few brick walls and other obscuring parts that were supposed to give this open arena some kind of flavor and strategies. Murai would laugh at that, but then, he remembered what this was used for.
Not bad. Levandis lets her troops enter these places. Training them must be some form of trial, so this is great for newcomers to battles for sure. Not to me! Where is the essen.... enemy?
There was a fence around the edges, with crystals on top of them to shine across this whole platform.
Murai wondered if one could easily fall through those fences and if that Space Cage stopped physical objects or not. He had no desire to try that, however. He was half sure the Space Cage was just a way to stop senses. One may fall out of this platform for sure, but what about going back up?
He shuddered just from that idea.
From the looks of it, it was possible to fall down and reset this whole run, but since he wasn't a coward, he didn't want to give up. The idea of climbing back was terrifying, so falling out of those platforms wasn't in his mind. This was making this arena kind of dangerous, but it was a dozen meters wide, so he had a lot of room for any dodging or movement.
It was at this point, that a voice popped into his ears, speaking loudly and around the whole platform.
[Hello. Hello. Greetings, Citizen M, or so how to call you.] Mindarch voiced, speaking in his weird manner of manly tones. [Welcome to the Islands of Greatness, the addition and neat training grounds of Lady Levandis, the God of Thousand Graves, Bloodlady, or so she calls herself like.]
[I shall be a giver of some care, similar, albeit in unlikely fashion to a Guide that you've already taken behind your head. Battleworld can screw off... I shall take this task upon myself. Bunch of reeking fricks. Pche.] He scoffed.
“Sure enough. Any words are good words.” Murai cheered and listened to what he had to tell.
[There are a couple of things amongst the 100 Islands that will have a unique approach to Citizen M. Most are under my jurisdiction and care.]
[Everything falls under my mentions, as I had to readjust some things, and... acknowledge some criteria and messed up reasons that come from the outside world.... Bother it is. Bother!]
[1st: Foes shall be spoked before each fight, or after entering the island. It will vary, probably, or if you want it, it can change. It could include Paths, Levels, Grades around some difficulties of foes, and other fitting mentions. Read by me, of course. Degrees vary after each gradual success, and great fights shall be rewarded with more information than failure.]
[2nd: Tiers of success are up to my readings. Those will be mine to cater for. Points are hidden.]
[3rd: There won't be any sudden impacts of Boosts in this Gate at all. The challenging nature of these Islands will poke at Challanger's limits and potential. As Lady Levandis wanted, you see. One gets the consensus of mine or Battleworld's Boosts after finishing the 100th Islands. Of course, it doesn't mean Citizen M can be pitiful Anatidea.]
[Not at all, in fact. one always improves one way or another. Boostless. It is all that training does, so some other touches and blessings can be far too improper if one can't work with them afterward.]
[Because of that, there are no time limits put into this place, and one can wait before the Islands and recoup some injuries or take a nap. Meal and water aren't provided, however. We aren't a hotel, nor do we take any responsibility for any Challenger.]
[Citizen M might want to work on self-improvement, as it is an important way that power flows in this world. It is only fitting to not be dependent on the silly mess that is Will of the Battleworld like Sky and Surface calls it like.]
“Huh? Then why do I even have that damend skull, if you are taking everything to your... words? Are you explaining things differently than him?” Murai argued after figuring that Mindarch was taking this Island into his own hands, which did go according to Lisa's confusion.
[I had to act, can't I? Or do I want to...] Mindarch said hesitantly. [Anyway, the fighting shall be on! Fight! Citizen M already had a great time in the last Gate, and this one has one of the harsher passages within Gate 2s. Starting Islands shall be gradual, to see what Citizen M took after Gate 1. I am curious about what you shall take out of Hell Haven and my readings. I shall be a witness to that power and degree of your feathers, Citizen M.] Afterward, Mindarch menacingly laughed, but it sounded fake and kind of awkward, or forced.
[Now, for the enemy....]
A swirl of spatial storm crashed into the platform.
[The first foe is under beasts.]
[Family: Canideamons.]
[Species: Wolf.]
[Subspecies: Luntera Wolf]
[Level 25]
[Fight to the End!]
[Spread your wings, or clutch your beak! Fight!]
Mindarch hyped him up, which worked halfway to being useless. Murai heard his voice fade away.
“A wolf again? Can't I smack and shatter some other types of life forms, or... bones? Flesh? Races?” Murai complained, not taking his hype for anything but silliness. He wasn't so thrilled after all. He had way too many 4 legged opponents under his belt. Well, he had almost none in Gate 1, but those Coyotes, Jaguar, and High Wolves weren't that different from one another.
He watched the spatial storm and focused his mind on the task before him.
Noticing a furry creature step out of the teleport of questionable origin, it appeared as if it walked out of its den. It shall be his opponent and one way or another, it was about average as far as his opponent got.
For this world, of course. It had quite some aura, as it was a beast worthy of some power and name. Its fangs and eyes were brutal and bloodthirsty, holding a certain savagery all over its posture. Azure light surrounded its head, filling the fur with shine-like metal. A unique aura made of mana surrounded it, depicting the Mindarch's Mark, or its Bloodline. Murai saw these marks many times. Those were manifestations of some enchantment from this temple.
Unfortunately, Mindarch mentioned nothing about them, but he could.
He said so, but first, Murai had to accomplish great results.
Luntera Wolf was a magical demonic beast like him, but it had no Beast Core, or great merit to its accomplishments. It wasn't larger than High Wolves, but it was bigger and deadlier than a Devil Fox, which pretty much made sense because of the level differences and strengths of their species.
Devil Fox was part of the Felideamon Family, but the one Murai killed was more than young.
As far as it should be a norm, weakness meant savage consequences in the jungles that were the demonic lands. Murai was sure of this truth, thanks for his endless living. Power was a majestic law of nature, so he got used to fighting those 4 legged beasts that were much larger than him. He can strike the heads when they pounced forward, or focus on their frontal paws, or chest that were fairly close to him.
His smaller stature allowed him the kind of strategies that he had never thought about. It was an interesting perspective, as far as this duck's life went.
This Luntera Wolf was a prime example of what wolves could be if their Canideamon's bloodline manifests under some specific evolutionary pathway. It depicted the change in their status quo, or how lucky or talented they were.
This one before Murai had limited redeeming qualities of demonic beasts, who held chaotic bloodlines in their veins. This wolf had some speck of such power; not rich or very potent to make it special. Its Bloodline came from either a chance or ancestry, enough to give it a Luntera Wolf Bloodline. It was a basic evolution working with manifested mana physique. That was the mana cruising through the fur, increasing its strength and defenses, as long as its body could take it, and bloodline allowed it.
It was mostly thanks to the Will of the Battleworld that this happened since not every beast can achieve their evolution, even if their bloodline had some specks of powerful ancestry. Those helped with the flow of power, however, increasing the success rate.
In the end, evolution was strictly possible on an individual basis, requiring proper attributes, which many would never have. It was a whole lot more complicated since one had to accept all the consequences of success or failure, alongside opportunities and a proper mind.
To gain evolution wasn't common under every individual beast. It was too insane of an ordeal as there were far too many of them than humanoid races. There were talents and limits to their powers and hopes, and bloodlines, talents, and limits moved alongside that prospect, giving beasts a time that was often difficult.
It was a norm, as far as the law of the jungle went, and how power held up through many ages.
Many beasts cultivated no such possibilities. Like many humans, they weren't precious or powerful enough. It was a matter of talent or luck to change that or proper intelligence.
Every chance meant greater powers. Some will never step out of their limits and will grow to stagnancy, becoming ordinary beasts hunted by hunters or other beasts.
It was all too similar across many life forms, as not everything can walk the path of the extraordinary. The universe wouldn't allow that, as shackles and limits burst apart by those who were worthy.
Most beasts had their troubles, and the more normal a beast seemed, the less they were prone to major changes. The more crazier the beast, the more likely they were prone to abnormalities. It was all a matter of family, or race itself. As long as talent, bloodline, and body allow it, almost anything can develop.
According to the Will of the Battleworld and its power that reshaped this world long ago, there was a neat balance to everything.
And those that went against this balance, didn't want anything else than shatter that and become overlords of others! Masters, and takers of the weaker foes.
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It was created this way, reeking of troubles and dramas, while Gods were watching it from their thrones as they were the makers of the Battleworld.
Murai recognized this sort of issue within the last week. In a world where evolution changed the status quo and Boosts gave powers that were far too cheap, it sounded like one hell of a mess.
Unfortunately, even with Lisa and her mild run of an opening mouth, he didn't fundamentally know how everything that affected the world, let alone his choices. He could only follow the time, and see how significant they were in practice. Lisa at least answered his questions with her own take on it, so it wasn't terrible or great.
He will have to figure out answers on his own, which meant caring for his body for the most part. That sounded like the easiest road to knowledge. A direct experience meant easier explanations and answers. It went according to his knowledge and how he was used to thinking and calculating his own stakes.
He had no voices in his head in his past lives. For the most part... Nor did he have a forced Life Companion in most of them. He preferred silence, and it always made sense to have inner peace.
There wasn't any need to think of this Luntera Wolf as something special. For the start, it didn't look that threatening, but Mindarch didn't voice anything else about it. Family, Sup-Species, and Level. No Path was there to be said, which meant there was nothing meaningful about this wolf.
It was correct. There were many such demonic beasts under this temple. Known as fodder, there were large demonic factions under every major Hell Haven, ruled by powerful demonic Gods. Levandis held this temple at high marks. It was proving grounds, as well as a home for many of her forces.
It showed its teeth at Murai.
Luntera Wolf growled at its foe, fangs trembling, fur spiking, and eyes glistering to appear ferocious and dangerous. It probably thought that Murai was easy prey, as it began to walk rather slowly toward him.
Murai didn't move. He just stared. So an unintelligent beast, without much Will to its head? Soul Read is quite handy for figuring out intelects. It has Level 25, which is almost on par with what I have met so far, apart from those bone problems. It seems to have some instincts, at least, but they don't seem to be working against me by some condition.
Reading a clueless and instinctual beast isn't fine at all... I know that. The more intelligent the creature, the richer Soul Read is. I guess I look like a regular duck to it, but I am far from one, yet it still views me as an animal... I see it in its eyes. Those growling sounds that want to eat me and rip me to shreds... I will fucking murder you! Murai thought, agitated and fury brewed in his eyes since he refused to be underestimated by this pup.
He had enough to meet those undead, so he was out of his damned patience. He stood still and waited for what his enemy would do with its slow walking.
He was veiling his core and spirit, but he knew it hardly made any difference in the last Gate. Enemy would attack him regardless if he stopped his core from cycling, and he wasn't an expert in it anyway. Not in this life at least, which was a shame, considering his last life.
Well, I am halting the force of nature in my mana space. It isn't sounding great, similar to how a pent-up wife is not good either. I have a pair of cores now, and undulations from my Beast Core are hard to tame. I guess that's what I've got out of getting more flow going, and even my body grew a little. That may be that for a while.
I ought to grab such chances and never release them. My past selves would agree, I bet. Got better tools over the last few days, and this temple got me a bunch of tools to try them at. Sonar is next. Blitz is a weapon like my beak.
I should fight better than ever.
Luntera wolf came upon Murai, brandishing its fangs as if it went to an open buffet, wanting to bite into Murai's innocent and empty-looking head. Alas, what was done instead was the exact opposite of that.
Murai snapped his beak open, stepped aside, and attacked its neck instead. Luntera Wolf howled and charged the spiked fur and azure light around his head in defense. It was fast, but not fast enough to turn its head and bite Murai in return.
He was way too agile in his single step and snap of his beak.
Murai went straight for the neck, biting and twisting it in a simple clutch, ignoring the toughness and shape of fur that tried to dig into his head and neck. They bent or went against his feathers instead, and lost. His neck and beak were much better than this measly Luntera Wolf, who was just an overgrown wolf with a special mana-based aspect that changed its fur into sharp weapons.
It wasn't a high-grade one for sure. Murai bet his wings its class wasn't more than a Grade E.
Wofl's neck snapped under the pressure, and Murai didn't finish it with a piercing attack. He gnawed at it instead, crashing the spine under the crunch of his beak. If he wanted, he could flex and twist it some more, detaching the head from the rest of its body. He didn't do that. That would be a waste to tear the whole head off.
“Phfh.” Murai spat some fur from his teeth, backing sideways, while the wolf crashed to the ground, meeting its End. Its body twitched, mana seeped out of its fur, and blood dripped to the floor. Not much was flowing, considering the thickness of the fur, and Murai's beak wasn't supposed to be that savage. His teeth weren't enough to penetrate too deeply, so he focused on his strength and went straight against its neck and bones.
It worked well, much to Murai's satisfaction to pretend he was a normal duck. He sidestepped quickly, finishing the foe in a single move.
“Well, that was unsurprising, or was it not? My twist and strength are better than I expected. Is this a change that came out of those last Boosts? I haven't even used the Blitz or Peak.” He wondered out loud and glanced at his enemy. “How about a roasted wolf? Should be enough...”
Murai prepared his Blade and Flame and began preparation to have a quick and nutritious food. As he was doing so, Mindarch once again voiced his stakes by talking out loud to the whole arena. Will of the Battleworld was anywhere close to this, so Murai wasn't complaining.
[Excelent fight, Citizen M. First Island is done]
[Tier: Flawless.]
[Path onto the next one shall be opened next, revealing chances that will further describe that paths and web of bridges to many Islands. It all flows under my watch, making it seem there are too many of them, but trust the process. The end of the cave always ends in the 100th Island.]
“You don't say. Now, let's eat!” Murai dismissed the message, beginning to eat in less than a few minutes upon the end of this "battle".
As he started to gnaw at the charred meat, after separating the fur and other nasty things, Lisa and Lorry appeared as well, knowing that they hadn't seen this fight at all. As a Guide and Life Companion of this Blessed duck, it ended up frustrating both of them, since barely a minute passed since the fight started.
“Is Murai always like that?” Lorry asked her from behind.
“Unfortunately...“ Lisa sighed and watched the mess of gore of what remained of some wolf.
It was law of a jungle. She had no surprise that Murai would do anything less than this.
“Lisa is nothing better though. At least it's quite a comforting companionship. And match! Must be nice for Lisa. Heheheeheh.” Lorry giggled in a good mood, while Lisa sighted and ignored his cluttering teeth. Rather than giving him any face, she floated towards Murai who was enjoying roasted pieces of meat.
There wasn't a lot of it, unfortunately, but it had passable texture. And a poor taste. Some salt or other seasonings would work wonders, or so he thought and wished.
In less than 2 minutes, he devoured the last bits of the meat.
“So, what about the so-called rewards of the battles? Can this beast be made into the essence?” Murai voices his wonders after having a filling meal. It wasn't some steak for sure. Just torn muscles, with removed fur, which he quickly wrapped with his flame to make some sort of oven. It worked wonders, meaning that his control over his Flame also improved.
“From what you've eaten, the essence shouldn't be anything greater than Grade 8 by now. Points are the true interest though.” Lisa answered, looking around to see the intersection toward the next Island that swirled to reality a while ago when the battle ended. There were two bridges ahead, but Murai was too busy thinking about the meal than them.
With nothing much to be done, Murai went along with this essence idea, even though he ate mana-infused meat. Lorry turned the remains of this wolf to the essence of Middle-Grade 8, which Mura let to his Artificial Core.
After that, the group moved toward the next Island, and then the next after that.
Murai went from one bridge and Island to the other, defeating beasts, monsters, and demons alike. So far, no devils or humans were involved, and enemies weren't tougher than those Undead Knights. They were singular, creating duels without adding it significant number of enemies. That alone was always up to his benefit, training, and time.
Too many enemies were a pain in the ass to deal with, and so far, no enemies were above Level 31. He obliterated them in a couple of moves, reaching the 7th continuous Flawless Tier. Then, he went to have another meal, since he spent more time walking through bridges between the Islands than actually fighting.
It was a bit strange problem, but Murai was able to deal with it on his own accord.
However, after the 14th Island, he met his worst enemy so far. Stairs. Murai managed to kill a demonic beast of Level 31 named Rageshar Bear. It was a smaller version of the Grizzly Bear, with limbs littered with pointy bones, and its defenses and mass made it quite a tank. It was a tough nut to crack, and it was surprisingly flexible and clever with its sharp bones.
But thanks to some strategy, Murai used his head and his own flexibility to shatter its sturdiness. His magic was enough for the time being, so he wiped its head off with 5 consecutive Flame Shots and a slash of Blade.
There were even some rough tries at Flame Swords, but those were rough, barely able to even scorch, let alone cut. This fusion worked far more unstable than he had ever seen and felt in his lives. Something about Flame and Sharpness didn't work in his Flow or Beast Core at all.
The flame was soft and hard to tame, and Murai was utterly speechless about how fusing affinities felt under his Shaping. For now, working with them one by one should be at least manageable. Rudolf would agree, and laugh at his failures.
Creating variants out of his Proper Mana Blade was still not that easy since he barely managed to score some success with it in the last week. He gave up trying to do the impossible, and let the Flame be what it could be the best: a flame source.
This bear was a great deal larger than any wolf he had seen, which was good for its meat. Murai had no fears about being a hunter right now, and this bear was quite clumsy as it tried to charge at him on both legs. He killed it before it came too close, but in this act, he spent most mana out of his fights.
Murai grilled a portion of its body, while the rest went to create Middle-Grade 8 essence. It was the 7th continued essence of this Grade, and Murai complained about how Rank 7s weren't on the menu at all. Mindarch, Lisa, and Lorry argued back, however, saying that more worth was always ahead, and he ate part of its body anyway, lowering the mass of mana.
100 Islands was a lot to take in, similar to the upcoming stairs bridge that looked to be a much bigger problem for him than lack of essences.
One had to advance forward. That was one of the rules Lorry spoke about.
Murai stood before the stairs that lead quite far above, swaying in the wind, as they were wooden, and reeked of falling off.
“Well... fuck me. Lisa!?” He turned to her, hoping she would understand him without any words.
“Fuck no!” She snapped at him, turning her face away from his and hugging the pouch she always carried. “I am already your inventory manager. Hmph! Wanting me to carry you above the stairs is a bother. It is no longer under my capacity. You also grew, and my job isn't to carry you around. Use this to learn how to work like a normal life form and train your legs a bit better. You need it like salt. You will thank me for this later.”
Hearing her unwillingness, Murai smacked the wooden platform and moved up the stairs with a shaky heart and screaming mind.
Curses flew, and steps echoed to the wind, and minutes went by without reaching the summit of an elevated Island. There was an approximately 300-stair-long bridge, which was 100 stairs less than the other stair bridge that went to a different Island. Choosing lesser evil was the least he had in his heart.
“What enemy is next? Difficulty?” He asked Lorry as he climbed the stairs. Lorry was the taker of Mindarch's messages since that lofty ass voice didn't descend before or inside every island. Mindarch usually introduced the enemies after Murai stepped into the Space Cage.
Murai wouldn't mind hearing them before that, but he didn't complain too much if enemies were this easy, and his essence and magic were gradually turning better.
He experimented well so far, and it wasn't so bad to have easy fights. They steadied his mind and carried great timing to focus on his techniques and learning.
“Lorry doubts Mindarch can explain everything. Not now. Later Mindarch will, Lorry guesses. It should be Grade B... Oh, it definitely is rather high for the 15th Island. Level 33? Lorry suppose something is there because it is tough.” Lorry explained.
“Oh, I will take Mindarch then.” Murai sighed and had trouble catching his breath against these damned stairs meant not for the human race. They were bigger, shakier, and clumsy.
The source of this c𝐨ntent is freeweɓnovēl.coɱ.
Knowing the foes wasn't always that important. Not when his power was enough and his mind ready.
Murai held more things up his head. Boosts didn't happen, but they didn't have to. He wasn't in a hurry, and Mindarch did voice Tiers in a great way; he even increased the amount of information about his foes. Knowing the Level was basic information, the Grade of the foe proved few points, and notable abilities acted as a warning.
So far, he hadn't met any Grade B foes, meaning, that the greatest challenges were yet to come.
It went exactly how Lisa said.
As for the Levels, they appeared to be around the threshold of the previous Gate, yet he felt the enemies were kind of stronger and more menacing. Were they more talented, or better? Was Mindarch giving them greater enchantments? Considering it was a duel all these times, he found it hard to believe, considering he fought against 4 Undead Knigths well over Level 30.
He was already stronger than before, so his comfort zone was above that number for sure. His upper limit was another question.
Murai believed the early 40s were that, but Lisa doubted that, arguing that the greater threats hid under the second half of the Islands and that he would regret this belief.
It was true that he hadn't got much of a challenge, albeit the individual opponents did feel somewhat stronger. No foe was fundamentally stronger in mana, or his body, nor were there beasts that would engender his life by unique abilities or attacks.
Now, Grade B with Level 30+ was before his eyes, per Lorry's guess.
That could only mean a better essence and greater loot!
For now, Murai hopped up and up, while curses in his mind moved from language to language, leaving Lisa glad she didn't know them all. In a while, after a lot of jumping, and resting his tiny legs, Murai got to the end of the stairs.
Before him was the same Space Cage, but much bigger.
Wheezing, he sat on the ground right before the Space Cage. “I am... hating all the architects that created those fucking stairs... I swear! This is tougher than those battles by dozens of times!” he complained, resting his body but complaining to Lisa and Lorry alike.
“Well, Lorry can't argue with that logic. Although, so far! There will be a challenge. Of course, there will. It's just a steady flow of killings, so Mindarch will get a better picture of Murai's capabilities to prepare forces right against Murai's life. It shall be fun. Not even a few hours passed. There is plenty of time.”
“Shut up...” Murai grunted, yet Lorry acted as if he didn't hear his quack.
“It's quite an easy and understandable way of the progression. Is Murai unhappy with how it goes? Would Murai change something?” Lorry asked in an attentive manner. It seemed he, or something obvious to him would like to hear Murai's suggestion over this Gate and how it worked.
Hearing his change of tone and meaningful question, Murai sighed and wished to create another eye socket in his forehead. It was wide and thick. He bet it wouldn't look too weird on this skull. “You want me to help out with the balance and give suggestions for future references?” Murai asked as calmly as his mind allowed him.
Lorry nodded, knowing that Mindarch wanted to force him to ask Murai this question a long time ago.
“What am I?! A fucking lab rat? A pig? Fuck off...”
“Right... Lorry is sorry. Sorry.” Lorry quickly went away, floating far as if afraid of another Murai's snap.
He glared at him from away, knowing he couldn't bite him at all. Lorry flowed far above the water, uncaring about the wind or any lack of wings.
Turning his neck as he watched, Murai wished to get hold of his own wings too. Flying far, quick, and easy, he thought ducks were great at this, yet he never felt much need to fly, didn't he?
“Oh well... Let's see what's inside then. I am curious, so hey!” Murai shouted above, quacking high and lofty. “Mindarch! Get me something great this time around. No disappointment!” he reminded before disappearing into the Space Cage.
There, he wasn't met with the usual sight. It wasn't an open space, filled with nothing but a flat platform, or simple wooden or rocky constructs.
Instead of that, there were all sorts of walls made of bricks, and dense and thick pillars that made this platform appear like a made-up arena. “Oh? This is a first.” Murai smiled, looking around to find his foe.
[Citizen M is before the 15th Islands!] Mindarch cheered. [Due diligence is finite, and continued Flawless efforts shall be rewarded.]
[Foe: Wild Tusk Monkey.]
[Family: Primdeamons.]
[Grade B Enemy.]
[Level 34.]
[Bonus information: Wild Tusk Monkey has full control over its flexible body. Its thick, whip-like tail is a deadly weapon with a full range of motions and slashing and potent power. Its powerful mouth can bite chunks of turtles and bears alike, and they are known carnivorous hunters.]
He didn't even need to use his Mana Sonar to feel the crack in space and the falling monkey. The enemy had arrived quicker than that wolf.
“You don't say... A monkey huh?” He laughed. “Better than a human, or worse? Oh well, I am not complaining.”
Murai saw it as no problem, dismissing Mindarch and his talk that wasn't even that informative. Murai had already seen the swirling thick tail of this monkey that was behind its head, slashing and ripping around the empty air.
Wild Tusk Monkey was standing on top of the highest pillar, watching over the entrance and its prey.
Its eyes glowed, and a devious smile revealed its teeth. It was ready to kill this duck.