"Mama!" I called out as Riolu and I raced down the beach. It hadn’t taken long once Riolu was done surfing to find our family.
The three of them were under an umbrella on the beach with drinks in their hands enjoying the surf.
But the best part was definitely the funny novelty sunglasses Lucario was wearing.
"Vicky." Mama greeted me with a raise of her glass but she didn’t even sit up, no she was fully relaxed.
"Rio! Riolu!" Riolu called out as she scrambled up on the chair that Lucario was resting on and looking over the sunglasses in fascination.
"Lu, Lucario." She heard back and Lucario pulled off the sunglasses and pushed them onto Riolu’s nose.
Riolu spun around to show them off to Papa who smiled at her behind his own sunglasses.
Heh. How cute.
I settled into the sand between my parents and stretched out, my legs were a bit sore after surfing, it used different muscles than I was used to.
"How was surfing?" Papa asked, and I threw him a big smile.
"I got the hang of it near the end! The other Alolan kids all said that I was doing good!" I cheered happily. Sure it was mostly older kids just being nice to a weird foreigner, but it was still fun.
"Are you hungry?"
"Sure I could eat." I confirmed, and soon the waiter that had been keeping my parents drinks topped up came by to pass out some food, and I soon had my own little beach party with all my pokemon.
Jangmo-o running around in the sand absolutely having a blast.
Brave sitting up near Mama in the shade and enjoying the array of beach drinks through a straw.
Dratini and Riolu running into the waves together and having fun splashing everything.
Gible sitting next to me, her hands in the sand and seemingly quite happy to try all the things that I pushed into her mouth.
She didn’t react as positively as she did with the Malasada, but she was just happy to eat.
Mimikyu of course hung out under my hat, sneaking treats as I passed them up.
It was just… Nice.
Vacations were supposed to be like this. Just everyone having fun.
Sure we got plenty of looks from people as they saw my menagerie of pokemon, some obvious Kanto natives, who might even have been on the plane with us walking down the beach stopped and stared in shock at Dratini as he played.
"Umm, excuse me!" I looked up from where we were making sand castles on the beach. It turned out that Gible rather liked being inside Sand, so we’d taken to building sand castles around her, which she’d inevitably break out of, and then we’d just make a new one.
I don’t think she really noticed that we were building something around her, she just liked moving around a bit sometimes. Which was a shame, because her godzilla impression was really funny.
"Yes?" Papa called out, and I turned to see. It wasn’t anyone I recognized, but the woman smiled and bowed.
"You are the Ferrous family correct? I’m Maro. Kahuna Hala has asked me to come find you, to invite you to tonight’s Festival." The woman smiled and Papa and Mama both considered it, looking to each other, but nodded, as they got up.
Seriously, my parents had been lazy all afternoon just sitting in the sun and drinking.
Mama even took a moment to get her balance back. Mama might be slightly tipsy.
"Alright everyone!" I called out and my friends all ran back. All of them raced up, and I couldn’t help but laugh at how coated in sand Riolu, Jangmo-o, and Dratini were.
"Alright, c’mon." I scooped up Gible, and let Brave jump on my shoulder. She wasn’t very interested in the sand. Then I had a little train of pokemon following. Maro seemed to take in my little horde with interest, but didn’t say anything as we followed her.
There she had a Ride Pokemon, a big Mudsdale pulling a cart that everyone climbed into, I did end up returning most of my pokemon to fit. Then we had a gentle ride through the streets, and up into the dense jungle, but we weren’t alone, plenty of natives were heading up here as well.
I enjoyed the car ride all the way up the path sinking into the atmosphere as eventually the path was lit by torches and the people all seemed happy.
Then the cart pulled into a little sort of parking lot, although it was just dirt, but it was obvious the rest of the way was on foot.
"Please enjoy the celebration." Maro told us with a bow "You can leave at any time, or if you wait for everything to be finished, I’d be happy to take you back."
"Thank you Ms. Maro." Mama said and that meant we were free to walk past the next turn in the trees and suddenly there we were. A big stage, fires and food all over the place, and people hollering and cheering.
"Rio! Riolu!"
"Yeah, food sounds good." I agreed as Riolu called out looking from the food to the rest of us eagerly,
"Let’s get some food and take a look around." Papa agreed, and so we did to my surprise as we approached the food tables.
There was someone I actually recognized.
Mallow. The green haired cook was setting out dishes onto the table, and she gave me a bright and happy smile as we approached. But… She looked my age. Wouldn’t she be the same age as Ash would by Sun and Moon, like… Forever 10?
"Are you the one cooking? Thank you." I offered before she could disappear, wanting to see if she was real, and that was the correct words.
"Not all of it, but I did a lot of the cooking for tonights festival! Please eat lots!"
"I will! Thank you! I’m Vicky!"
"Mallow! I have to run! Alola!" She offered goodbye running back off to a shack that was set up nearby that was either a cook house, or just a store room for the food.
"Alola." That was… Weird. I shook it off and focused on what was important.
Riolu and I dug in, with Mama and Papa taking a bit longer, but soon we all had a plate of food as we settled into what was happening.
Through the crowd I could see Kahuna Hala standing on top of the stage but he wasn’t really doing anything on stage, just talking to some of the people standing near the end of the stage.
Then Hala nodded and looked up, giving a nod, and a loud drum went out.
The crowd went silent as the drum beat continued and Hala took the center of the stage.
"Alola!" He roared out just as the drum finished and the entire crowd cheered back to him, even I joined in, once I realized what was happening.
"Hahaha! Today we celebrate another year! And another group of eleven year old children growing up! These children will soon begin their Trials. They will explore and grow upon these islands, and as they grow, their love of our home will grow with them!"
"Wooo!" The crowd shouted back happily and Hala just looked pleased at the interruptions.
"As always we hold this festival to celebrate our island. To ask for Tapu Koko to look over all those who live here, and who grow under the Alolan Sun! This year I won’t even force you to watch a Sumo match!" He laughed loudly as the whole crowd cheered way louder than before at that.
Only once it settled down did Hala continue. "This year some of our children will put forth their strength and will in a Pokemon Battle! To honor Tapu Koko!"
I gasped in delight, because this was like the beginning of the Sun and Moon game! On each side of the stage walked up two people.
One that I recognized.
"On this side we have our very own, Hau of Melemele island!" Hala called out adding a bit of emotion into his voice I noticed as his grandson took the stage looking a bit bashful.
The crowd of course cheered for such a famous kid.
Then once the crowd calmed, Hala shifted. "And on this side from Akala island, Kiawe! The scion of Paniola ranch!"
The crowd went just as wild, Kiawe, and it took a second for me to remember.
That’s right. Kiawe was the grandson of another Kahuna as well, only his grandfather had passed, and… He looked just like he did in the anime. Or at least as much as anyone could compare an anime to real life. So… This was just how it was.
This battle that had been set up was between two grandsons of Kahuna. Interesting!
I looked up and saw that Papa and Mama were confused so I tugged on their shirts and told them in as quiet a whisper as I could and still be heard.
"They’re both grandsons of Kahuna’s! It’s like if two Gym Leader Grandsons fought on stage." I added some context and Papa looked back up interested, while Mama just nodded and went back to her food.
There were a few more comments about dedicating this battle to Tapu Koko, and then Hala stepped off the stage.
I was excited to see what was going to happen.
"Battle Begin!"
Then a moment later Hau released a Rowlet that flapped and hooted out ready for battle, and Kiawe released…Turtonator.
"What is that?" Papa asked, and I once more tugged on his sleeve.
"Turtonator, a Fire and Dragon type! It’s very strong on the defense, and the spikes on its back explode if you touch them!" I called out over the crowd and got a few of the locals that heard my remarks nodding.
"Alright! Rowlet! Let’s go!" Hau cheered seemingly unbothered by the type disadvantage, and the potential strength disparity.
I mean, Turtonator might not really be trained, just a lazy home pokemon, or something?
I winced as the two attacks collided. The flaming leaves slowed the flamethrower a bit, but…
Rowlet dodged to the side hooting in terror as the fire bulldozed through.
As I watched the battle didn’t get much better. The fact was, Hau just… Didn’t have much experience. It was obvious that Kiawe at least knew what he was doing, and Hau was just fumbling a bit.
He did manage a few good moves. Using the explosion of Leafage to have Rowlet sneak in a tackle, but… Rowlet struck Turtonator in the front since his back was facing the grass type. Turtonator just turned his head, and started blasting.
The battle was surprisingly long, until I realized that Kiawe wasn’t really calling out much besides just letting Turtonator know when to defend and when to attack. It was all very softball.
Then the battle was over. Rowlet took a Flamethrower to the face and went down.
Hau returned his pokemon and instead of looking embarrassed or upset, just rubbed the back of his head with a big smile.
"Good battle!"
"You too." Kiawe offered and the crowd cheered.
Papa and I were both pretty… We looked at each other and I just shrugged. He wasn’t impressed.
Hala retook the stage and looked up to the sky and seemed…
Ah, that’s right. Tapu Koko usually cried out to celebrate the battle, I guess he wasn’t impressed either.
"I see! It seems our Guardian desires more battle!" Hala called out and the crowd cheered, Kiawe stayed on the stage and stood proudly.
"I’ll battle again!"
"Hahaha! Who wishes to have a glorious battle under the Alolan Moon for Tapu Koko!?"
I waited looking around, noticing a few familiar faces.
That was Lana, with her Poplio, but she didn’t rise to the challenge, despite being a Water Type trainer.
Mallow was just happily serving food alongside her Bounsweet. But no one jumped up, which didn’t seem to surprise anyone. There was chatter among the crowd and callout to see if anyone wanted to jump up there.
I held back. Even if-
Suddenly I had a push to my back.
I looked not into Mama, or Papa’s face, but Lucario who’d given me a push.
Our eyes met, and she smirked at me, and nodded.
Ah, she’d realized how much I wanted to get up there and battle. It would be a perfect chance to settle things here in Alola.
Papa and Mama didn’t seem to mind, and Papa gave me a thumbs up, and Mama an imperious nod, A demand to crush this boy.
Ah, Mama was kinda scary when it came to battles sometimes.
I turned and started pushing gently through the crowd until I was near the front and I called out. Making sure I would be loud enough.
"Can foreigners take part!?" My voice cut through the happy chatter, and everyone seemed to now have eyes for me and Hala.
"Oh? Miss Victoria, you wish to battle?"
"It just seems like no one wants to really battle? So if it’s okay I’ll battle!"
"Ahahaha!" Hala laughed jovially, and that seemed to settle the crowd who all chattered interested. "How about it Kiawe? A foreigner wishes to take part?"
"I’ll battle anyone!" Kiawe called out confidently, although I noticed he didn’t seem super pleased to see me.
"Very well! May I introduce Victoria Ferrous! A guest of mine, here tonight from Kanto!"
"Alola!" I shouted out when I hit the stage at everyone, and I think that earned me some brownie points.
Then I released the only Pokemon that would be perfect for this situation.
"Jang! Jangmo!" My dragon roared out as he took the stage and instantly started tapping his feet in challenge.
Turtonator standing beside Kiawe, just grunted as it shifted, ready but Kiawe, and the crowd all gasped.
"Yes! Victoria carries with her a Jangmo-o, found outside Alola, a descendant of one of our very own, kidnapped centuries ago. She was evenacknowledged by their Totem." He said and that cut off all of the potential outrage building up. Instead everyone seemed shocked.
Jeeze Hala, you didn’t have to put it like that. The Elder Kommo-o wasn’t a Totem pokemon really.
This content is taken from fгeewebnovёl.com.
Jangmo-o looked back to me and tilted his head and I just smiled, exuding confidence. "Are you ready?"
I nodded and that was all he needed to cast off any concerns.
He squared up and barked at Turtonator.
"Vicky and Jangmo-o! Ready for battle!" I called out and Kiawe stepped out and slammed a fist to his chest.
"Kiawe and Turtonator! Ready!"
"Then let this battle… Commence!" Hala called out as he stepped off the stage.
"Pierce Dragon Pulse!" I roared as Kiawe called out a Flamethrower. It was something I’d noticed, he fell back on that move quite often, both to gauge his enemy, and to start things off.
Dragon Pulse the beam version burst out of Jangmo-o’s mouth and slammed into the fire.
Where Leafage had failed, Dragon Pulse did not, and Turtonator had to sort of duck his body and head to the side to let the pulse shoot past.
There was no commentary, the crowd cheered and stomped feet, but no announcer this time.
But I could see that what I had just done had unsettled Kiawe.
"Turtonator! Flamethrower again, Full power!" He called out and this time the flame was much stronger, and tighter.
He had held back against Hau, probably why Tapu Koko hadn’t approved of the battle.
"Dragon Pulse Area!" I called out, and this time the power rippled out from Jangmo-o in a wave smashing into the Flamethrower and pushing the flames away until it faded out.
"What? Do it again! Power through Turtonator!"
"Our turn! Dragon Pulse Control! Straight up, and then down!" I called out, ignoring the attack coming our way. As Jangmo-o shot the dragon headed Dragon Pulse straight into the sky before having it arc down like an angry dragon.
He yelped as the flamethrower washed over him, but he kept his power going, and his head forward, his large head scale acting as a shield.
And then the Dragon Pulse arced down and Turtonator cried out as the Dragon type energy slammed it straight down into the ground, also cutting off the Flamethrower.
The Crowd went silent, Turtonator slowly rose back up.
"G-go close up! Dragon Tail!" Kiawe called out hesitating.
"Dragon Tail back! Duel him Jangmo-o!"
The two pokemon charged, and the crowd erupted as the two attacks met in a clash of energy that washed over the people.
Jangmo-o, despite his eagerness, was at a disadvantage though.
He might have gotten training for Dragon Pulse, but this was a bit outside his experience, and it showed. He was pushed back each time, as Turtonator’s greater mass and strength plowed through.
When was the last time I’d been in a battle like this where I didn’t have the strength advantage?
"Dragon Pulse Area! Push him back!" I called out as Kiawe responded.
"Dragon Tail! Power through!"
The two attacks clashed. Jangmo-o basically exploding in an aura of dragon energy and Turtonator slamming into that attack with his energy-covered tail.
There was a clash as the two energies sparked, and struggled, a Dragon clash.
Then it was over and both Pokemon were knocked away.
Jangmo-o skidded a bit before scrabbling back to his feet. Breathing heavy, and Turtonator had been knocked onto his front as he slowly rose back up.
"Dragon Pulse! Pierce!"
"Flamethrower! Everything you’ve got!" The pokemon looked at each other as they gathered energy and then the attacks erupted from their mouths. Fire and Energy clashing in a sparking blast that knocked people’s hats off their head as the air rushed out.
And then it was over, and Jangmo-o’s bark echoed out as he still stood while his opponent slumped to the ground. I could vaguely hear a cry of "Turty!"
But Jangmo-o took all my attention as I laughed in delight as he rushed around in circles, energy restored by his victory before he turned and leapt.
I caught his flying tackle and spun him around as I lifted him high.
"You did it!" I cried out and Jangmo-o roared to the sky at his victory.
Then I brought him down and held him like he liked, with his front paws over my forearm and his back pressed to my chest so he could see what was going on, as his rear paws wiggled in the air in excitement.
"The winner! Victoria!" Hala calledout and the people did cheer, although I noticed it wasn’t quite as loud as it had been for Kiawe vs Hau.
But then a new voice echoed out over them all, and everyone went quiet.
Tapu Koko liked my battle!
I lifted my arm and waved. "I’m glad you liked the battle!" I called out loudly to the sky in return.
Yeah. This was fun.
"An excellent battle! One that even Tapu Koko approves of!" Hala roared out and the crowd this time went wild, as the tension that had been there for a second disappeared fully. I looked to Kiawe, and walked over, he was kneeling next to Turtonator speaking to him.
I waited until he finished before approaching.
"That was a fun battle!" I offered to him, and he seemed to swallow back something for a moment before nodding.
"It was. You’re a better battler than I expected."
"Hehe! I’m pretty good, but that was still a lot of fun. Sorry about not really battling it out head to head, I know about Turtonators Shell Trap. I didn’t want Jangmo-o to explode."
"Jang!?" Jangmo-o yelped looking at me, and I just laughed a bit as I patted his head.
"It’s a move Jangmo-o, nothing to worry about. I wouldn’t let it happen."
"I see. I was wondering. Most Jangmo-o are more aggressive. Yours stayed back."
"Mhmm! It does help that Dragon Pulse is like our main training move. So we haven’t gone into physical stuff as much." I explained and then settled in beside Turtonator who was starting to come to, but only slowly.
"I wish I had Blissey here, she’d have your Turtonator back on his feet right away."
"It’s fine. I’ll take him to the Pokemon Center." Kiawe said and then returned his pokemon and seemed ready to do that right away.
"Hold on Kiawe, before you run off." A new voice called out and again someone I knew. Olivia, the Island Kahuna of Akala.
"Kahuna Olivia." Kiawe greeted her, and she smiled. "You’ve improved, and with this, your trial begins… Stop by some time. I’ll put you to the test."
"Y-Yes!" Kiawe perked up and I blinked as the two started talking. Oh well. I guess I should just…
A hand on my shoulder, strong and firm, but not painful.
I turned and…
"Victoria Ferrous! The Winner of this year’s Indigo Conference! I’m Professor Kukui! Please! Let me chat with you for a while! I’m absolutely Blast Burning for it!" The man begged, practically, no actually shaking, and I realized it was in pure excitement.
"Wait what?" Kiawe asked and I just laughed and rubbed the back of my head.
"Professor Kukui.. Sure! I’d love to chat if you want!" I said and smiled brightly at the man.
Professor Kukui…
You were probably my second favorite professor after Oak. I definitely wanted to chat with you!