Airports were boring.
I kicked my feet as we sat on the seats waiting for our plane to accept boarding. We’d gone through a ton of stuff. Pokeball scanners that inspected our pokemon, full body scanners to ensure no additional pokeballs were hiding anywhere, and we’d had to do some paperwork before all of this to explain some of the rules about capturing pokemon in Alola, that would basically hold us liable if we went against it.
The rule was simple enough.
"Don’t." I muttered the word as I held Jangmo-o’s ball. As we’d been ready to set off, a familiar person had stopped us.
Brushfire was as annoying as always, but at least he put out his cigarette before getting too close, not that it made him smell less like an ashtray.
"Your pokemon. Jangmo-o, and Mimikyu too, are Alolan pokemon. We have the evidence they weren’t captured there, but… It could cause issues if you bring them along."
"I have to… Well I could leave Mimikyu, but that’s not fair to him. There’s something I have to do at Alola, and Jangmo-o is involved." I explained and the man sighed.
"Alright here." He’d actually handed me a pack of papers. "Keep that on you while you’re there. If there’s any issue with Jangmo-o, that explains Kanto’s perspective on Jangmo-o being a Kanto Pokemon, and we won’t allow any theft… But it might be best to keep him hidden."
"One of the things I need to do is talk to the Kahuna’s." I added and Brushfire just held in a groan.
"Alright well… I’ll let the diplomatic corps know. Don’t blame us if something happens, we only have so much power on Alola."
"Thank you Mr. Brushfire, but… I think Vicky has this in hand." Papa said, pulling me into a side hug, and the other man just nodded.
"Alright then… I wouldn’t mind hearing about the face they make when they realize one of their prize pokemon are out in the world. Alola’s always been… Difficult about pokemon transfers. Good luck, and enjoy your vacation." He’d bowed to all of us, and Mama and Papa did the same before I slowly joined them.
That was this morning outside the airport, and now after everything we were just waiting for the plane.
"Boarding! For Flight A243!"
"Finally!" I called out as I stood up grabbing my bag and following Mama and Papa. They had the tickets after all.
We walked among the small crowd, the plane wasn’t exactly the massive 747’s that I remember from earth, but much smaller jet planes.
The double row seats meant I had my own seat in front of Mama and Papa, and I was thankfully alone. Taking the window seat I settled in and looked outside, seeing the preparations.
A Pidgeot rested on the wings, in weird little grooves set into the wings, and right now a trainer was out there, checking on his pokemon, feeding them and stuff.
Then he headed inside, leaving his Pidgeot out there, I waved and the Pidgeot saw me obviously. I bet with their eyes they could see how many hairs I had out of place. It nodded to me which was enough to bring a smile to my face.
Then I settled in, and just… Waited.
Soon the stewardess went around and gave us the safety rules. The only concerning one was what to do in case of a Pokemon attack.
The answer was basically don’t release your pokemon to try and battle because you will damage the airplane.
Then the plane taxied out, and the Pidgeot settled in deeper into it’s groove basically forming with the wing and as we started moving, it just stayed there, it’s feathers waving as the wind struck it, but it didn’t get thrown off, it stayed with us all the way up, and the once we seemed to settle into flight it poked its head out and just…
It reminded me of Arcanine sticking their head out the window of a car. Just enjoying the wind even though it was just hanging out.
So I guess that explains how they keep the plane safe.
There was another Pidgeot on the other wing.
Huh. That was probably a nice job, but it seemed super boring. Just flying around constantly as your Pidgeot protected the plane.
I shrugged and instead dug into my bag since I wasn’t doing anything else up waiting and pulled out my Pokedex. Time to review some Alolan Pokemon.
A long flight later, we stepped out of the plan into the airport, and into a party. The entire building was very open, with people flowing through and it was just…
I breathed in the warm Alolan air, and let it out. We’d left in the morning and it was like twelve hours later we landed right in the middle of the morning. I was a little tired, but the excitement of being here had it evaporate away.
Yeah this was nice.
"Alola!" Greeted the woman that was waiting on exit. "Please head to baggage claim over there, or to the exit terminal! Have a wonderful stay!"
"Alola! Thank you!" I cried out in return and waved and she sent me a big smile as all three of us headed towards baggage. I might have my super bag, but those were pricey, so Mama and papa just had normal luggage.
We gathered our things and walked out the large glass doors into an exotic locale.
Palm trees and the smell of warm beaches and I took a moment to soak in the sunshine. Kanto had been getting super cold recently, so this was really…
"How nice." Papa whispered and Mama hummed as she pressed against him the two of them cuddling for a moment.
"I want to see the beach! Oh, a ride Pokemon stall! I want to explore the oceans. I have my rebreather!" I gasped pointing at all the stuff we could already see just from the front of the airport.
There weren’t even car rentals or anything, it was all pokemon! Although some of the pokemon were pulling carts and things to make it easier for the elderly, it was all really… Warm.
"Let’s get to our hotel first before you run wild Vicky."
"Aww." I whined but followed Papa.
We hit the hotel, got our rooms and we split up. I headed into the bathroom to get changed since I wanted to jump in the ocean. I considered my wet suit, but the water should be great, so instead I just slipped into a one piece swimsuit, and threw an Alolan shirt over the top along with some shorts and flip flops.
All gear bought in preparation for the vacation. A comfy vacation look!
I put on my normal straw hat as well just to complete the look!
"Beach vacationer Vicky is here to battle!" I said to the girl in the mirror.
"What’s that?" Mama called out from the room.
"Nothing!" I giggled as I hurried out.
Once we finished putting our luggage away, it was also time to release everyone.
Papa waited until we were outside, and released Lucario, watching the dog Pokemon startle a bit at how warm it was and look around in awe was actually pretty sweet. She closed her eyes and sniffed the air and I could see a smile stretch across her face.
No doubt her Aura sense was also telling her how warm Alola was.
Seriously, this place was really special.
I released Riolu just after and she seemed just as interested as Lucario as she looked around excitedly. The warmth made her fur stand up a bit almost like a flush.
"Alright well, let’s split up. Vicky no trouble today okay? Take it slow." Papa ordered and I nodded.
"You have some money. So why don’t you go explore? I know you want to. We’ll meet up… Right there." Papa pointed out a restaurant across from the Hotel. "In a few hours for dinner… Well breakfast or lunch I guess." He mumbled and I laughed, as I turned down the street heading for the beach. I wanted to go jump in the water!
"Lu! Lucario."
The source of this c𝓸ntent is freewebnøvel.coɱ.
"Rioooo!" I heard the whinging behind me and made to run but was stopped by Papa.
"Take Riolu with you. I bet she’d enjoy the beach." Papa said and I threw him my most disgusted unhappy face, but that only earned me a laugh as Papa pushed my hat over my head.
"Go on. Hey no fighting. Get along."
"Never!" We both said at the same time and then glared at each other.
"Rio Riolu!"
"Yeah well you have dog breath!"
"Riolu!" She gasped and then Lucario was there glaring at both of us.
"S-sorry." I mumbled, as Riolu made her own apology.
"Lu Lucario rio!"
"Yes Lucario." I mumbled pouting. I just wanted vacation time!
But we were let off the hook as the adults headed one way and we headed the other. Riolu and I didn’t say anything to each other at first as we headed towards the beach, but as soon as the palm trees and little shops opened up to the wide sparkling beach I forgot all about her and gasped at how wonderful it all was.
"Beach vacation!"
"Rio! Riolu!" I nodded and then hurried forward. I wanted to find a Ride Pokemon stall! Would they have Lapras? They were still endangered but I’ve always wanted a Lapras ride!
The two of us came up to Ride stall and looked out. Where a bunch of pokemon were just hanging out. All of them with fun saddles, or ride equipment.
"Alola! Looking for a Ride Pokemon?"
"Alola! Yes! For the Ocean! I want to go explore!"
"Haha!" The older looking man at the stall smiled widely, and pointed out a sign. "Got plenty to choose from, if you want to go diving, then there are diving Pokemon. Sharpedo is excellent, very fast. But if you want something slower, Mantine is a good option.
"Oooh! Sharpedo! They’re so cute!" I decided and that caused the older man to laugh bright and loud.
"Well don’t usually hear that! Usually it’s the boys calling them cool."
"No they’re wrong. Sharpedo are cute." I argued my very truthful and factual point.
"I like you girl! I’ll let you go out with HammerHead. He’s a good one. He’ll take care of you."
"Thank you!" I cheered as I passed over the pokedollars, and soon we were settling onto a Sharpedo. The owner giving me the basic instructions, but honestly, it really came down to, you could guide the Pokemon, but he’d go where he wanted.
But that was fine.
Of course Riolu climbed on behind me, and I grumbled, as I pulled out my rebreather. "I only have one of these, you know?"
"Rio! Riolu!" She argued looking tough, but I had a feeling I’d be sharing once we went under.
I nodded as she climbed on behind me. She’d wanted to be in front but I was actually tall enough to reach everything, and she wasn’t.
"Thank you for taking us out. Let’s have fun okay?" I asked the Sharpedo, as I stroked his side, and his little eyes smiled at me.
"Pedo! Sharp!" He spoke back happily, and then the gate was open and I held on as we burst forward.
"Haha!" I laughed as we raced out of the lot and then almost as soon as we were out, we burst into the ocean, diving below the waves.
I quickly put on my rebreather and then we were there.
The oceans around Alola were teeming with life. Nothing like even back on Cinnabar, that was semi tropical, as well, but this was REAL tropics. I could see through the perfectly clear water, tons of pokemon hanging around.
Alomomola, I think I saw some Wishiwashi hiding among the rocks and coral, Some Chinchou hanging around just lighting up their little antennae.
There was a pair of mantine swimming together in slow spirals.
But that was put aside as Sharpedo absolutely floored it. Riolu’s grip tightened as the water pushed us back, but I held on and we just blazed past all the pokemon out further and further into the ocean. I could look out and see others. Swimmers above us enjoying the waves, and a few other divers on ride pokemon, some not.
I looked back and Riolu was also wide eyed as she looked around.
I sighed, blowing bubbles, and took a long breath before pulling out my rebreather and offering it to her. She blinked and looked hesitant for a second before nodding and putting it into her mouth.
A moment later she actually seemed to relax as she got the hang of using it.
The ocean was super beautiful… If only I could share it with Blue Heart, and Milotic.
Aw well. Maybe I’d come back some day and we’d all go swimming, I bet Blue Heart would love this clear water. And it would be fun to go from swimming to flying above the waves too.
Riolu passed back the rebreather and as we swam around. Exploring all the pokemon and coral formations. I peeked into one hole and saw a Krabby give me a glare for invading and we hurriedly moved away before he started pinching. Riolu giggled as a Luvdic started spinning around her head poking at her ears.
I had to pass back the rebreather so she wouldn’t drown. She was giggling so much.
Sharpedo knew all the cool spots, and even swam us out to the continental shelf. Riolu and I both sort of edged over the side of Sharpedo to look down and down and down, and for a moment we were on the same wavelength and shook our heads at each other.
No way I was going down there.
Then we turn back around and up to the surface, until we exploded out into a big jump
"Wohoooo!" I shouted as we got air while Riolu howled but still had the rebreather in her mouth. Then we hit the water and dived for a moment before surfacing and Sharpedo cackled.
"Shar Shar pedo!" Suddenly we were going all out, water shooting up around us, faster than any jetski could hope to reach..
"Yeah! Full speed!" I shouted and laughed as we hit a big wave climbing up the side of it and launching us into the air.
"That was a blast." I groaned as I stretched out. We’d returned Sharpedo after giving him lots of hugs and thanks for showing us around, and Riolu and I were both a bit stiff.
"Rio, Riolu." She muttered, patting her stomach.
"Hmm. Yeah I’m hungry too. Let’s try… That!" I pointed, noticing a Malasada shop!
"It’s yummy! Well, so I’m told. C’mon!" I ran off Riolu rushing to keep up. We entered the little shop that smelled almost too sweet. And headed for the counter.
"Alola! Two Malasadas please!" I ordered and the guy there laughed happily.
"Alola! Two orders coming right up!" He called, making them right there, and soon Riolu and I both had a big sort of donut of fried bread and cinnamon, and yummy!
Riolu and I both bit into it at the same time, and soon we were both devouring the sweet treat.
We both finished at about the same time, and we both had to wipe our face of all the sugary mess that it had left.
"That was really good." I muttered, no wonder they were so popular.
"Rio Rio."
"Alright I’m going to get some more for everyone. I bet Gible would love one of these." I said and Riolu actually nodded without making a fuss, she might be a brat, but she’d still made friends with the others. I headed back inside, and ordered five more.
Then I set the stack of pastries on an empty table, and started releasing my friends.
"Tini!" I was quickly wrapped up and Dratini looked around with shining eyes at the sights and sounds, as did everyone else.
Mimikyu was soon slipping under my hat, which tickled, and I reached down to pick up Jangmo-o, so he could get on the table to eat.
"Okay I got one for everyone. So don’t fight okay?" Once they were settled I helped Gible, and she quickly started chewing. It took her a few seconds as she chewed aggressively before she slowed, and then she swallowed with a big gulp.
"Gib." She said and that was probably the most positive response she’d ever given to the state of something before. I mean, she was always very food orientated, but it was one thing to eat everything, and another to like it.
"Liked that did you?" I asked her, rubbing her belly.
I picked her up, so she couldn’t wander around and looked over my friends.
Brave was crying out happily as she took bits of her meal, her body bouncing up and down in excitement. Dratini was taking little chomps as he coiled around his protectively. Mimikyu had snuck his straight into my hat and I was pretty sure I’d have to wipe crumbs out of my hair later, but he was just happy to be close to me so that was fine.
Jangmo-o was tippy tapping as he stuffed his entire face into his meal, and I laughed as his little tail was wagging so fast!
Riolu I could tell was really wishing she could have seconds, but I shook my head. "We’ll get some real food soon, it’s almost time to meet back up with the parents." She pouted at me, but I was unmoved. The last thing I needed was to get my pokemon stuffed with sweets. That’d be terrible for their diet.
As the slower eaters were finishing up, I heard it.
A shout.
I looked up at a surfer boy. His tanned skin and blue hair spiked up into a slicked back mess really gave him that surf bro vibe.
"Where did you get that? You can’t capture pokemon here!" He shouted, and I blinked before realizing that he was talking about Jangmo-o.
"You mean Jangmo-o?"
"Of course I do! Are you a poacher? Or something? Don’t think just because we let you foreigners visit that we’ll allow this!"
"It’d be pretty stupid to show off a pokemon right in the middle of the city if I was?" I asked, and he only glared, as I shrugged. "I found Jangmo-o in a distant land while exploring. There was a pack of Kommo-o there."
"That’s! Impossible! Kommo-o represent Alola!" He shouted loudly, and seriously this guy was like ten octaves too loud.
"Well they aren’t only here." I explained, and Jangmo-o, finishing his meal, barked at me, as he noticed what was happening. He jumped off the table and scrambled in front of me, glaring.
Aww. My little buddy was being protective!
"You! You shouldn’t act like that with an outsider!" He argued at Jangmo-o who didn’t seem to care, only scuffing his feet in challenge.
"Is there something going on here?" A new voice intruded, and I smiled as the uniformed Officer Jenny approached.
Whoa, Alola Officer Jenny had a cool armored looking vest, very tactical.
"Officer Jenny! This outsider has a Jangmo-o with them!" The surfer bro called out and Officer Jenny looked at everything for a moment.
"Alright nobody move. Until I figure out what’s going on. Please return all of your pokemon." She pointed at me.
"Rio! Riolu!" Riolu of course jumped in before I could say anything fist raised as… Oh she just didn’t want to be returned so she could try and get more snacks.
"Riolu, relax, I’ll have you back out in a minute." I assured her, and she turned to me glaring before scoffing and crossing her arms.
I returned her first, because she was seriously a pain, but it was sweet she’d jumped in to defend our friends.
Gible was next which let me start returning my friends.
Tini pouted at me, and Brave puffed up at the Officer and Surfer bro. She was definitely half prepared for a Draco Meteor. Brave really was the type to protect her people.
Then I pulled out my hat. "You too Mimikyu." I told him, and he continued worming his fingers into my hair.
"KuKkUkkku!" He tried to argue.
"Whoa! A Mimikyu!" The surfer bro backed up a step and Officer Jenny looked on guard, but I reached up and petted him a little before returning him, and plopping my hat back on my head.
"There, good enough? I figure Jangmo-o should stay out since he’s involved in all this." I offered and Officer Jenny slowly nodded, while Surf Bro looked red even below his tan.
"A Mimikyu too! You are a Poacher!"
"Rude. I’m totally not." I mumbled, as I reached down and picked up Jangmo-o holding him in my arms so he couldn’t get any more aggressive with this random guy.
"Let’s all calm down. Although I would like an explanation." Officer Jenny cut in, getting between me and Surfer Bro.
"These are my friends, and I brought them to Alola from Kanto. I have the paperwork." I informed Officer Jenny, waiting for her to figure out what she wanted to do.
"Paperwork?" She asked herself before nodding and holding out a hand. A moment later the stack of papers was pulled out of my bag and plopped into her hand.
She looked them over.
"I see. This all checks out?" She whispered, still looking pretty upset.
"What!? She has a Jangmo-o! That doesn’t check out!" Surf Bro yelled out and even Jenny looked pretty disturbed.
I suppose if someone walked into Kanto with an Arcanine, or Johto with a Dragonite they’d be pretty concerned too.
"I’ll need to verify this paperwork. We’ve had poachers using kids before, and we’ve had poachers using government protection as well." She finally decided stating it firmly. "Please come with me. I’ll be taking you down to the station."
"Aww. I wanted to hit the beach again." I whined but followed Officer Jenny to her little cop car. And settled into the back.
Beach bro looked pleased with himself, but in the end… I shrugged. I’d be fine one way or the other, and I still had a job to do here. The Kommonium Z still blazed in my pocket. I was planning on tracking down a Kahuna in the next few days, but I guess it was happening today.
Ugh Mama and Papa were going to worry when I didn’t show up. I’d have to get Officer Jenny to give them a call.