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"And this is the main lab." Cerise proclaimed as we walked into a room with what looked like super computers along the walls, a small work desk area, and a rest area with a crash couch.

Ah yes, the crash couch. I’d spent my own amount of time on one of those before.

"Neat." I couldn’t help but say, mostly because that was an insane computer setup.

"It’s still under construction, and the Data is difficult, but I hope to start tracking not just pokemon migration data, but atmospheric changes, plant growth, and any factor I can think of that could lead to a change in pokemon habitat!

"Huh. You could probably track the Legendary Birds with that. Following atmospheric changes I mean." I commented and Cerise’s eyes sparkled again as he nodded.

"That’s a possibility, yes! Although that part of my research I’ll need to keep quiet about."

"Yeah, messing with legendary pokemon isn’t smart." I agreed, I still had the urge to go explore a few places I knew legendary pokemon would be hanging out, Seafoam islands probably housed an Articuno and…


Was pretty much the only thought that ran through my head when I thought about that.

Oh well. Maybe someday I’d go poke it and see what happens. Disaster, probably.

"Ah of course while it’s not completed it does have up to date scanners! Do you mind?"

"That’s fine." I agreed to the unspoken question as Cerise ran around a bit to gather up a scanning system as I pulled out a pokeball.

"Mimikyu!" I called out and my little guy popped out looking around before seeing me.

"KukuKku!" He cheered and I swung him around as he leapt at me into a big hug.

"Hey Buddy. We’re at a pokemon lab. This is Professor Cerise, he’s a nice person. But he wants to learn about pokemon, including you!" I offered poking him right between his actual eyes. "But it’s okay. Nothing like last time, okay?"


"Yep! I’ll be here the whole time."

"Ah, hello, I’m Cerise, and I promise I won’t try to peek under your…" He trailed off looking to me.

"Disguise is probably the correct term, but anything is fine."

"Your disguise. I’m simply going to get some more scans, and ask some questions. If that’s okay?" He asked, and Mimikyu slowly nodded as Cerise smiled back happily.

Not too long later I was standing next to the scanner with Mimikyu holding my hand as he sat inside it.

It was basically a pedestal on wheels that would scan the pokemon on top of it.

"Is there ever an issue with the scanner being too small?"

"Ah this one is just meant for lab work, I don’t own a full sized one, but I have a deal with Vermillion University that I can use their larger Pokemon Scanner."


"Hmm. The scan is coming up just like the previous ones. Something about his form… It doesn’t scan well. I’ve seen similar things in Ghost types. Ghastly are nearly impossible to get properly scanned." He explained and I giggled at the idea of trying to scan basically a gas ball.

I looked at the screen he was looking at, and it did show a cute view of Mimikyu’s disguise. But when it zoomed in…

"No he’s more ball shaped than that." I explained looking at the way the scanner interpreted Mimikyu’s true form.

"What, what do you mean?" Cerise asked, looking towards me.

"Well whenever I feel him he feels more like… Honestly he sort of reminds me of Goomy with the way he’s shaped. Of course he can stretch out his limbs for shadow claw and stuff… Maybe like a Tentacool. Like that shape."

"Hmm. A similar shape to a jellyfish…"


"Aww, you know I love your shape." I told Mimikyu, who seemed a little uncomfortable with the fact I knew what he even sort of looked like.

"K-KkkkKU!" He made a hissing noise like air deflating and then leapt into my arms forgetting the scan to snuggle me.

"I love you Mimikyu, no matter what your shape is."

I noticed that Cerise was writing on a pad of paper as he stared at me, and I couldn’t help quirk an eyebrow at him.

"It’s always good to take notes on how Pokemon interact with people. Bonded pokemon often act far differently than a wild Pokemon, but being able to describe a positive bond between human and pokemon does wonders on human desire to begin training tough or intractable pokemon."

"Well Mimikyu want to find someone that cares for them. I think it has something to do with their inability to… Well bond face to face with other pokemon. They’re very affection seeking. Unless it’s a Pikachu, they tend to have issues around them. Jealousy from what I understand."

"Oh! Good info!" Cerise cheered as he started writing more.

"Professor! You here, Oh!" The door to the lab opened and in walked a blue haired woman in a lab coat, a pile of papers in her arms.

"Ah! Chrysa! Over here." Cerise called out and as the woman saw us both her eyes widened.

"Victoria Ferrous!"

"Yes this is Vicky." I confirmed earning a blink at the odd word choice before she suddenly rushed me, stopping before she swarmed over me, but practically buzzing.

"Oh! Your conference battles were absolutely wonderful! Oh I’m so happy you’re here! I have so many questions about your-"

"Chrysa, let’s give that a bit of time. Introductions?"

"Oh!" The woman stood up and pressed a hand against her reddened cheeks. "I’m sorry. Chrysa Research Assistant to Professor Cherise, It’s nice to meet you!"

"You too." I offered with a bit of a laugh.

"Professor! You didn’t tell me you were bringing in Victoria Ferrous!"

"I didn’t know!" He said happily. "I invited her to visit during the conference."

"I originally just came to complain about the pokedex, but Professor Cerise is a good person. So I want to see what I can do to help his research as well."

"Aaaah! That’s amazing!" Chrysa cried out happily as she smiled at me, and then to the professor.

"But that aside, Chrysa, you were looking for me?"

"Yes we have the data from the Safari Zone!"

"Excellent! The Khangaskhan migration data should fill in some data points!" Cerise cheered, grabbing the papers, but then stopping and coughing. "But that’ll have to wait, we have a guest."

"Whichever." I shrugged, I wasn’t in a rush, and I’d never seen a professor’s lab operate before.

"Well it’s not a rush either, like I said, we are only just starting to get this system together. Unfortunately there is just too much data that we don’t have to properly get it working." Cherise offered with a slumped sigh.

"What are you missing? Can’t you just get someone to get the data?"

"The problem is that the data constantly changes. I can track last year’s migration of pokemon, and even some rare breeds, but where those pokemon would be now? Not a chance!"

"Oh I see, you need something more up to date."

"Exactly. The technology is simply-"

"Electronic pokedex." I said, seizing my chance.


"That’s what you need. Every trainer in Kanto walking around with an electronic pokedex that transmits the data on pokemon sightings to a central database. You’d have all the data you need, Rangers would have all the data they need, and trainers would have up to date information on where pokemon can be found, and of course as it’s a pokedex, up to date data on what those pokemon are, what they like and what not to do… The important stuff."

Both researchers looked at me for a moment, Cerise obviously considering, and even brightening before slumped, and sighed.

"Unfortunately, the idea has been floated around a few times, but the expense and upkeep is too much for any of the big corporations to consider it." He explained and I just frowned. Expense and upkeep?

I didn’t know a whole lot about poke computers, but servers and data storage was if anything way more advanced than Earth. Gathering data like that shouldn’t be an issue at all!

Well… Kanto was a bit rural, so they probably just didn’t have the infrastructure, maybe not the factories?

"Heh. An electronic Pokedex? It’s a good idea." Chrysa tried to offer to me gently, but I was frowning because I knew it was doable, but… Yeah the early Pokedex was probably a bit too early for easy propagation without someone like Oak pushing for it.

"But it would solve your problem, a lot of problems in fact."

"That’s true." Cerise offered with a smile. "Unfortunately, it doesn’t exist, so I have to do without."

"Doesn’t exist yet." I muttered, but shook it off, to focus more on what was going on. "So anything else you want from Mimikyu?" I asked, as I looked down at the pokemon in my arms who’d just been happily cuddling with me while we talked.

"Oooh! That’s a pokemon!?" Chrysa gasped excitedly, and suddenly the conversation shifted as I explained what I knew about Mimikyu to an interested researcher.


"Thank you. Victoria-"

Updat𝒆d fr𝑜m freewebnøvel.com.

"Just Vicky, is fine Professor Cerise."

"Vicky then. Well thank you for accepting my offer. I have your number, and I’ll reach out to you. I’m sure that someone with your competency with battles will help do a few things that my researchers couldn’t do safely."

"Sure! It sounds fun." I agreed, as we stepped out of his Lab House, and onto the large fancy lawn.

Cerise was seriously mega loaded.

"Expect a call soon, and I’ll reach out to your parents to discuss everything with them like you asked."

"Thanks Professor! It’s a lot easier than me trying to explain things." I laughed, because I knew Mama would demand some sort of pay, and Papa would want assurances on what I was doing.

Either way. I released Dragonite and leapt onto her back as she took to the skies. I could hear gasps below as they saw Dragonite burst into speed and leave the building far behind. I wonder if that brunette that I’d seen was Chloe?

Either way I headed towards the stable to let everyone out and relax, and while I flew I considered the issue.

I wanted the damn electronic pokedex.

For one, it eventually evolved into a smartphone, and I wanted a smartphone, for two, it was just… Better.

Plus I’m pretty sure Professor Cerise’s whole idea involved Pokdex data.

The problem of course was… I’m not Oak. I wasn’t a Champion… Yet… Maybe. I’m still deciding whether I would even want that, and more importantly, I don’t have that kind of money!

I was pretty rich with the Milotic scales, and stuff, but there was a difference between how rich I was, and how rich someone like Oak had been. Or Professor Cerise.

There was an itching feeling in my stomach that made me realize that… I might actually have to do something about this.

I was happy just lazing around and playing with my pokemon, but without Oak here… There were things that made this world better, and the Electronic Pokedex was a big one.

The other of course was people accepting friendship evolutions!

I plopped my head forward onto Dragonites scales and just groaned.

"Pree?" She called out looking back over her shoulder.

"I don’t know what to do." I told her, thankful for her control of the wind that she could hear me.

"Drag. Dragon!" She rumbled, and I looked up and she gave me a smile and slapped her bicep.

"Just be strong huh? Yeah… That I can probably do." I muttered as I sat back up. I still had time and I had the strength, it might not be easy, but doable?

People do hard things all the time, just have to keep at it!

"Pree!" She called out as she suddenly shifted down and I grinned as we were already at the stable. She floated down and with a single flap of her wings stalled her momentum so she settled onto the earth with a gentle step.

"Thanks for the ride. I know you were planning a rest day." I told her, and she just reached out and patted my head. "Alright! Come out everyone!" I called releasing my pokemon back into the stable, each of them settling in with a happy noise as they went to do what they wanted. Blue Heart of course settled into the water and called out to me with a rumble happily before sinking beneath the waves.

"Vicky. Here for more training?" Grandpa Roy called out from where he was sitting out on the porch enjoying the weather. A steaming cup of tea beside him.

"Nope! I just got back from Vermillion." I explained as I walked over and sat down so I could swing my legs off the porch. "I met with Professor Cerise there. He’s nice." My voice attracted some attention and one of the Goomy woogled over to greet me, so I had a cute stress ball to play with.

"Is that so! A Professor is a good contact to have."

"Well I might do some work for him… With him?" I shrugged not sure how to best describe it. "But, I ran into a problem and it’s going to be annoying to fix."

"What sort of problem? Maybe this old man can help."

"You ever hear of an electronic Pokedex?" I asked him, and he blinked, sort of considering it.

"I think… There was talk about it. I think Silph Co. was doing something like that?" He muttered, a finger scratching at his grey well kept beard.

"Silph Co. huh?" I muttered, I wonder if I could get them to restart the project if they were considering it once?

Or maybe they were still working on it, and just waiting for it to get cheaper?

I’d have to try talking to whoever was in charge at Silph, maybe urge them to get the Pokedex project going?

"It doesn’t look like I’ve given you any ease with your issue."

"Not really." I admitted, but to sugar coat it a bit I sent him a smile. "But you helped a little."

"I’m glad to hear it." He offered with a smile as he took a sip of his drink. "This Electronic Pokedex is important to you?"

"It’s probably the most important pokemon research tool to ever exist." I admitted. "Well maybe besides Pokeballs." I had to correct myself.

"You think it’ll be that big? People have had Pokedex for a long time."

"Yeah, but… Picture this. You’re walking around, and a pokemon is there. You’ve never seen it before, it’s big and powerful looking. Is it a legendary? A pokemon no one has ever seen before?

Instead of just having a tale to tell when it runs off into the bushes you have your pokedex, it records a scan, or even just a picture, with location, and time data. Suddenly that mysterious new pokemon is confirmed fact. Or if you find a pokemon doing something you’ve never seen before? Maybe a ritual dance, or something else, and they suddenly evolve into something new!"

My words were excited, and I continued to squish the Goomy all the more as I spoke, earning lots and lots of giggles.

I couldn’t help but think of the Clefairy Moonstone dance at Mt. Moon. Hadn’t Cerise had some experience with that too?

But… People didn’t even know about all the Eeveelutions! But what if some kid had a pokedex when their Eevee evolved into a Glaceon, you wouldn’t just have some random kids information, but the actual location it happened!

Humans needed to understand Pokemon, our bond together was what uplifted both species.

"I see… I suppose that would be quite the gadget." Grandpa Roy admitted and instead of the normal sound of old people humoring children he sounded actually in agreement. "Perhaps I’ll talk to Leo. Maybe we can reach out to Silph Co. through our investments?"

"If they do it great… If they don’t? I’ll figure something out. Or someone will." I admitted that last part with a loud exhale. I wasn’t the chosen one. Even if Pokemon literally had a destiny force of some sort considering Ash was explicitly the Chosen One.

But… I could do some things, and I’d do my best to help… Like with Professor Cerise. I might not be the Professor Oak that this world needs, but I could help the professors that could do bits and pieces of what Oak did until we had a whole Oak in the aggregate.

I smiled at the thought. I didn’t have to do everything. Just enough things. The small pushes forward.

"Thanks Grandpa Roy! You actually did help." I decided as I stood up and swiped at my jeans.

"Is that so?" He muttered, but he returned the smile I flashed him as I jumped off. For now?

I still needed to love on my pokemon. Things after that could wait.


"Vicky! Time to wake up!"

"I’m up!" I yelled back even though I was not in fact up. I blinked around my room, the sun was flowing in, and I’d slept like the dead.

Mostly because of my cuddle buddies.


"Is okay. Go back to sleep." I told Mimikyu, who’d been cuddled up to my chest as I slept.


"You can sleep as well." I giggled around a yawn as I petted Jangmo-o back to sleep and slipped out of my bed. Between Pillow, Mimikyu, and Jangmo-o my bed had been warm and full of cuddles all night.

I headed out rubbing at my eyes, Arcany made space for me, and I patted him on the head as I passed earning me a cold nose nudging at me in greeting.


"Breakfast." Mama called out with a smile, placing the Kantonese breakfast set on the table and then pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you." I mumbled sliding into the seat and yawning.

"Oh is the sleepyhead finally awake?"

"Mornin’ Papa." I called out as he came in, he was already mostly dressed for work.

"Morning Trouble." He greeted me with a kiss on the head as he took his seat.

Lucario carried over two plates and put them in her spot and Mama’s spot as Mama brought over Papa’s plate.

I glanced up and saw Riolu notice me mid bite and then she narrowed her eyes.

"Don’t even think about it." I warned her, my own eyes narrowed. She looked down at her bowl of soup. I could see the thought flash across her mind, but Lucario was there looking up and Riolu instantly pretended innocence and I relaxed.

There wouldn’t be any food fights this morning. Annoying brat.

"Any plans today?" Papa asked me and I nodded.

"Zelos is leaving today. Ivy and I let everyone know, so we’re going to see her off before she leaves."

"Hmm. That’s right. It’s a shame, you’ll lose one of your friends."

"It’s fine. If I really want to see her I can always just jump on-"

"No." Mama and Papa both said at the same time. "You aren’t flying to Unova."

"Okay fine. I’ll see her again. I’ll probably visit Unova some day."

"Yeah?" Papa asked amused. "Gonna travel the world?"

"A little at least. I still want to go to Alola." I muttered and Papa blinked.

"Since when did you want to go to Alola?" Papa asked, confused. "I remember you mentioning Alola before you went to Kitakami, but you want to go?"

"Well… Yeah? Didn’t I tell you about Jangmo-o, and the Kommo-o?"

"That you dance battled them and they thought you were amazing and the elder Kommo-o sent a Jangmo-o with you to be your ’eternal dance battle partner?’"

"When you put it like that it sounds weird!" I argued, but then went more serious. "The elder Kommo-o gave me something. Something I have to go to Alola to… Well I just have to go there eventually. It was a promise." I explained and Papa hummed a bit at that.

"This is the first I heard of this as well. I mean you’ve spoken of Alola a few times, but I didn’t know you wanted to visit. The island is a holiday destination, we could afford tickets for a family holiday." Mama explained and I blinked at the idea.

"Well I mean… Yeah I do want to go to Alola. I need to talk to one of the Kahuna’s about Kommo-o’s gift."

"Hmm." Papa hummed, and I looked between the two adults because…

Were they planning a vacation!?

"I’ll think about it. Your Birthday is almost here after all." Papa eventually said, which just meant he wanted to speak to Mama in private without me there.


"Sure. If you can’t you can’t. I can always fly Dragonit-"

"Vicky stop talking about oceanic flights, you’re making me anxious." Papa demanded and I nodded surprised at his reaction.

I instead focused on my meal, and everything quickly returned to a more sedate pace, as Papa asked me about my Alola knowledge.

Considering everything I probably knew more about Alola than anyone in Kanto! So I happily shared things that I knew.

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