Pokemon Trainer Vicky

Chapter 100
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"An Island Challenge?" Papa asked, looking between me and Hala confused.

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"I accept." I said before anything else could be stated, because this was the entire reason I was here!

Well, that and the beaches!

Hala smiled at me, but looked at Papa.

"Unlike the mainland, we on Alola donā€™t have a League, or a Gyms. We instead hold Island Trials. Tasks that our young ones complete to learn about our home, your daughter has already completed one before ever stepping foot on Alola, this is aā€¦ Unique situation as we do not often offer them to outsiders. Because of this there has been someā€¦ Discussion about what to do. Now the Kahuna have convened and our discussion is complete."

"And what did you all decide?" Mama asked, her eyes sharp. Sheā€™d even stopped petting Meowth who was now watching everything with an irritated look.

"The decision was that since Victoria has completed a challenge, she would get the chance to take part in a challenge, and if she succeedsā€¦ Well, she would be considered an Island Challenger."

"If I succeed, will you give me a Z ring?" I asked, holding up my Kommonium Z in front of my face. The gem sparkling in the noonday sun. "I promised Kommo-o, I would learn to use the Z move with Jangmo-o."

Hala looked a bit surprised before smirking. "It seems you know even more than I expected. Yes. If you complete this task." And from his sleeve he pulled it out.

A Z ring.

"This will be yours."

"Then I accept. No matter the challenge. Iā€™ll do it!" I said, determination flowing through me. I wonā€™t fail! Not here!.

"Hmm. We shall see."

"Is it dangerous? Vicky! You donā€™t have your team." Papa said and I shook my head, at the same time as Hala.

"Island Trials arenā€™t just battles." Hala offered, but I added to it.

"Thatā€™s the trick Papa. The Island Trials are about learning, gaining an understanding of the Island and the Pokemon around it. Itā€™s not about battles. In factā€¦ I donā€™t think Iā€™ll need to do much battling at all." I offered and Hala looked at me, and smiled.

"Did Professor Kukui tell you about the Island Challenges? Or someone else?" He wondered.

"Nope. Iā€™ve just been listening." I told him and he looked pleased at my response.

"It is as Victoria says. Battle is not the answer to the Island Trial Although perhaps she will face a Grand Trial after?"

"Thatā€™s when I face a Kahuna in battle right? Iā€™d love to!"

"Then the Island Trial begins. Come, Iā€™ll show you your task."

"Yes Kahuna Hala! Iā€™ll be back!" I called to Mama and Papa, both looked hesitant to let me go, but I was already jogging to keep up with Hala.

Time for something interesting!


We walked for a while Hala, thankfully wasnā€™t quiet the whole time instead pointing things out and chatting about random stuff. That shop was good for this, that little grove is where the children played with wild pokemon.

Just neat Island trivia.

Then we walked down an old dirt path, and the sounds of Pokemon in the trees became more and more common, until suddenly it wasnā€™t. The jungle went quiet. I looked at Hala, but he looked grim.

"This is where your challenge begins." He said just as we rounded a bend, and a teenager was resting against a tree up ahead. He wasā€¦ Pretty? He had that air about him. Slightly pink hair, very straight laced feeling pretty boy.

"Alola, Kahuna." He pushed off the tree and greeted us as we approached.

"Alola Ilima. Is the area still secure?"

"It is. Iā€™ve got my pokemon keeping everything awayā€¦ Is this really needed? I could handle this."

"Perhaps, but it is safer this way. Victoria. Recently a pokemon has come down not far from here. He is normally well known as a forest guardian. A safe pokemon for anyone that he meetsā€¦ He is rampaging. Battling any pokemon nearby. This is one of the largest berry orchards on the island, he is stopping any pokemon from entering. Many pokemon are having trouble finding food."

"Oh no." I whispered, that could cause a lot of knock on effects. Starving pokemon stopped caring about things like humans when they started getting really hungry. Starving pokemon went for food, and humans had a lot of it. There could be a rampage, or worse. Massive migrations that shifted the entire ecosystem.

"Your task is to find out how to resolve this problem."

"Kahuna, Iā€¦ I protest." Ilima said, looking from Hala to me. He didnā€™t glare, and even looked a little apologetic, but he continued. "This is a serious issue. I donā€™t know if trusting a foreigner is-"

"Ilima. I understand your concern, but Victoria needs a trial, and the Kahuna have agreed. Besides, she will be safer doing this task than you."

The pretty boy looked away but didnā€™t argue anything further.

"Then Victoria. Know that Island Challenges are not battles." To my surprise Hala put a hand on my shoulder. "Go use your experience to help heal the island."

"I will Kahuna." I started forward, although I noticed Hala did follow, but far behind. Watching but not interfering.

I came down the little dirt path into a sort of dip, the grass was tall and fluffy as I stepped down, and I think there might be a small swamp here, feeding the many many trees in this section of the jungle. The whole place was humid, butā€¦ Nice. A breeze blew among the trees keeping it from being too much.

As soon as I stepped down I heard it. The grumble and the sound of tearing at food.

Was it a pokemon that was starving?

I pushed onward. I crept along quietly, using the trees as cover, and noticed Hala was standing up just before the dip, settled among the bushes with a few branches held over his headā€¦

It actually worked pretty well to hide him, even if it looked silly.

"Drrrr!" A growl broke out and I felt it.

A prickle in the air, a scent that I recognized, and I ducked.

In the air. Too far upwards to have hit me even so, a beam of energy arced out and burned through the air with sickly power.

Dragon Pulse.

Ah, no wonder theyā€™d given me this task. I looked up.

"Drraaaaaa!" The Pokemon roared as it had definitely noticed me. I rose up enough to seeā€¦

"Drampa?" I questioned why was probably the most gentle of Dragon types down here acting like this?

He saw me, and I saw him, but I took it all in. His fur around his wings was matted. His hair looked messy, and his eyesā€¦

They werenā€™t normal, but shimmering with angry red energy.

He shook his head as he saw me, and yet, started charging another Dragon Pulse.

I could hear Hala, and maybe Ilima behind me make some noise, an aborted warning, but I was focused. This was wrong. Drampa didnā€™t act like this, they loved children, enough that the Pokedex noted theyā€™d go destroy the houses of bullies that were mean to the children they liked.

I traced the angle of his neck. Where his eyes glared, and didnā€™t move, as he blasted another Dragon Pulse, it went well wild, doing nothing but fluttering my hair as I watched.

He tried to stop himself, but couldnā€™t? He didnā€™t want to hurt me.

Well that was something I could deal with.

I stepped back, hands raised, and he seemed to fight with himself, but didnā€™t attack me again.

What was going on? I took it all in, piles of food, eaten up and discarded in a mess. Messy eating? Why?

Hmm. Lots of Chesto, and Rawst, and Aspear berries with a bite or two but also crushed around the floorā€¦

Why eat those? Why not finish them? I quickly did a side roll as another Dragon Pulse shot towards me. It still wasnā€™t close, butā€¦ It had been closer.

What was going on? Something super weird for sure. Didnā€™t Drampa prefer Haban Berry? Why eat all of- I stepped into a berry. A Rawstā€¦ Bending down doing my best to keep an eye on Drampa as he seemed to growl and stomp the floor around him while keeping an eye on me. His rage wasā€¦

The Berry hadnā€™t been eaten. Heā€™d bit into it and spit it out, or just tore it apartā€¦ Why?

I looked up. The trees were all sorts. I knew that because I was the daughter of a Berry farmer.

I could see the trees with the different types all around, butā€¦

There were a lot of Oran Berries, but every berry on them had been eaten. Not a single sign of them left.

Injury? Oran Berries tended to restore health to pokemon. Was Drampa injured?

Well actually that made sense. Berserk. Drampaā€™s ability activated at half health. It made their special attacks stronger.

I once more shifted watching as a Sickly auraā€™d Dragon Pulse was shot out, a faint explosion behind me telling me it hit the earth.

The strange aura around his eyes was probably the tell sign for Berserk.

So we had a Berserk Drampa, thatā€¦ Couldnā€™t stop berserking? Why? He didnā€™t look injured. No blood, or anything like that. He lookedā€¦ Messy. Like he hadnā€™t been taking care of himself.

Hmmā€¦ I wish I had my backpack. Iā€™d give him some Oran and see if I couldnā€™t figure it out from thereā€¦

I got up and started moving, another Dragon Pulse warning was shot off, but I ignored it as I hurried along. He wasnā€™t going to hit me. Whatever was wrong with him, he was still in control enough that he wasnā€™t going to attack a child. I searched around the area I neededā€¦ That!

An Oran berry among some tree roots. I snatched it up and hurried back, once more I heard his growl as he sensed me approaching. This time I ducked down and scrambled forward even after he attacked, and then chucked the berry.

He flinched in anger at the object and almost obliterated the berry but he had just fired a Pulse, and a moment later he scooped up the Oran and devoured the whole thing practically whole.

I noticed a tension in his shoulders loosen for a moment, before spiking back up.

What the hell?

So that was the issue. His Berserk just wasnā€™t stopping.

I winced as another Dragon Pulse ripped through the area. If this kept up, this challenge wasnā€™t going to matter because heā€™d have destroyed all the trees.

Okay so what?

His eyes.

I looked up and his red eyes stared back at me.

The aura that was exuding off him from his berserkā€¦

His eyes werenā€™t red. They were purple! A sign of poisoning in pokemon!

"Poison." I whispered as the realization struck me. The reason he was freaking out. He wasnā€™t hungry, he was poisoned! My head shot up to trees. Nothing. Not a single Pecha tree. I turned and hurried back. Ignoring the sounds of rampaging behind me.

"Alola." I greeted Hala as I jogged right past him, and then up the little path before finding the one I was looking for.

"Alola! You have antidote and potions on you? Iā€™ll pay." I asked the older boy, and then shrugged cause why not. "Or some Pecha and Oran Berry I guess."

He looked at me, snapping shut his little booklet. He lookedā€¦ Irritated but he nodded, reaching into his bag and rooting around for a second to pull out an Antidote bottle, and a Potion bottle.

"You think itā€™s poison?"

"I know it is. Thatā€™s why heā€™s eating every Oran berry he can find, but just smashing out the rest of them. Heā€™s berserking really hard, because he keeps healing and then getting hurt again." I explained and Ilima blinked in surprise, before making an understanding sound.

"Alright Iā€™m off. Alola!" I jogged back with my hands full of medical supplies. I went right past Hala whoā€™d almost stepped completely out of the bush heā€™d been hiding in. but sunk back down when I came jogging back down the trail and sliding into the little berry orchard.

Time to get to work.

I could call out some pokemon. Dragon Pulse could be dealt with even with my baby team butā€¦

I had something to prove. Just because I was from Kanto didnā€™t mean I solved all my problems with overwhelming power. Iā€™m a Dragon Master, dealing with a berserking Dragon. This was all going to just be a Tuesday for me. Thatā€™s what I needed to convey. That I was totally in tune with the world around me, and I could totally be trusted with overwhelming power and no oversight.

Time to fix me a dragon.

I slipped out of my flip flops.

Did a bit of stretching and held potion and antidote in each hand.

Then I broke out into a sprint straight at the rampaging furiously powerful Dragon. He noticed me and once more sent a warning shot that went wide, but I didnā€™t slow, and by the time the beam of power finished and Drampa could see again. I was already much closer than he expected.

I saw it. Felt it in my bones. The energy gathered up. The way his eyes focused on me in rage. The shape of his neck showing where he was going to spit it.

Right at me.

Iā€™d surprised a berserking pokemon. Not usually a good idea, and it was lashing out.

I ran forward. Watching the energy form, collessing together. It took shape as I darted, and I waitedā€¦

I dove forward. Sliding my belly down on the grass as the Dragon Pulse shot out over my head. It also obscured Drampaā€™s vision.

I scrambled up enough to get the final few feet scrambling as the energy felt like it gave me a bit of light burn.

Itā€™d be fine. Dragon Energy tingled like that. I popped the caps of the medicine, no time for the spray stuff, and as the energy dissipated I flicked the bottles so potion and antidote both went streaming into his open mouth.

The liquid hit the back of his throat and he swallowed instinctively.

He jerked as the medicine while better tasting was still not the best flavor, and sort of shivered as it went down.

I could see it working. His breathing evened out and his body untensed. I even watched as the energy flowing off his eyes, that indicated his Berserk state dissipated.

He relaxed, slumping almost entirely forward, before his eyes shot open and he looked around until his eyes locked on me.

"Dā€”draaaaampaaa!" He cried out as actual tears shot out of his eyes as he slammed into me, his little claw wings grasping me all over as I realized he was searching for injuries.

"Iā€™m fine! Iā€™m fine!" I yelled out assuring him as I let him shift me around to check. Then I had his whole head slamming into me and crying onto meā€¦


I hugged him back as he clutched onto me, obviously still quite upset.

"Itā€™s okay. Itā€™s all taken care of now. Everythingā€™s okay." I told him as he hugged me, andā€¦

Drampa would probably give good hugs if he wasnā€™t sort of a mess.

I relaxed and just hugged him back. Letting the poor thing let it all out. What a mess. Poisoned and then berserking because your body felt like it was injured, and then eating berries only to not have any Pecha berries so you berserk again. And again.

"Dramp! Drampa Dramp!" He called out pulling away and once more checking me for injuries.

"No, Iā€™m fine. You missed me every time. You made sure you couldnā€™t hit me. I was so happy that you werenā€™t trying to hurt me." I told him and that only made him cry again.

Heavy footsteps behind me, had Drampa tense up, but he relaxed as he saw Hala.

"Alola Grandpa Forest." Hala greeted gently, and there was a moment.

Drampaā€¦ Was pretty old. I could tell just by how his scales looked, soā€¦

I wonder if Hala once played with this Drampa as a little kid?

"You had us all worried."

"Dra! Drampaā€¦" He trailed off and I noticed it. He sounded embarrassed but that wasnā€™tā€¦

I reached up and grabbed his head and forced him to look at me.

"Stupid Vicky. Real stupid." I told myself, as I stood up. I hadnā€™t actually checked! "Youā€™re still poisoned!" I warned both of them, as I noticed the purple in Drampaā€™s eyes growing again. "How are you still poisoned? I gave you a ton of Antidote!"

"Dramp? D-Dramā€¦" He pulled his head away and looked backwards like he was embarrassed? No, I walked around him and he pulled up his wings and I could see the problem.

I sat down and gently ran my hands through his feathers and found them.

"This is gonna sting." I warned him as I yanked.

"Draaa!" He yowled a bit and I found myself holdingā€¦

"Okay Iā€™ll be honest, I donā€™t recognize the stinger." I mentioned looking to Hala.

"Toxapex." Hala said after examining it for a moment. "Check for more. There is often more than one stinger."

"Right. I started searching around, and found another, and another, and anotherā€¦

"Did you sit on a Toxapex?" I asked him a little awed at how many of the stingers I was pulling out of his butt."

"Drampaā€¦" He offered hiding his head in his wing.

Well. I shook it off. "Take some more antidote, and letā€™s get you sorted out."


I looked at the pile of Toxapex spines Iā€™d pulled out of Drampā€™s butt. Heā€™d definitely not had a good time. Poor old man. He whined and cried at me, every time I pulled one like he wasnā€™t probably one of the strongest wild pokemon around.

I just patted him on the head as I searched for more and more.

If Blissey was here, this would have been a quick thing to fix.

"Okay I think I got all of them." I told all three men. Ilima had joined us eventually and had offered me another Potion, and Antidote Bottle so I could spray down the puncture wounds.

"Dramp! Drampa!" The Dragon cheered and rubbed against me in a big hug.

"Youā€™re welcome. But letā€™s avoid the Toxapex okay? Or come find help if you get stung again." I said a little sternly and the dragonā€™s head bobbed up and down rapidly.

"Thenā€¦ As Kahuna of Melemele. I find this Island Trial complete." Hala finally rumbled out and Drampa looked up alongside me.

I rose up and faced the older man.

Halaā€™s face broke into a gentle smile. "Bravery. Wisdom. Kindness. You faced down a rampaging Dragon, not as a foe, but as a friend. One youā€™ve never met. You discovered his woe and rectified it. Putting yourself at risk to do so. And, you did it alone, you never released your pokemon."

"They would have just angered Drampa. It was safer without them."

"Yes, it was the wise choice. I see now that the Kommo-o off the Island were wise to entrust both their future, and their hope to you."

Hala pulled it out. The Z Ring!

"Take this. Tomorrow you will face me in a Grand Trial. I will-" He had placed the Z ring into my hands and I stared down at it. Cool to the touch, not heavy, but not light. Just heavy enough to remind you that itā€™s there. That you hold so much power at your wrist.

As Hala reached into his pocket, I caught the glint of a Z Crystal, but-

"Drampa." Suddenly Drampa shuffled into his feathers and then dropped a Z Crystal into my palm.

"Dragonium Z!" I gasped out as I realized I was bouncing and shaking and practically squealing!

Dragon Z move! Dragon Z move!

"Drampa!" I cried out in tears and leapt at the Pokemon wrapping around his neck in a big hug.

"Dra! Drampa!" He chuckled at me as he accepted my hug.

"Ah." I heard Hala say almost forlornly. "I was going to give you this Normalium Z."

"Thatā€™s great too!" I cheered but no way was I using a Normalium Z when I had Dragonium!

"MWAHAHAHAHA!" I cackled wildly as I thrust my two fists into the sky, still half hugging Drampa. "Dragon power!"


I was practically vibrating as we all headed out of the Jungle. Drampa was coming with us. To stop at the Pokemon center for a checkup, but I could barely tear my eyes away from it!

Dragonium Z.

Sure Kommonium Z was cooler, but I couldnā€™t use that until Jangmo-o evolved. This? Everyone but Riolu could use it! And Hala had given me the Normalium Z as well! So Riolu could use a Z move too!

But letā€™s be honest. Devastating Drake was going to be flying soon!

"I suppose, I should say. Congratulations." Ilima said as we finally made it through the Jungle. He was looking at me, and his previous difficult look was gone. "You proved youā€™re worthy of it. Maybe Iā€™ll see you again. Alola."

"Alola!" I cheered as he and Drampa headed off to the Pokemon center. Drampa looked backwards which I waved at him happily so heā€™d keep going and get himself checked out.

"I ask that you be careful with using any Z move." Hala began quietly. As we watched Drampa and Ilima walk away." Theyā€™re given to us to protect Alola, to protect our family and home."

I looked up at the Kahuna and gave him my most determined face. "I wonā€™t abuse them. I promise. Iā€™ll use them with all the respect they deserve. Z moves areā€¦ The bond between trainer and Pokemon. Our strength, together."

"Yes. Exactly right." Hala said looking very pleased. "Iā€™d suggest practicing it lightly tonight, if you want to use it for the Grand Trial. I will leave you hereā€¦ Alola Victoria Ferrous, and be welcome here."

I blinked at the depth of what heā€™d just said and nodded, bowing a bit. "Thank you Kahuna Hala."

He walked off and thenā€¦ I turned and rushed as fast as I could with flop flops to the beach! I had to try it and I wanted to show everyone!

Z ring on my hand I was still practically buzzing in excitement! This was it! A Z move! One of the cool gimmicks of pokemon!

I mean, it wasnā€™t Mega Evolving which was pure bond, trainer and pokemon empowering awesomeness. And way cooler, but Z moves were easily number 2 on the coolness factor.

And I had the Dragonium Z!

I made it to the beach, out of breath and toes a little scraped from running in flip flops, because I could resist, but there was Mama and Papa!

"I did it!" I called out as I skidded in the sand before them.

"Whoa, Trouble!" Papa called out as he took in my appearance. "You did the trial thing?"

"Yes! Well Iā€™m going to have a Grand Trial Tomorrow with Hala, thatā€™s like a Gym challenge! Iā€™ll fight Hala! But but!" I held up my wrist showing my Z ring. The Bracelet was beautiful, just the right weight on my wrist, and it practically sparkled in the sunlight.

It was going to be awesome!

Lance was going to lose his shit!

"Thatā€™sā€¦ Nice?" Papa asked looking to Mama, and she looked confused too.

"Itā€™s pretty?"

"Itā€™s a Z ring!" I said and again just blank looks.

"Okay Iā€™ll make you understand!" I grumbled a bit and walked down the beach. "Just stay right there and watch! Itā€™s amazing!" I yelled out pointing at them.

Nowā€¦ Who do I do this with? Dratini? We definitely had one of the strongest bonds, butā€¦ I fingered Jangmo-oā€™s ball. It would mean something to him more than the others.

I hit the trigger. Jangmo-o popped out barking happily and then stilling as I kneeled down and showed him the Z Ring. "Jangmo-o."

"Jang!?" He looked from the ring to me, up and down.

"Yeah. Itā€™s a Z ring. I finished the Trial and the Kahuna gave it to me. So nowā€¦" I showed him the Z crystals that were locked into the side of the band. First the Kommonium Z. "We canā€™t use this yet. Yet." I shifted showing him Dragonium Z. I pulled it out and inserted it into the top.

"But this one we can. Are you ready for some training? We need to sync our moves."

"Jang!" He barked and I nodded before stopping.

I released everyone quickly, Riolu running to say hello to Lucario before wondering what was happening and I looked over my team.

"Okay everyone! I need you to learn what Iā€™m teaching Jangmo-o, then you can do it too! But this is to show everyone!" I called out and Dratini looked interested along with Braveā€¦

"Gible, itā€™s not swim time cutie." I told her as she started seemingly quite happily toddling off towards the water. "Can you keep an eye on her Dratini?"

"Tini!" He confirmed coiling around her a bit hesitantly at first, but she didnā€™t bite and instead since she couldnā€™t move just plopped down and rubbed her hands in the sand.

"Right. Jangmo-o! Here are the moves." I raised my hands up over my head, crossed. And then brought them wide. Double punch forward with wrists crossed. I felt it then already building up despite not even activating the Ring, and Crystal.

Bring hands back into almost a Kamehameha, but then thrust forward fingers like dragons fangs and bring it open into a massive maw!

Then power stance to let the power release.

I was practically gasping just doing the moves. I could feel something rising up in me, but it dissipated since it wasnā€™t in sync.

"Letā€™s practice together." I told Jangmo-o who barked and turned away from me facing the ocean.

Wide power, Double punch, Dragon Maw, Power stance.


Wide power, Double punch, Dragon Maw, Power stance.

"Okay weā€™re close. Breath together."

Wide power, Double punch, Dragon Maw, Power stance.

"Okay." I fixed my body and brought up the Z ring, and flipped it. Instantly it burst into light and I could feel it.

I could also hear Mama and Papa gasp but I brought it up, and then.

Wide power, the light flowed through me, rising up.

Double punch. Our connection locked in.

Dragon Maw! We werenā€™t just people! We were Dragons! Competition and force was in our blood!

Power stance! The power flowed through me, bursting into an aura around us both flowing into Jangmo-o. His stances were perfect. Of course they were, heā€™d probably practiced the Kommonium Z stance under his elders since he was born.

And then.

"Devastating! Drake!" I roared. The purple energy around him rose up, he opened his maw, pink energy formed, coalescing, I could feel him struggle, and then I was helping our shared connection both controlling the move! It finished, gathered the energy together and then burst forth in the shape of a flying dragon! It flapped shifting left and right under our control as it burst away!

"Together!" I called out feeling the connection and trying to guide it towards the ocean.

"Jaaang!" Our move shifted, flowed and smashed into a wave.

The explosion blew sand and water onto me even from so far away, Jangmo-o nearly tilted over entirely, but managed to plant his feet.

"Yeaaaa-" I cried out jumping into the air and then fell face first onto the sand all the energy in my body leaving me in a rush.


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