"rrrRRRAAA!" Hektor screamed out at the elements. Breathing heavily, he glared at the three suns above, which punished him with their unbearable heat. Beside him, Kashi trudged through the sand, stripped to a pair of pants and boots. His chest muscles glistened with sweat, which he wiped away with annoyed futility. Surprisingly, though Kira was the hairiest of them all, she was totally unfazed by the heat. Probably was a boon of being a lesser god or something.
Hektor arched his head back as he tried to squeeze the last drop of water from his goatskin flask. A single drop hung at the flask's rim. He shook it loose, but even that last drop evaporated on its descent. Hektor stared at the flask in raging disbelief, His body shook as he exploded into animated laughter, his voice echoing across the desert.
"Ah, he's finally lost it," Kashi mumbled.
They had been walking for over twelve hours, and the end was still nowhere in sight. To make matters worse, there was no nightfall in the burning valley as the artificial sun shone twenty-four hours every single day.
Kashi took out the last flask he had and tossed it to the warrior. Both their vitality had dropped dangerously low, and they had so many status penalties that after some time, the daeben just swatted away any prompts without looking at them. The only upside to the ordeal was that his resistance to heat magic and endurance also increased somewhat. A call came in as he watched Hektor take the smallest of sips and savor the taste like it was gold.
Chuckling to himself, he took out his rink. The call was from Lunette, and he mentally kicked himself for forgetting to contact their party. The heat must have fried his thought process. He accepted the call. "Hey, Lune."
There was a sharp intake of breath, accompanied by the longest of sighs. "Wow, this is a first. I don't know whether to scream, kill, or be happy you're alive." Though her voice sounded calm, there was a distinctive sting in her tone that rendered the daeben silent. "Last time I saw you, you were falling into a bottomless pit, and last you saw us, we were chased by hell-bats. And the first thing you say is, Hey Lune!"
Kashi blinked, overwhelmed by the scolding. "I'm sorry?" He managed as he tried to figure out what exactly he had done wrong, "I knew from my friend log you were still alive so-"
"So you didn't think twice of it," Lunette interrupted. She sighed again. "You know what, it's fine. You did say you were originally a solo player, so basic etiquette like this might elude you. Next time, don't forget to call, okay?"
Kashi noticed the warmth return to her voice."So what was really eating you?"
"Excuse me?"
"Earlier. That whole outburst was just you venting your frustration at me, wasn't it?"
"What? Did I say something wrong again?"
"No, no, that's not it." Momentary pause. "Did anyone ever tell you you're too direct sometimes."
Well, not Kashi exactly, but Suzuki had gotten an earful from the Princess of Archery. "Not exactly. But it prevents misunderstandings, doesn't it? So, you going to tell me what the problem really was?" The daeben did not notice, but ever since he began his conversation, he had forgotten all about the heat.
"Well..." Lunette drew a deep breath, and then narrated the events leading up to her arrival at Lib Tahos , including the young men , Iggy and Diggs . "... And since my skills were still low, we've been upgrading all the skills I learned yesterday. Never thought I'd get tired of singing."
Kashi chuckled as he pictured her pouting. "Well, too much of anything is bad, no matter how much you like it."
"I know, right!? Anyway, I was getting frustrated and needed a break, so thanks for answering this time."
"Quite honestly, I needed the distraction myself. I think I underestimated the burning desert."
"Wait, you're there now! But you don't have a horse! Don't tell me you guys are going on foot!"
"...That's exactly what we're doing. Why? Is it a bad idea?"
"Bad idea? It's the worst! Turn back now. It took us a day and half riding on some of the fastest horses. How long do you think it'll take you? And do you think you'll survive that long? You're probably out of water already."
"It's too late to turn back now. Besides, we could just drink the blood of any beast we pass, right?"
The stunned silence that followed was deafening. "Did you just say drink the blood?"
"Yeah. Not the prettiest option, but should keep us hydrated a little longer."
"And Hektor's okay with that?"
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"Hektor's a war veteran. He's survived on much worse, believe me."
"You... no, you know what? I promised myself I would no longer be surprised by your crazy antics. Turn into a crazed, blood-hungry vampire lord if you want, just make sure you get here alive."
"That's the plan. More importantly, can you get a list of instruments the imprisoned orchestra require?"
"I can ask Diegel. Why do you need them?"
"He said the orchestra can help fight the last boss, right? Not too sure, but people who have been imprisoned for so long might not have the best equipment."
"How are you going to get them?"
"Not sure. Might craft them, or find an alternative."
"Since when can you craft instruments?"
"Since yesterday. Ran into a benevolent god."
"I. Want. Details!"
"It's a long story. How about we save it for when we meet up?"
There was a long silence as she considered his offer. "Alright, okay then."
The duo chatted amicably as Kashi's party traversed the never-ending sea of sand. Every now and then, a poor salamander would cross their path. Kashi would strike it down, and the trio would feast on it raw. The daeben was impressed by how they captured the steely taste of blood without making it overtly-realistic.
About an hour later, Lunette decided she'd had enough of a break. "Okay, I've got to get back to practice. Talk later."
"Sure..." His voice trailed off, and she picked up on it.
"What is it?"
"I have a request? Might sound odd."
"Since when do you care about how things sound. Shoot."
"Can you leave the line on during your practice? We need a distraction. We'll mute our end."
"We? Has this been on speaker the whole time?"
"Yeah. From the beginning. Why? Is that a problem?"
Lunette sighed again. "Sometimes it's like I'm teaching you how to walk. Listen, it's fine because it's me, but next time you have to ask the person on the other line before you put them on speaker."
"It's courtesy. Plus, some people don't like others listening in on their conversation."
"Okay, got it. So, about the favor?"
"Sure, I'll leave it on. It's not like we get charged for the call or anything. But you have to promise not to laugh at me. If you do, I'll know ."
"How? My side wi ll be muted."
"I'm cutting the ca-"
"Okay, okay," Kashi surrendered, laughing. "I promise I won't laugh. How's that?"
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"Better. See you soon."
"Yeah ," The daeben said, and then muted his microphone.
Kashi listened as she greeted some people. A few words were exchanged, then the sounds of a piano. Both Kira and Hektor made their paces match his as Lunette’s practice began. She started with 'Family,' and they could feel their fatigue wash away along with the song's rolling notes. After that, they began to perform various different pieces; some he knew well, others not so much.
Lunette's songs rid them of half the status ailments. They could feel their energy return with each piece rendered.
While listening, Kashi felt the slightest of vibrations beneath his feet. He got to his knees and placed his ear against the ground. "Five four-legged creatures. Very large mass, charging in our direction at full speed from the North." He looked to Kira for confirmation, and she nodded her consent.
The trio ran to the top of a sand dune and squinted at the horizon. Sure enough, out in the distance, something was kicking up a storm of dust.
"Friend or foe, you think?" Hektor asked.
"Out here in the middle of the desert? It pays to always think foe. Be prepared," Kashi replied as he muted Lunette's call. He equipped his bow and wrapped his quiver around his bare chest. Because of the heat, he still decided to forgo his top. He retrieved Hektor's ax from his inventory and tossed it to the youth.
"Thanks," Hektor said as he caught the weapon mid-air. He rested the weapon on his shoulder as they slid down the dune to meet the newcomers.
Kashi's eyes widened at the sight that drew closer. He loved this world!
What could only be described as prehistoric giant rhinos charged toward them, stocky legs kicking up dirt behind them. On their backs were full-body saddles designed for warfare, with tribal markings painted under the saddles. They had what looked like ivory steel spikes set up on leather straps buckled around the beast's neck. Directly on its back was a saddle placed atop two layers of padding for comfortable riding. The rest of the beast's body was also protected by the leather armor to prevent the creature from easily being slain by arrows and spears. The absence of reins caused the daeben to wonder how they were steered.
The Therium Rhinos, as their HP bar revealed, surrounded Kashi's party on all sides then stopped, allowing them a closer look at the riders. Atop the largest sat a woman whose outfit caught the dark elf's eye. She resembled a gypsy in her brown linen free-flowing garments. A low cut V-neck accentuated her ample bosom, but headdress did enough to cover up that it was less erotic yet more attractive. A blood-red scabbard with inlaid bronze highlights hung loosely from her hips, other bronze accessories accentuating her dress.
As he laid eyes on her, Kashi was consumed by an artist's envy. Her clothing was so different from what he had been used to . It was simultaneously a slap in the face and a refreshing drink of water. He had to design something even better!
Alongside her, the men were not as interesting. They wore dark brown leather armor with linen skirts, leather jackboots, and an iron helmet. Pretty standard stuff.
Kashi eyed the leader. "What brings you fine folk all the way out here?"
"Do not speak elf. You are not welcome here!" She glared at him from atop her steed, brown eyes hotter than the desert sun.
"I am afraid I do not follow. Why do you refuse me passage?" Kashi continued in an even tone, showing no signs of being put off by her commanding voice.
"All of Merriheim belongs to the Supreme Priest. Trespassers are not allowed."
Kashi scratched his head in mock-thought. "That cannot be right. You, as well as I, can see that tower beyond. It belongs to a certain guild in Rosendun, so your claims seem to be false. How can I trust what you say after such an obvious lie?'
If her glare burned any hotter, Kashi was afraid it would burn a hole through his chest. "I will not play word games with you." She paused, and after considerable thought, added, "I will be kind and let you ride with one of my charges back the way you came."
Kashi shook his head. "I am afraid we are in a bit of a stalemate. I want to venture forward, but you wish me to return. What shall we do to resolve this?"
"I sincerely wish you would return. It is not my desire to sully my blade with worthless blood today."
"Even if I am Kashi of the daeben , the man responsible for that tower rising?"
The woman’s countenance immediately changed. Her eyes darkened as she drew her sword out of her scabbard. "What did you say your name was again?"
"I never gave it. You see, I have received many lectures on mannerisms lately. It is only courtesy for the instigator to introduce themselves first, is it not so?"
"Very well. I am Zaram Karim, captain of the 3rd Independent Attack Unit, under the military flag of the Chaos Order , followers of our vengeful god, Lord Razznik."
Kashi's eyes betrayed nothing, but his heartbeat quickened considerably. So much so that Kira heard and turned to him, concern and question in her eyes. He subtly waved at her to let her know he was alright. "That so? My name is Kashi of the daeben , guildmaster of the Hopeful Maggots, and the man directly responsible for the tower rising."
"So it seems," Zaram said. "There are explicit orders for you to be found, dead or alive. Though I heard you had perished in Suvron's Pass."
"Apparently not the case," Kashi replied. "So, I suppose you'll be taking us into Merriheim after all?"
Her eyes narrowed at his words. "You seem quite confident. You really believe you can escape once we cross the burning desert, don't you?" She pointed her sword at his neck. "I could just as easily have you killed here."
Kashi shook his head again. "We survived the fall into Suvron's abyss, battled a Hydra, and rescued a god. Do you really think five men riding rhinos will be that much of a threat."
Zaram smirked. "I've seen many like you. Confident in your strength and ability. Didn't you know before you came here? Battles in Merriheim are not fought with steel."
"Yes, I have heard that a lot recently, actually." Kashi paused as a quick thought entered his mind. "Say, if I wanted to switch your allegiance to my guild, how would I do that?"
"Impossible. You would have to defeat the entirety of the Chaos Guard." She realized what she had just done, and her eyes burned with embarrassed rage. She had been so thrown off by the sudden tangent of his question that she had answered without knowing.
Kashi's lips curled upwards. "Well then, I suppose I will just have to defeat this Chaos Guard you speak of."
Enraged, she raised her sword. "Worry more about leaving this place alive."
The other soldiers drew out flutes from satchels tied to the saddles. They placed the flutes to their lips on her signal began to play the dreariest tune he'd ever heard. Filled solely with minor notes, the slow, arching melody was like the embodiment of despair in the form of sound.
You listened to "Song of the Lost Wanderer!"
You have been inflicted with Slow!
You have been inflicted with Dread.
You will be inflicted with sleep in five seconds!
Kashi waved away the prompts as he fell to his knee. His heavy eyelids looked up at Zaram, who regarded him with scorn. Kira and Hektor suffered as he did, and both fell as they tried to resist the wave of fatigue that swept over. Just as he was about to fall asleep, he shot to his feet and disappeared. A half-second later, one of the men slumped forward on his saddle. Behind him, the daeben stood a confident grin on his face, and waved at the remaining members.
"How are you?!" Zaram cried, but the daeben totally ignored her as he hopped off to the next Rhino. "Stop playing!" she cried. "Attack him. Kill him if necessary!"
The soldier atop the next Rhino made to draw out his sword, but Kashi stomped it back into its scabbard before it could be drawn. The soldier cried out in pain as he let go of his sword's hilt. His cries were cut short as Kashi stomped his head onto a lever on the rhinos saddle. The soldier passed out from the sheer force of the blow.
Kashi dodged, then caught an arrow as it passed by him. He flung it back at his attacker, and it smashed the bow to bits. The remaining soldiers ordered their rhinos to charge at him, prepared to skewer the rhino he sat on.
"You animals!" He yelled as he jumped off the head of the rhino. "Rhinos," smack "are," thump! "endangered species," crash! "Show some respect!" Tumble crash doom!
Zaram stared at her fallen soldiers in disbelief. She instinctively knew she was no match at present for the daeben. She jumped off her steed and approached the daeben. "I request a duel to the death."
Kashi looked at her and blinked. "Sorry, I cannot hear anything right now, so I cannot respond to what you are saying."
"However, I will let you take your men back alive and well, as long as you take my party and me to Meilfour and leave two Rhinos with us."
"Like I said, I cannot hear you right now. So, just nod if you accept my terms. You not only get your men back but my location and a chance to report to your superiors. A good deal, right?"
Zaram balanced the weight of her decisions against each other. She only had one life, and she could always capture him later with more reliable back-up. "Very well." She nodded.
Kashi deactivated [ Keen Sens e] . The daeben inwardly chuckled upon realizing he had been saved by a skill he had learned at level 1 . He once again appreciated what people meant when they said to always study the basics and that a good foundation is most important.
Kashi put Lunette's call back on and was pleased to hear her singing a more upbeat song. Freed from the flutes, Hektor first lugged the sleeping soldiers onto two Rhinos, then hopped onto a Rhino himself and pilfered the satchels for flasks of water . Kira jumped onto the Rhino Kashi sat on, tired of walking around in the desert sand.
Zaram looked at the unusual picture and cursed at the gods for their cruel joke. She then hopped onto the lead Rhino and led the group to Meilflour .