
Chapter 43: Before the Battle (2)
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Kashi’s Hopeful Maggots drifted down the delta on a small boat destined for the fort Norcha.


Drixlia’s angry neigh echoed atop the boat. This was its first time on a boat, and it did not appreciate the swaying floor.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down boy," Kashi cooed.

The proud horse was not the only one having difficulties staying on its feet. Stryke and Yuna lay had gone below deck, after falling victim to seasickness. Luckily, the other members appeared to be in good health.

"Norcha in view!" called a sailor from the crow's nest.

Kashi walked to the bow. A wide grin slowly formed as the fortress came into view. From the exterior, the previous battle’s damage was visibly non-existent . As they circled the fort, Kashi noticed men on the walls tracking their advance. Impressive. They hadn't relaxed in his absence.


The ship docked at the pier.

“Land! Pure Blissful Land!” Str yke jumped onto the pier before the sailors could even set the gangplank. Stryke cried as he kissed the earth in joy and relief . His friends laughed as they joined him.

"Looks like you brought some company," Iason called as he walked up to them in significantly better equipment. He gripped Kashi’s f orearm and then greeted with a wide grin, "Welcome back, Kash." Iason looked at Kira. He did not dare pat her head, so he just smiled and said, “Welcome back, Kira.”

"I'm back," Kashi replied.

Kira, meanwhile nodded her head, as if in appreciation.

Iason chuckled and then turned to Kashi. His smile darkened as he confessed, "Sorry, t here was a last-minute recall, so we had to give up half the recruits. The ones we have only number forty."

"No worries. That is more than enough for our cause," Kashi said as they entered the fort. The daeben knew it could not be avoided. Whenever a war was about to be waged, generals had the right to enforce the nation's conscription policy.

Kashi met Jero at one of the fort’s new training grounds. The half-elf paced back and forth in front of a group of soldiers practicing their sword techniques. He spotted Kashi, announced a break, and then walked over to the d aeben.

"It is good to see you again," Jero greeted. He then noticed Kashi's guildmates and promptly extended his greetings . "Pleased to meet you. I am called Jero." They exchanged greetings as he joined them. "Aside from the repairs, we added some upgrades to the fort. First, we made some residential homes for the soldiers and their families. Next we build a blacksmith station, so we could craft our weapons locally. The cannons on the walls have also been fully restored, with a few improvements to them."

Kashi nodded. "And the ships?"

"Should be coming in tomorrow morning. We were able to successfully buy two new frigates."

"Perfect," Kashi said with a smile. "Where are Paris and the twins?"

Jero pointed to a large building. "They are asleep. We rotate our shifts."

Kashi bent his head in thought. "Hmm, could you wake them up? I wish to go over our strategy in the courtyard."

Jero nodded and then went to awaken the troops . Meanwhile, t he Maggots dr ew curious glances and whispers from the recruits as they walked to the courtyard,

"Um, Kash," Stryke called. "I never asked, but what exactly did you do for these guys? They're looking at you like you're some savior or something."

Kashi pulled out the maps he had obtained from Kerta and then placed them on a table "I liberated the delta from a group of bandits."

Stryke stared with wide eyes . "On your own?"

"Of course not. I had some help from Shadow, Lune, Hektor, and these guys," replied the daeben as he pointed at four approaching figures. He introduced his old crew to his guildmates and then waited patiently as they exchanged greetings.

When the chatter died down, Kashi drew their attention to the map . "This is the map of Riven to scale."

Leila and Jero studied the parchment . Predictably, their brows furrowed into tight frowns before long.

"This is impenetrable," Leila eventually concluded. "The only way in is the front gate , which the main army is going to attack."

Kashi , however, pointed at the far wall by the cliff. "We'll climb up through here."

"That's impossible," Jero countered. "The walls are made of o-"

"A single smooth stone," Kashi interrupted. "I know. Trust me, I will get every last one of us up there." Despite the absurdity, Kashi’s confident tone (and his recent exploits) convinced them.

"Let's say you somehow manage to get us there... somehow," Leila said. "How do you propose we attack this fort by ourselves ? It's a large city. I estimate a thousand of them at the very least."

"Try three thousand," Jero added.

The recruits who had gathered around paled. They were all brave men, but facing a force of three thousand, with less than fifty, was nothing short of suicide.

Kashi noticed their hesitation. "We will be attacking a day after the main army. That way-"

"The majority will be focused on the front gates," Leila muttered. A spark returned to her eyes as she studied the map even closer. "Yes, if it's like this, we can do it."

"What do you think?"

Leila pointed at the dividing walls. "The bulk of their forces will either be here or on the ground. If they decided to have a ground battle, they'll open the gates and march out to attack. But that is highly unlikely seeing as they hold the advantage if they choose to stay sieged. "

Jero nodded. "I agree. I believe it is safe to assume they will stay on the outermost wall to fend off the army."

"Working on that assumption," continued Leila. "There are a few key things to note. The last gate will be lightly guarded, and their lord with only the most elite troops." Leila pointed at several points on the map as she spoke. "When we come up this wall, we'll have to split up. Two groups will travel on the opposite walls, swiftly, and more importantly, silently eliminating any targets they encounter."

The courtyard was silent save for Leila’s commanding voice.

Kashi listened, impressed by her plan. So far, it blew his original out of the water. Then again, he was more used to infiltrating and fighting solo. Directing major armies was a whole other ballgame.

"This will happen at night when both armies will be resting from a day of hard battle. ” Leila wore a thoughtful frown as she thumbed on the table. “ The ultimate goal will be to open the first main gate."

Kashi raised his hand. "What of the rest? What do they do?"

"The rest will wait ,” answered Leila. “ If everything goes right, the opportunity should present itself. When it does, the y descend from the wall and launch a surprise attack on the castle."

The men still looked unconvinced, so Leila hit them with one last reassuring fact. "Most of the drakul will retire to the ir homes or barracks to rest for the next day's battle. No o ne will expect an attack from behind."

The recruits finally relaxed . Kash i, overwhelmingly impressed, started a slow clap. It slowly rose to a crescendo as everyone present cheered her genius.

"That was amazing," Jero cheered. "You just conceived this plan?"

Leila nodded. "I still need to smooth out the details, but yes . T hat should cover the basics."

"You have experience leading large groups?" Kashi asked.

"A bit," she replied.

“Well, in that case…” Kashi handed her the map. "I leave it in your hands."

Leila accepted the map but then gave Kashi an unconvinced stare. "You sure about this?" Most people would feel uncomfortable giving authority like this to someone else. Yet, she could not sense the slightest hesitation in Kashi’s eyes.

 Are you really going to surrender power to her?

Kashi glanced at Kira, who was studying him with a strange look in her eyes. The daeben chuckled and then shrugged. "I can infiltrate, but I'm not so good at commanding large scale battles." He then answered both Kira and Leila’s doubts, “Plus, I don’t really care about leading people, you know? That’s really not my thing.”

“Okay, then.” Leila recognized the nonchalance in Kashi’s eyes. People with those eyes truly cared little for power. If anything, they found it bothersome. With her doubts answered, Leila placed the map in her inventory and then said, "I will have a complete plan ready by next week."

Kashi nodded and then disbanded the gathering. The Maggots mingled with the recruits, sharing stories of their experiences. He left them to their devices and made his way to the smithery.

 You let her take over, didn't you?

"What makes you think so? Her plan was excellent." Kashi said.

Kira grunted.

 Suit yourself.

They reached the forge where a bulk y mertian man was hammering away at a slab of metal.

Kashi bowed as he said, "Greetings, my name is Kashi, and I would request permission to use your forge."

The blacksmith raised his visor and grinned from ear-to-ear. "For you, Kashi-dono? You may use my house if you wish."

The daeben offered his thanks and then instantly set to work. He placed all of the ore he had gathered into the smelter, turning them into ingots. Then he began to craft very long poles with pointed ends made purely of steel.

Kashi picked one up and stabbed it into the earth with all of his might. It smoothly sunk a meter deep, with no resistance. "Good," the daeben muttered. "That'll do just fine."

Kashi exited the smithery and then walked to the training grounds. He watched as Jero continued training the recruits and decided to do some himself. He went to an empty part of the field and stood still.

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Kashi took in a deep breath as his arms begun to trace a path through the air. He danced lightly, performing his own blend of Kata : a combination of all the skills he had learned so far. Underneath his seemingly calm exterior, bubbled a raging inferno that threatened to explode. But he kept it in check, smoothly transitioning between several fighting styles, keeping a steady rhythm throughout.

Taking a deep breath, his hands finally dropped to his sides.

Skill: Earth Shattering Technique Level 2

Kashi smiled at the prompt. As he guessed , there were multiple ways to increase passive skills. He did not need to solely rely on combat skills.

Kashi estimated that h e had approximately ten days before the mission began. H e would have to see how high he could raise his passive skills in that timeframe .

Satisfied , Kashi returned to the smithery. He bundled all the spears he had crafted and tied them to his back. Their combined weight was much, but not enough to deter him. This was a result of his strength stat , receiving a further 30% increase from Ferulic's Spirit.

Kashi carried the ‘spears’ over to the docks and loaded them onto a small dinghy. He repeated this process until the boat threatened to sink from the weight . Next, the daeben retrieved hundreds of yards worth of rope .

Lune tte noticed the daeben’s weird actions and walked over. "What are you doing?"

Kashi looked up as he dumped the last of the ropes. "Preparing the first part of our ambush. Want to come with?"

Leila looked for her brother, but Shadow was deep in discussion with Jero, learning the art of S neak. "Hmm, sure. I don't particularly have anything I'm doing here."

"Hop on," Kashi invited as he released the small boat from the pier.

Lunette hesitated but then ultimately jumped in as Kashi rowed the boat away from port.

Kashi looked at Kira, who lay down by the pier and watched them sail off. "I'll be back soon!"

 Take forever if you want.

Thirty minutes later, Lunette pointed at the spears, and then asked, "What do you need all these for?"

Kashi grinned mischievously. "You'll see soon enough."

"You really don't give straight answers, do you?"

"Where's the fun in that?"

Lunette sighed, hugging her knees as she watched him row. His muscles bulged with each stroke, his shoulders rocking back and forth in an almost hypnotic...


The songstress reeled back, startled, almost falling off the boat in the process. "Huh.. what?!"

"We're here," Kashi announced, brow raised. "You okay? You seemed out of it for a while."

Lune tte shook her head in disbelief. She had been sucked in by those muscles... Ugh, they were virtual. She should know better. She tore her eyes away from him and focused on where they were.

They sat on a river that flowed between two towering, steep cliffs. The one to their right had a high wall that extended far beyond the top of the cliff. The dinghy was tethered to some dangerously sharp rocks below it.

Clack .

Lunette looked at Kashi, who was tying th e spears to his back.

"Could you help me with the last one?" Kashi asked.

Lunette nodded and tried to lift it... but it was too heavy! It took both of her hands and a desire not to be humiliated to finally hand it to him.

The daeben smiled as he took the spear . He then gauged the distance and threw it with everything he had onto the rocky cliff. It pierced through the stone and buried half its frame inside.

“Yes!” Kashi celebrated with a fist bump. The success lifted a huge weight lifted off his shoulders. It actually worked!

Buoyed by the success, Kashi flung another spear that sunk into the cliffside a meter apart from the first . He then pulled the dinghy close to the cliff's edge and grabbed the jagged rocks . With a grunt, he hoist ed himself up.

Lunette paled. "Are you crazy? Get down from there!"

Kashi laughed as he climbed higher. "You should try this. It's kinda fun!"

"You're definitely insane! No one in their right mind would go climbing with no equipment."

"I've got my hands," Kashi countered when he finally reached the spears. He grabbed them and lifted himself onto them. His greatest fear had been that the spears would bend or break under his weight. Thankfully, they held fast. "I don't need any other tools!"

"Whatever! When you die, don't come crying to me."

"I don't think that is physically possible," joked the daeben. Kashi took out pieces of rope and tied them between the spears. He let one end drop to the bottom of the cliff and held the other two in his left arm. He stood on the pole and stretched to his tallest, stabbing another set above him. He pushed them in till only half their original length stood out.

Lunette watched him with wary eyes as he repeated the process. Every now and then, he would slip, and her heart would lurch to her throat. But it seemed the gods were on his side because he somehow managed to escape certain death several times.

Eventually, Lunette could not take it anymore, and thus resorted to singing her worries away .

Kashi felt the effect of her soothing voice amidst the terrors of his dangerous stunt. His fingers were calm and sure as he made his way up the cliff, pinning the spears. Time quickly passed, and soon he had reached the castle walls. He attempted to pierce the wall, but the spears cracked. The walls could not be breached by them.

Kashi tried again, but the results were the same, albeit with a small crack on the wall. Kashi came to the conclusion he needed a more durable material to pierce the wall. He sighed and then began his descent. He pushed each spear far into the wall as he descended, and also made doubly sure the ropes were securely fastened.


"Took you long enough," Lunette chided when Kashi hopped onto the boat.

"Rock climbing isn't exactly a stroll in the pack," Kashi said as he released the tether. "Especially when it's wet with water spray."

"Mm-hmm. So? How'd it go?"

"Better than I hoped," Kashi replied as he rowed the boat away from the cliffs. "I'll have to make a few more trips, but it should be done in time for the ambush."

"Won't the Lizardmen notice them?"

"No chance. At their height, all they'll see are bits of rocks jutting out. Besides, they will be concentrating on the main gate in preparation for the upcoming war."

"You think they know?"

"It is impossible for the news to not have reached them one way or another."

"Hm... You sure know a lot," she mumbled. "You some sort of spy or something?"

. "Spy? No way . Anyone would have thought of that."

"No, I highly doubt there are that many people who would think of this, much less actually carry it out. You are insane."

"So you keep telling me," Kashi replied.

They continued their idle chatter until they reached Norcha. Intriguingly, a ship Kashi did not recognize was docked at the pier . Kashi also spotted Iason pac ing back and forth with a face full of worry .

"Kashi!" Iason shouted and ran to him once they docked. "We have a big problem!"

"Calm down. What's the matter?" Kashi asked.

"I-it's Paris. I... I still can't believe it."

Kashi frowned. "What's wrong with him?"

"It's easier to show than explain." Iason led them to the courtyard, where a group of leaders surrounded the blond.

"Paris-sama, it has been ten years! Your people need you!" One of the elders cried.

Kashi was shocked. He had never seen Paris with an expression as sour as the one he had on.

"I am afraid you have the wrong man," Paris said. "Now leave. I have work to do."

"Do you really think I will forget the boy I helped raise?" One of the elders countered. "Well, Parrisius Veritus Vermillion, or do you call yourself Paris now?"

Paris gritted his teeth. "...Dreifus."


"That's the name of the royal family."

"But I heard they were wiped out in the last war?"

"No, rumors claim one of the sons participated in the great war and barely survived."

"Could he really be?"

"His hair color is different, but his eyes are royal blue. It might really be him!"

Paris clenched his fists as the men carried on around him.

"He's a Ranad," Jero said, silencing them.

"Think this through," Dreifus pleaded. "If you permit Absalon rule, he will run this country into the ground. I beg of you!"

Paris took a step back, overwhelmed by the old man's persistence. The men around him were already looking at him differently. He ran.

"Pari-" Dreifus was interrupted by Kashi, who raised his hand.

Kashi swept his gaze over the recruits. "I do not know about him being a Prince or whatever, but before all that, he is Paris: the warrior who fought to liberate your homes. It would behoove you not to forget that."


Paris sat in the crow's nest of the very first frigate they had used. He stared at the skies as he muttered, seemingly to no one. "You know, I never really liked being a prince."

Kashi pulled himself up and rested on its edges. "...I knew someone exactly like that. What happened? How did you end up in Kerta?"

Paris laughed, a faraway look in his eyes. "I snuck off to the last war with some of my father's troops against his wishes. I w anted to prove I was more than a pretty face to be gawked at by the local girls."

"Yeah, too many girls. I can see why that would be a problem."

"Haha! Oh, don't make me laugh, I am serious here. Anyway, while I was on the battlefield, I received word the capital had been overrun by Lizardmen whose territories had been destroyed during the war. Can you believe it? I, who was supposed to be the one in danger, survived, but my entire family . .. wiped out. If I had stayed, and the full guard had been there.. maybe, just maybe they could have survived. Knowing all that, how could I return to the throne like nothing happened ? At the time, I was good friends with Iason, so I returned to Ranad with him. And lived as one of them till now."

Kashi sighed. "Is that it?"

Paris frowned. "What do you mean by that?"

"I have seen Riven. If they were able to breach the walls, then you being there or not wouldn't have made a difference, you would have perished along with them."


"But nothing! Do not tell me you believe there is honor in death, cause there is no such thing. You survived for a reason. Maybe it was the gods, maybe it was fate or just plain luck. But the people of this d elta were saved because you lived! And now you have a chance to save even more from depravity. If you feel guilty over their losses, then atone for it. Become a better king than your father ever was!"

Paris stared at the daeben, speechless. He had never seen him worked up over anything. "I..."

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"You do not have to worry. If you ever need help with anything, the Hopeful Maggots will offer you their undying assistance and loyalty."

Paris raised a brow. "Hopeful... Maggots?"

Kashi looked away, muttering, "It's the name of my guild, alright?!"

Paris burst out laughing, and it took him several minutes to finally cool down. H e relaxed and smiled as the wind licked his wavy hair. "That... was a lame end to a very cool speech."

"Hmph. Come down when you are ready," Kashi said, leaving him to his thoughts. The daeben could not believe the turn of events. With Paris on the throne, Rosendun was as good as his without actually owning it. This would continue to keep him under the radar. "Seems I am cursed with the devil's luck. It's only a matter of time before it explodes in my face."

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