6:57 am, 16 th Peniel 1091.
The sun rose in the horizon, ushering in a new day as two elves and human-sized direwolf exited the Silverwood Forest. Kira’s massive stature drew lots of attention from adventurers hunting in the fields as they walked past. However, the trio paid no heed to the stares as they were engaged in a rather heated discussion.
"What's your class?” Kashi demanded for the nth time. He was determined to find out her secret no matter how many times she rebuffed him.
"You're persistent." Leila sighed, massaging her temple with her hand. "Fine. I'll tell you. My class is Light Hunter."
"Light Hunter?” Kashi frowned. He had never heard of a class like that. “What's that?"
"It’s a Unique Class,” Leila explained, which caused Kashi’s eyes to widen in shock. Unique Classes were special classes which could only be obtained by one person during the game’s lifetime. These classes usually had much higher bonuses and stat points compared to other classes. Naturally, they were equally as hard to find and acquire. “To put it in simple terms, imagine a druid and a hunter class mixed together. Though my healing and support abilities are nowhere near as strong as a druid's."
"That's impressive,” Kashi praised. “Where did you get that class?"
"Say, Kashi, how come you don't use that weird speech when you're talking with me?" Shokō suddenly asked.
"Huh? Why would I?" Kashi rebutted with an incredulous gaze like she’d asked the most absurd question.
"Why, you ask?" Leila paused, unable to think of a solid reason. "You speak that way to everyone else."
"That's mostly to Residents and people I don’t know,” Kashi explained. “It’s unfair to treat someone I've fought beside in the same manner."
"Ah, I see."
Silence descended for a brief moment, but then Kashi’s eyes went wide in shock. "You tried to change the subject. Where did you learn that class?"
“Fine, you win,” Leila acquiesced with a chuckle. “Do you know the old man, Fladnag? He told me how to get the class?"
Kashi suddenly felt a sense of dread. “What do you mean Fladnag told you how to get that class?"
Leila sighed and shook her head. "Like I said, when I finished the training, Serti invited me to the Brotherhood. He then told me to go meet Fladnag. He said since you survived I should too."
"What?” Kashi let out an incredulous laugh. “I was a test subject?"
"Maybe. Who knows.” Leila nonchalantly shrugged like it had nothing to do with her. “Anyway, Fladnag asked me a few questions then pointed me to a dungeon where I obtained this class after defeating one of the toughest bosses I’ve ever fought."
Kashi’s expression fell as he listened to her experience. A dark aura of despair could be seen emanating from his body. "You've got to be kidding me."
Leila looked at him with concern. "What are you so upset about, anyway?"
"I was told to raise her for three months," Kashi complained and pointed at Kira who growled and attempted to bite off his finger. "See? I've had to put up with that for the past two months."
"She doesn't seem bad at all," Leila said as she petted Kira’s head. The direwolf closed her eyes as a silly grin spread across her face. "In fact, she's quite cute."
"Cute huh? How about you keep her?" Kashi joked, but Kira barked fiercely at him, causing him to immediately raise his hands in surrender. "Joking, I was joking."
"Hmm, I couldn't even if I wanted to,” Leila remarked as she looked at the duo. “You two go too well together after all."
Kashi and Kira both raised their brows at the ludicrous statement. They looked at Leila, then at each other. Blegh . They imitated gagging sounds in sync, repulsed by the very idea.
Leila sighed. "Need I say more?"
"Just a second!” Kashi protested as they neared Kerta’s gates. “What do you me: hm?” The daeben paused as he spotted some familiar faces blocking the city’s entrance. He recognized two of them as the swordsman, Nyte, and the rogue, Asha. They were accompanied by a bunch of players, who judging from their gear ranged from Level 50-70.
Kashi’s eyes narrowed. ‘ This is going to be troublesome. ’
Kashi chose to ignore them and pass, but just as his foot was about to cross the gate, Nyte swung his blade at the daeben’s neck, forcing Kashi to quickly jump back and evade the strike. He glared at the swordsman with heated eyes, "What is the meaning of this?"
"How to put this…" Nyte balanced his sword on his shoulder and scratched his chin in mock thought. “I got it! You've been banished from this city."
"Surely you jest? You have no such authority,” Kashi rebutted. “That can only be done by-"
"By the mayor?" Nyte interrupted as a cocky grin rose up the side of his face. "You haven't heard, have you? Absalon-sama was voted mayor yesterday."
"I-Impossible!" Kashi stammered.
It was possible for players to take up positions of government or public service in the world, but it could only be obtained through three major ways. The first and most popular method was through fame points and elections. Summoned with high fame points stood higher chances of being voted into offices by the populace.
The second method was through recommendation. If a Summoned had a high enough friendship with an official or performed outstanding tasks, they had a chance of being recommended for a position.
The final and most hated method was through force. If a Summoned wanted to lead a city, he could murder everyone in office with his guild or army and take over. Despite what people may think, the first method was the hardest as it required lots of public services to gain the amount of fame necessary to be considered as a candidate, let alone voted into office.
Someone like this Absalon who sent his henchmen to chase away potential threats to his business could not possibly have gathered enough fame points… Except!
"I see," Leila remarked as she distractedly petted Kira to prevent her from going berserk.
“Oh? We got a smart one here,” Nyte mockingly praised Leila. “Seems like you understand.”
"What is he talking about?" Kashi asked, unable to follow the conversation. He had never really bothered with the political side of games.
"The guild leader has been forcing his guild members to carry out public tasks and taking all the credit for himself,” Leila explained.
Kashi’s eyes went wide. "Is that even possible?"
"It is," Nyte admitted with a cocky grin. "Most players know that when a guild member performs a task, a percentage of the fame goes to the guild. What they do not know is that the Guildmaster can set it so that all the fame goes to the guild. And as the Guildmaster, all the fame is indirectly his and can be used in elections."
The tale has been illicitly lifted; should you spot it on Amazon, report the violation.
"And I'm guessing they can't leave the guild once they've joined?" Leila asked calmly.
"Of course not,” Nyte laughed. "You think we would let go of our precious source of money and fame?"
"Money? You're also taking money from them?" Leila questioned as her arm fell from Kira’s neck.
"You got it. How do you think we've become the top guild in such a short amount of time?” Nyte challenged. “We provide our members with food and easy leveling, and in return, they work and work for us! Impressive, wouldn't you say?"
"Ah… Impressive indeed,” Leila replied. “It's quite the business you've got there."
"What are you saying Le…ila… san?" The words died in Kashi's throat when he turned to her. Her glare was so cold, it seemed to freeze the atmosphere around her. It carried an intense pressure that caused several of the hangers-on around Nyte and Asha to fall to their knees.
Leila suddenly dashed forward with a dagger in her hand. Her target was Nyte, but just before her blade could pierce the surprised warrior, Asha appeared in her path. She barely dodged the rogue's swing by ducking below the weapon.
Asha raised her knee and struck Leila’s chin, but the wisben softened the blow by backflipping just before the impact. Leila countered mid-flip by returning the kick with one of her own to the rogue's chin. Asha weakened the strike in a similar fashion, and in a brief instant, they had separated from each other.
Leila quickly unslung her bow and shot three arrows at Asha. Her hands moved so fast that Kashi lost sight of them. She had spent time upgrading the [Rapid Shot] skill which increased the speed at which she shot her arrows, making it possible for her to fire an arrow and have another in place before the first reached its target.
Asha's hands moved with shocking speed and knocked the arrows out of their path. Leila fired off another volley while Asha charged forward, daggers at the ready.
Kashi suddenly dashed in between the women. He caught Leila’s arrows, notched them on his bow, then pointed the drawn bow at Asha at point-blank range, forcing her to stop in her tracks. "That's enough Leila," Kashi said as he kept an eye on the rogue.
Leila frowned. "What are you tal-"
"You cannot fight all of them," Kashi interjected, then looked at Nyte. "The ban only applies to me right?"
"That's right." Nyte, who had been looking on with amusement replied. "The boss knows nothing about her."
"Fine. I won't sell anything anymore, and I won't return to this town,” Kashi acceded. “In return, let her pass."
"Why should I agree to—”
The words died in his throat as a tremendous pressure dropped on the shoulders of everybody present. The adventurers nearby fell to the ground unable to move, and even Nyte and Asha had trouble standing.
Bloodlust Activated!
Scorn of the Fallen Activated!
Dark, sinister aura poured out of Kashi and filled the onlookers with dread. "Do not annoy me any more than I already am!"
‘Was he always this big?!’ Nyte’s eyes twitched as he sensed the daeben’s power. He had an inkling that if the daeben truly went all out, he might not survive the encounter. Nyte raised his hands in a show of surrender. "I understand, I'll let her pass. Just stop it already."
Kashi relaxed his glare, and the thick aura returned to his body. He then let out a loud sigh and turned to Kira and Leila. His raging bloodlust had also affected both of them, and he apologized, "Sorry about that. I lost myself."
"It's fine," Leila replied with a short wave. "I would have gotten myself killed if you had not intervened. More importantly, will you be alright?"
"I’ll be fine. Kira’s much stronger now so I can spend my time training. Tell Serti and Yugo I'll see them later." Kashi smiled sheepishly then turned to Nyte and warned with a severe tone, "Break your word in any way, and you will see just how dangerous these forests can truly be." His voice was low but carried a maddening amount of bloodlust in them.
"I understand," Nyte said through ground teeth.
Kashi added Leila to his friend's list then walked away, several pairs of eyes locked on his retreating figure.
7:30 pm, 16 th Peniel 1091.
Syèl and Shokō reached Neverun under the bright morning sun and found that while the city had been scary at night, it was more so eerie seeing the statues in broad daylight.
"You're telling me each of these guys are still alive?" Syèl asked, knocking on one of the statues.
"What do you think you're doing cross-dresser?!" Syèl yelled as he massaged the back of his head.
"Nothing much. Just thought I would teach a certain barbarian some manners." Shokō nonchalantly replied, massaging her knuckles.
"You b-"
"We're here," Shokō interrupted as she pointed at a dilapidated building.
Alure's temple looked like a run-down church, its doors barely hanging on their hinges. The building’s wooden walls had begun to rot, and a sinister aura hung over the building.
"You sure this is the right place?" Syèl asked.
"Of course. Come." Shoko opened the door and walked in. The inside of the church was just as desolate as its exterior. It was a complete mess. The wooden benches used during mass were shattered in pieces, and the supporting pillars were cracked in several places. Cobwebs spanned the ceilings and corners, with all manner of rodents scurrying around. The smell of rust and death hung in the air. "How terrible."
"Really?" Syèl asked in a carefree voice. "This doesn't look all that bad to me."
Shokō replied, "I think I saw a ghost."
"Ghost?!" Syèl instantly paled. "Where?!"
Shokō bent over in laughter, clutching her stomach. "I can't believe you're terrified of ghosts. You struck me as the stone-cold killer type."
"Shut up! Ghosts are different!” Syèl defended himself. He hated ghosts more than anything. He saw enough of those monsters in his dreams. He didn’t need them in reality too. “They can't be touched. They move through walls. You can’t shoot or strangle them! They should not exist!"
Shokō failed to pick up the desperation in his voice towards the end. She laughed and nonchalantly apologized, "Yes, yes. My bad. Come on, we've got to find out what's really going on in this town."
Shokō approached the pulpit and found it was actually a statue of some goddess, placed on an elevated ground. Unfortunately, something or someone had smashed it to pieces. However, just like Fodam said, there was a trapdoor behind the altar hidden underneath some tapestry which Shokō tore away.
Shokō slid the key she was given into the keyhole, and after a few tries, she heard a clank and the sound of shifting gears. The trapdoor opened of its own accord, releasing a thick stench of rotten flesh that wafted mercilessly into their noses.
"Oof, That's terrible!" Syèl coughed hysterically, and they both dashed outside the church for some fresh air. "What do you think they kept in there?!" He asked once he had finally calmed down.
"Beats me. We’ll have to find out," Shokō said and pulled a scented scarf from her inventory. She tied it around her nose to reduce the stench then handed an extra one to the elf.
"Thanks,” Syèl said and put it on as they returned to the trapdoor.
Inside was a ladder which they climbed down, Shokō first.
Once they landed, they had to squint to see as it was very dark. Syèl took a dormant touch hanging on the wall and lit it with a simple fire spell. He used the light to search around the area they landed. His hands felt strange moisture inside a dugout in the wall. He put the mixture to his nose and winced, recognizing it.
The source of this c𝐨ntent is freeweɓnovēl.coɱ.
Syèl tossed the torch into the mixture and watched as the oil caught fire and burned across the wall, lighting the passageway with its flame. The sight that awaited them caused his eyes to widen in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me…"