The country, Serisis, was a peculiar land, even for a continent filled with dragons and magic. Some claimed the country was cursed; others said a god was slain on the land, and its blood destroyed the earth. Others said its current state resulted from a punishment from the gods for a sin long forgotten.
Whatever the reason, despite the country's poverty, no one had bothered trying to conquer it.
The reason for this peculiarity lay in the soil.
The lands of Serisis could not bear fruit. That's right, not even the most tenacious of weeds could grow on the earth. In return, the region's mana density was much thicker than other countries, even slightly higher than the concentration in Jatakem, which was rumored to be blessed by gods.
Perhaps as a direct consequence of this, the beasts in the land evolved such that they lived off of the abundant mana, only choosing to kill and feed when they felt peckish, or they sensed a territorial threat. These beasts, which freely roamed the land, gained the ability to use magic and were henceforth known as mana beasts (mabeasts for short).
Over time, some mabeasts migrated to other countries, which led to the spread of mabeasts all over the continent. Still, everyone knew the birthplace and best location to hunt mabeasts remained the lands of Serisis, which were later nicknamed 'Badlands' by adventurers since there was no foliage in sight for miles.
The land of Serisis was also famous for one other thing. It was the hypothetical birthplace of Beastmen. Some theorized that the mabeasts, after reaching a certain level, gained the ability to switch to human form, a theory strongly supported by the Elder Dragons' ability to achieve a human form.
This theory was further strengthened by the density of beast men in this country, which easily surpassed other countries by over ten times. Furthermore, the number of races that possessed intelligence dwarfed the other countries by at least five times.
Unfortunately, there were very few pure-blooded races of the Chetah and feline classes left. Most of the races belonged to the canine class and a few other races which had beaten the evolution race like the capricious hares, raccoons, and tenacious mouse. Of course, these races preferred to be called hares, Rakus (raki), and Midus (midi).
These smaller races were far fewer in number compared to the canine races, so they tended not to leave the borders of the country.
Oh. There was also the lomu (mole) race that lived underground. But you could go two lifetimes without ever encountering one, so they do not matter.
Without plants, this country of Beastmen and humans were forced to learn how to hunt mabeasts to fill their stomachs. Luckily the density of the mana strengthened those born in the country, and hunting low-level mana beasts did not prove too difficult.
To ensure the country of meat-eaters did not starve, the Crown created a system to regulate the number of beasts slain daily Commoner families hunted low-level mabeasts while soldiers and nobles hunted higher level mabeasts. The higher-level mabeasts' usually larger sizes and more filling portions offset their lesser numbers.
This system prevented nobles and soldiers from killing off the lower-leveled beasts that the commoners depended on for survival. All in all, it was a sustainable system, one that held even when adventurers from other countries visited to expand their horizons or hunt specific beasts for a quest or reward.
Or, at least it should have been.
Nearly a year back now, the Summoned returned to Dreiza, and with them came destruction, especially to Serisis. The Summoned, who followed no code of conduct nor obeyed any rules laid out by countries, obliterated the low-leveled mabeast population to near-extinct levels as they rewarded bonus EXP and better materials compared to the ordinary beasts found in other beginner areas.
The Summoned, who at the time did not stop to think of the consequences of their actions, stopped only when the number of low-level beasts became too low for profitable 'farming.'
Only then did the Summoned return to their various countries.
This swift disaster left only the higher-leveled mabeasts, which the nobles and soldiers hunted for themselves. The commoners, who couldn't even rely on grain if they wished, demanded the nobles shared the mabeasts hunted with them. In contrast, the nobles argued truthfully that even with their superior strength, it took anywhere from ten to a hundred people to hunt a single high-leveled mabeast. They could not repeat this feat daily. As a result, the meat was barely enough for their families, let alone having enough to feed the populace.
However, starvation clouded judgment, and the common people could not agree with the conclusion of the nobles and Crown. They felt that since the nobles were so strong, they should have enough power to take care of them. After all, it was the nobles' ineptitude that allowed the Summoned to decimate their only source of survival.
The Crown, in desperation, reached out to the neighboring countries for aid, but there was little the other countries who were in the middle of dealing with the disease called the Summoned could offer in the way of assistance. Grains could not be planted, normal animals couldn't survive without plants to feed on, and any food items sent spoiled long before reaching their destination.
The commoners, who had no path of retreat, could only rely on these spoilt foodstuffs so that they did not starve to death. But even so, they began to fall ill to the toxins present in the food. As a result, the dichotomy between the commoners and the nobles only grew larger. Small factions began to raid the nobles' storehouses to steal food, and there were burgeoning signs of rebellion in certain areas.
The anti-human factions, who did not want a human to rule over a country that was seventy percent beastmen, used this opportunity to stoke the flames of rebellion and denounce the king.
King Chu Tianjo, pained by the torn state of his country, initially accepted the messenger from Rosendun happily as he would have grasped any olive branch handed his way at that moment. However, upon hearing what the messenger had to say, King Tianjo and his ministers were forced to swallow a bellyful of rage not to cut down that messenger where he stood.
Still, though, King Chu Tianjo agreed to meet with this daring Rosen King that had the appetite of a dinosaur, daring to lay eyes on Serisis. He intended to steal a march on the negotiations to find out the Rosen King's intentions, then squeeze as much as he could out of this inexperienced king without actually giving up too much on his end.
Who could have guessed this great and wizened king would come across a formidable foe in the form of Leila Lightwood? Before he had a chance to steer the negotiations, she had kicked him off the wheel and directed the ship to her port.
Gazing at the contents of the chest, King Chu realized this was checkmate! He had thoroughly and utterly lost before the battle had begun.
From now on, the Serian Court could only play catch-up. No—not even that. They were relegated to damage control. Sweet Mera, where did this child come from? How could she be so wicked, not even giving them a chance to retreat?
The porters in charge of the crates took King Chu's laughter as good a confirmation as any. They pried open the locks in unison, opened the lids, and then stepped back to allow the curious public to check the contents for themselves.
A caramel-furred, middle-aged female lycan was the first to step forward to the crates. The lycan curiously peeked into the container, and her eyes widened as she feverishly snatched out a fruit.
The lycan sniffed the fruit and then tentatively licked it.
"Wow!" She was shocked to find it still fresh! It should be known that in this country, even fruits that were on the verge of spoiling would be ridiculously expensive, but here she was faced with an entire crate of completely fresh fruits.
Stolen from its rightful author, this tale is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.
Commoners have commoner habits. Without regard for decency or face, the lycan grabbed one fruit after another and wolfed it down in front of the stunned crowd. A part of her mind wondered why the fruits and crate were slightly chilly, but the other ninety percent was occupied with the rare taste she would probably never have a chance of trying again. She was determined to eat as much as possible before the rest caught on.
It was at this point that a scream rang out next to her. He lycan reluctantly raised her head, only for her eyes to nearly bulge out of their sockets when she saw that annoying chesch whose son entered the army and wouldn't stop bragging about it holding a lump of giant thigh meat in her hand.
Even though there was a thin layer of icy frost on it, the Lycan could smell the aroma coming from that meat. It was still fresh! That was fresh meat!
The Chesch, as if realizing her error, swiftly hugged the thigh to her chest and glared at the other commoners with apparent bloodlust. The other commoners, far from intimidated, responded with snarls and bloodshot eyes. Even the humans did not lose out in ferocity to the beastmen.
Just when it seemed a riot would erupt, a south-west breeze blew from the ocean onto the port, carrying the scents from the other open crates into the commoner's noses.
Disbelief, shock, then unbridled joy warped through their faces, as they charged at the remaining crates, releasing hoots, yelps, howls, and screams of pleasure. The boxes did well to sustain the onslaught, as the mob pulled out all manner of fruits, vegetables, and meat.
An old midus (mouse-man) who had retired from active service grumbled about the disappointing behavior of youths in this generation as he walked towards a small crate at the pier's edge. Curiosity made him open this crate, abandoned in favor of its larger counterparts.
To his surprise, the cold crate only contained a few bottles. Curious, he lifted one of these bottles and pulled the stopper. In Serisis, it wasn't odd for a commoner to live his/her whole life drinking nothing but water. As he served in the army, he had tasted a few wines, but they were usually one or two cups in like five years. So he was intrigued by this bottle that contained a drink whose smell he did not recognize.
Although he could not understand why the bottle was cold, he resolutely decided to test this sweet-smelling drink. Worst case scenario, he would die. Who cared? He had lived long enough. The midus steeled his heart, then raised the bottle to his lips. He grimaced as the cold liquid flowed down his throat, but then his eyes went wide with shock.
This taste! This sensation! What was this heavenly feeling!? Sweet Mera, give me more!
The old man bent his neck back and gulped down the entire bottle, eyes shining with unabashed delight. His eyes greedily traveled to the remaining bottles as he smacked his lips. 'Good stuff! You, youngsters, fight over the food. This old man here will just... hehe!'
"Oi, old man! Looks like you found something good!"
King Chu Tianjo shook his head as he watched the pier descend into chaos. By revealing these goods here, Leila had already forced the court into a corner! It would not be long before some commoners put two and two together and realize that the real treasure was not the food or drinks but the crates that could somehow preserve these foodstuffs in fresh conditions over a long journey.
Once they did, the commoners would demand more of these crates, no matter what it takes! After all, with these, if a group of low leveled commoners hunted one high leveled beast, they would not have to fear the majority of the meat going to waste. Even more importantly, they could finally trade for fruits and vegetables from neighboring countries without fear of the goods perishing midway.
Negotiations hadn't even begun yet, and the Serian Court was pushed into a situation where they desperately needed Rosendun. King Chu knew he had to find a way to remedy this situation and fast. Hence he bowed, and then said, "The Land of Serisis will never forget this!"
This tactic was crude, even more so when you consider Ms. Lightwood just employed a similar tactic of using 'gratitude' to write off debts. But when it came from King Chu, it was a level deeper. He was implying that the crates were already a given, to pressure the Rosen Court not to use it too much as a bargaining chip later. This way, if the Rosen Court decided not to provide the crates later, rather than blame the Serian court, the people would look harshly on the Rosen Court.
But Ms. Lightwood was already prepared for such an outcome.
The Vice-Guild Master similarly curtsied. "I do not dare accept the gratitude of one as great as thee. These crates are merely a recent development from my Guild's Research Department. I am ashamed to say these are only prototypes that His Majesty insisted on bringing to the Serian people. Unfortunately, if we wish to further the research, we would require more funding, which His Majesty has promised will be granted after talks with the Serian court. Unfortunately, until then, these crates will have to be kept out of the populace as they are still unstable."
King Chu nearly threw up blood as he listened to this little wolf speak, each word a furious gale that shattered any thoughts he might have of salvaging the situation. First, she made sure the 'debts' remained by politely denying his 'gratitude,' then she distanced the crates from the Rosendun court, thereby turning it into a private venture. What's worse, she then tied the condition of the populace receiving these crates to the negotiations.
Of course, Leila never explicitly stated that it depended on the negotiations, only saying that the Rosen King would grant her the funds she required 'after' the peace talks. Like this, she had solidified the stance of the Rosen court of wanting to help the Serian people in the public's hearts.
Now, if the populace didn't receive the crates after the negotiation, they would blame the 'greedy' nobles and greed. In their eyes, the Rosen King wanted to help the common people but had to pull away due to funds.
King Chu knew he had thoroughly lost this skirmish. Every time he launched an attack, Leila retaliated a thousand times worse. He decided there and then to just give up this initial battle. If Leila said anything else before the public, he might be forced to sell the entire country for one Syros.
With a short burst of laughter that did not reach his eyes, King Chu said, "We thank you for your generosity. I assure you We will, to the best of our ability, makes this negotiation a successful one." Without giving Leila a chance to reply, he added, "King Vermillion, We recall your health is not too good. Come, let us retire to the palace so you may rest well. My daughter can show you the sights as we advance."
King Chu, by this point, knew better than to give the little wolf even the slimmest opportunity to use her venomous tongue. With a short clap, he led the way, with King Vermillion and Princess Chu Ming a step behind. Leila Lightwood and her Nespian Tiger followed three steps behind the duo. And finally, the ministers and court officials of both nations brought up the rear.
Two open carriages and many covered carriages clattered to a halt at the port's entrance. The Serian King waved to his people as he clambered onto the first. King Vermillion gracefully offered Princess Chu Ming his hand as he assisted her up the small stairs onto the carriage, following shortly after.
Ms. Lightwood, who saw through the Serian King's intentions, climbed the third carriage with Hogosha. Incidentally, this carriage was covered, such that unless she drew the window's curtains back, the people would not be able to see her.
Leila released a small smile as a chamberlain removed the small staircase and shut the door. She knew the king did not want her to have too much exposure, so she did not steal the limelight from his daughter. After all, officially, this was a visit to propose to the Serian Princess.
Leila welcomed this lack of exposure. The less the public knew her, the smaller the demands they would inquire of her. She needed to remain a 'concerned stranger' to the Serian people.
Allowing herself a little shut-eye, Leila harkened back to the years of political grooming and scenario planning her father had subjected her to. He would throw several plots and schemes at her and then ask her to unravel the truth. Sometimes, he would engage in political debates with her, forcing Leila to master the ins and outs of business and political roundabout conversations. Other times, he would adopt different personalities, and she had to infer from his actions and speech which type of strategy would work best: Direct or Indirect. Aggressive, Passive, or Reactionary.
Leila released a wry laugh as she realized in all eighteen years of her life, those were the closest she and her father had come to family bonding. Still, she could not hate the man nor harbor ill-will towards him. For all his faults, he had always been a constant in her life. When she was troubled or scared, he would offer advice, however cold it might have seemed to others. Even though he had a vision for her life, he respected her choices, as was evident in his prompt approval of the Virtual Drive's purchase.
And in moments like these, Leila realized how important the few lessons he imparted onto her were.
Indeed, Ayumi's relationship with her father was a constant source of headaches and heart warmth.
Updat𝓮d from frёewebnoѵē
"Ah... but this time, I suppose I owe you thanks, Father."