With everyone else occupied, Zarian opened his achievements.
Let’s see what we got.
<Achievements opened!>
<Attrition Warfare (Legendary): Normally, this would’ve been a lower quality achievement. But you held your own against a World Boss that has the stats and abilities for outlasting most foes. And you did it physically and magically! Here’s a nifty item for when you need a quick pick-me-up: Lesser Star Shard Flask!>
A heavy object slammed onto the table with a solid thunk. The conversation died down as Zarian squirmed and leaned out from under Bianca and Ruvaria while they were still stacked on his lap.
He had to shoulder aside Roland a little who was to his left. The lad was doing his best to act appropriately in a very inappropriate setting.
Zarian saw a thick and platinum flask with a bulging body, a long neck, and a cork at the top. When he pressed his open palm on the surface, he felt a powerful warmth radiating from within the flask.
“That is an excellent reward,” Empress Ruvaria commented. “That is normally a reward for those on the last leg to their first ascension. The Level 90s, usually.”
“Well, when you’re in the Level 70s and 80s, and you’re dealing with Level 100s and Arch Cherubs, I don’t see why not,” Zarian said, pulling the flask away before Bianca tried to get her grubby hands on it.
She was being extra annoying today, as if she was desperate for his attention. He would have to check on her later.
Hopefully she wouldn’t try to press the girly lingerie stuff on him again. That joke had run its course for the time being.
Food and drinks arrived at the table.
Gilbert and Hannah settled down from their dispute to eat and drink. Everyone else did the same while acting like flies on the wall, listening in to the Floridians talk about the wolf dragons and Grimrock Warlock.
Zarian read the flask’s description with his Identify trait.
<Lesser Star Shard Flask (Legendary): Once a day, drinking the liquid from the flask can fully restore vitality or aura, depending on your choice. The flask needs some exposure to light from the Star Core to refill itself. It works best for those under Level 100 or below Tier 4 power.>
Yeah, this is superb. The alchemy in this world, at least for a Lesser World, is weak in comparison.
Zarian had checked around a couple apothecaries and alchemist shops to see what health potions would look like. He’d ended up disappointed, but that was months ago. Things could’ve changed since the last time he’d wandered around his own village.
This flask is going to be very useful for the times I have to pay up more than I can handle naturally.
The Star System was being very generous. Or this was a warning that Zarian should feel concerned about.
Zarian placed the flask in Para’s pocket dimension. He checked the next achievement.
<Lesser World Boss Killer (Divine): This is a big deal. Most World Bosses don’t die. After causing a big, bloody mess, they eventually fade away, hibernate, or get taken care of by a bigger authority. Congrats on slaying a World Boss without suffering mass deaths and destruction – except for the self-sacrificing paladins, but they don’t really count. Now you get the rare choice of an automatic skill advancement or skill combiner!>
“Skill advancement? Skill combiner?” Zarian said aloud.
“I was waiting for you to get there,” Hannah commented in between spoonfuls of a fishy soup.
“Check out the next notification,” Gilbert advised.
Zarian did as he was told. There was a new pop-up over the world boss achievement.
<If you wish to advance a skill, please select a skill of lesser quality and levels to advance for a larger difference. You can even select Level 0 skills.>
<If you wish to combine multiple skills, please select skills of lesser quality and levels to advance for a better gain. You don’t have to combine many skills for a quality gain. You can even select Level 0 skills.>
“Oh, wow, that’s not what I expected whatsoever,” Zarian said. “I’m assuming you guys got the world boss one. Did you already make your choice?”
“We were waiting for you!” Bianca shrilled.
“Oh,” Zarian said.
He could see why Bianca was being extra annoying. He’d been out of the loop lately.
“May I give advice?” the empress asked.
Hannah looked sharply at the empress. Gilbert frowned. Bianca giggled.
“Of course you can!” Bianca hugged the empress even tighter.
The empress sighed as she endured the extraverted torment of Bianca’s attention. “It’s always better to combine skills, especially the Level 0s. I assume the skill runes in your profiles are skills a certain someone has copied from others.”
Nobody said anything at first, which was a little silly. It made sense that the Sorceress Queen would have already checked them out without them knowing. It was interesting for Zarian to meet someone further down the magician path who could do the same things as him, but better.
“Yeah, you could say that,” Zarian said.
Empress Ruvaria carried on. “Well, if you smartly combine certain extra skills into different arrangements, you can have different combined skills among each other and then copy the differences. And if you need no more copies for now, then it’s always best to declutter and streamline while making improvements.”
Zarian frowned. “Is that so?”
“Very much so. Having extra abilities that don’t serve you well enough or scale with you consistently is a drain on a profile’s efficiency. The mere existence of that inefficient ability costs you aura, concentration, and can even cause slight delays while using multiple abilities.”
“It is notable how difficult it can be to juggle multiple abilities, especially the ones in our beta section, the Level 0s. In fact, I might’ve pushed too hard on certain occasions with my Level 0s and caused mistakes. Though the fault still lies with me more than the abilities,” Hannah admitted, glancing guiltily at Gilbert.
The big guy shrugged.
Hannah carried on. “We don’t have a mind for it like Zarian or you, Empress Ruvaria, but we do our best anyway.”
Zarian nodded along while still mostly hidden behind Bianca and the empress. He’d heard from the others about the challenge of using beta skills and multitasking before. But he still thought they were selling themselves short.
The others could push fairly hard even without having a fractured and unraveled mess of a mind like his. Maybe they couldn’t push as hard as him, but they could certainly push.
“To be fair to you, I am quite impressed by how well you’ve handled the inefficiency,” the empress said with surprising kindness. “However, years of testing have shown having fewer abilities that are higher quality is better than having a lot unless you have ways to make the abundance an advantage, such as my case and Lord Zarian’s.”
The empress reached down for something leafy and green on the table. After a few small bites, she said, “You should streamline for now, and if you need more, Zarian, you can copy more from the others again.”
“I can only copy one time from each profile,” Zarian said.
Empress Ruvaria finished her snack before she wriggled around like a child. She sat up on her knees in Bianca’s lap and looked over the princess’s shoulder to look down at Zarian.
Then, with a haughty tone that completely ignored her position on the lap of a princess, Empress Ruvaria said, “If you get the advanced version of a certain trait, you can copy a little more along with having access to other interesting tricks. In fact, forget the copying. The new tricks are more important, especially with a fascinating mind like yours.”
My mind is fascinating, huh? Zarian thought.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Zarian said aloud. “It’s unfortunate Naomi missed out.”
“She won’t for long,” the empress said.
The atmosphere became tense suddenly. The kitchen darkened. With a neutral tone, Zarian asked, “What do you mean by that?”
Empress Ruvaria looked off to the side nonchalantly. “You have the achievement for Lesser World Boss Killer, yes?”
“Yeah, that’s where the whole thing with skill advancement or skill combiner came from.”
“What does it say about World Bosses?”
Zarian sighed. The darkness in the kitchen lightened. He was regretting all the interest he’d built up with the empress. She was fully committed to the mentor role even when Zarian wanted to hear direct answers.
Beggars can’t be choosers, and wouldn’t I know that?
“It had something to say about how World Bosses wouldn’t normally die unless a bigger authority, like you, puts them down.”
“They can either fade or hibernate if nobody … kills them.” Zarian leaned back in his seat and sighed. “There’s a World Boss in the Blood Prairies who’s hibernating right now, isn’t there?”
“There are several in that infamous region, but only one of them is worth a decent battle. No worries, our dear Naomi is tracking the decent one, although it’s weaker than Metatron. Still, she’s uniquely suited to outlast it, even if she might not come out completely intact.”
This text was taken from Royal Road. Help the author by reading the original version there.
“Well, what are we waiting for? We should head out and help her. Weaker or not, a damn World Boss is too much for one person without an overkill skill like Zarian’s,” Gilbert said.
The big and gallant blue-eyed blond readjusted his cowboy wizard hat. He looked about ready to ride off and help a friend.
Zarian let out a dark sigh. The kitchen lights flickered ominously before returning to normal.
“No.” Zarian readjusted from under Bianca and Ruvaria while still acting as their seat. “Leave Naomi for now. If she needs help, I will need you to let me know, Empress Ruvaria. Please. She’s deep enough into the Blood Prairies where I am getting an unreliable network connection for some reason.”
Naomi wouldn’t be happy if we all came riding out to help her against a weak World Boss. It’ll be better if it’s only me.
“Hm. Okay. I won’t be as harsh on her. You, on the other hand, need to have a formal sit down with me, Lord Zarian,” the empress demanded. “You will let me know when. Now go on, children, and decide on what you will combine.”
“Yeah, we are definitely going to have a sit down, empress,” Zarian said before turning his attention to Hannah, Gilbert, and Bianca.
As they discussed what to combine, Roland, Lora, Amabel, Rhea, and some cooks eavesdropped while trying not to make it too obvious. They dug into their meals, or if they were cooks, they found something to busy themselves with as the Floridians talked.
Zarian learned more about how far the others had grown in the general sense without going into full details. While it wasn’t ideal to share so much in a decently public setting like this, Zarian had spectral spiders following key personnel for this very reason.
They had ways of dealing with spies, especially the ones who had a bad habit of wanting to reveal personal info to the highest bidder. Some of those spies had come from an evil human city called Cross-something, even.
Zarian liked it when there were spies, especially when they were greedy and overreaching. Plenty of them had caused their own destruction and the fall of multiple cells of spy informants.
“Okay, I think I know what to do,” Zarian said. “I’m going to combine some skills, but they won’t be physical. However, I have to ask this. What would happen if I combine my grimoires, Empress Ruvaria?”
“Are they all advanced and maxed out with spell upgrades pushed to their limit? If not, it will be a tremendous loss for you if you combine grimoires. Those skills are best kept as individuals.”
Zarian nodded. For this case, he was very thankful for the empress’s wise advice or he would’ve made a huge mistake. Ruvaria was dangerous, but she was incredibly useful.
“So, I imagine that means we should combine Level 0s for certain,” Hannah said. “If so, we’ll go for the physical combinations while Zarian experiments with the more esoteric ones. Unfortunately, the combiner seems to only accept four of the Level 0s at once and no more. Pity, we will have inefficient leftovers.”
“That’s for now. The Star System has more upgrade opportunities waiting for us. Hell, I can always go shopping around for more skill copies to combine the next time,” Zarian said as he selected three Level 0 skills for a specific outcome.
<You’ve chosen three skills to combine: Tranquil Mind (Level 0), Adrenaline Jolt (Level 0), Rune Alteration (Level 0). These skills are acceptable for combining. A new special skill will be born in your profile soon!>
Zarian kept the Willful Might, Wondrous Speed, and Mystic Toughness Level 0 skills. They could scale with him when combined with his Basic Aura Manipulation and Aura Channeler traits.
He also understood that having fewer skills, especially the ones in the beta section, made it easier to multitask. However, Zarian was indeed one of those few adventurers who could maximize the effective use of alpha and beta skills interchangeably.
It was even more impressive that he could stack on spells as well, which was highly, highly rare. The only other person who could pull that off was the Sorceress Queen, Empress Ruvaria.
So, it was definitely better for Hannah and the others to streamline and gain more high-quality spells. Although, Zarian wasn’t against doing the same if he had the opportunity for more skill combiners.
Zarian felt the skill runes in his profile finish combining and becoming something new. A skill appeared in his beta section.
<High Rune Mindframe (Level 1): Use this skill to conduct mental workloads faster, easier, and safer. Your mind is more structured, like the runes of high-speed magical intelligence. Scales with Mysticism.>
“Oof, Hannah, I’m sorry, but I think you might’ve missed out big,” Zarian said, activating the new skill.
His mind became more structured than ever before. His thoughts came out more crisp, clearer. Even the fractured parts were simpler to organize.
The only sticky point was when he unraveled. The unraveled trait and the mindframe skill seemed at odds with each other, especially with High Rune Mindframe at Level 1.
Still, the skill was amazing to have even as a Level 1. This could be the skill that helped him multitask even more than before, better than before. And it could only grow greater once it advanced and gained new abilities.
“What is it?” Hannah asked.
Zarian told her.
Hannah bit the edge of her bottom lip. “Ugh. I know I should go physical for the sake of my survival, but that sounds so amazing.”
Hannah sighed before saying what she got. Gilbert and Bianca said theirs as well.
Leaving out Tranquil Mind, Hannah had combined Adrenaline Jolt, Willful Might, Wondrous Speed, and Mystic Toughness for a new skill called Mystic Rush Tank. It was a quirky skill that covered all the physical bases plus more, making Hannah fast and tanky while scaling with Mysticism.
Gilbert had combined Tranquil Mind, Willful Might, Wondrous Speed, and Mystic Toughness for a new skill called Unified Monk Force. Again, it covered all the bases, but it acted as more of a controllable magic field. Gilbert could use it with some limited flexibility. The new skill scaled entirely with Willpower and Wonder both.
Then there was Bianca’s unique choice, combining Tranquil Mind, Adrenaline Jolt, Willful Might, and Mystic Toughness. She left out Wondrous Speed because it was still an effective skill for her even as a beta Level 0. Her experiment gave her a skill called Super Serene Rampage, which scaled with Wonder.
Everybody observed Bianca out of curiosity, awe, or worry. Zarian imagined Bianca being even more cheerily powerful and insufferable than ever before.
It was almost tempting to copy the new skills over as Level 0s, but that would lead to more unneeded clutter. Besides, Zarian still had his physical Level 0s for all the physical areas that his friends’ new skills covered.
He lacked the extra special pizazz that came with Mystic Rush Tank, Unified Monk Force, and Super Serene Rampage. But he had a good thing going with his Level 0s – Willful Might, Wondrous Speed, and Mystic Toughness – at least for now.
Other than two odd skills remaining, the others kept their Level 0 Summon Wizard Hat for its minor but useful aura abilities. That and it was nice that they all had their own wizard hats to match with the crooked conical hat Zarian wore.
Gilbert’s cowboy version, Hannah’s hard hat, and Bianca’s feathery fedora were fun for Zarian to see. It was a little silly, maybe even childish, but who was going to criticize them for that and expect to come out okay against the Floridians?
Now Zarian wondered what Naomi would get from combining her Level 0 skills. She would probably make the same choice Hannah made and hopefully get different results, or maybe she would try something more unique.
“Have you looked at the last stuff yet?” Bianca asked, bouncing on his lap. The empress let out an annoyed groan as Bianca made her bounce around, too.
Before Zarian answered, Para formed a few arms from the cloak and reached around Bianca and Ruvaria. With utensils in hand, Para cut into the nearest slabs of meat and fed Zarian herself.
A few bites later, Zarian realized he was very hungry. He held back from feasting and refocused on the last parts of the review. He had one more achievement.
<Arch Cherub Silencer (Divine): You’ve silenced Metatron forever! Not only have you sinned against the Ascended Heavens, you did so against one of their best cherubs. Now you get a onetime use item for the next time you face the unfair tyranny of the heavens: Good Suppression Orb.>
Zarian shook his head and leaned forward. He groaned against Bianca’s back.
Bianca chuckled. “Yeah, I know, isn’t that so annoying after what happened to us, papi?”
“Yeah, it really is, mami,” Zarian replied.
Para grabbed the new item that appeared on the table. Disgruntled, Zarian glared at the new item and used his Identify trait.
<Good Suppression Orb (Divine): All traditional good will have their goodness suppressed by half while standing near the orb when it is activated. This will only last for an hour before breaking. Alignment suppression can’t stack.>
The orb was the size of a baseball. It was black with gold inlays that formed a demonic face on its surface. Half of the face smiled maliciously. The other half frowned contemptuously.
“You guys for this, too?” Zarian asked.
Hannah, Gilbert, and Bianca said yes. Altogether, they had four Good Suppression Orbs. That was a few too many to have, in Zarian’s opinion. Then again, they would probably need the extras down the road.
“Well, this thing is certainly nifty.” Zarian tossed the orb up and down in his hand.
“Ah, yes, one of the many tools and tricks evil loves to deploy,” the empress said moodily. She had a lot more to say. “You may think that good is invincible because of our raw power. Unfortunately, that is normally our biggest weakness, an overreliance of those ridiculous power ups.”
“There has to be another version for evil, I imagine,” Hannah said.
Zarian thought the same.
The empress continued. “There are suppression tools for both alignments, which are all high in quality, usually divine, and very hard to find. But the difference is that a dumber evil one is no less deadly, while a weaker good one could become less deadly. Besides, evil ones are quicker to use such items, which is one way of many that evil could outlive eradication.”
The empress scoffed. “Well, not all of them have avoided my absolute judgment. The orcs haven’t.”
“Hm, well, as nice as it is to listen to you talk about the good old times when there were more indiscriminate genocides and the oppression of anyone who isn’t as good as you, we have more modern issues to talk about,” Zarian said, knowing very well that the empress was making a rude, unladylike gesture as he spoke. He could see her through a spectral spider on the wall opposite of them.
He placed the suppression orb in the pocket dimension and kept talking without a care. “I think we’ll need a few days to settle on a decision about the Wolf Dragons and Grimrock. So, first, get off of me, Bianca. Second, let’s eat, because I’m hungry as hell, and so is Para.”
“Wait! Did you decide on which trait you’re upgrading next?” Hannah asked.
“I know what it will be. But I want to save the upgrade for a specific moment. Now let’s eat and debate. Because I’m going to Grimrock with you or without you. But that doesn’t mean you have to come if you’re worried about the village. I can go on my own and save Foodie if that’s what it takes.”
“Can’t we ask the Star System about the event?” Gilbert suggested.
“Yes, but no,” Zarian said. “I’m not pushing things with the Star System right now. It’s dealing with big cosmic stuff in the background because of me.”
“Once you leave, you will forfeit the event, regardless of you coming back in the middle. I know you know this, but it must be reiterated, since it will negatively affect the records on your Feats of Adventure,” the empress said.
“Yeah, I know,” Zarian replied.
Gilbert raised his hand.
Zarian blinked. “What’s up?”
“Do I still get an enchanted rod and a birthday at the lake?”
“Yes, Gilbert, you do.”
The morning turned into afternoon as the Floridians and their guests held dynamic conversations and debates.
Princess Bianca and Empress Ruvaria finally squeezed into their own seat and off of Zarian. Roland, Amabel, Rhea, and the cooks continued to play their roles as silent or busy flies on the wall unless the Floridians needed them for something.
Empress Ruvaria interjected herself whenever she pleased. She doled out some useful information now and then. But everyone had to suffer her moments of waxing about the good old days like an elven mega boomer.
Later on, Zarian and Para left the gourmet top kitchen with their hunger satisfied. Behind them, Bianca trailed. Zarian glanced over his shoulder.
“I got some time to burn before I pay the empress a proper sit down visit tonight,” Zarian said.
“Hm?” Bianca looked at him closely.
“I need to make an appearance in the village. Do some community service. Show the people I’m not a big, bad, evil guy who waits on his throne all day. Want to join me?”
New novel chapters are published on freewёbn૦νeɭ.com.
“Yes, I would like that,” Bianca said politely.
She was acting tense suddenly. Now Zarian was very sure Bianca had something wrong going on with her. Well, maybe messing around with the mortals in the village would get her to reveal what she was holding inside.
They both knew she had a tendency to hide her real feelings.
Whatever it is, I’ll try to help somehow.
He had ideas on how to fix the issues with Bianca from prior, which would work as a nice gift for her. But he would have to sacrifice some of his stubbornness.
The things I do for others should be placed on a giant plaque somewhere. Truly, I am the greatest friend anyone can ever have … regardless of the moment I killed everyone that one time. Or two times, in Naomi’s case.