Hao Ren went inside the carriage and Han Lingshi sighed with relief. The young man said, "Do you realize that it does not matter who I face, in the southern continent, I am basically peerless."
Han Lingshi rolled her eyes and said, "It is the overconfidence that causes people to fall. What if your enemies use something that can harm you?"
The young man was left speechless after this comeback. After all, it was true, he was not indestructible or omnipotent just yet. He nodded and sat down next to Han Lingshi and said, "Well, shall I accompany you to the Eastern Capital or would you be fine on your own?"
Han Lingshi asked, "The people you killed just now, they were the strongest in this region right?"
The young man nodded and Han Lingshi said, "Ye Lan, spread the news and let the small snakes know that if they dared to come out they will be squashed. The video footage of the battle has been recorded in the imaging stones, right?"
Ye Lan nodded and said, "I understand, Young Miss, it will be out by the sunset."
Han Lingshi nodded and said, "You have killed the monkeys, the chicken will not dare to raise their heads. If they did, then I am sure Ye Jian would be able to handle them."
Hao Ren nodded and said, "Then I will go and settle the Sect and the Temple."
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Han Lingshi nodded and looked at his face silently. The young man smiled and caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers and asked, "What happened, darling?"
His voice echoed in her mind, and it was very soft, as if a whisper. She replied, "Do not kill too much, Ren. Blood debt is harmful."
Hao Ren nodded and said, "I will be mindful."
Then after some sweet nothings and a kiss on her nose, Hao Ren left to deal with the remnant forces of the Sect and the temple.
After Hao Ren left, Ye Lan asked, "Young Miss, aren't you worrying about Big Brother a bit too much?"
Han Lingshi smiled faintly and said, "I am sure that he can kill all the enemies that may come at him. However, once someone kill, they accumulate the killing intent. If this intent goes over the capacity of what you can handle, it can cause spiritual deviation.
The results of that are anything but good, I am sure you know about it. I do not feel like I am in the right place to tell him that. I have been away from him for a long time. He loves me, and pampers me, I feel the same about him. However, I also know that if I started telling him too much, it could make him feel frustrated, as if I am a controlling person."
Ye Lan was surprised and asked, "Is that why you asked him to maintain some distance and come to meet you at nights only? You are afraid that you might not be able to control yourself from telling him things and that might cause him to feel bad."
Han Lingshi smiled and said, "Shall we get going?"
Ye Lan realized that she had been talking too much and nodded. She called Yin inside. To Han Lingshi's surprise, the little girl was smiling and her eyes turned into a crescent. She asked, "Yin, sweetie, what made you so happy?"
Yin replied in a sweet voice, "Big Brother Ren said I did good today."
Han Lingshi smiled and raised her hand to pat her gently and said, "Thank you for saving me today. You are so strong, I am impressed. Our little doll is a ferocious warrior."
Yin smiled brightly and a faint tint of pink appeared on her cheeks. Han Lingshi could not help but pinch her cheeks gently.
The convoy continued forward, on the way, Ye Jian killed the spies that were stalking them. He did not spare any one, before Ye Lan said, "Brother Jian, your kill is obstructing the flow of the information. Can you not inject them with your sword will and wait till they are done passing the information and kill them?"
Ye Jian shook his head and said, "I will not use such a shady method to kill them."
Ye Lan sighed and said, "It was the Young Miss who commanded me to let the news flow. Either you stop killing or find a way for the news to flow but if you dared to go against the command, I will tell Yin, and then you are on your own."
Ye Jian sighed and after some contemplation he agreed to stop the killing.
The spies used their best techniques to run away and they entered various cities from where they channeled the news to the people. The word of mouth and the spiritual communication was faster than the speed of Han Lingshi's convoy.
In a lavishly decorated hall, a few old men and women were sitting around a round table. One of them raised her hand and said, "I am sure that you have already received the news. The Duke, Lord Wen, has fallen at the hands of Shi Lang. So is the sect master of the Misty Peak Sect and the temple master of the Hidden Wisdom Temple. He did all this in one blow. What do you think we can do against him?"
One of the old men asked her, "Why not try to negotiate with him? After all he gave the same chance to the Misty Peak and that Hidden Wisdom Temple. We are merchants, and traders. The business he has bought the people in the last few years has been bigger than what the last dynasty combined together. He is a people's man. The rest is up to you all."
That said, the old man decided to make himself some tea and drink from the cup slowly while the people around him engaged in discussion before a servant came to the entrance of the hall and said while bowing his head, "Master, they have arrived in the capital, and the crowd is gathering at the square. I think they have recognized the person inside the carriage as a savior."
The tea making old man looked at the rest of his friends, before he said, "I have made my decision. I will go and handle this, you can make your own choice."
Han Lingshi did not know that the Eastern Power Dynamics, but she knew that the rich and the powerful would seek her after what she was about to do.