Chapter 47 - [45] Matchmaker, Matchmaker
Adjusts glasses with a knowing smile
"Well, well, well... looks like someone's been busy hitting those powerstone goals!" I spun in my chair, my Stitch onesie's hood flopping over my eyes. I pushed it back, revealing my grin. "And by someone, I mean all of you wonderful readers!"
My fingers danced across my desk, retrieving a slightly battered calculator covered in butterfly stickers. "So, I did some math - yes, actual math, try not to faint from shock." I held up the calculator, displaying the numbers proudly. "We're just 400 powerstones away from hitting our 5/5 goal for the week, and you know what? I have the utmost confidence in you all getting those stones in the next three days."
Which means...
I leaned forward conspiratorially, my messy bun threatening to come undone. "That leaves us with today's little surprise. A double Chapter!" The pencils in my hair finally gave up their valiant fight against gravity, clattering onto my desk. "Oops. Occupational hazard."
"Now, I know what you're thinking - 'Wisteria, aren't you just enabling our reading addiction?'" I retrieved one of the fallen pens, twirling it between ink-stained fingers. "And to that I say... absolutely! What kind of author would I be if I didn't feed your need for more content?"
I winked, then immediately regretted it as my glasses slipped down my nose. "Curse these things. You'd think after all this time I'd have mastered the art of the dramatic wink."
"But before we dive in..." I pulled out my trusty notebook, its pages crammed with plot points and character sketches. "I want to thank each and every one of you for your support. Your theories, your excitement, your occasional screaming in the comments - it all means the world to me. Even when you're yelling about certain characters' choices." I coughed, discreetly covering a page that definitely didn't contain future plot points.
"So!" I clapped my hands together, sending a small cloud of eraser dust into the air. "Without further ado, let's jump back into our story. Double the Chapters, double the fun!" I paused, considering.
"Oh, and one more thing!" I quickly added, already beginning to fade back into my role as narrator. "Keep those powerstones coming! Not that I'm bribing you with extra content or anything..." I winked again, and this time my glasses stayed put. "But let's just say I've got some very interesting Chapters coming up if we keep hitting those goals."
The story world beckoned, its edges glowing with potential. "Now then, shall we continue? I believe we have some heroes-in-training waiting for us..."
I stepped out of the shower feeling like a brand new person. The weights sat in a neat pile by Camie's bathroom door - just looking at them made my muscles twinge in memory.
"Sweet freedom," I muttered, rolling my shoulders. The simple movement felt impossibly light without six hundred kilos dragging at my limbs.
Water dripped from my hair as I wrapped a towel around my waist. My phone sat on the counter, screen reflecting the bathroom's soft lighting. Time to start making calls.
Manga seemed like a good first choice. He was always up for anything, and his energy would help balance out whatever chaos the girls were planning. I hit his contact and waited.
"WAZZUHHH!" The speech bubble on his face probably read the same thing.
I couldn't help grinning. "WAZZUHHH!"
"MY FRIEND! What grand adventure prompts this call?"
"Mall trip in a couple hours. The girls are organizing something and asked me to even out the numbers. You in?"
There was a slight pause. "Who else attends this gathering of heroes-in-training?"
"Still working on the guys' side, but I'm thinking of calling Kirishima next. Girls-wise, Ashido's going, and Yaoyorozu, Jiro..." I let my voice turn casual. "Kodai mentioned she'd be there..."
"A TRUE RIVAL WOULD HAVE LED WITH THAT INFORMATION!" His voice practically vibrated with excitement. "What time shall we commence this noble quest?"
I checked the clock. "Meeting up in about two hours."
"Then I shall prepare my finest casual attire! A hero must look presentable even in civilian garb!"
"So... that's a yes?"
"OF COURSE!" I could practically see the exclamation points floating above his head. "Send me the details, my friend! I must begin my preparations immediately!"
The call ended with his characteristic enthusiasm. I couldn't help chuckling as I lowered the phone. One down.
"Someone's in a good mood." Camie leaned against the doorframe, eyeing my towel-clad form appreciatively. "Manga said yes?"
"The moment I mentioned Kodai was going."
She laughed. "No subtlety with that boy."
"Like you're one to talk." I gestured at her deliberately casual pose. "You've been 'accidentally' walking past the bathroom every few seconds."
"Can you blame me?" She stepped closer, fingers trailing across my chest. "All those muscles, still a bit wet..."
I caught her hand before it could wander lower. "Nope. You chose mall trip over alone time, remember?"
Her pout was absolutely criminal. "We've got two hours..."
"And I still need to make more calls." I pressed a quick kiss to her knuckles. "Besides, didn't you say something about tonight?"
"Tease." She stepped back with a dramatic sigh. "Fine, fine. Make your calls. But don't take too long - we need to coordinate outfits!"
"You already picked out what I'm wearing, didn't you?"
Her innocent whistle as she left the bathroom was answer enough.
I shook my head, unable to keep the fond smile off my face as I scrolled through my contacts. Alright, who's next?Kirishima seemed like the obvious choice - he and Manga got along well, and his presence would help balance some of the more... excitable personalities.
Plus, if Ashido was going...
I hit dial, already planning who else to call. This was shaping up to be an interesting afternoon.
"Yo!" Kirishima's voice carried its usual enthusiasm. "What's up, man?"
(Three hours later)
I pushed through the mall's main entrance, already feeling the blessed air conditioning wash over my skin. Camie's hand found mine as we navigated the afternoon crowd.
"Food court's this way," she said, tugging me along. Her white crop top drew more than a few appreciative glances, though the combat boots and dark green joggers gave a clear 'look but don't touch' message. "Mina said they grabbed our usual spot."
I spotted them before we reached the court proper. Hard to miss Iida's enthusiastic arm-chopping as he lectured someone about proper mall etiquette.
"Izuku!" Hagakure's voice carried across the space. She bounded up from their table, her outfit catching my attention. High-waisted jean shorts and an oversized cream sweater that slipped off one shoulder, paired with delicate ankle boots. The overall effect was... cute, especially given certain memories.
Her invisible arms wrapped around me in a tight hug. "You're okay! I mean, I knew you were okay, but after USJ..."
"Careful there, fam." Camie's tone held a hint of steel beneath the playfulness. "My man's still sore from training."
"Oh! Sorry!" Hagakure released me quickly, "I just... we were worried."
"We all were," Tsu said, approaching with her usual direct manner. She wore a simple green sundress that suited her perfectly. "Though some more than others, kero."
Mina bounced over, her pink crop top and black leggings somehow making her skin tone look even more exotic. "Yeah, some people wouldn't stop talking about their brave partner." She elbowed where Hagakure's ribs presumably were.
"Mina!" Hagakure's sweater shifted in what I assumed was embarrassment.
Iida strode over. "Your actions during the incident were most admirable, Midoriya! Taking command of the situation, protecting your fellow student-"
"Thanks, Iida." I cut him off before he could really get going. "I want to thank you for rushing to get the teachers."
"Indeed!" His hands chopped the air with renewed vigor. "The coordination between teams was-"
"Yo! If it isn't the man himself!"
I turned to see Kirishima approaching, his red tank top showing off the results of his training. Kaminari trailed behind him.
"Heard you were gathering the crew," Kirishima said, bumping my fist. "Had to drag this one away from his gaming setup."
"Hey, I was about to prestige!" Kaminari protested.
"You've been saying that for days," Jiro called from the table.
"Not all of us can rock out 24/7, Jiro!"
I felt Camie lean against my side as the banter continued. "See? This was totally worth missing our private time."
"We'll see about that." I wrapped an arm around her waist, enjoying how she fit against me. "Who else are we waiting for?"
Ah. There's Manga.
The living speech bubble practically bounced toward us, his excitement visible even without a proper face. He wore what looked like a carefully curated "casual" outfit.
His enthusiasm dimmed slightly when he noticed Kodai wasn't among the gathered students. The quiet girl had texted she'd be running late, apparently.
"Tokoyami and Shoji said they're almost here," Momo reported. "Uraraka is helping her parents today, unfortunately."
I nodded, doing a quick headcount. Even without Ochaco, we had a decent group forming. Though something about the gathering felt... orchestrated. The way certain people kept glancing at others when they thought no one was looking...
"Oh no." I turned to Camie. "This is a setup, isn't it?"
Her innocent smile wasn't fooling anyone. "I have no idea what you mean, babe."
"You're playing matchmaker."
"Me? Never!" She batted her eyes. "Though if certain people happen to pair off while hanging out..."
She kissed my cheek before raising her voice. "Alright fam, who's hungry? First round's on Yaomomo!"
"I don't recall agreeing to that," Momo said, though her smile suggested she didn't actually mind.
As the group debated food options, I felt Hagakure drift closer again. "Hey, um, Midoriya?"
"I still have your shirt. From USJ. I washed it and everything..."
"Keep it." I kept my voice casual, very aware of Camie pretending not to listen. "I have plenty already."
"Oh! Right, yeah, totally." Her sweater shifted. "That's... that's definitely why I wanted to mention it. The environment thing. Not because..." She trailed off as Tokoyami and Shoji finally arrived.
"Dark greetings," Tokoyami intoned.
Shoji nodded in his quiet way, his multiple arms currently configured to appear more normal under a loose jacket.
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"Great, gang's almost all here!" Mina clapped her hands. "Now we just need-"
"Sorry I'm late."
Kodai's quiet voice caused Manga's speech bubble to practically explode with exclamation points. She wore a simple white dress that made her seem even more elegant than usual.
"Perfect timing!" Camie's grin turned scheming. "Now, let's talk seating arrangements..."
I watched with growing suspicion as Camie's "seating arrangements" somehow turned into "shopping groups." The gleam in her eye promised trouble - the kind that usually ended with my wallet significantly lighter.
"So that's settled!" She clapped her hands with far too much enthusiasm. "Food first, then we split up to hit different stores."
"Hold up." I narrowed my eyes. "When did we decide on groups?"
"Just now, fam! Keep up." Her innocent smile wasn't fooling anyone. "It's more efficient this way."
Kaminari raised his hand. "Yeah, but shouldn't we-"
"Nope!" Camie cut him off. "Groups are final. No takebacks."
I glanced around the food court table, finally noticing how everyone had somehow shifted into their designated clusters. When did that happen?
"This seems... oddly specific," Tokoyami mused, dark gaze shifting between Jiro and Kaminari.
Mina bounced in her seat. "Don't overthink it! Sometimes things just work out perfectly, right?"
"Indeed!" Manga's speech bubble practically sparkled as he not-so-subtly edged closer to Kodai. "The fates themselves must smile upon this arrangement!"
Kodai's quiet "Mm" could have meant anything from agreement to plotting escape routes.
"I must say," Iida's hands chopped through the air, "while I appreciate the organizational efficiency, perhaps a more democratic approach to group selection-"
"Nope!" Camie popped the 'p' with finality. "Trust the process, emergency exit!"
I did some quick mental math. Tokoyami, Jiro, Ashido, Kirishima, and Kaminari in one group. Iida, Tsu, and Shoji forming another. Manga getting his iso time with Kodai. Which left...
"Wait." I turned to Camie. "So it's just us and-"
"Yaomomo and Toru!" She beamed. "Isn't it perfect?"
Hagakure's sweater shifted in what might have been excitement. Momo maintained her composed expression, but a slight pink tinged her cheeks.
I'm cooked.
"Don't you think the groups are a bit..." I searched for a diplomatic word. "Unbalanced?"
"Seems fine to me!" Mina's grin matched Camie's for mischief. "Everyone's where they need to be."
I caught Kirishima's sympathetic look.
"Now then!" Camie stood. "Let's go shopping!"