Chapter 1215 The Nine Factions
"Nine factions?" Unsurprisingly, the calm expression on Valyr's face was replaced with a look of immense disbelief. After all, the man's words were something he wasn't expecting. "Are you seriously telling me the Caemelio clan is split into nine factions?"
"I would not dare lie to you." Though he did feel a hint of fear from the slight anger contained in every word Valyr uttered, the man seemingly ignored it and continued to act like before, gradually forgetting what he went through just moments earlier.
"That is indeed the Caemelio clan's current state."
"…How the hell did your clan let it get this bad?" In the end, the young man let out a long and exasperated sigh in response to how direct the man was, shaking his head as he thought of the ordeal that had been given to him.
When he heard from the man that Riekan had given them two different messages depending on who received the flint gem, Valyr thought that the situation he needed to resolve was quite similar to the situation that was currently going on in the Zeihardt clan.
Of course, depending on the circumstances, the problem with the Caemelio clan might turn out to be simpler than what he was dealing with back in the Zeihardt clan, only needing him to make sure that grievances on all sides were heard for order to be reestablished.
Then again, if the problem with the Caemelio clan turned out to be harder than the one involving the Zeihardt clan, it wasn't as if he didn't have any options either.
…Even if the only option he had when push came to shove was him relying on his brute strength.
Nevertheless, that entire thought process hinged on the thought that his assumption was correct, with the two messages Riekan sent to his clan telling him that he only needed to reunify the two factions that were fighting against each other.
In fact, his question to the man as to how many factions their clan had was merely a formality of sorts. After all, from the Caemelio clan's perspective, he was still an outsider, even if their founder vouched for his abilities.
Yet, who knew that a question he asked for mere formality would lead him to find out that things were not actually what he assumed it to be?
"…I seriously hope the upgrade makes this effort more than worth it," murmured Valyr to himself, inwardly throwing out a string of curses towards Riekan as he pondered over how he'd go about resolving the differences between the nine factions of the Caemelio clan.
In comparison, the different approaches the two factions of the Zeihardt clan had to get what they want seemed like child's play to solve.
"…Alright." Taking in a few deep breaths after sorting out his thoughts, Valyr let out a long exhale before looking at the man with renewed composure. "First and foremost, do you believe in the message your founder sent you?"
Hearing those words, the man mulled over the question for a bit before responding. "Although it does seem quite far-fetched… our faction greatly believes that the founder's thoughts and actions are for the betterment of the entire clan."
"In other words, he really thinks that I have what it takes to solve his problem," said Valyr in response, scratching the back of his head before letting out a wide sigh.
What compelled Riekan to believe that Valyr was the key in solving his clan's problem? What did he have for him to trust in a young man that he'd only met once before then?
'Was it the way I carried back in the dungeon?' thought Valyr to himself as the question came up to mind. 'Or was it because of the performance I showed during the tournament that made him change his mind?'
'…Or maybe I'm just thinking too deeply into all of this and Riekan actually didn't have anyone to ask help for in order to solve the problems his clan was going through?'
As the thought came to mind, the young man soon came up with another one. '…Or maybe he did, but enlisting the help of a Legend or a fellow Myth would make him seem like a laughingstock, considering he couldn't solve what was basically his own problem?'
'Then again, with the level of strength I have, I'd presume the latter wouldn't be the case.'
This chapter is updat𝙚d by freeweɓnovel.cøm.
Deciding to not dwell too deep over Riekan's reasons for choosing him, Valyr faintly shook his head to discard the errant thoughts in his mind before looking back at the man. "Do you think I have what it takes to help your clan out?"
"…I would be lying if I didn't say I was skeptical." Fortunately, the man had the same thought as him in regards to the way Riekan chose his helper. "After all, thanks to the tournament, the entire clan knows that your prowess mostly lies in combat."
"But as I've said, our faction greatly believes in the founder's words," he continued. "If he says that you're his representative and that you'll help us return the clan to the way it was before… then so be it."
"I see." Not knowing whether or not to be impressed by the man's unwavering loyalty towards his clan's founder, Valyr took the current opportunity to give Juno a heads-up of his current situation, telling the latter that it was fine for him to close up shop for the next few days.
Receiving a jubilant response from the middle-aged man in return, it was only then did Valyr return his focus to the current situation at hand.
"Would I be wrong in assuming that you occupy a high position within your faction?" Looking at the man in front of him once, the young man asked him a question that lingered in his mind ever since he and the man entered the Caemelio clan's territory.
At first, Valyr thought of the man as a simple guard captain, considering the orders he sent out to the other people accompanying him once their mission was done.
However, when the man continued to talk with him after that, there was a hint of poise and elegance behind every movement he made and every word he spoke, reminding Valyr of the many nobles he interacted with in his past life.
Thankfully, his assumptions this time around were correct.
"You… would not be wrong." The man shook his head. "I indeed occupy a high position not only within the faction I serve, but also within the clan itself."
At those words, the man decided that now was the perfect opportunity to introduce himself. "My name is Romel Caemelio. I am one of the two elders within the founding faction…"
"…As well as the 3rd Elder of the Caemelio clan."
"3rd Elder?" Valyr's eyes widened in surprise after hearing those words. "You're the 3rd Elder of the clan, yet you were relegated to doing such simple tasks?"
"Unfortunately." Romel could only bitterly smile. "That is what the majority of the clan has agreed upon, after all."
With those words, the man went ahead and explained the workings of the clan to Valyr, continuing to believe in their founder's words that the young man was the one who'd steer their clan back in the right direction.
Of course, although he was forced into his current position without him knowing, the young man intently listened to everything Romel told him, committing every piece of information to memory in the process.
After all, who knew when a random tidbit of information would prove to be the important key in solving a problem that seemed impossible at first?
"So, if I'm getting this correctly, the major decisions your clan makes is agreed upon through majority voting," said Valyr after sometime, summarizing what the man told him just now. "The ones included in this voting are the elders, the guardians, and the directors. Correct?"
"Yes." Romel nodded in agreement. "However, the final decision can still be vetoed by the founder."
"Though, with the founder not around, any decision approved through majority voting now becomes final… such as the task I've been relegated to." The man could only let out a faint sigh.
Though he felt bad for the man's current plight, Valyr knew that the only way he could help the man out was by completing the task that had been given to him.
With that, he shifted the topic of their conversation to what he initially planned on asking before the whole nine factions thing. "Do you mind telling me about the factions in greater detail?" Hearing those words, Romel faintly nodded in response, closing his eyes for a bit as he thought about the words he should say.
Figuring out how he would be able to give the young man a brief but thorough overview of the clan's current state, it did not take long for Romel to begin his explanation. "I suppose I should start with the faction I'm in, which is the founding faction."
"Just as the name implies, the founding faction is the faction of the founder. However, with how long the clan has operated without him, the faction more so follows the ideology of the founder nowadays."
"As for the eight other factions, each of them have their own goals and thoughts that clash with the ideologies of the founder," he continued, with Valyr continuing to listen to everything he had to say. "Then again, their thoughts are aligned with our faction in the fact that they're doing it for the betterment of the clan."
"Though, unlike the founding faction, the approach they take in order to do it varies from the slightly unorthodox… to the greatly radical."
"If anything, most of the other eight factions within the clan were formed because of slight differences in ideology and approach," said the man. "However, two out of the eight factions take on an approach that I believe even the founder wouldn't like if he were to witness it firsthand."
"Which two factions, exactly?" asked Valyr with a raised eyebrow.
"The first one calls themselves the warfront faction."
"…I see. And the other?"
"The velvet faction," replied Romel, his expression quickly becoming serious after that. "If you were to ask me to choose who to focus between the two…"
"I'd suggest focusing on the latter a bit more."