Kiyora had watched the battle as it played out. Even from the distance of the hilltop, it had been sick. She'd seen skirmishes between satyrs and dwarves before. But never anything on this scale. And back then, she hadn't considered any of it real.
Now she knew it was. Duke Vanion observed the combat with a stony disposition. He watched the slaughter and only spoke to give orders.
The plan worked perfectly. Kiyora knew she should be glad about that. But she wasn't.
Now it was over; she sat back in Duke Vanion's pavilion. The Duke was sorting through various papers. It hadn't been over for a minute, and he'd already started planning for the victory. He'd noticed her, of course, but he hadn't said anything yet. Kiyora didn't know what to say, so she did not mind.
"I appreciate your assistance," said the Duke after a moment. "Without your help, my son likely never would have escaped Seathorius alive. You have been invaluable to my cause, and I shall not forget it."
"No problem," said Kiyora.
Then he looked up as a soldier appeared and saluted. "Duke Vanion, your son has captured King Banir. He pulled him out of the river before he drowned."
Vanion smiled. Kiyora had only once seen him smile when she first met him after his adventures in Seathorius. "Really? That is excellent news," said the Duke. "Provide Banir with new clothes. Then politely invite him to negotiate with me." He looked to the shadows. "Felix, I would have you act as King Banir's voice in these negotiations. It is unbefitting for royalty, however, diminished, to not be afforded proper respect."
When had Felix gotten here? How did he keep appearing like this? "As you wish, Duke Vanion."
The formality didn't suit Felix. However, he was always formal around Duke Vanion. Wait, why did Felix have to speak for Banir anyway? "Can't he speak for himself?"
"There is a Calishan custom," said Vanion. "When negotiating with one deemed their inferior, they whisper in the ear of a servant. The servant, in turn, repeats your message. I intend to honor it."
"That is really stupid," said Kiyora.
"I am not overly fond of the custom myself, but I intend to be a courteous host," said Vanion. "It is a humiliation for a Calishan King to be forced to speak to one of lower rank without a servant. Oh, and Kiyora, if anyone asks, you availed upon me to submit to Calisha."
"Submit?" asked Kiyora. "We just won."
"And there lies the crux of my strategy," said Vanion.
He said nothing more on that note. Of course, Kiyora could have asked him about it. William probably would have. But Kiyora knew the Duke well enough to know he longed to be asked and wasn't in the mood to oblige him. So she waited for him to elaborate.
Instead, Vanion sorted through some papers. His blue eyes flickered over each in turn. And then Banir arrived, and he put aside his notes and stood with a smile.
"Ah, King Banir. I am glad you could grace us with your presence," said Vanion. "This boy is of your people. He will act as your voice in this matter unless you object."
Banir looked at Felix and then whispered something in his ear. Felix looked at Vanion. "King Banir accepts this gift in the spirit of which it is given."
"Excellent," said Vanion, offering Banir a chair. "Sit down, please. We have some business to discuss." He motioned to a kettle of tea. "Would you care for some tea?"
Banir spoke his response to Felix. "King Banir does not mix business with pleasure."
"A wise policy," said Vanion. "It is a shame that more of my countrymen do not share it. Despite our best efforts, I fear we have fallen short of your land in many ways." He sat down across from Banir. "Let me first say that your men fought bravely in the service of their nation. None can doubt their courage or the fortitude of their leader. It is lamentable that I should be forced to cut down such courageous warriors on the battlefield."
There was a moment as Banir spoke to Felix. "King Banir desires to know your purpose in this meeting," said Felix. "He wishes to dispense with the formalities."
If the response annoyed Vanion, he did not show it. "As you wish. We find ourselves with a problem, for neither can gain as things stand now. If I send you and your men back in defeat, it will not aid my cause. I will only buy a brief reprieve and await the next army to seize Artarq and win glory for their Emperor. On the other hand, should you return as you are now, you will appear to have failed the Emperor.
"Please understand I hold you in the highest respect. Indeed, you are among the greatest of the enemies I have yet faced on the battle field. Yet, in every court, there are serpents. Many rivals, jealous of your achievements, will seek to turn the Emperor's mind against you."
"King Banir asks that you get to the point," said Felix.
Vanion produced a parchment and offered it to Banir. "I have here a treaty I wish you to offer to Baltoth. I believe it is mutually beneficial to both parties. It should remove the need for any more unfortunate warfare."
Banir looked over the parchment. His eyes widened in surprise, and he momentarily stared at it in shock. Then he looked up. "...Why would you offer such concessions when you are the victor?" he spoke with his voice.
"You misunderstand me," said Vanion with a pleasant smile. "I merely wish things to come out the best for all involved. Should you bring this to the Emperor, I expect he will be pleased to have what he sought. Calisha will no longer have to rely on thieves and cutthroats for malas. And Harlenor need not fear the loss of their territories. I will be left in peace to mind my affairs, and you will have been the one to arrange this triumph."
"What of my daughter?" asked Banir.
"I will gladly release her along with you," said Vanion. "Indeed, I will offer safe passage for your army to cross over the river. However, it must be on the condition that they vow never to bear weapons against Harlenor again. It is a small formality; if all goes well, it is hardly necessary.
"And you may take your arms with you."
Banir looked at Vanion in a new light. Not necessarily a good one, though. "...I will take this to Baltoth and await his consideration. However, if I know his mind, I believe he will be open to your most generous offer."
"That is all that can be hoped," said Vanion. "I will compose a letter to Baltoth describing the courageous conduct of your armies. Then none may speak ill of you. Now, I have a lot of work to do.
"I will have food for you and your men soon enough."
Banir departed, and Vanion watched him go with that same pleasant expression. As soon as he was gone, the joy disappeared from his face, and he began to write something down on some parchment. Kiyora had to ask.
"So, is he among the greatest enemies you've faced?" Kiyora said.
"Of course not," snapped Vanion in disgust. "Never tell anyone what you think of them if they have any power, Kiyora. It tends to backfire spectacularly."
"So what do you think of him?" asked Kiyora.
"Banir was a fool," said Vanion. "If he'd set up sentries and sent scouts over the bridge, he would have spotted us coming and been able to react. We'd have, at best, managed a fighting retreat. He could have advanced while Baltoth fed more and more troops over the river.
"Instead, he blundered into my trap and was utterly defeated." He breathed out. "And if Baltoth is under the impression that Banir is a competent commander, he may send him against me again."
"And you think writing a flowery speech about what a worthy opponent Banir was will do that?" asked Kiyora.
"It worked at Desora," said Vanion. "Even so, I don't expect Baltoth will be so forgiving a second time. The best Banir can hope for is early retirement. In that regard, what I write could go a long way to securing it.
"Which is why Banir will cooperate. He needs to salvage his situation, and I am his only hope of doing that."
Kiyora looked at Vanion. "You're a bit eccentric for a human, aren't you?"
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"What do you mean?" asked Vanion.
"Well, I mean, every other human I've met has been all about honor and glory," said Kiyora. "Raynald or Lady Azgora would have wanted to kill the whole army and send them packing."
"I'm aware. I am eccentric," said Vanion. "I do not care for battle unless it advances my goals. Wars are expensive and dangerous affairs that risk my life and the lives of my family. If I can keep out of them and still achieve my goal so much, the better."
"And what is your long-term goal?" asked Kiyora.
Vanion looked up with a guarded expression. He seemed to contemplate his answer. "That is a personal question. Still, I see no reason not to answer. The truth is that I have advanced to the greatest position of power I can hope to achieve in this life. Now, I must think of the next generation and what legacy I will leave behind.
"King Andoa has lived a long time. But he is aging. His son is my age and has accomplished little. His granddaughters are of a similar age to William."
Kiyora saw where this was going. "So, you want to marry William into royalty?"
"I am already among the most powerful men who do not call themselves King," said Vanion. "I have a fair number of accomplishments. If William continues as he has been going, I believe he will be a suitable match." He eyed her carefully. "You don't approve."
"Well, not really," admitted Kiyora. "What if William doesn't want to marry a Princess?"
"Then I have no intention of pressing the matter," said Vanion quickly. "I broke off an engagement years ago to marry Azgora. I am not such a hypocrite as to put William in the same position. Still, I shall do all I can to persuade him of the value of the move.
"Now I'll have to ask you to excuse me. I must see to those wounded in battle. A personal touch goes a long way to earning the love of one's men."
He put away his papers and walked to the door.
"Right, I should probably get going as well," said Kiyora. "I didn't exactly leave things in the best of states." She only hoped Wraith hadn't too severely wrecked the city. How many people had gotten killed because of him?
"As you wish," said Vanion.
Kiyora focused on departing the dream. She found her consciousness drifting up, up, up, and then...
Then nothing.
Kiyora reappeared within what appeared to be an armory. There were all kinds of weapons and armor lining the walls. She looked around. "...Huh, that's odd."
"Kiyora, where have you been?" said a dark, rasping voice.
Kiyora turned around and saw a hulking figure clad in white and black armor. The helmet looked like a skull, and the torso had the design of ribs upon it. The entire thing had been made to appear like a metal skeleton. Oh, and two glowing bright green eyes were coming from the helm. Over his back was a black shield, emblazoned with the symbol of a silver cobra.
"Who the heck are you, dark lord?" asked Kiyora.
"Oh, the helmet." said the figure before pulling it off. It was William beneath it.
"Okay, William," said Kiyora, "what is with the armor?"
"A gift from Lady Rusara," explained William, voice normal again. "What, don't you like it?"
"It's inlaid with skulls," noted Kiyora. "Are you trying to look like a demon?"
"Actually, yes," admitted William, looking at one gauntleted hand. "The idea is to terrify my enemies."
"Okay, but is the voice changing necessary?" asked Kiyora.
"Yes," said William. "So why have you been gone so long?"
"I uh... I don't know," admitted Kiyora. "I didn't wake up. Just slept. How long was I gone?"
"About a week," said William. "We've been waiting for Baltoth's response for some time. I was just going to see my Father. He is thinking about sending me with Raynald to the northern highlands of Khasmir."
"Why there?" asked Kiyora.
"Our satyr ally, Chieftain Relg, has recently approached us," said William. "He has come under threat by some of their enemies, and they want our assistance."
"And here I was hoping the fighting was over," said Kiyora. "Speaking of which, how did that thing with Calisha work out?"
"As I said, we've been waiting for Baltoth's response," said William. "Though we haven't faced any more attacks, that bodes well. There were a few skirmishes by Calishan's trying to scout the area. But Tanith and Raynald intercepted those and destroyed them.
"A message recently arrived to meet my Father. I was just going to stand with my him."
"And the armor is for?" asked Kiyora.
"To make us seem impressive," admitted William.
"Right," said Kiyora. "So, where is Felix?"
"Feeding Massacre," said William. "The other servants are terrified of her, and he's the only one she doesn't growl at. Now come on, I've got to meet up with Father."
He led her out of the armory and through the white-tiled halls of the Palace. At last, they came to the throne room. Entering it, they walked along a red carpet. At the far end of the room were two raised thrones overlooking the whole room. Upon the leftmost one was Duke Vanion. He was dressed in a black cloak and violet doublet. He looked very kingly indeed, especially with his hands clasped together. The other throne, Kiyora guessed was for Azgora, was empty.
Many other soldiers were around him very closely. They were also clad in their full armor but not alone. There were courtiers and others, all farther from Vanion's seat. The Duke observed William's approach and nodded to him, then Kiyora. Then William took his place near Tanith.
"William, you look menacing," said Tanith. "You might even impress someone if they weren't aware of how much you used to cry after scraping your knee."
"Be silent," said William. "This isn't the time."
"Oh, come on," said Tanith, "we've already won. I don't even see why we all have to be here."
"On the contrary," said William, "Baltoth may still reject us. In which case, this delay has merely been the calm before the storm."
"Right, right," said Tanith. "If this works, do you think we'll get a triumph in Antion?"
"Doubtful," mused William. "Father's political enemies will claim this deal was appeasement."
"His political enemies aren't the only ones," said Tanith. "Raynald has been ranting about this all week. He isn't happy. He was hoping for a larger war, something to do with his family."
"You don't seem very unhappy," noted William.
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"Eh, blood and death are fun," said Tanith. "But you can have too much of a good thing. I want to take the time to enjoy some of the spoils I got from raiding."
"I wasn't aware you cared much for money," noted William.
"I don't," said Tanith, "I'll probably invest what I stole in a merchant expedition. Felix gave me a few hints on where we ought to start, and I hear the sugar trade is a goldmine. But I was talking about that priestess I kidnapped from the temple of Baltoth. I think she is starting to appreciate me."
"I don't want to discuss this with you further," said William.
Kiyora couldn't believe what she was hearing. Tanith had openly admitted to keeping someone as a sex slave. And William didn't show anything but mild distaste. In the same way, she didn't like how Laurus smoked. She felt sick. She wanted to scream and yell but knew this wasn't the time.
So she tapped William on the shoulder. "William, can I talk to you over there?"
"Of course," said William.
They made their way out of the crowd toward the back of the room. Kiyora turned to William. "How are you friends with that girl?"
"Tanith?" asked William. "Oh, we've known each other since we were children, and her Father is a close ally. Her lack of formality is nothing unusual."
"I'm not talking about her lack of formality," said Kiyora. "I mean that she just admitted to keeping an innocent girl as a sex slave."
"Innocent is rather dubious." mused William. "She was a priestess of Baltoth. They are often trained to fight and oversee crucifixions."
"You know what I mean!" hissed Kiyora.
"What do you want me to say, Kiyora?" asked William. "She was part of a raid. She took a captive as a slave. She decided to keep that slave for herself. I don't see what your problem is?"
"My problem is that slavery is wrong," said Kiyora.
William stared at her as though she had grown a second head. "Kiyora, I have no idea what you are talking about. Slavery isn't wrong or right. It's just something that can happen."
"Would you want to be enslaved?" asked Kiyora.
"Of course not," said William. "But I don't want to be stabbed to death either. That doesn't mean there aren't situations where killing someone is justified." He paused. "Look, I don't like what Tanith is doing either; she's changed a lot since she left Carn Gable. But she isn't doing anything she doesn't have a right to.
"I'm not going to destroy years of friendship because she's picked up a few bad habits."
Bad habits? As if Tanith was smoking cigarettes outside the gates of the school. Kiyora was about to let William have it when suddenly the doors opened, and into the room came the herald. They quickly hurried back to their place.
"The Envoy Emira, daughter of Suloth." said the herald.
"Suloth?" asked Kiyora.
"A son of Baltoth," said William. "The greatest of Baltoth's children. How do you not know this?"
She walked into the room, clad in flowing brown robes and wearing a concealing mask of gold. She was skinny and held an ornate silver scimitar by her side. Behind her was a muscular servant carrying a large wooden box.
She bowed her head as she reached the throne. "Greetings to you, noble Vanion. I have walked from the Capital of Ruscow after King Banir brought your message. The Emperor Baltoth has considered your offer and has bidden me provide a gift in turn."
"Why is she talking directly?" asked Kiyora.
"In this situation, he is the servant, speaking for her master, Baltoth," said William.
"Oh, right," said Kiyora.
The box was put on the step and set down. Vanion made his way downward, and it was opened. He recoiled at what he saw, and there was a gasp. There, in the box, lay the head of King Banir. His expression was one of agony.
"What is the meaning of this?!" said Vanion.
"The Inexorable Baltoth salutes your heroic defiance," said Emira. "And approves of your wisdom to negotiate in the face of inevitable defeat. However, he asks that you not insult his intelligence by claiming Banir as a worthy opponent. The Emperor knows who serves him well and who squanders his resources.
"The failure was Banir's, and no credit falls upon him or his line for what you gave freely.
"The Emperor Baltoth accepts your most generous offer."
Vanion mastered himself. "Then, I shall accept this gift in the spirit of which it was given. I would ask that mercy be shown upon Banir's daughter. She fought valiantly in service of her Emperor."
"Rest assured, the Emperor knows who serves him," said Emira.
"Please accept our hospitality for the night," said Vanion. "And when you return to your Emperor, tell him I apologize for my deception. In war, one must seek every advantage."
"Of course," said Emira. "Baltoth understands the laws of war all too well."
"Now," said Vanion, "I would ask that my closest advisors and I be left to speak alone."
At these words, everyone filed out, speaking about what had happened. Emiran rose and departed without a word as Vanion looked at the head. Eventually, the remaining people were Raynald, Rusara, Vanion, William, and Kiyora. They and a servant, Vanion, took them by the shoulder to have him stay.
Vanion waited until the room was almost empty. Then he let his anger show. "Barbarism!" He looked to the servant. "Sunthred, find some priests of Baltoth. See to it that King Banir be cremated with all proper funeral rights. And bring word to the satyr messengers. Tell them we will come to their aid."
"At least we have a truce," said Rusara.
"Yes, that is fortunate," said Vanion. "It frees up our soldiers for more important matters."
"Father, what could be more important than the vendetta of the gods?" asked William.
Vanion looked up in surprise at the voice, blinked twice, and recognized his son. "Ensuring our allies don't fall," said Vanion. "Raynald. I want you and Rusara to take the forces we set aside and make for the highlands at once. Take William with you.
"William, you will learn by their example."
"Of course, Father," said William.
"Right," said Kiyora, "well, I guess I'll-" Then she found herself drawn upwards. "Oh, so now I'm waking up!" This was so typical!