The satyr village was nothing like the one Kiyora had rescued William from. It had been built of stone instead of wood. A large wall was under construction around the perimeter. Satyr archers could be seen on top of it, their bows bent and trained on the boat as Evensen rowed them toward it.
The water was serene as always, and the plants and chirping of colorful birds were very nice. Kiyora wondered if any dangerous monsters were waiting out there. Leaning back in the boat, she saw Twilight checking the strings of her harp. She cared for her harp as William did, but she seemed to enjoy it more. For William, it was like polishing his armor.
As they pulled into the pier, a massive white-furred satyr came forward with a group of guards. He wore two scimitars, including one of elvish origin. The elvish blade looked like an officer's sword with elegant designs. When Evensen saw it, his eyes narrowed, and his hand clenched around his sword.
Twilus stopped him from drawing it. Her hand clasped around his before he could move.
"You, hold where you are." said the white satyr. "Who are you who intrudes upon the territory of Doltier?" Then he saw Kiyora. "Oh no. Not you again."
Now Kiyora remembered him. This was that satyr who was always hanging around Arraxia. He was like her... butler or bodyguard or something to that effect. Hadn't he attacked Felix and William when they were crossing the Haldrenian straight? Wait, did that mean he'd survived a fight with Raynald and Rusara? He's got to be a lot stronger than Kiyora thought. "Nice to see you too, Doltier. I'm taking these two emissaries of Qor' dana to my high priest, Bjorn. We are to discuss business."
"And why are you landing here?" asked Doltier. His gaze was on them with obvious suspicion, and Kiyora couldn't blame him. You couldn't trust anyone these days.
"Well, I figured you might want to know why we are here," said Kiyora. "So we all understand that these people are under my protection and are not a threat to your people. Also, I'd like to request leave to walk across your land."
"You never asked leave before," noted Doltier.
"Well, there is always a first time," said Kiyora.
Doltier held her in his gaze. Finally, he shrugged. "So be it," He looked to a black female satyr with a staff. "Sadira lead these three to the border."
"Hang on a sec," said Kiyora, raising a hand. "I remember you. Didn't you used to command Doltier?" That was right; she'd planned to ransom William to Vanion and kill Felix. At least until Kiyora had sprung, William and Felix had burned her village down.
Bad luck.
"Yes," said Sadira.
"That was when Melchious ruled," said Doltier. "Now I rule the satyrs in Arraxia's name."
"Wow, nice work," said Kiyora. "You've gone from bodyguard to King. Pretty quick promotion."
"I was always more than a bodyguard," snapped Doltier.
No doubt history would say so.
"They have some powerful artifacts," said Sadira. "We should eat them."
"I give orders according to Arraxia's will. And Arraxia commands that the truce continue," said Doltier. "Now obey, or the children of the village will feast on you instead of sheep for the next festival!"
"Doltier, merchant vessels are approaching." said a satyr.
Doltier looked up, then breathed out in relief. Obviously he'd been waiting for this a long time. "Finally. Get together the wine. We'll make them pay a pretty penny for their luxuries." He looked back to Kiyora. "You, get out of my sight, all of you."
Eversen glowered at him but turned and followed Sadira without a word. Kiyora walked onward, just glad to be getting out in one piece. "So why so angry about Doltier?" she asked. "Did he steal your ancestral weapon?"
"Yes," said Eversen. "That blade was my grandfather's and his grandfather's before. It dates back to long before the fall of Qaladash, the last great elven realm. Of which Qur'dana was only a colony.
"To have been held by a satyr is a humiliation to my house."
"Wow, tough break." said Kiyora. "Maybe you'll be able to get it back later." She looked back to the fast flowing river and decided to enjoy it. Who knew when they'd get another chance.
"He would die in the attempt," said Sadira. "Doltier is the greatest warrior of all the tribes." Her voice was proud.
Kiyora wondered why no one else seemed to appreciate nature. Maybe it was because she lived in safe and urban environments. At the same time, they lived in the wilds. Twilight followed her gaze and seemed to appreciate it as well.
"I don't understand why anyone would buy wine from satyrs," said Twilight.
"Well, it is the best," said Kiyora. "Satyrs are as good at making wine as dwarves are at making weapons and mining."
"We aren't just the best," snapped Sadira. "We invented wine. And beer. The dwarves just got a taste for it. Now come quickly. I'll lead you to the nearest Nakmar settlement we know of." And she led them into the woods. Kiyora made contact with the minds of the trees and asked them to guide their trail.
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Thus, they walked quickly through the trees. The path they took was swift and sure, and the brambles made no attempt to stop them. The birds were singing, and some of the flowers they saw weren't carnivorous. It was an oddly beautiful and safe journey, and Kiyora had the feeling she wouldn't get it again.
"I thought Nakmar hid the doors to their settlements," said Twilight.
"They do," said Kiyora, realizing she was the guide here. Not them. "But they also have passages they keep out in the open to trade with surface dwellers in times of peace. Each passage is built so it can be collapsed. It was my idea, actually.
"Even if you know where something is, it doesn't mean you can find it.
"Remember when you tried to invade us?"
"Yes," said Eversen. "All too well."
Kiyora had completely crushed that guy. No casualties were inflicted or taken, mostly because Doltier let him go out of pity. Or because Arraxia ordered it; either way, it was good. Qor'Danas had never lived down the humiliation. But if the High Elves wanted a good reputation, they shouldn't have tried to commit genocide.
"Right," said Kiyora. "All I had to do was keep shifting the land so that no matter where you walked, you went nowhere. Eventually, you ran out of food, and I got you to surrender."
"And we didn't get any food from it," said Sadira.
"Oh, quit whining," said Kiyora. "The world didn't end just because you didn't get to cannibalize your enemies."
"That is the problem," said Sadira. "When we devour one of our enemies, their lifeforce goes to the great and nameless satyr god. Even now, he is forming in the depths of hell. With every person we devour, he grows stronger.
"One day, when he has grown strong enough, he will awaken with a new name. Then he will devour all the universe in blood and horror."
"Oh," said Kiyora. "Um, wasn't Melchious your god?"
"He was the one who revealed the truth to us," said Sadira. "We offered him prayers because the satyr god has not yet awakened. When he does, our worship will shift to him."
"So how does Arraxia fit into this?" asked Kiyora.
"Power by nature belongs to those strong enough to hold it," said Sadira. "Melchious has been overthrown. Since Arraxia has proved, the stronger we will worship her until such a time as he reclaims his domain."
"But why would you ever worship something so vile?" asked Twilus.
"All things kill and die," said Sadira. "For one to live, another must die. The hunter must kill animals for his family to eat. The farmer who reaps a harvest must first end the lives of the plants he grows. The Lord must slaughter his enemies to keep his people's loyalty.
"Melchious kills with every word he speaks. Thus, he is our God."
"Okay," said Kiyora, "so why do you want this satyr god to devour everything?"
"Because we don't like you very much," said Sadira.
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"Me in particular?" asked Kiyora. "Or non-satyrs in general."
"Yes," said Sadira.
"Still convinced these creatures shouldn't be purged?" asked Evensen.
"Of course," said Kiyora. "At least they have an ideology. They aren't doing this for no reason.
That means they can be reasoned with."
"Don't count on it," said Sadira. "We should have slaughtered this fool and all his soldiers after they invaded."
"If you'd killed the elves, it would have caused all kinds of problems down the line," said Kiyora. "I'm sure they taste very good. But a light snack is not worth a political fiasco."
"Do you have any idea how hard it is to get elf meat?" asked Sadira.
"Can we change the subject?" asked Twilight.
"Sure," said Kiyora.
"Right," said Twilight, "um, why did you take mortal form?"
"Eh, I was bored. Felt like having an adventure," lied Kiyora. "Nothing too elaborate about that."
She didn't want to show weakness, especially in front of a satyr.
They traveled through the lands of Seathorius for several days. The roots at their feet were hard to walk over, and it was usually very dark. Kiyora somewhat enjoyed it at first. It was sort of like a hike. Of course, after the first day, it stopped being a hike and started getting unpleasant.
At night, Sadira and Evensen would glare at each other. Twilus tried playing the harp and proved very adept at it. Then again, the Goldenwood Harp could make any combination of notes sound beautiful. Kiyora still remembered when William had had it.
"Hey, um," began Twilight, "I was wondering if I could sing a song."
"Alchara above, no!" said Kiyora.
"You could," said Sadira. "If you're all right with me cutting your throat."
"Right, um, okay. That's a no," said Twilight. "See, I thought that since Sadira explained some things about her culture, we ought to do the same."
"Well, don't sing," said Kiyora. "Tell a story or something."
"I don't care about your culture," said Sadira. "Or you, for that matter."
"Ah," said Twilight. "Well, then I won't bother you."
The next morning, they pressed on and finally came to the side of a hill. Here, Sadira halted and tapped her staff twice against the ground. "Here we are."
"I don't see anything," said Evensen.
"You don't have to," said Kiyora, walking over to the hillside and banging on the rock. "Hang on a sec. Hey, open up in there! We've got emissaries of Queen Dawn!"
There was silence for a moment. Then there was a low grinding noise as the side of the wall opened before them. King Wiglaf Houndslasher looked through, accompanied by guards. "Dreaming Goddess. You have retaken mortal form."
"Long story. I'll tell you later, Houndslasher," said Kiyora. Then she looked at Sadira. "Thank you, Sadira, for taking us this far. Um, could you get her a waterskin or something? She's been of some help."
"I neither need nor want it," said Sadira before turning and stalking off.
"... You'd best come in and explain what all this is about, Queen Yagos," said Houndslasher.
"What were you doing so near this area?" asked Kiyora.
"I've been expecting payment from the otters," said Houndslasher. We've also received our share of the treasure from pilgrims. The mirror of Laevian has become very popular."
"Oh good," said Kiyora. Then she looked back at the others. "Both of you follow me."
They walked through. As they did, Twilus hit her head on the top of the wall. "Ow."
"Oh, and watch your head," said Kiyora. "These tunnels were made for dwarves."
Snooky sniffed suspiciously at the tunnels. It took a lot of coaxing to get him to follow them in.
Kiyora was really starting to hate that wolf.