Princess Oresa felt out of place here.
She hadn't been sure what to expect when they'd entered the throne room. But when the Silent Guard was unveiled, she thought there'd been an ambush. Isamu, Urus, and Cadas had been about to begin fighting, and so were Father's guards.
Oresa wasn't sure if she'd have been of any value at all there. She'd been ready to create a shield or heal, but she knew she wouldn't be of any help. She'd realized that after that fight with the bandits when she froze up. Ultimately, Oresa was just glad she hadn't been called up.
Now, she and her friends were sitting in a courtyard, drinking pure water with ice. There were fruits here from the islands of power that would have been expensive. Father was proud that he could purchase such delicacies. This was a statement of wealth for a less prosperous country like Eastern Kalthak.
Sahshir must have been a pretty good king.
The Silent Guard remained silent as their duty demanded and watched. Oresa had once heard a story of the Silent Guard under Aresh conquering an entire samurai castle. Not one of them had died in battle, and they had only had a rope and their weapons: no siege equipment or anything.
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Isamu, meanwhile, was pacing. He'd wanted to fight King Sahshir, but Oresa was still determining if that was a good idea. She'd read a lot about what he'd done, and while Isamu was powerful, it could be dangerous.
"What do you think they're talking about in there?" asked Oresa.
"Trade rights," said Urus from where he was meditating. His dark hair was falling around his shoulders. "That's what this whole thing is all about in the end."
"You're kidding," said Isamu. "I thought we were here for a visit?"
"Do you really think Eastern and Western Kalthak would get together over that, Isamu?" asked Urus. "No, there are things far more important to a monarch's pride at stake here."
"Like what? Some ancient evil rising from the oceans?" asked Oresa, excited at the prospect of adventure.
"Trade rights, as I said," said Urus. "King Nagos of Chaminus, a vassal King of Dinis, has recently expanded his empire to Macshore. With his strong friendship with Abdul Sahshir, they now control the Islands of Power."
"So what?" asked Isamu. "It's a big ocean."
"Not big enough, it seems," said Urus. "They are in a position to tax all Western Kalthakian ships a great deal. Sahshir is exempt from those taxes because he played a part in it. And he is in a position to help Western Kalthak similarly."
"It's just a bunch of contracts and coins; who even cares?" asked Isamu.
Cadas looked up and shifted but said nothing. Still, it was more of a reaction than he usually had.
"I imagine the people whose livelihood is on the line may, Isamu," said Urus, annoyed.
"What, the beancounters?" scoffed Isamu. "They have more money than they could spend in a lifetime. What do they need more for?"
"They are people, Isamu," said Urus. "And people have expenses."
"Whatever you say," said Isamu.
"That was some entrance, wasn't it?" asked Cadas suddenly.
Oresa remembered how she'd almost panicked when the Silent Guard had appeared. She'd read about their fearsome reputation as warrior monks. Yet seeing them appear all around them like that had made her afraid. And it had been worse with Sahshir on his throne, writhed in flame. Oresa had felt his eyes upon her there, with that beautiful blonde woman.
And Asim had been next to him as a subordinate.
What kind of power did he have to have for Asim to serve him? Asim had laid villages to waste rather than give up his crown. And now he kneeled to Sahshir.
"Technically, it was not an entrance but a reveal," said Urus.
"Who cares?" asked Isamu. "It doesn't matter to me how he reveals himself. No way is he anywhere my equal.
"What kind of coward hides behind a mask anyway?"
Isamu was so strong and confident. Oresa knew that when he became confident, he became unstoppable. But then Oresa noticed several of the Silent Guard assembling before them. Their hands were upon their blades. Isamu turned and set his hand to his own blade. "You got a problem with what I'm saying, black mask?"
Oresa quickly got behind Isamu and out of the line of fire. Cadas rose up and fitted his gauntlets as Urus raised his staff. More of the guards had now assembled as Isamu took a stance, and they formed up. "Hey, speak up, will you? What are you, mute?"
Didn't he know? Then again, Isamu probably had a lot more important things to do. Oresa didn't really do anything to be helpful much so-
"No, they are members of the Silent Guard, a Kalthakian organization," said Urus. "They are the Royal Guard to the King and sworn to silence until they leave it. They are both warriors and monks.
"And you are insulting their liege lord in front of them."
"Sounds boring to me," said Isamu, turning away. "Hey, Cadas, you up for a spar?"
"From the looks of things, they are," said Cadas.
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The Silent Guard drew their swords.
"Fair enough," said Isamu.
And then, just before he drew his sword, Asim dropped down from the nearby balcony. Clad in his armor, he made a three-point landing, sword in hand. Rising up, he raised a hand. "Stay your blades, men."
Isamu's eyes narrowed as his body changed, a snarl coming to his lips. "Asim."
"Isamu," said Asim. "I am surprised you still draw breath."
Isamu drew his sword, and the blade made the air howl in agony. A rage surrounded him, and Isamu seemed more beast than man. Oresa shuddered as Urus stepped forward and caught his hand.
"Hold on, Isamu!" said Urus. "We can't fight him here!"
"Indeed, we cannot," said Asim with a smile. "For I am the uncle of the King. And you would do well to watch your tone; you are within our home."
"From a strictly rational perspective, one place is the same as the other," said Urus simply. "There is nothing notable or special about any land or domain. Only in the thoughts which you hold toward it."
"Spoken like a true student of Western Kalthak barbarism," snarled Asim. "Which order of monks enslaved your mind, boy?"
"I am of the Reasonists," said Urus.
"I know Isamu's shadow; I believe I nearly killed him once," said Asim, glancing at Cadas. "But what of your fourth companion?" asked Asim, turning to Oresa. "What role do you play in this remarkable band. Healer? I note you do not seem in any hurry to join your companions."
"You have no way to talk to Oresa that way, you bastard," snarled Isamu. "No low-life like you has any right to speak to anyone like that! Oresa is one of us!"
"Oh yes, I had forgotten that tongue of yours, half-beast," said Asim. "Very well, out of respect for your status as a warrior, I shall extend her the courtesy of being an enemy.
"Well, no matter." He motioned, and the Silent Guard assembled. "See to it that none of them die. I'll deal with Isamu. Oh, and... not a sound."
And then it began.
The Silent Guard surged forward toward Urus and Cadas. The two of them dodged away and stood back to back, fighting. Even as they did, Isamu and Asim rushed toward one another. Their blades clashed, and Asim was forced back. Yet he turned the strikes and lashed Isamu across the cheek, nearly taking his head off. And the Silent Guard did not make a sound; even their footsteps were silent.
Isamu flinched away and brought his blade around, which would have cut Asim in half. Yet the man dropped forward to one hand and spun over Isamu toward Oresa. Moving to one side, she tried to escape, only for Asim to grab her around the neck. His blade was at her throat.
"Isamu!" cried Oresa in terror.
The fighting stopped.
"Hey, leave her alone, you bastard!" snarled Isamu.
"I told you I would afford her the courtesy of being an enemy," said Asim. "Did you think she would remain exempt because she is a girl?"
"You low-life scum!!" cried Isamu.
His blade was suddenly writhed in black fire. As he did, the flames withered the grass beneath him. Now Oresa saw what he was doing; he planned to fire it over Asim and strike him down without hurting her. Isamu was really amazing.
"Isamu, wait!" cried Urus.
Isamu hurled the flames toward them in a wave of power-
Then Kushina landed between them. Raising a hand, she caught the flames as they came, and a shield arose. The flames died in moments, and the withered grass was restored to its former state. The Silent Guard withdrew.
"That... was far more than a mere sparring match," said Kushina, who had disappeared after meeting them at the gate.
"Who are you?" asked Isamu.
"I am Priestess Kushina, religious advisor to King Sahshir," said Kushina. "Though I believe I introduced myself once before today. In the name of Baltoth, I declared this match a draw." Then she glanced back. "I'm surprised at you, Asim."
Asim removed the sword from Oresa's neck and walked past. "Permit an old man his amusements. If that attack had landed, I may have survived. However, it would certainly have killed the Princess and lost Isamu his head."
"Does Sahshir know of this?" asked Kushina.
"He ordered me to take the measure of Belosh's guards," said Asim.
"What kind of coward takes a girl hostage!" snarled Isamu.
"I won't even dignify that with a response," said Asim, sheathing his blade and walking for the door. "I would love to drain your blood into the sands, Isamu. However, we shall have to put off our reckoning for another time.
"We will settle this matter during the tournament." The door shut behind him.
"Tournament?" asked Isamu.
"There is a great tournament planned between the two sides," said Kushina. "All the warriors shall participate. Have you been paying attention?"
"Why didn't you tell me, Urus?" asked Isamu.
"I did!" said Urus. "If you paid attention now and then, you might notice these things."
"I suggest you have your wounds looked at," said Kushina. "I have an urgent message for King Sahshir; it cannot wait." Then she walked forward to the door, only to find it held against her by the Silent Guard.
"I am well aware that this is a meeting among royals," said Kushina. "However, this is a matter of faith. As High Priestess of Baltoth, I am within my right to decree it an emergency." Then she looked back. "You haven't changed, Oresa."
And she walked out.
Oresa looked down, feeling awful. Cadas came forward. "What was that about?"
"I... Kushina and I trained together in the healing arts," said Oresa. "She was always everything I wanted to be."
"Well, that was a disaster," said Urus. "We lost outright."
"No, we didn't!" snapped Isamu. "We would have cleared them out easily if he hadn't taken Oresa hostage!"
"But he did," said Urus.
"I... I'm sorry, Isamu," said Oresa. "I should have acted faster, but..."
"It was his fault, not yours," said Isamu before coming forward. "Could you help me with this injury, please?"
"Right," said Oresa.
The cut Asim had dealt Isamu was already healing, but she managed to speed the recovery. It was something. Then, there was a sound beyond the door.
"Is that... shouting?" asked Urus.
The door opened, and Sahshir stormed out of the gates with the beautiful blonde woman behind him. "I will not negotiate this time, Narcissa," said Sahshir. "I have indulged your people in many things, but not in this. I will write the decree myself!"
"It is a sacred custom of our people, Sahshir," said Narcissa. "It is the woman's choice to offer her own flesh unto Zigildrazia."
"It is a sacred custom among my people that when women hack infants to pieces with hooks, we burn them," said Sahshir. "Let us both leave the other culture to their custom and see who lives to tell of it."
Kushina then came out behind them, and Oresa moved up to her. "What's going on?"
"To Zigildrazians, children are an extension of their mother," said Kushina. "They exist as a limb and may act contrary to or without her. But they are, in the end, hers to do with as she likes. In the interests of health, the Mother must care for the child or risk spreading disease.
"But it is also considered the most incredible show of devotion to Zigildrazia. To willingly mar your own flesh for her exemplifies her beliefs.
"As such, it was a practice among citizens of Zigilus to lead depraved lifestyles. They would then bear a child and have it ritually hacked to pieces by hooked blades. In return, they receive payment from the priests of Zigildrazia."
"That's sick!" said Isamu.
"Yes, and Sahshir is planning to pass a law. Anyone who practices blood rites shall be burned alive. Alongside the priests who performed the ritual, as well," said Kushina.
"It's a woman's choice!" proclaimed Narcissa.
"Yes, and the law is my choice," said Sahshir. "And I 'choose' that anyone who murders infants will be burned alive. If you kill your own child, your life is forfeit."
"And what about Mothers whose health is endangered by their child and must have the operation!" asked Narcissa.
"That would be the exception that proves the rule," said Sahshir before walking on.
Narcissa followed after him. "And what am I supposed to say to my people? They'll be enraged by this!"
"Justify the indefensible; your people have a talent for that," said Sahshir. He raised a hand of steel while not looking back.
This visit was...
It's not going to end well.