Chapter 113 - Animagus
"I'm not a very good swimmer; I never had much practice. Dudley had lessons in his youth, but Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, no doubt hoping that I would drown one day, hadn't bothered to give me any. A couple of lengths of this bath were all very well, but that lake was very large, and very deep ... and merpeople would surely live right at the bottom..." Harry said slowly, "how am I supposed to breathe, Chris?"
"First, get out of that pool. We need to dry ourselves before we leave." Chris said lazily. "Or else your invisibility cloak will be not a big help, you see."
"Right." Harry said and got up from the pool and sat beside Chris. "Now tell me how am I supposed to breath under water?"
"Umm... there are few options like... transfiguration, few potions will also help I guess... but not sure." Chris said thinking.
"You're missing the bubble charm, Chris." Myrtle said smiling. "It was one of the funniest way to go under water."
"Bubble charm?" Harry repeated blankly.
"Oh yes right." Chris replied remembering the particular spell she read in the spell book given by Shawn. "But why funniest Myrtle?"
"Have you seen the faces when people use it." Myrtle giggled. "I've seen plenty of times."
"Good but we have only five weeks. How am I supposed to..." Harry asked hurriedly.
"I'll ask Hermione to worry about that." Chris said getting up. "We should go now. It's late."
Harry checking his watch and saw it was not working.
"It's almost half past one." Chris replied. "C'mon."
They dried themselves as much as possible then Chris put on her robes.
"'Bye, 'bye," Myrtle said.
"See you Myrtle." Chris said as she and Harry put on the Invisibility Cloak and saw her zoom back up the tap.
Out in the dark corridor, they examined the Marauder's Map to check that the coast was still clear. Yes, the dots belonging to Filch and his cat, Mrs. Norris, were safely in their office ... nothing else seemed to be moving apart from Peeves, though he was bouncing around the trophy room on the floor above. ... they had taken their first step back toward Gryffindor Tower when something else on the map caught Chris's eye ... something distinctly odd.
Peeves was not the only thing that was moving. A single dot was flitting around a room in the bottom left-hand corner — Snape's office. But the dot wasn't labeled "Severus Snape" ... it was Bartemius Crouch. Harry also noticed that and stopped.
"Didn't you say he was too ill to come at the Yule Ball?" Chris asked Harry.
"Yes. Percy told me that." Harry replied looking more confused.
"Then what's he doing, sneaking into Hogwarts at half past one o'clock in the morning?"
"No idea. We should check." Harry said and tried to move towards Snape's office.
Chris grabbed his arm stopping him.
"And what're you going to ask him? It's not your office to investigate." She said furiously. 'This boy is really dumb.' She thought, glaring at him.
"But what Mr Crouch is up to? In the middle of the night? In Snape's office? Aren't you curious?" Harry asked, he was clearly trying to convince Chris to follow him to the Snape's office.
"Harry, I'm curious too. But if we get caught...."
"We'll not. We're under the invisibility cloak."
"But we're damp in water. We shouldn't tempt our fate."
"But we're..."
"We're not going there Potter."
"But we can..."
"No means no. We'll talk about this tomorrow."
"Alright." Harry sighed.
"Who's there?" Came a familiar unpleasant voice. Both of them looked up to see Filch.
When Chris and Harry were hissing to each other, Filch walked in silently.
"Who's there? Come out." Filch said coming close to them.
Chris glared at Harry, who looked away hurriedly.
"I heard voices. I know you're here. Come out." Filch said coming dangerously close to them.
They retreat their steps slowly, without making any noise. But Mr Norris was looking straight at them and Filch was going to collide with them any minitue.
Chris looked around, looking for anything to distract Filch then she saw the metal armour on the other side. Chris pointed her wand and the armour shook loudly. As Filch turned sharply, Chris made it stop. As expected Filch went towards the armour. Chris grabbed Harry's hand and pulling him with the invisibility cloak. Without making any sound they crept towards the Gryffindor tower, Mrs Norris still glaring at them. As soon as they were far enough from her. They broke into run, they skipped and didn't stop until they reached the fat lady portrait.
Chris looked around to make sure no one was near then whispered, "Banana fritters."
"Yes. Yes." The fat lady muttered in sleep and the painting swung, they climbed in.
Chris threw the invisibility cloak and collapsed on a armchair. Harry did the same.
"That was a close save." Harry muttered.
"I'm never going out with you under your Invisibility cloak." Chris snapped. "Idiot." Chris took out the egg from her locket box and thrust it into Harry's hand. "Take it."
"Chris I'm..."
Chris got up and walked towards the girls' dormitory before Harry can finish. She hurriedly changed her wet clothes and climbed into her bed. Thinking what was Crouch actually doing in Snape's office in the middle of the night?
"Why has Mr. Crouch been pretending to be ill?" said Hermione, after listening what happened last night. "It's a bit funny, isn't it, that he can't manage to come to the Yule Ball, but he can get up here in the middle of the night when he wants to?"
All of them were talking on the almost empty Gryffindor table.
"You just don't like Crouch because of that elf, Winky," said Ron.
"But she have a point Ron." Ginny snapped. "Don't you think it would be a lot more easier to slip during the Ball and check Snape's office if he wanted to. No one was going to notice."
"Exactly." Hermione replied.
"Don't want to interrupt the investigation on Mr Crouch but..." Colin said slowly. "No one thinks that we should focus on Harry right now? I mean he needs to breath under water for more than one hour."
"Thanks Colin." Harry said greatfully.
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"You're welcome Harry." Colin replied grinning.
"Yes. Sorry. We should focus on Harry." Hermione said. "We can meet after lunch in the library to look for something...."
"Use the bubble charm. That's the only thing he can learn in this short time." Chris said getting up. "Unless he fancy watching himself half human half fish kind of state with transfiguration."
Harry clearly understood Chris was still angry about last night.
"That'll be all I guess. Because we're a little busy, Hermione." Chris said. "You and Ron can handle this I know. See you."
Chris walked out and Ginny and Colin followed her.
"Why did you stop us from going to the library?" Colin asked.
"Because we're really busy Colin." Chris said casually. "Harry doesn't have his exams at the end of the term but we've; and you're still behind on our Potions and Transfigurations lessons, you're even behind on charms and divination."
"Chris is right. We can help Harry when he really needs us. Right now we need to focus on our studies, which we're neglecting for all of this Tournament, Ball and boyfriends." Ginny said seriously.
"Alright." Colin replied as they entered the greenhouse for Herbology.
Whether Hagrid was trying to prove he could do anything that Professor Grubbly-Plank could or not, Chris didn't know, but Hagrid continued her lessons on unicorns. To Chris's delight finally she get to spend more time with the Unicorns.
"See that's why I was missing Hagrid." Chris whispered to Jason as the girls were patting the Unicorns and the boys were standing behind them.
"They're really nice creature." Jason simply replied.
"Of course they're. Aren't you a beautiful thing?" Chris said scratching it.
It turned out that Hagrid knew quite as much about unicorns as he did about monsters. After class Chris, Ginny and Colin stayed late with the Unicorns, Chris named them all, which they liked a lot.
February was going very well for Chris, she was doing great with her Charms, Potions, Divination, Ancient Runes, Transfiguration and Herbology. Apparently Neville managed to persuade Chris to read new interesting Herbology's books, which actually helped.
One afternoon as Chris was working on a powerful healing potion in Myrtle's bathroom. Ginny, Luna and Colin came inside cautiously.
"Chris!" Colin whispered. "Are you sure no one comes here? I mean this is a girls' bathroom."
"It's alright Colin. No one comes here and you can talk freely as I already put a silencing charm on the bathroom door." Chris replied stirring the potion.
"Oh." Colin said loudly.
"Not that loudly Colin." Ginny said rolling her eyes.
"What're you making?" Luna asked.
"Got a nice medicinal potions book from Madam Pomfrey. I'm making a powerful healing potion." Chris grinned. "She usually don't give those things to every student but when last time I helped her in my detention, she was really impressed with me."
"So when you asked for it she didn't say no." Ginny replied.
"God Chris you're going crazy about potions." Colin said checking the other potion books beside her.
"Not only potions but Transfiguration too." Ginny said picking up few advance Transfiguration books. "Chris what're planning to do?"
"... er....." Chris tried to look concentrated on the boiling potion.
"She's trying to be an Animagus." Luna replied casually.
Chris sharply looked up.
"How did... How did you..." Chris was shocked.
The books fell from Ginny's hands as she stared at Chris. Colin first thought it's a joke but after seeing their faces his fouth fell open.
"And you didn't tell us?" Ginny asked surprised.
"..... er..... no... It's just... I was just thinking..." Chris replied.
"You were thinking to become an Animagus?" Colin repeated surprised.
"Er.... yeah... fine... yes." Chris said with a sigh. "I was thinking to become an Animagus from the first time I saw Sirius becoming a Dog. Then I researched about it and found out that if I want to become one, then, first I need to master potions and transfiguration both. Only then I can become an Animagus."
There was silence for few moments.
"Can I become one too?" Ginny asked.
"What?" Chris asked surprised.
"Yeah. You heard me. Can I become one too?" Ginny asked excitedly.
"I don't know if you work hard on potions and transfiguration then maybe yes." Chris replied.
"Great." Ginny grinned. "By the way are we going to register ourselves? I mean it's a big crime, you know."
"I know but I'll think about it later." Chris shrugged.
"I want to but I don't know I'll like it or not." Luna said smiling. "So I'll just watch you two."
"Me to." Colin said smiling. "Then we can give you two pet names. What're you two going to be?"
"A horse." Ginny replied once.
"I don't know, I thought some kind of bird." Chris replied.
"Cool." Colin grinned.